Lippy Pies supporters

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i admit as a collingwood supporter that yes there were a few who were giving it to your supporters. But remember that at the same time every team has those supporters. i copped it after the prelim last year, but hey thats football.
Another thing for you guys might be that maybe you have forgotten what its like to cop a little abuse from opposition because u have the greates comeback of all to use ("premiers"). mind you you have lost only one game in l2 years... But at the same time ill commend many of your supporters for their great spostmanship after the game.
Tissue Geelong fans?

Awww the poor little handbagger's are upset about copping a little lip...

It's not as if your typical "Geelong redneck hick" supporters weren't giving it off last year after the prelim.

Stop whining about it on Bigfooty, and cop it on the chin.
The club is riddled with filthy feral bogans, there's always an element of truth in stereotypes and in colonwood's case this is no exception. It's why I despise them more than any other club and why last night's loss was hard to take. This type of behaviour should no longer come as a surprise, their renowned for it in fact.

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Tissue Geelong fans?

Awww the poor little handbagger's are upset about copping a little lip...

It's not as if your typical "Geelong redneck hick" supporters weren't giving it off last year after the prelim.

Stop whining about it on Bigfooty, and cop it on the chin.
We can talk about it on our club forum if we want!!!!;):D
I just shrugged it off cause I mean, it still must really hurt from last year..

I didn't really care what was being said in my direction, cause there is no way that they are a 14 goal better side than us, if they won by a couple I would be worried but when 21 of your 22 don't turn up to play you gotta be happy that you only go down by 86 points


Yeh I'd be stoked! But yeah, you guys were due for a kick in the pants, not a major concern. Getting Chapman and Ottens back will be important. Hope you smash Carlscum next week :thumbsu:
found them too be pretty good, must have sat in a different section to you.

Same here. They were actually really cool and even laughed when I threw a chip at the Collingwood mascot when he walked by us. (yes, i know. I am a child :D)

They did carry on quite a bit after the game in general, but who wouldnt? If we were in their shoes we'd do exactly the same thing.

Let them celebrate winning in May. ;)
Tissue Geelong fans?

Awww the poor little handbagger's are upset about copping a little lip...

It's not as if your typical "Geelong redneck hick" supporters weren't giving it off last year after the prelim.

Stop whining about it on Bigfooty, and cop it on the chin.

Dear Mike,

Please send me your postal address and I will mail out a copy of the Preliminary Final from last year and the Grand Final (which you can watch after). Make sure you have some tissues on hand in a symbolic gesture to how your players reacted after the game.


Haha i'm lucky I don't associate with any collingwood supporters. I think if i was with one last night i would have snapped them in half. I was one pissed off person last night :p
Yeah. Well lucky me sat next to my Collingwood supporter boyfriend, grinding my teeth and getting really f*cking pissed off.

They did appear very lippy last night, but that's Collingwood fans for you. One win and they're the greatest team in the world.
Yes, the way they were carrying on, it was as if they'd won the Grand Final. So many people running around and screaming their heads off. Bunch of feral Collingwood teenyboppers ran past shrieking "GO GEELONG!!!11!!1!!!1!!". Wow. You won in May. Congratulations.
i found them to be fine in my section also. When I was giving Didak my usual Spearmint Rino spray a couple of collonwood fans joined in.
Dear Mike,

Please send me your postal address and I will mail out a copy of the Preliminary Final from last year and the Grand Final (which you can watch after). Make sure you have some tissues on hand in a symbolic gesture to how your players reacted after the game.



There were members of the Collingwood cheer squad calling up SEN after the prelim last year calling for Scarls to be suspended because he had celebrated the win "too enthusiastically" right in front of them and "almost caused a riot". I suppose if I was a supporter of a club with more money than God, which is given a gold-plated run into the finals every year, and yet still can't deliver the goods I'd be a bit bitter too.
we must have had the 'educated' supporters in front of us - they were cocky, and continuously turned to look at us for reactions (to which there were none.) - they continued to quote 'Othello' and referred to the game as Acts and Scenes (ie. 2nd quarter - Act 2, scene 1) - I think they were imposters...but also pretty ____in annoying...
we must have had the 'educated' supporters in front of us - they were cocky, and continuously turned to look at us for reactions (to which there were none.) - they continued to quote 'Othello' and referred to the game as Acts and Scenes (ie. 2nd quarter - Act 2, scene 1) - I think they were imposters...but also pretty ____in annoying...
LOL what a bunch of pretentious w***ers!

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The Pies supporters around us (a lot of them) were actually far more good-natured than most I've had the misfortune to be near in the past. Dozens of emails I can just delete but I can't delete a big mouth sitting next to me - they were mainly young people and were genuinely astonished at our lack of 'spirit' - except for Ablett. No stupid remarks about the Prelim Final - just, 'How will you turn this around? Attitude has always been Geelong's undoing.' Reluctantly I had to agree. I said to a few of them that another Chapman reality check would be in order - but they didn't really get that.
Look, reflecting a bit, every time I go to a Pies game there seems to be one - and only one - ________ sitting near me. It's not like there are dozens of them everywhere or anything. Having said that, I reckon aside from the Pies games, I only sit next to one other similar ________ a year (often at Carlton or Essendon games but not always), and I go to 30 odd games a year. So it's a minority, but it's a slightly larger and more obvious minority than I've seen with any other club.

I don't believe I've ever done such a serious analysis of ________ry. :D
Some supporters are good and lighthearted, however here in Canberra I was subjected to a Collingwood jerk.

There I was sitting next to a mate in my local club, both had our jumpers on so it was obvious to whom we supported. To sit next to the both of us, peer over his shoulder, clap and make some comment to how insipid the Cats look shows a typically sore winner.

I basically told him to f**k off. Funnily after that comment he said that he didn't really support the Pies that much! Then why act like a life long supporter?

Winning is one thing, being a gracious winner is another. Unfortunately this knob jockey was just over the top.

That was my experience of the night.
Oh, no! At least it wasn't Essendon. ;)

Did you talk us up before the match?

Nah uh. This is Nothern suburbs not western. Many more Collingwood trash.. i mean SUPPORTERS up there. ;)

And nah def did not talk us up. I tipped Collingwood! Knew we were due for a loss. Thought it would be alot closer of course tho.
Hi guys. Sorry for encroaching on your board, I'm not here to get into an argument, I just wanted to comment on some of the things I've read in this thread.

I'm sorry that some of our less presentable supporters carried on in such a way. It really can ruin a night when you just want to head off with your friends, talk about where you went wrong and how to improve next week etc, when all of a sudden some idiot races up and starts screaming and swearing in your ear. I think that it is a pretty silly thing to do, because what goes around always comes around. As such, win or lose, I will never taunt opposition supporters.

I should point out that twice last year I saw your team outplay and defeat my team, and both teams I was subjected to ridicule, expletives and drunken abuse from Geelong fans. It is now, sadly, a fairly regular occurrence at the football. The Hawthorn fans this year were particularly ill-natured.

I do try and remind myself that while one or two people can spoil a night, that small mischeivous element is but a tiny sample of the population, and not at all representative of all your supporters. Please know that anyone who upset you through poor behaviour on Friday night does not represent every Collingwood supporter. And I will remember that the same element of people who do the same thing to our supporters each week, do not speak for the team they support.
Meh, i dont think there'll be too many of them at my work tomorrow.

Am dreading it very much. :(

Tell me about it.. plenty of Pies fans at my work and last week they were all full of it, I didn't say much cause I know our last two games were close and I also know we suck playing at the 'G at night.. expect they will be lining up at my desk tomorrow morning.. my response will be pretty straight forward, something along the lines of "it was good to see just how much last years prelim hurt you all" and to borrow billy's line from SEN on Friday, "who won the Norm Smith tonight?"
Tell me about it.. plenty of Pies fans at my work and last week they were all full of it, I didn't say much cause I know our last two games were close and I also know we suck playing at the 'G at night.. expect they will be lining up at my desk tomorrow morning.. my response will be pretty straight forward, something along the lines of "it was good to see just how much last years prelim hurt you all" and to borrow billy's line from SEN on Friday, "who won the Norm Smith tonight?"

I'm in the same boat. There's only one other guy who follows footy in my team and he's a mad Collingwood supporter. Thankfully he knows how bad I get after losses so I don't think there will be any problems.

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Lippy Pies supporters

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