McGinnity to be sanctioned for insulting a players mother

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My god. If everything I have been called on a cricket field had been put in the papers, the sport would be abolished.

Racism should be stopped, and I have no problem at all with that being a sensitive issue. But apart from that, just deal with it yourself.

There's a good starting point on this issue.

Most now agree that racism should be stopped. Why?
Once you've transposed the answer onto other type sledging models, you will start to see the picture.

It's not always the words themselves that cause the angst but the driven intent of those words to deride and demean.
There's a good starting point on this issue.

Most now agree that racism should be stopped. Why?
Once you've transposed the answer onto other type sledging models, you will start to see the picture.

It's not always the words themselves that cause the angst but the driven intent of those words to deride and demean.

As I mentioned earlier, isnt threatening to kill somebody considered a criminal offence? Why isnt that being taken further?
Seriously, that is the most outlandish comparison I've heard in at least a few days.

Are you kidding me?

Are you really that surprised that the AFL would want to drastically distance itself from any sort of negative press regarding respect to women? Especially the Eagles, given (wrongly, in my opinion) the horrible public image their club has sustained in previous years.

We had a Women's Round ffs

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There's a good starting point on this issue.

Most now agree that racism should be stopped. Why?
Once you've transposed the answer onto other type sledging models, you will start to see the picture.

It's not always the words themselves that cause the angst but the driven intent of those words to deride and demean.
So now everything said on a football field will come under the banner of 'similar to racism'? That's a completely different issue altogether, and if the race card can be brought into play with every single on field stoush, then society, moreso than the game itself, is in trouble.

I don't agree with what McGinnity said. I don't agree with what Petterd said. They aren't sledges I would ever use on a sporting field (mostly because I think I'm cleverer than that). But once that half time argy bargy is over, that's where they stay.

I'm guessing there's a heap of AFL players sitting back now thinking "jeez, good thing *insert player here* didn't tell the umpire when I told him *insert insult here*."
A lot of people seem to be of the opinion that the comments made by McGinnity were perfectly ok.

If the comments were made on the football field, but near the boundary within earshot of the crowd and kids in the crowd, would that have been ok as well?

I guess you would have no trouble telling your kids that its perfectly ok to say that kind of thing if they happened to hear it?

Well firstly there is a difference between OK - ie. something that is nice/won't cause offense to anyone and something that is so bad you fine and suspend a player.

I would suggest there are a huge amount of things are said on the field that would not be appropriate for children to hear. However they were said nowhere near the crowd hence its a non-issue. I myself say things that are inappropriate for kids to here when hanging out with friends. Context is everything. If McG came up to the Melbourne supports in the crowd and started abusing them then that is something I would suspend him for.

As for the content of what he said. Rape is an incomprehensivly horrible act. But he didn't rape anyone nor was he realistically going to. Killing someone is similarly unforgivable but Pettard was obviously not going to kill McG. Both are over the top ridiculous statements that should have been let go and not taken seriously. Particularly given the context in which they were said.
As I mentioned earlier, isnt threatening to kill somebody considered a criminal offence? Why isnt that being taken further?

Well, it will be tiger.
Hiding under the banner of "Sport" will just not be good enough in the future.
It won't carry the same penalties as a civil incident but punishments/penalties will be distributed for such.

Look, at the end of the day sledging and football aren't mutually bound, irrespective of what sort of diet we've been brought up on.

The AFL and lower leagues won't be at a loss without it.
Let's just play football.
I think we all understand what was said and agree with the punishment. I know I do. That's not my issue. My issue is that only one player is being vilified. The threat to kill has escaped any media scrutiny and punishment. Would he be getting the same scrutiny if he threatened to rape Petterds father? Or is this simply a boil over because a lady was involved? What if he returned fire with "I will rape you". What if Petterd said "I will kill your mother". It's amazing how this issue has grown so much more then the Sherman racism jibe.

At the end of the day the two should have shaken hands, each apologised and learnt a lesson.

Now for you out there saying that the club imposed the suspension so why get shitty with the AFL please remember that the Western Bulldogs suspended Justin Sherman not the AFL. You would be kidding yourself if your thinking that the AFL would not have suggested that games be missed.
I see no reason why any of it had to become public. None of the comments have been confirmed, death threats, rape threats, whatever. On field stuff that clearly is not serious, sort it out on field or ask for mediation. It doesn't do anyone any good to give stuff like this to to the hysterical football and wider media.

McGinnity looks bad, Petterd looks bad, the AFL looks bad. ****ing well done all round. Morons.
Where do you work where it's normal to hear someone say "I'm going to rape your mother"?
For a start, police officers and prison guards would hear it on a regular basis.

However why do we have to pretend that a game of AFL is a normal work place environment? I dont sledge at work, however I dont go giving people a hip and shoulder or tackle them as hard as I can either!

I am sure this type of comment happens every week on the footy field, we just dont hear about it as no-one (except Petterd) takes it any further. They shake hands at the end of the match knowing they have done every thing they could during the match to get one on their opponent and all is forgiven and forgotten. As it should be.

Petterd's mother says she wasn't bothered about it, so why is everyone else carrying on? Mrs Petterd is the most sensible person in this whole saga, and would have not even known about it if not for her sons actions.
Threatening to rape someone is different to saying you'll fu** them in my books. One step to far, its pretty disgusting... and any West Coast supporter in here disputing that fact is being ridiculously one-eyed.
Just quickly as well, people are saying if this was done on the street or in a office place the sanctions would be much more.

What about when someone king hits another player on the field. On the street that would be assualt and you would be charged. On the footy field you get suspended even though there is video evidence of the assault. This falls under what happens on the field stays on the field because if it didn't then Barry Hall would be in jail for that shot on Staker.
After this farcical situation, Pat McGinnity and Petterd should give up sledging because they're really shit at it. Can't players come up with anything wittier than that. Weak effort.

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I'm guessing there's a heap of AFL players sitting back now thinking "jeez, good thing *insert player here* didn't tell the umpire when I told him *insert insult here*."

You're probably right, so what happens then?

The same players may not want the possibility of their words aired in the same way Selwoods and McGinnity's were.
It hasn't done their club nor their own characters any favours, at all.

The club's are likely to suggest to players to temper their verbal assault's for fear of such incidence and report.
The AFL will endorse and support clubs in some type of education process with the view of filtration down to lower leagues.

Whichever way, it can only be a good thing.
I don't know about you, but I don't like hearing 13 year olds foul-mouth on the field in the junior levels.
It's just not ...................... nice.
I dunno about counselling for Paddy but he sure needs lessons in sledging. The best sledges have a modicum of wit which was sadly lacking in his effort. Most people would have dismissed him as an idiot and got on with the game, not gone running to the umpire.
His dad getting involved isn't really needed either, Paddy's dad would be within his rights to publicly defend his son and have a crack back and I'm not sure thats somewhere we want to go.
Dumb thing to say and he has to take responsibility for it, but I think a private apology was probably the best course of action. As it is now we have people on blogs in the Melbourne media calling for him to be banned for anywhere from the rest of the season to life.
Out of control, thank Christ the Bulldogs decided to give Rocket the flick this morning.
So do we remove our balls now orrr? people are so overly sensitive it's a joke.

I'm going to rape all you're mothers!

So now what happeneds? Does it upset you all? Or is it ok because you should obviously know that I'm not going to.

Well that's it in a nutshell. That comment will get some people on here offside. Some more then others. Some not at all.

I am not offended as I can see the harmlessness in it. I know you won't.
People will have different opinions to everything.
I think we all understand what was said and agree with the punishment. I know I do. That's not my issue. My issue is that only one player is being vilified. The threat to kill has escaped any media scrutiny and punishment. Would he be getting the same scrutiny if he threatened to rape Petterds father? Or is this simply a boil over because a lady was involved? What if he returned fire with "I will rape you". What if Petterd said "I will kill your mother". It's amazing how this issue has grown so much more then the Sherman racism jibe.

At the end of the day the two should have shaken hands, each apologised and learnt a lesson.

Now for you out there saying that the club imposed the suspension so why get shitty with the AFL please remember that the Western Bulldogs suspended Justin Sherman not the AFL. You would be kidding yourself if your thinking that the AFL would not have suggested that games be missed.

I agree, but at the moment Melbourne are denying he ever threatened anyone so what can you do?
So do we remove our balls now orrr? people are so overly sensitive it's a joke.

I'm going to rape all you're mothers!

So now what happeneds? Does it upset you all? Or is it ok because you should obviously know that I'm not going to.

You may enjoy such comments coming your way, yet some may not.
Are you going to ask someone whether it's O.K. to make such comments or are you going to err on the side of caution and common sense?

Think about it..
You're probably right, so what happens then?

The same players may not want the possibility of their words aired in the same way Selwoods and McGinnity's were.
It hasn't done their club's and their own characters any favours, at all.

The club's are likely to suggest to players to temper their verbal assault's for fear of such incidence and report.
The AFL will endorse and support clubs in some type of education process with the view of filtration down to lower leagues.

Whichever way, it can only be a good thing.
I don't know about you, but I don't like hearing 13 year olds foul-mouth on the field in the junior levels.
It's just not ...................... nice.

So the silver lining is that players will now be too scared to say something in fear of getting dobbed on, and the game will become nicer?

To me it's just yet another step in the direction of killing the game. The bump was dangerous. The tackle is dangerous. The sledge is dangerous. I'm certain that within a few years the smother will be outlawed when someone does a knee.

Sport is just as much about mental toughness as it is physical toughness. That, in my language, means being able to take any verbal onslaught and translate it into performance.

I've had worse than what Petterd got, and on occasions, it's brought out the best in me. On other occasions, it's rattled me enough to bring down my performance. In that instance, I would be more disappointed with myself than anyone.
Are you kidding me?

Are you really that surprised that the AFL would want to drastically distance itself from any sort of negative press regarding respect to women? Especially the Eagles, given (wrongly, in my opinion) the horrible public image their club has sustained in previous years.

We had a Women's Round ffs

I am personally not surprised but yet again it is hypocrisy of the highest order and typical of what the AFL has become.
The only thing I find surprising is that the AFL did not try to sweep this under the rug like they do most things.
So do we remove our balls now orrr? people are so overly sensitive it's a joke.

I'm going to rape all you're mothers!

So now what happeneds? Does it upset you all? Or is it ok because you should obviously know that I'm not going to.

Rape is not a joke, I dont think he was trying to get Petterd to laugh.
I see no reason why any of it had to become public. None of the comments have been confirmed, death threats, rape threats, whatever. On field stuff that clearly is not serious, sort it out on field or ask for mediation. It doesn't do anyone any good to give stuff like this to to the hysterical football and wider media.

McGinnity looks bad, Petterd looks bad, the AFL looks bad. ****ing well done all round. Morons.

Absolutely, spot on.

McGinnity is obviously a ****head for coming up with such a distasteful sledge, I mean, you're asking to get your head punched in with crap like that, that's what he deserved really.
But Petterd, "I'll come to Perth and kill you". WTF? Not much going on upstairs with these two, obviously.
The worse thing that could have happened, has happened with this going public. McGinnity is forever going to look like a foul-mouthed douchebag, rightly so, and Petterd looks like a soft squealer who runs to the umpire when he's offended.
Bad for the league all round.
I am personally not surprised but yet again it is hypocrisy of the highest order and typical of what the AFL has become.
The only thing I find surprising is that the AFL did not try to sweep this under the rug like they do most things.

I think there's more to be said in holding a public execution as opposed to just sweeping it under the carpet in order to show solidarity.

The AFL needs to get its priorities in order. For all that's good about our game being a juggernaut, there are some very mind-baffling things going on with this league
Threatening to rape someone is different to saying you'll fu** them in my books. One step to far, its pretty disgusting... and any West Coast supporter in here disputing that fact is being ridiculously one-eyed.

I dont think anyone is disputing that the sledge was inappropriate - but the media and punishment is over the top. Petterd threated to go to perth and kill him - McGinnity retaliated, and went a bit far.

It should have been left on the field - and an apology given. That's it. No-one else should have ever found out about it. And definately no suspension.

How mentally weak are footy players now a days??

And mostly only Melbourne supporters seem to agree with a suspension. The on-eyed thing works both ways.
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