Vic Lidia Thorpe: Not the subject for every thread!

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Seeing as Lidia discussion is cropping up across multiple threads, let's have us a thread for people who want to discuss her contribution to Australian politics.

It should go without saying but seeing as she's a bit of a beacon for controversy - for a variety of reasons - let's just remind ourselves what the board rules are around racism and sexism, shall we?
You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which:
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Standard board rules apply, but let's make this abundantly clear: let's play nicely in here.

Go nuts.
They could start by banning alcohol in parliament house!

Our work (a professional office in the CBD) has a zero tolerance policy, if you have a beer at lunch, you have to go home.

I know that would upset Barnaby.
Barnaby would immediately start pushing for a work for home policy
They could start by banning alcohol in parliament house!

Our work (a professional office in the CBD) has a zero tolerance policy, if you have a beer at lunch, you have to go home.

I know that would upset Barnaby.

breathalyzer as they come through the door. Random Drug and Alcohol checks for anyone coming on site to conduct parliamentary business i.e. lobbyists.

Just like the miners who these politicians adore.
breathalyzer as they come through the door. Random Drug and Alcohol checks for anyone coming on site to conduct parliamentary business i.e. lobbyists.

Just like the miners who these politicians adore.
I'm in the public service. On rare occasions like a farewell or celebration you might have a drink at work. Everyone has one or 2 then stops because, it is after all a workplace, and we have to drive home etc.

Alcohol isn't the problem. It's the people.

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I'm in the public service. On rare occasions like a farewell or celebration you might have a drink at work. Everyone has one or 2 then stops because, it is after all a workplace, and we have to drive home etc.

Alcohol isn't the problem. It's the people.
funnily enough the set the standard report says its both
Of course and I didn't say otherwise - but alcohol is the great enabler of inappropriate behaviour. If no one was a d$#%head to start with, alcohol wouldn't be an issue.
i tend to find alcohol in the place where our government legislates an issue

if you can't drive a car while drunk why can you vote on matters that effect the entire country
At Parliament. And how much is that these pigs blaming alcohol for their poor behaviour? (100%)
There'd be a fair bit of Colombian marching powder around the place and that stuff's not exactly known for making people more likeable.
That's my only issue with it.
And both the victim and the accused have used it.

If it is sexual assault. The cops need to be involved.
Real consequences. Public need to see that men cannot get away with it.
not a fan of the use of parliamentary privilege for personal attacks. the only thing i'd say is i get why thorpe wasn't inclined to go the the cops as she has a fraught relationship with them.
not a fan of the use of parliamentary privilege for personal attacks. the only thing i'd say is i get why thorpe wasn't inclined to go the the cops as she has a fraught relationship with them.
I say if this time one person got a bit of justice against a serial sexual assaulter who would otherwise be protected by his powerful mates, it's OK in my books.
I'm in the public service. On rare occasions like a farewell or celebration you might have a drink at work. Everyone has one or 2 then stops because, it is after all a workplace, and we have to drive home etc.

Alcohol isn't the problem. It's the people.

There's no debate to be had here: Alcohol should not be consumed at Parliament house. Parliamentary business should be conducted by sombre minded people. Pollies and their staff can **** off to a restaurant or pub if they want to sling a few back. Further, they can catch a taxi home like the rest of us.

This is not the 1980's, you cannot smoke at the bar and you cannot act like a drunken dick at work.

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I say if this time one person got a bit of justice against a serial sexual assaulter who would otherwise be protected by his powerful mates, it's OK in my books.
the end justifies the means, chiefo? if it is true, as it appears it is, take it outside the cowards castle perhaps.
not a fan of the use of parliamentary privilege for personal attacks. the only thing i'd say is i get why thorpe wasn't inclined to go the the cops as she has a fraught relationship with them.
getting real tired of this line

****ing tone policing victims
getting real tired of this line

******* tone policing victims

Well, look at who has used parliamentary privilege to make personal attacks in the past?

First example in article #1 - what a hypocrite! (I mean Dutto, not you Gralin.)


the end justifies the means, chiefo? if it is true, as it appears it is, take it outside the cowards castle perhaps.
Sometimes, yes. In this case, nobody was maliciously defamed. Justice was aided, not abridged.
Probably cheered her on when she used Parliamentary Privilege to accuse another Senator of sexually assaulting her, then later on took it back.

Surely the Senate has to sanction her - though for her supporters that will just be proof that she is a champion fighting against the system, rather than a moron flog who clearly is out of her depth and has no actual idea what she is doing.
Aged like milk.

A lesson for addressing assault allegations along partisan lines.
Yeah, that's nice, but in your first sentence, you call her a liar, then you say she has a history of exaggeration and inflammatory language. Which is not the same as lying, is it?
Both are true. Lidia epitomizes the boy who cried wolf. I didn't believe her story until I read ScoMo's response. I made that determination because he's known to be an even bigger bullshitter than LT.
Was it not racism that nobody believed Thorpe and were shocked and appalled at her use of parliamentary privilege, but when Stoker said it, most of the sensible ones withdrew back under their shells, just leaving a few people hoisting themselves on the petard of the poor-hard-done-by LNP Senator attacked by the uppity black woman.
Nonsense. Thorpe has little credibility with much of the public and it has nothing to do with her being a mixed race woman. Her story was corroborated by other testimony, which added credence to Thorpe's allegations.

That was enough for many to accept Thorpe's testimony as being truthful.
I can absolutely see how this looks like racism. Sexism too, mostly. Almost certainly both. Thorpe did exactly the same as Stoker except for Senate standing orders couldn't use his name, but did enough that there was no doubt who she was talking about (none).
Stoker has more credibility with the public than Thorpe, and it has nothing to do with race.
So a lady is accusing a powerful man with oodles of resources to launch a defamation suit. And they should expose themselves to economic hardship because you choose not to believe them? That's your problem, not Thorpe's. Your choice to believe a recidivist perpetrator over a victim says waaaay more about you than it does about Thorpe.

It's possible (very likely) that the attacks on Thorpe online are driven by racism. Indeed, the fact Thorpe stands up about race and racism is exactly why she's been attacked so much and that people like you think she's got a history of exaggeration and inflammatory language.

Have you seen the kind of inflammatory language and exaggeration people use against Thorpe all the time? Even you in the sentence quoted above have exaggerated "exaggeration and inflammatory language" as lying. So do we call you an outright liar now?
While I strongly disagree with your conclusions, I hope Thorpe and Stoker get justice here.
Both are true. Lidia epitomizes the boy who cried wolf. I didn't believe her story until I read ScoMo's response. I made that determination because he's known to be an even bigger bullshitter than LT.
I'm still waiting for somebody to point out where Thorpe has lied like this at all? And don't forget as soon as she said it, she mentioned that Van was moved because of it, so there was already some corroborating evidence if one cared to look instead of jumping to the Newscorp narrative.
I'm still waiting for somebody to point out where Thorpe has lied like this at all? And don't forget as soon as she said it, she mentioned that Van was moved because of it, so there was already some corroborating evidence if one cared to look instead of jumping to the Newscorp narrative.
I don't see any lies in Lidia's allegations in this instance. This is one occasion where she deserves applause globally.

If you're looking for evidence of her lying in other instances, there's ample historical evidence on record.
I said all along that if she had complaints she should go to the police. There are plenty of stories about him being a dickhead, because he is one, but sexual assault is many levels above that.
And there is a very obvious reason why she and others in parliament may not have gone to the police.

Beyond the Higgins situation, they have an appalling history of dealing with things like sexual assault, abuse etc.

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Vic Lidia Thorpe: Not the subject for every thread!

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