I spoke to my sibling who is high up in the West Australian and they told me that they had s***loads of cancellations of subscriptions due to that front page the other day. They had emergency meetings of management over it and Kerry himself was getting involved.
And they had lots of really nasty phone calls with pretty bad verbal abuse from non - subscribers. Which is bizarre. Who rings up a business they are not even a customer of to abuse the minimum wage worker whose job it is to answer the phone?
They are in financial trouble. The Covid money has run out and the collapse of the deals with the social media companies is really hurting them. At the same time they are a mouthpiece and messaging service for the government to control public opinion and frame issues in the way the establishment wants the public to perceive them. So i am sure a way to bung more tax payer cash to them to keep the enterprise going will be found.
I told my parents to stop subscribing to that rot after all the Harley backpages and that Waddell blokes gloatfest about it on Twitter. Those guys can get stuffed but I wouldn't want the actual decent, hard working people over there to lose their jobs over it, if you say is true.