Expansion More Dirty Tactics by the NRL

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actually i'm a fan of both codes, albeit rugby league moreso, but i guess that does make me a double-troll in this neck of the woods, lol.
i've got bad news, you'll probably find more posters like me joining BF in the future with the AFL's push into inbred thugby areas, and they probably won't denounce all things thugby once they crawl out from under their rock and take an interest in the australian game :eek:

Not knocking your work magpieman, just pointing the facts out for a newbie.
actually i'm a fan of both codes, albeit rugby league moreso, but i guess that does make me a double-troll in this neck of the woods, lol.
i've got bad news, you'll probably find more posters like me joining BF in the future with the AFL's push into inbred thugby areas, and they probably won't denounce all things thugby once they crawl out from under their rock and take an interest in the australian game :eek:

I agree with you mm.

I don't think multi-code following is possible on discussion forums.

I used to take a genuine interest in rugby league, and I reckon it is a great sport. I respect posters like you mm, because you can see both sides. But when I occasionally post on Rleague forums I get cop all sorts of anti-AFL crap. Moreso than I ever would posting the same stuff here (although, I admit that I do very occasionally get accused of being an NRL troll). So I'd post things there from an AFL perspective from time to time. You'd think that sort of balance could be appreciated - but no. It has basically turned me completely off rugby league. They'd treat anyone not living in Sydney as though they are some kind of freak. I'd try to follow the Storm and something about the Storm but I'd get this hate mail calling me an AFL troll. Then I'd get the NRL tossers like LebaneseForces and ParaEelsNRL following me back here. I'd even get personal attacks and vitriolic PMs. Talk about insecure ____nuckles. I don't that NRL is going to convert any Victorians from AFL with those sorts of attitudes from their fans.

Having grown up in an anti-AFL state, Queensland, I doubt anything is really going to change.
There's trolls, and then there's trolls. I don't mind sensible debate with those with a genuine interest in the AFL expansion issues (even though they don't seem to want it to happen), such as Ghangiskhan, LD (although watch out for his cunning, and bloody minded persistence on some issues), Auckmel (probably unfair to label him a troll - he seems to have genuine support for both codes, like magpie man). Even the grouchy 1908 can at least make points worthy of a reply.

But then there are the real idiot trolls like the increasingly rabid and hysterical Parraeels and his side-kick, Nescri, who display nothing other than fear and hatred, as well as complete ignorance on our game. But we all know why these types are here - massive insecurity.

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I agree with you mm.

I don't think multi-code following is possible on discussion forums.
Yes it is.

I used to take a genuine interest in rugby league, and I reckon it is a great sport. I respect posters like you mm, because you can see both sides. But when I occasionally post on Rleague forums I get cop all sorts of anti-AFL crap. Moreso than I ever would posting the same stuff here (although, I admit that I do very occasionally get accused of being an NRL troll). So I'd post things there from an AFL perspective from time to time. You'd think that sort of balance could be appreciated - but no. It has basically turned me completely off rugby league. They'd treat anyone not living in Sydney as though they are some kind of freak. I'd try to follow the Storm and something about the Storm but I'd get this hate mail calling me an AFL troll. Then I'd get the NRL tossers like LebaneseForces and ParaEelsNRL following me back here. I'd even get personal attacks and vitriolic PMs. Talk about insecure ____nuckles. I don't that NRL is going to convert any Victorians from AFL with those sorts of attitudes from their fans.
Fair points, but your bit in bold. Please, come on. Harden up.

Having grown up in an anti-AFL state, Queensland, I doubt anything is really going to change.
SEQ is the number one region in Australia for true multi-code following.
Nice positive spin about the Nrl.
The other side of the coin,is poor Sydney crowds,teams struggling fianancially to survive, A media corporation calling the shots,and having fianancial stakes in clubs that would otherwise be bankrupt.
The operating budget of an Nrl club is way smaller than an Afl club,and most Nrl clubs struggled to post a profit last year.
Yes it is all roses for the Nrl,I can see the Afl are green with envy over their powerhouse National competition.;)[/

Nice summary of the true situation AFLvs RL!:thumbsu:
Add to the list the thugby is only popular in two states well 1/1/2 really and you have the whole picture! And dont give the bullshit that NSW/ACT and QLD have 50% of the population but in truth they are just 3 states and territories out of 8 so calling RL the National RL is the greatest joke /spin of all!
Add to the list the thugby (sic) is only popular in two states well 1/1/2 really and you have the whole picture!
Which 1/2 misses out???

And dont give the bullshit that NSW/ACT and QLD have 50% of the population but in truth they are just 3 states and territories out of 8 so calling RL the National RL is the greatest joke /spin of all!
The old "we have more states than you" argument is classic spin doctoring if ever I've seen it. It's not even clever spin doctoring. It's only used by the unthinking.
... classic spin doctoring if ever I've seen it. It's not even clever spin doctoring. ...
Aha - this from the master of clever spin doctoring!

Posted two days ago, in starting the "Gold Coast is not a regional outpost of Victoria" thread -
There is no existing fan-base on the Gold Coast ... for a team. .
and then just above -
... SEQ is the number one region in Australia for true multi-code following. ...
Which 1/2 misses out???

The old "we have more states than you" argument is classic spin doctoring if ever I've seen it. It's not even clever spin doctoring. It's only used by the unthinking.

Well far be it for a person form perth the other side of the country you know mining West Coast Eagles Megan Gale etc. to interrupt this conversation but our side of the country. I must admit though watching the Western Reds trying to be revived over here is absolutely hilarious. This is apparently the NRL's cut price idea of a national expansion project. Storm only exists because it has News ltd behind it Sydney and Brisbane are both capable of supporting themselves the NRL is only national in the sense that calling it the East COast League or the NSW/QLD Pokies league doesn't have the same ring to it.;)
Aha - this from the master of clever spin doctoring!

Posted two days ago, in starting the "Gold Coast is not a regional outpost of Victoria" thread -

and then just above -

Yeah, but the big difference is that I don't pretend it isn't spin doctoring whereas most people believe posting 'no-spin objective facts' is always possible. I don't. It's possible, but rare.
Fair points, but your bit in bold. Please, come on. Harden up.

We've been through all of this before .

You can't shoot the messenger .

The facts are some people are turned off by negative experiences .
I know some people who are not renewing their memberships
basically because they dislike the number of patrons
walking past them and interupting the view of the game .
It seems that in Fishmongers' and my case it's not what has been said etc
it is simple volume of reptitive unchanging vitriol that puts you off .
Yeah, but the big difference is that I don't pretend it isn't spin doctoring whereas most people believe posting 'no-spin objective facts' is always possible. I don't. It's possible, but rare.[

I love your command of english language .'no-spin objective facts'
I think you're trying to say "debate" .
I think you try to spin things that don't need to be spun .
Tell me , is it possible for you to put forward reasoned debate
or are you caught up in this repetitive , mumbo jumbo , excessive spin
knock'em over the head with boredom type of approach .


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The facts are some people are turned off by negative experiences .
Fair enough.

I know some people who are not renewing their memberships
basically because they dislike the number of patrons
walking past them and interupting the view of the game .
Fair enough.

It seems that in Fishmongers' and my case it's not what has been said etc it is simple volume of reptitive unchanging vitriol that puts you off .
Fair enough.

I have some examples:

The following is justified:

bad seat > membership non-renewal
repetitive vitriol > avoid forum

The following examples are not justified:

bad seat > non-renewal > "It has basically turned me completely off rugby league"
repetitive vitriol > avoid forum > "It has basically turned me completely off rugby league"

Do you see my point.. that the response has to be proportionate?
bad seat > non-renewal > "It has basically turned me completely off rugby league"

You are insecure !
The people I was referring to follow the Force .
One has not renewed his membership this year because of the "poor standard ".
His words , not mine . I went to the Force Vs Bulls game and if that was
remotely near typical then no wonder.
One is not renewing her membership basically because of the interaction
with other patrons .

repetitive vitriol > avoid forum > "It has basically turned me completely off rugby league"

Er , this is an Australian Football forum .
I like Australian Football .
I like discussion about Australian Football .
I like hearing about developments in Australian Football .
I like following Australian Football overseas .
I like good sensible and logical debates .

Do I have to go on ? Have you got my point ?

Probably not , so as usual I'll have to spell it out for you in the
simplest possible language .

Negative behaviour portrays a negative image .
Negative images by association reflect on a group .
The amount of distraction depends on the amount and the degree .


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Expansion More Dirty Tactics by the NRL

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