Turn it up son. Ive been as critical as anyone regarding grovey actually probably more so than anyone. Ive never pumped them up really just said that it's great that things have changed up there this year. Im pretty sure it was you that potted me earlier this year when i had a go at the recruits we got and tipped them to finish bottom. Just go back and check that. I tipped colac to go out in straight sets and what happened??? Does that make me a goose? We'll see about 2moro aswell but i think you'll end up with the egg on your face mate! If your gonna criticise me for having a valid opinion make sure you can back up your comments.
Your a goose RG finnigan puts his opinion on the line he was correct about colac and if anyone thinks ammos wont steamroll drysdale tommorrow are kidding themself.The truth hurts and colac and drysdale have shocking finals records. Drysdale have a chance tommorrow to change this and ill put my neck on the line and tip ammos by 81 points maybe have a go yourself instead of sitting on the fence
I'd rather be a side that has a chance every season of competing in finals then be a side that hasn't had a sniff in 2 decades.
If you look back at the last page bj you'll see I've tipped Ammos also, but by 120+ points is ridicules