Leongatha Mushroom Deaths - VIC *Erin Patterson charged with 3 counts of murder & 2 attempts

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I am starting to wonder if the ex is in on it too.

He gets her to take the fall, she’s in jail, he gets the kids and all the assets. He seems to gain the most from this situation.

Her IQ seems low and she apparently wanted to get back together with him so maybe she went along with it.

Media seemed to suggest the kids were taken in state care rather than with their father, so maybe they thought of that or there's something in his history.
Retaining 100% of you assets is as “good” of a reason to kill as gaining 100% of someone else’s. But then why murder the rest of them? Could simply be malice, but it isn’t cut and dry.
Possibly to acquire even more assets and/or more assets sooner, via inheritance.

When it comes to getting access to and being able to care for and/or live with children, adult children, or any disabled family members (adult ir child), having assets, particularly property assets, can be the deciding factor. That along with having the financial security to fit work in with caring responsibilities, or to not have to need to work at all.

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Media seemed to suggest the kids were taken in state care rather than with their father, so maybe they thought of that or there's something in his history.
Just as likely is that this was done because he is a suspect in this possible mass murder.

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I’m not sure what to think right now, but it’s been talked about that the in-laws didn’t want the couple to get back together, so I wonder if she perhaps decided to get revenge on them in some sick kind of way. I’m just undecided on whether she intended to just make them a little bit sick as a way of making them suffer like she felt she was suffering, or if she’s deluded enough to think that if she gave them enough that they actually died, then there’d be no-one stopping her husband from getting back together with her (even though it sounds like he was never going to).

Who knows what was really going on in her head. I guess it will all come out..
There is no specific antidote and it's supportive treatment plus a new liver if you are lucky. Many die still despite treatment as in this case.
Milk Thistle extract. Heaps of it. You can buy it from the chemist, even supermarkets have it.
The problem is it takes up to 48 hours for amatoxin poisoning to present itself, which means by the time you figured out you got to have 2,000kg of milk thistle, you're probably already on your way to an early death.

I always take Milk Thistle when I consume magic mushrooms, just in case some amatoxins found themselves in my batch.
Good tip too if someone gives you some shroomies and you DON'T get high from them- smash that milk thistle, you mighta had some funeral bells by accident, they look very much like the subaeruginosa with the good stuff in them :)
Someone trying to frame the children?
Well the plot is certainly thickening….kids out at the movies instead of enjoying death meal with pops and nan.

Kiddies had a death wall !!! (I thought that was a normal thing, don’t we all have one ? Shit … I better buy some paint 😎😎)

She spoke to kiddies about the death dehydrator, next minute she’s piffing it out.

Maybe one kiddie has a fascination with death and death mushrooms??

My money is still on daddy Nobux though
This thread interests me as a long term, very experienced forager. I've been part of all sorts of fungal experiences over the years, including some silly ones when young 🤣. I'm otherwise pretty sensible, very knowledgeable and still love a feed of edible, cookable gourmet shrooms.

I think we can well and truly discount any theories involving 'magic' mushroom dishes gone wrong. The two most prolific of their kind in Australia bear absolutely no resemblance to edible mushrooms. They look like toadstools, are slimy and taste revolting. No possible mistaken identity. Young people are hospitalised every day in winter in Australia after overindulging. I am not aware of any deaths, even after consumption of 100!

Then we have two very prolific Agaricus fungi in Australia which people identify as mushrooms.
They look collectable, edible, healthy and good to eat. They are almost identical in appearance. However, one of them (Agaricus Xanthodermus) stains yellow when scratched and makes some people quite sick. Others tolerate them well. It's quite rare for these mushies to mistakenly reach the dinner table these days without the cook realising something isn't right. They smell metallic and taste strange. The usual consequences are a terrible belly ache and gastro over 48 hours. I am not aware of any deaths in Australia due to consumption, even in huge amounts.

I'm not at all savvy uploading pics of these said mushrooms. Can someone assist?

Someone asked earlier if anyone knew of past cases where people have been very ill from shop-bought mushrooms. I certainly do. 30 years ago l strolled into an organic store in the Adelaide Hills to find a crate of 'yellow stainers' being sold to the public. I alerted them.
They had no idea and immediately disposed of them, not before people had a very bad night.

So after this rave l can safely say there is only one mushroom which could be the culprit. Amanita Phalloides aka Death Cap is fatal even after tiny amounts. It cannot be mistaken as edible due to it's sinister, slimy, smelly, characteristics and revolting taste. The dehydrator seized could tell a story. Tiny amounts would be easily detectable. One could dry and grind them into powder, add some mushroom seasoning then sprinkle huge doses into Beef Wellington just like that.
This is life in Adelaide.
One feature of ageing relatives dying suddenly when not in ill heath and/or in aged care or hospital, is that sometimes this means that the ageing relatives miss out on burning thru their assets/savings in their remaining living years. Sometimes meaning more for the younger generations/inheritors to inherit, and less burden of caring for the ageing relatives when they are in their needing care phase.

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Leongatha Mushroom Deaths - VIC *Erin Patterson charged with 3 counts of murder & 2 attempts

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