Official Team Thread Mt. Buller Demons Season 37 Team Thread | Ice To See You

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So, the official proceedings come to an end for Season 37. Thank you to each and every one of you for making Season 37 a memorable and enjoyable few months.

But a particularly big and heart-felt thank you to manangatang, who has decided to step down as captain at the end of this season.

mang has, genuinely, been nothing short of spectacular in the captaincy role since following in the footsteps of Yakker in Season 28. That’s 10 consecutive seasons of stability, thoughtfulness, and leadership, which would be close to a league record.

By my count, manangatang has been captain for 175 games, which is comfortably the most in the history of the club - the next best is Deestroy with 114. Given we are a foundation club and have been around since the very first season of the league, that’s a big deal.

I don’t have stats to back this up, but I’m going to contend that our list has been the most stable in the league - and also the most consistently engaged and excellent - over those 10 seasons. A very big portion of that is down to manangatang’s leadership.

mang led the club to just our third premiership in Season 31, when we deservedly triumphed over the Baghdad Bombers by 29 points. On field, it was the jewel of the modern Mount Buller outfit. But off field, in committee and privately, mang has been a terrific source of support for many of us.

On a personal level, thank you, mang, for making me laugh just SO VERY OFTEN :laughv1:, and for all of the support and counsel you’ve provided. The whole club (and league) appreciates what you’ve done for the Mount Buller Demons, and your successes will, I’m sure, continue for many seasons to come with the Demons. 🤗
manangatang thank you for everything you’ve done for the Mighty Demons and for the Sweet FA as a whole. It’s been an honour to play this game with you leading this amazing group of people in this amazing community.
Building a culture such as the one at the Demons is a reflection of who you are and I’m very grateful you allowed me to join in and be a part of what you and others before you have nurtured.

Enjoy being a pleb (HOF pleb that is) tho to us you will always be a great leader.

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Off field was the quietest of the year with players perhaps looking to the bye sausageroll led the way again with 37 followed by cats2rise who had been consistently active for over a month now
happy homer simpson GIF
Thank you all, my fabulous Buller comrades.

It's a great honour not only to win this award but to share it with such a great Demon legend.

Special thanks to the wonderful manangatang. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't know all you great folk.

Thank you to Headless, Gralin and all other members of the leadership group.

If we can't all have fun together, what the hell can we do?

Go Buller!
Season 3 Yes GIF by The Simpsons
What an evening!

Congratulations to all of the winners - all thoroughly deserved.

A wonderful effort and big thank you to the team who put tonight together.

Thanks to all team mates for making S37 another fun one.

Manangatang, your time and effort has been lucky enough to have been spent on us over such a long time. We're a lucky bunch to have been here for it. Thank you for leading the club so well for so long.
Good grief. What is wrong with you people, especially you Headless ?

Hope you folk had/have a fun evening. If there are any, congratulations to the winners. Thankfully you finished in an honourable position on the ladder.
Good grief. What is wrong with you people, especially you Headless ?

Hope you folk had/have a fun evening. If there are any, congratulations to the winners. Thankfully you finished in an honourable position on the ladder.
What was your favourite part of the B&F, Horry?

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Stiff not to poll!

Hmmn… that sounds vaguely salacious.. at my age is that
1. Inappropriate ?
2. Improbable?
3. Something I should hide from the Widder Jane and I don’t mean the bespoke bourbon ?
Amazing effort with this Headless . Brilliant work!

Congrats to moginie for the BNF win and to Wosh and Gralin on their awards.

Thanks for all the work you've done as captain over a long time manangatang and thanks to Hate for all the work you've done behind the scenes. Sweet FA + is incredible.
Congratulatioms to moginie and sausageroll on taking out the big one for the night.

I lost count of all the awards sausageroll was picking up, but I know each one of them is so deserved. Great to see Gralin recognised as the genuine star poster that shows in the post quality each post and in this presentation. Wosh winning the best defender is no shock, as the spine of about everything around here.

Just want to publicly give my immense thanks to manangatang who is without a doubt one of the clubs great captains and contributors to the league. I don’t say it lightly, but the culture and stability created under your watch is rather remarkable and I could not be happier anywhere else. You managed to build something special.

Looking forward to the reign of Headless, who I know will and is already doing a fantastic job as captain. A great presentation!

Go Dees!

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