Mandatory Vaccinations And Medical Exemptions

Are you for or against Mandatory Vaccinations

  • For

    Votes: 292 57.4%
  • Against

    Votes: 221 43.4%

  • Total voters

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There is plenty of vaccine hesitation. Out of the 5 guys I work with, I am the only one who wants to (has got) the vaccine.
Not according to the data.

Not according to the data.

Lol, you really are pretty ideologically hopeless aren't you.
And now in breaking news: Big Footy poster lists stats including all the people coerced and or forced into slavery as evidence there is no slavery hesitancy.
Lol, you really are pretty ideologically hopeless aren't you.
And now in breaking news: Big Footy poster lists stats including all the people coerced and or forced into slavery as evidence there is no slavery hesitancy.

What? You were proclaiming in previous posts that vaccine mandates would lead to vaccine hesitancy, and predicting the rates would fall because of it.

You must be pleased to know your fears were unfounded.

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"In the inalienable rights and freedoms of all peoples; and we work towards a lean government that minimises interference in our daily lives; and maximises individual and private sector initiative

In government that nurtures and encourages its citizens through incentive, rather than putting limits on people through the punishment
Not according to the data.

Lol, you really are pretty ideologically hopeless aren't you.
And now in breaking news: Big Footy poster lists stats including all the people coerced and or forced into slavery as evidence there is no one hesitant to become a slave.
Look I just prefer people who are capable of remaining honest. No one following this issue believes vaccine hesitancy isn't a thing, including yourself.
Governments, business entities are so concerned they introduced mandatory efforts and Australian ID Cards. The WHO and RACGP put out statements on it and researchers have studied it, including all the past vaccine **** ups, which thankfully haven't occurred too regularly.
The point is you know it, everyone reading this knows it, yet still you post this kind of lying bullshit as there being no such thing as vaccine hesitancy, bullshit you don't even really believe.
That just makes it entirely obvious to all you are nothing more than an argumentative dishonest campaigner, for the sake of it period.
That doesn't make you intelligent, just a dishonest w***er.
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Look I just prefer people who are capable of remaining honest. No one following this issue believes vaccine hesitancy isn't a thing, including yourself.
Governments, business entities are so concerned they introduced mandatory efforts and Australian ID Cards. The WHO and RACGP put out statements on it and researchers have studied it, including all the past vaccine fu** ups, which thankfully haven't occurred too regularly.
The point is you know it, everyone reading this knows it, yet still you post this kind of lying bullshit as there being no such thing as vaccine hesitancy, bullshit you don't even really believe.
That just makes it entirely obvious to all you are nothing more than an argumentative dishonest campaigner, for the sake of it period.
That doesn't make you intelligent, just a dishonest w***er.

The data shows vaccine rates are going strong as ever. So no, 'vaccine hesitancy' doesn't seem to be much of a thing at all. Or if it is, it's among people who would be refusing anyway.

If vaccine hesitancy was a big thing, we'd be seeing falling vaccination rates, as you said you were deeply worried about. But we're not.

I'm just really surprised you seem so upset about this. Since you're not antivax, I thought you'd be overjoyed that people were ignoring the scaremongering and jabbing up.
Look I just prefer people who are capable of remaining honest. No one following this issue believes vaccine hesitancy isn't a thing, including yourself.
Governments, business entities are so concerned they introduced mandatory efforts and Australian ID Cards. The WHO and RACGP put out statements on it and researchers have studied it, including all the past vaccine fu** ups, which thankfully haven't occurred too regularly.
The point is you know it, everyone reading this knows it, yet still you post this kind of lying bullshit as there being no such thing as vaccine hesitancy, bullshit you don't even really believe.
That just makes it entirely obvious to all you are nothing more than an argumentative dishonest campaigner, for the sake of it period.
That doesn't make you intelligent, just a dishonest w***er.

Be careful not to punch your computer screen....
Lol, you really are pretty ideologically hopeless aren't you.
Lol, please obfuscate some more. Any more bullshit mind jumps you want to throw around?
you are nothing more than an argumentative dishonest campaigner, for the sake of it period.
That doesn't make you intelligent, just a dishonest w***er.

I don't know why great news about vaccination rates has upset you so.

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Ah, why do we actually need lying campaigners for any competent, considered, decision making process that people will trust.

Happy to cut and paste the numbers if you are skeptical



300,000 a day, pushing 2 million a week.

Very pleasing to see that people aren't so 'hesitant' after all, I am sure you will agree :thumbsu:
Lol, you really are pretty ideologically hopeless aren't you.
And now in breaking news: Big Footy poster lists stats including all the people coerced and or forced into slavery as evidence there is no slavery hesitancy and everyone is happy to become a slave.
Claims the rest of the world is wrong, there is no hesitancy and as such no requirement to mandate vaccination.
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And now in breaking news: Big Footy poster lists stats including all the people coerced and or forced into slavery as evidence there is no slavery hesitancy.

Well according to you, it DOES prove it.

Because you claimed before that mandates would cause vac rates to fall. Which hasn't happened.

Which is a good thing, you agree?
I have a different take on the employer thing personally. It's one thing for an employer to say there are things you can and cannot do at work whilst knowing what you do in your own time is not their business. Insisting you inject a substance into your body that you can never remove, in their employ or not, at work or not, forever till you die, is something else entirely.
I think it is a very different distinction and people who use this line haven't actually worked it through.
Hiya goosecast, 100% Im not trying to be argumentative or stirring.

My perspective on 'pure', capital L Liberal' discussion regarding individuality, small government and individual rights - by logic means if its my business, I have every right to sack/hire who I please. I also by that logic can serve whom I wish in my business - as its my individual right to do so.

If an employee didnt want to have a jab (as its their individual right not to), then they have their individual right to find employment elsewhere.

Im glad we dont live in a country like that -small L liberals definitely do not have this philosophy
Lol. I doubt anything a proven lying campaigner says is going to fall into the category of anything I said or agree to.
You do realise Bigfooty has a search function, right? Anyone can type your name and search for your posts where you proclaimed that mandates will lead to vaccine rejection.

If you're not anti-vax, you should be very happy that this was not the case. For some reason, it doesn't seem like you are.
Hiya goosecast, 100% Im not trying to be argumentative or stirring.

My perspective on 'pure', capital L Liberal' discussion regarding individuality, small government and individual rights - by logic means if its my business, I have every right to sack/hire who I please. I also by that logic can serve whom I wish in my business - as its my individual right to do so.

If an employee didnt want to have a jab (as its their individual right not to), then they have their individual right to find employment elsewhere.

Im glad we dont live in a country like that -small L liberals definitely do not have this philosophy
Fair enough, I don't have an issue discussing things with honest people and considered opinions. As a small business owner myself (very small with 3 staff, well 2 if you don't count the other half) I actually get your position and have heard similar often. However as I said I believe there is a difference between demanding what employees can or cant do at work versus mandating they inject their bodies with permanent substances they can never remove even having left your employ, no longer working for you etc. It is a permanent bodily injection you are mandating for the rest of their lives. It is not just your workplace you are presiding over, but their entire body composition for the rest of their lives. That shouldn't in my opinion wash with anyone of a democracy bent, big or little L.
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Fair enough, I don't have an issue discussing things with honest people and considered opinions. As a small business owner myself (very small with 3 staff, well 2 if you don't count the other half) I actually get your position and have heard similar often. However as I said I believe there is a difference between demanding what employees can or cant do at work versus forcing them to inject their bodies with permanent substances they can never remove even having left your employ, no longer working for you etc. It is a permanent bodily injection you are forcing on them for the rest of their lives. It is not just your workplace you are presiding over, but their entire body composition for the rest of their lives. That shouldn't in my opinion wash with anyone of a democracy bent, big or little L.
You have a very fair and reasonable approach, I reckons your employees are lucky to have you as a boss.

On a side, I used to live in Perth, top spot, beautiful state and lovely people
If people don't want to get vaccinated, then don't. Outside of about 15 people (maybe less) in their immediate orbit, no one else will give a rats
what they do. Sometime around the end of the year most things will have returned to pre Covid times in NSW, probably Vic and maybe one or two
of the other states. There will be a few dozen (maybe more) unvaccinated people dying every day from Covid here and it'll barely register with
most people. Australians aren't really any different from people in the UK or US or wherever. People make choices every day in assessing risk
to themselves and have done since the dawn of time and sometimes it doesn't end well for them.
You have a very fair and reasonable approach, I reckons your employees are lucky to have you as a boss.

On a side, I used to live in Perth, top spot, beautiful state and lovely people
Thanks. I do have a history of keeping my workers which is to my benefit. My business MUST have experience.
As for Perth; I'm just south on the beautiful waters of Mandurah. I've travelled a lot and had plenty of opportunities to live in other states and abroad yet I still find this somewhat unique location of world connection whilst still being somewhat removed from the levels of....hmm what shall we say "drama" of other cities to be attractive.
The weather is generally bloody good by comparison to most, the beaches are fantastic with real sunsets, the south west forests, beaches and Margaret River, Walpole need no explaining, the Kimberly, Broome, the top end, the inland deserts, the sheer vastness of this state I don't think a lot of Aussies let alone the world truly understand. We even managed to stay basically completely open, working, playing and socialising throughout this entire Pandemic (though I know that can't last forever).
I admit to missing some of the more developed music and cultural aspects of other cities including where you are (or at least how it was 15 years ago) but all in all, there's few better places to live in the world I believe.
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Mandatory Vaccinations And Medical Exemptions
