Mark Williams on 5aa

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Listening to Choco on AA was a real worry. He was nice about it, but he straight out said that Duncanson lied about the timing of his departure and that Haysman ' is from a different side a town than me'.

Poor fellow my football club.

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Nah. He was ok. Respect for the guy, he still referred to Port as "we". Said he had a good working relationship with Haysman. Suggested Duncanson could have erred in saying it was Choc's call to coach the Collingw game cos there was a lot of emotion that day....
Listening to Choco on AA was a real worry. He was nice about it, but he straight out said that Duncanson lied about the timing of his departure and that Haysman ' is from a different side a town than me'.

Poor fellow my football club.

Yeah, reckon this is a bit of a cheap shot. From all accounts Haysman, like pretty much the rest of us wanted to get rid of Choco from day 1. Obviously the never had a good relationship. Haysman pretty much had inherited all of our problems, not caused them. He had nothing to do with our debt, our coach, our list, our stadium deal and virtually every other problem we have had since 2004/07 depending on your point of view. Whether he is the right man to take us in a new direction remains to be seen and what he does in the next 6 months is crucial, but just because he is an Eastern suburbs Saints boy rather than a Taperoo boy made good is hardly the issue here.
Yeah, reckon this is a bit of a cheap shot. From all accounts Haysman, like pretty much the rest of us wanted to get rid of Choco from day 1. Obviously the never had a good relationship. Haysman pretty much had inherited all of our problems, not caused them. He had nothing to do with our debt, our coach, our list, our stadium deal and virtually every other problem we have had since 2004/07 depending on your point of view. Whether he is the right man to take us in a new direction remains to be seen and what he does in the next 6 months is crucial, but just because he is an Eastern suburbs Saints boy rather than a Taperoo boy made good is hardly the issue here.

If that is the sole criterion, I will put in my application now.
He had nothing to do with our debt, our coach, our list, our stadium deal and virtually every other problem we have had since 2004/07 depending on your point of view.

I'm concerned if he is having any input into our list.
Just want to clear a few things up here...
last year when we had our football review an independent/outside influence (Archers company) came in & looked at our football department & their findings were that we sign choco again. i repeat they recommended to our board that we sign up choco again & everyone knows about the long board meeting last year.
Also re chocos contract & how he agreed to coach us for less money... with some of that extra money saved we got Laidley & hocking.
It also seems to me that the media will continually ask choco if he didnt get along with certain people at the club in the hope he slips up & says something negative or controversial so they can run the 'mark & (insert name) didnt get along at port' to try & sell a few more papers or get some more ratings for their radio shows.
What i got from that radio interview was when choco said he was a different side of the tracks to Haysman is that choco is from a football back round & haysman is from a corporate back round. People will try & make a mountain of a molehill & like i said the media will keep on digging until they can get something to print.
Just want to clear a few things up here...
last year when we had our football review an independent/outside influence (Archers company) came in & looked at our football department & their findings were that we sign choco again. i repeat they recommended to our board that we sign up choco again & everyone knows about the long board meeting last year.
Also re chocos contract & how he agreed to coach us for less money... with some of that extra money saved we got Laidley & hocking.
It also seems to me that the media will continually ask choco if he didnt get along with certain people at the club in the hope he slips up & says something negative or controversial so they can run the 'mark & (insert name) didnt get along at port' to try & sell a few more papers or get some more ratings for their radio shows.
What i got from that radio interview was when choco said he was a different side of the tracks to Haysman is that choco is from a football back round & haysman is from a corporate back round. People will try & make a mountain of a molehill & like i said the media will keep on digging until they can get something to print.

Agree with all of this, but would add the only comment with a hint of controversy was the issue of when the departure was to be announced - even that had pluses an minuses and IMO it turned out OK.
Just read online that Mark said something about bringing pavlich over for $1m? I would've thought getting Pavlich out of freo now would be next to impossible?!
Just read online that Mark said something about bringing pavlich over for $1m? I would've thought getting Pavlich out of freo now would be next to impossible?!

3 years ago - yes, but I think what Choco meant was to get an elite player for playing and marketing purposes.

We lack the 2-3 elites at the moment who can be used with high media profiles to attract our own fans back and others.

We have to work so much harder for our media profile - you only have to look at the other guy who left us to see how the 'centre of the universe media' are starting to wax lyrical about him. If he stays fit he will be held in a much higher esteem than if he stsyed with us.

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Just read online that Mark said something about bringing pavlich over for $1m? I would've thought getting Pavlich out of freo now would be next to impossible?!

He was referring to the concept more than the actual player.

In other words, think big, get a big name, spend large and you will have an icon player bringing in the crowds.

That's the theory anyway.
He was referring to the concept more than the actual player.

In other words, think big, get a big name, spend large and you will have an icon player bringing in the crowds.

That's the theory anyway.

Choc loves his star-based theories, it permeates his thinking.

Surely for $1m we could fix all of Gray, Hartlett, Krak, Sal & Marlon's innards and grow at least 2 of the next generation of icon players ourselves. A better hedged bet than picking on one Fevola or Carey type past their peak. It's one thing to try to sneak another flag with an aging star, its another thing to use them to hide stench of rotting under-development.

--> Visy 'salary packaging' thread
Choc loves his star-based theories, it permeates his thinking.

Surely for $1m we could fix all of Gray, Hartlett, Krak, Sal & Marlon's innards and grow at least 2 of the next generation of icon players ourselves. A better hedged bet than picking on one Fevola or Carey type past their peak. It's one thing to try to sneak another flag with an aging star, its another thing to use them to hide stench of rotting under-development.

--> Visy 'salary packaging' thread

I'm not an advocate of the theory just conveying what I took his meaning to be.

I agree that chasing a Judd, Fevola, Carey or Pavlich type player would be a huge mistake for the club but there might be some merit in chasing a Gibbs or a Cooney or a Naitanui for 2013 and onwards.
Yeah, reckon this is a bit of a cheap shot. From all accounts Haysman, like pretty much the rest of us wanted to get rid of Choco from day 1. Obviously the never had a good relationship. Haysman pretty much had inherited all of our problems, not caused them. He had nothing to do with our debt, our coach, our list, our stadium deal and virtually every other problem we have had since 2004/07 depending on your point of view. Whether he is the right man to take us in a new direction remains to be seen and what he does in the next 6 months is crucial, but just because he is an Eastern suburbs Saints boy rather than a Taperoo boy made good is hardly the issue here.
Papa G I couldnt agree more re haysman. seems to be working round the clock to undo past wrongs and inadequacies. think we are lucky to have him. why doesnt anyone ask how the club got in this mess to start with...boulton and co.

and yes Port Brilliance, for all this talk about "the way people leave a club..." choc should stfu. Spose hes trying to remain in the limelight? btw are he and cornes (very) senior IN LOVE? Make me sick. guess graham is sooo grateful he continually gave the chad a game!

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Mark Williams on 5aa

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