Multicultural Round - Why?

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Well f*** me defenders of 'multiculturalism' ARE being lumped in with practices overseas.

This is why you cannot have a civil discussion on our migrant intake - because invariably the bigots hijack the debate with 'but they mutilate female genitals in the Arab world' and other such talk.

Yes, they are bigots.

Wasn't the show that started this back and forth that has been sidetracked based upon Australians in Australia?
So it was Australian women in Australia who are subjected to these practices that as a liberal democracy we probably shouldn't allow?
Wasn't the show that started this back and forth that has been sidetracked based upon Australians in Australia?
So it was Australian women in Australia who are subjected to these practices that as a liberal democracy we probably shouldn't allow?

Personally I wouldn't stand for Muslim women in Australia having their genitals mutilated without their consent, for example. We have laws against that anyway.
A culture has its own rules/laws.. Hence co-existence being UN-tennable because one nation cannot practice different sets of laws.

I am not from Australia but my cultural practices comfortably co-exist with typical Australian practices. If Islamic law says that you can marry four wives, that does not supersede Australian laws against polygamy.

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Personally I wouldn't stand for Muslim women in Australia having their genitals mutilated without their consent, for example. We have laws against that anyway.

It wasn't about mutiliation.
The example was about that those Australian women aren't afforded the same rights that other Australian women are in Australia. Do you stand for that?
As we also have laws that highlights what grounds you can apply for divorce, which it would seem are at odds with those practiced in the above example.
Random thoughts:

I'm struggling to find an example of where I've been imposed upon by refugees or immigrants...

I'm also struggling to think of any actual law that has been shoved upon me due to pressure from non-Australian cultures...I'm still hoeing into beef, drinking alcohol, disrespecting god, treating my woman well and I'm still not interested in soccer, so I guess I'm resisting the evil forces entering this country...I get more annoyed at Mormons, to be honest...

If it's not in the Constitution, it can't become a law in this country...might just point that'll find that excludes an awful lot of supposed agendas that we're apparently under threat from...!

On the side, I'm also intrigued as to how this thread might have panned out if it was written 30 or more years ago, as well...if we had internet in 1982 and this topic was raised, I can't imagine the responses being anywhere near as civil and respectful as they here right now...I'm quite proud of that, to be honest! Noone has called anyone a towelhead, dago, chink, gook, wop, Kiwi or coon...not only would that have been cringingly acceptable back in the days when Kingswood Country was still on the air, it would also have been no different to what you would have encountered any given Saturday at Victoria Park or any typical footy ground anywhere in the country...this is an internet forum, too...!

I think this country's improving in most of the areas this topic covers, personally, and we tend to lose perspective of that when things are brought out into the open, which is what we forget DIDN'T happen for the first 200 years when we pine for the good old days of the British Empire. I won't bother stating the details of my racial heritage, but I will say I'm an Australian. This weekend I'll spare a thought for the immigrants and non-whites who've made footy awesome, enjoy the games, and then get back to smacking terrorists on the XBox...
For all the people fighting mysogyny by keeping a whole lot of 'darkies' out of the country, what exactly are you doing about the hyper prevelant mysogynistic standards within our own society that happen every day?


I couldn't give two shits about the AFL's 'Multicultural Round' - Everything the AFL does is shallow and meaningless - It's interesting to see how worked up some people get about it, though -

Exactly, there are "Aussie" mysoginists around, maybe they should be sent to those mysoginist countries, they'd feel quite at home. :thumbsu:'re all a bunch of negative f&$@s...!

Do you grizzle at the rounds dedicated to women in footy and heritage and Anzac day and indigenous players...? It's just another round celebrating something good about the game - its all-inclusiveness. You don't find it in rugby union, and its just par for the course in soccer. If you have a look at the top 50 squad the AFL just posted, you'll see that the final team will be pretty awesome...and if you consider that several of them will come from decades that were still officially White Australia, you can see it reflects the history of our country...our game has come a loooong way since Sid Jackson as an aboriginal and any number of young migrants saw their talents selectively recognised while still copping the s h i t that came with day to day life - even at the clubs they starred for...

And anything that celebrates the roots that eventually gave us Vin Catoggio's afro on a VFL playing field has got to be worth raising a beer for...

Quoted because its the truth.
I haven't got much to add to this debate, except to say that a vote for who has been "The Best Multi-cultural Player Ever" is beyond stupid.

Josh Gibson has a West Indian dad, and an Aussie mum. I guess that makes him 'multi-cultural'. I can't think f two many others. Seems a pretty narrow group to me...

I know "Best Non-WASP" player is untenable, but to have such a stupid description just to avoid treadding on toes is like something out of a comedy multicultural player...FFS!
You've literally contributed nothing, just childish name calling..

I don't have to. I believe that Australia is one of the world's finest examples of successful integration of different cultures, and if the AFL wants to devote a round to that, well good on 'em. I'm not the one spouting the evils of multiculturalism without being willing or able to produce facts to support my views.

And you want failed multiculturalism?

No, but you obviously do

France has 751 "No Go" zones. The French government has labeled these areas "sensitive urban zones" that are dangerous for whites and non-Muslims to enter

That's the interptretration of the LePen's of this world. Personally I believe it has more to do with poverty and entrenched racism than anything else.

Is that enough for you?

No, but it obviously is for you to base a whole belief system around.

I'm goin' to watch the cricket, you're a shithouse defender of your own crap
Exactly, there are "Aussie" mysoginists around, maybe they should be sent to those mysoginist countries, they'd feel quite at home. :thumbsu:
The problem we have is that we're stuck with them. They are not going anywhere unfortunately, but at least we can prevent more from coming in.
I don't have to. I believe that Australia is one of the world's finest examples of successful integration of different cultures, and if the AFL wants to devote a round to that, well good on 'em.

Finally the penny is dropping. Integration = good. Multi-culti Kool Aidism = bad.

That's the interptretration of the LePen's of this world. Personally I believe it has more to do with poverty and entrenched racism than anything else.

Racism? BULLSHIT. How is it that other immigrant groups don't riot, torch cars, attack police etc? Do other groups not experience "racism"? And is "racism" an excuse to behave like you are at war with your own country? I'll answer that last one for you, since your previous posts have given me real concerns about your mental health - NO.

Poverty? Well, they should try WORKING and earning money. That may solve the poverty issue.

Every person is an individual and responsible for their own actions. Individuals carry 100% burden of blame for their actions. Society carries exactly 0%. They can face all the "racism" and poverty in the world, it is completely irrelevant.

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Um, that is not the definition of multiculturalism. Like, at all.

No, it is. Totally.

Multiculturalism: the doctrine that several different cultures (rather than one national culture) can coexist peacefully and equitably in a single country.

It might be a doctrine, that's not mutually exclusive to also being the Australian immigration policy. Google Al "Scumbag" Grassby.
I've got shit to do in the real world, but I cain't wait for the responses.

No you haven't. You GreenLeft/Fabian/GetUp types live for these "internet wars", and even if you do have some paid employment to do it's usually as a Laybuh Pardy minion or some other taxpayer funded leech where you are encouraged to spam boards with leftist propaganda.
No you haven't. You GreenLeft/Fabian/GetUp types live for these "internet wars", and even if you do have some paid employment to do it's usually as a Laybuh Pardy minion or some other taxpayer funded leech where you are encouraged to spam boards with leftist propaganda.
For God's sake, don't get him started on the ABC.
...the bigots hijack the debate with 'but they mutilate female genitals in the Arab world' and other such talk.

Yes, they are bigots.

How does objecting to this practice classify one as a "bigot"? I know it's just your version of "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" but I really want to see you squirm like the invertebrate you are trying to explain it.
Finally the penny is dropping. Integration = good. Multi-culti Kool Aidism = bad.

Racism? BULLSHIT. How is it that other immigrant groups don't riot, torch cars, attack police etc? Do other groups not experience "racism"? And is "racism" an excuse to behave like you are at war with your own country? I'll answer that last one for you, since your previous posts have given me real concerns about your mental health - NO.

Poverty? Well, they should try WORKING and earning money. That may solve the poverty issue.

Every person is an individual and responsible for their own actions. Individuals carry 100% burden of blame for their actions. Society carries exactly 0%. They can face all the "racism" and poverty in the world, it is completely irrelevant.
London 2011...I think you'll find whites can riot just as well as other cultural groups under the right circumstances. Traditionally we haven't because we're the privileged ones...wealthy and not subject to much in the way of racism.
Quiet!!! - Don't you know that only Nazis question this sort of thing, and that we should all celebrate the "vibrant cultural diversity" of misogyny and chavaunistic 8th century superstitions
just read through the whole of this interesting thread and had to respond to this pearler replying to a post about a doco regarding muslim marriage........... yeah "Quiet!!! - Don't you know that only Nazis question this sort of thing," about a documentary airing in primetime on a government owned channel that questioned whether the practice was suitable for our laws. Pisser.

I'm an aussie born from greek immigrant parents and played footy for 15 years at various clubs in the EFL, VAFA & VFL and for those on this thread that have played foory I'm sure they'de agree that the best thing about it is playing with mates. and the beauty of this sport is that it's a leveler, once your'e there it doesn't matter if you're a lawyer, a cleaner, black, white, wog, whatever. and there's nothing wrong for that to be celebrated.
Finally the penny is dropping. Integration = good. Multi-culti Kool Aidism = bad.

Racism? BULLSHIT. How is it that other immigrant groups don't riot, torch cars, attack police etc? Do other groups not experience "racism"? And is "racism" an excuse to behave like you are at war with your own country? I'll answer that last one for you, since your previous posts have given me real concerns about your mental health - NO.

Poverty? Well, they should try WORKING and earning money. That may solve the poverty issue.

Every person is an individual and responsible for their own actions. Individuals carry 100% burden of blame for their actions. Society carries exactly 0%. They can face all the "racism" and poverty in the world, it is completely irrelevant.




Man, you are the gift that just keeps on giving.

So how 's the answer to my question coming along?

**** me, I've been waiting for days for someone to inform me, with a reasoned, fact-based argument, as to how "multiculturalism" has not worked.

Now try to answer, using Australia as an example


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Multicultural Round - Why?

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