More rubbish from the Age, 'unsociable Hawks'

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Sep 11, 2005
AFL Club
Phil, mate those media article trash writers are like flies hey? A loss to Hawks brings out all the worst scum imaginable. Hopefully we can pump Bombers and show the other 15 teams were we stand.

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One thing, isn't this called slander?

I'm sure that the club in question has cameras. All it would take would be for the club to ask to see the footage - and if it's proven to be crap like i'm certain it will be, can't we take both this idiotic newspaper and the person making these accusations to court?

I agree, the club must take a stand on this, cos if they don't it will just tarnish his name forever, and no matter what is done later on it will never remove this stink. What the club should do is take the ____ers to court. And demand that, if the story is proven wrong, they should print in large font and on the back page SORRY BUDDY. This isn't just about buddy, it's about all footballers. I know it's easy to get worked up about this cos it's Buddy, but look at Braun last year. There was little to any reports afterwards about how it being unfounded. It's about time the newspapers are made accountable for what they write, for the unfounded crap that they spew out these days. They should be forced to write how wrong they were.
Wow, so it has turned from Lance franklin bashes Essendon's Reimers


Reimers antagonises Franklin and Bateman, who are then ejected, only to be welcomed back in later, but refuse.


Lance Franklin has a go at a collingwood player


Lance Franklin and Jarryd Roughead degrade women in the public eye as the women in question then sell their story for $600.

which one is it?

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Hang on, a woman approached a bloke in a nightclub and he put the moves on her? Stop the presses! This has never before happened in the history of nightclubs.
HAHAHAHAA... Unsociable football:

"I am not just some piece of meat and I certainly was not dressed like a piece of meat to be spoken to like that. I was not inviting that sort of attention": Amber Harding

IF this version is 100% true (which it wont be)

A. Was Buddy inviting 'that sort of attention' in wanting complete strangers to come up and hassle him repeatedly for a photo?
B. How exactly was Amber Harding treating Buddy? No discussion about how great a year he is having, how he's an exciting footballer etc. Simply - I want a photo with you to show off to my friends. Basically treating him as a 'piece of meat'.

I want our players to behave themselves in public and not get sucked in by the numnuts out there... but this person is just trash.
I am not going to believe a word of what I just read except the last paragraph. I dont think Buddy would say such a thing. The girls might be lying to get their names heard, you never know. And wasn't Buddy at the club with Chance not Roughy?

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More rubbish from the Age, 'unsociable Hawks'

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