Who knows..probably the same reason your mob seems to like starting threads about our club.
I think the reason so many think Collingwood underachieve is they get so much advantage, particularly with the draw. Now before you all sceam yes I know thats financially driven and all clubs want to play you at the G and its all our own fault...blah blah. But the fact remains if Adelaide had 16 or 17 games a year at AAMI or WCE had the same at Sooby and we could then play the prelim and granny at home also, we might just have done better over the journey. Not guaranteed of course.
Not if the majority of those games were vs Port (Freo for WC) ie neutral games as both teams reside and play home games in Adelaide (Perth).
We may only travel 4 times a year but how many "Home" game advantages do we get per year vs a interstate side?