Multicultural Round - Why?

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In short, all the positive things people are attributing to "multiculturalism" are actually just the logical result of normal immigration. Multiculturalism is government actively supporting foreign cultures and interests, and the ideology that all cultures are equally relevant or 'good' (which is obviously rubbish).

FWIW, I think multicultural round is a wank, but if the AFL want it I couldn't care less.

Why aren't cultures equally relevant? Are you saying Indian culture is more relevant than Italian? Or Greek is better than Chinese?
Correct. When times are tough the blame is often laid at the feet of the "wogs comin' here and takin' our jobs"
Straw man argument. You sound like Rik from 'The Young Ones'. The people often attracting negativity are those who wouldn't work in an iron lung, leech off of welfare whilst still demanding more and having taxpayer funded fifth columnists like Flemington legal centre aid & abet them.

The people who whinge about immigrants "taking our jobs" are the unskilled trade union drones who also wouldn't work in an iron lung.

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Where's the round embracing people with disease and disability? Oh that's right, it's not really a pain or a long standing issue in society it's just part of life (yeah tell that to medicare who pay $19k a year for my prescription just so I can walk) unlike a lack of multiculturalism which is something that plagues this Earth of course causing misery to millions!

I think the issue many of us bogans are feeling here is that there are so many problems in society that it's wrong to single out a handful of problems to canvas to the public because each problem finds it value in the eye of the beholder. Therefore to have issues dictated to us to be more important than others will never sit well unless we value it ourselves.

In short these rounds will always annoy some and please others however if the AFL had shown its self to be an altruistic organization concerned primarily with developing progressive ideals these rounds would be more palatable to those who don't find significant value in the issue presented but it's hard to believe the AFL to be such a thing when you can see the $$ in Vlad's eyes.
Why aren't cultures equally relevant? Are you saying Indian culture is more relevant than Italian? Or Greek is better than Chinese?
Only when incompatible with the laws or accepted practices of the land. Unless it's a better way of doing things, of course.
Only when incompatible with the laws or accepted practices of the land. Unless it's a better way of doing things, of course.

What deems a culture having a better way of doing things? And what says a culture is incompatible with (I'm assuming you mean) Australian practices and customs? If we are a 'multicultural society', shouldn't we allow these people to do as they please (without obviously breaking the law)?
and that's a bad thing... how?

Nicky Winmar wasn't acting on behalf of the AFL, but the AFL have acted above and beyond what a mere "sporting organisaion" might do with regards to stamping out racism, after the Long/Monkhurst incident and beyond, and they have had remarkable success in proactively pursuing this. Do you either deny that, or deny that this has been an excellent thing for the AFL and society more broadly, to the point that people who make monkey noises to aboriginal players are now identified by players and have their membership revoked as a punishment?
That doesn,t stop racism. None of what you said stops it . The AFL can,t stop it you or I can,t stop it , and multicultural rounds just make it stand out, saying look how mixed we are , look at all the different races playing footy, look look look , then every one on BF starts talking about Nicky W
That doesn,t stop racism. None of what you said stops it . The AFL can,t stop it you or I can,t stop it , and multicultural rounds just make it stand out, saying look how mixed we are , look at all the different races playing footy, look look look , then every one on BF starts talking about Nicky W
Then here we go again it becomes a big fat issue, so, well done AFL pointing out all our differences and creating this thread , for society to get along you have to be the same to a degree not be different.Footy does that without AFL advertising the differences , or why can,t we just identify good players without emphasising that they are the first Arab or Sudanese or the Aboriginals play the game the best . We are people, why not have a peoples round every week. Why? because it doesn,t work in reality, hence these posts everywhere just enforcing the problem for some.
To be a completely over the top, the interesting thing is that 'Multicultralism' is an invalid premise given that a culture has its own rules/ethics. No society can be governed by differing rules for select people, hence a multicultural society is rubbish . Muti-Racial yes, multi-cultral No..

Ur private culture is ur own business, (eg. you can worship the and follow the Rules of Atum or the Sun God Ra)

Interesting tidbit, the term itself was basically introduced in Canada a couple of decades ago by an angry portion of French people within Canada. (EG. THey believed they had their own culture!?! :rolleyes:)
That doesn,t stop racism. None of what you said stops it . The AFL can,t stop it you or I can,t stop it , and multicultural rounds just make it stand out, saying look how mixed we are , look at all the different races playing footy, look look look , then every one on BF starts talking about Nicky W
what do you mean, nothing stops racism? That's ****ing stupid. More education, empathy, and reduced tolerance have markedly reduced racism levels. Of course you'll never entirely stamp it out, but that's hardly an argument for not trying to reduce it in the first place.

Do I think the AFL's "multicultural round" will do much to stop racism? Hell no. Do I think it's in some ways contrived? Yees I do. But I don't think it's a bad thing either, and I certainly don't think a few people having their sensibilities offended by it is a good reason to stop it, and I think people who are complaining about it need to have a good hard think about where they can better redirect their energies...
I hope you are a bear of the Koala variety ron, otherwise you can gtfo

leeching immigrant

I'll concede I haven't posted well on this thread, but if you can't at least pick up the gist of what I've been trying to say, you're part of the problem.
Are we so sensitive to PC that we can't celebrate the contribution of the diverse backgrounds/races/cultures that have contributed to the sport?

Reminds me of the time I was watching a boxing match between a white guy and a black guy.

Both were wearing white trunks; and the commentator was at pains to point out that "Smith, he's the fighter with the gold trim on his trunks....." Come on man, it isn't racist to say he's black, and he's white.

Im still waiting to celebrate White People round.

Must admit, had a giggle at this. :thumbsu:
Do I think the AFL's "multicultural round" will do much to stop racism? Hell no. Do I think it's in some ways contrived? Yees I do. ...

and I think people who are complaining about it need to have a good hard think about where they can better redirect their energies...

Think about what you've just wrote...You've accepted it's not going to stop anything, and it's clearly contrived..

Yet you have the gall to ask others to better redirect their energies..

Clearly nearly everyone (positive or negative) on this entire thread see's this (Multicultural round) for what it is, you can be sure that the rest of the public would see it that way too..

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Straw man argument. You sound like Rik from 'The Young Ones'. The people often attracting negativity are those who wouldn't work in an iron lung, leech off of welfare whilst still demanding more and having taxpayer funded fifth columnists like Flemington legal centre aid & abet them.

A bit o' gentle prodding is all it takes.

Don't like African's much do ya?

The people who whinge about immigrants "taking our jobs" are the unskilled trade union drones who also wouldn't work in an iron lung.

Bullshit. Its doofus' like you that get their news from The Hun and ACA.

bet you had conniptions when reading the latest census results. Read it and weep, Ted Bullpit

MULTICULTURALISM has won the battle for Australia. The 2011 census reveals that Australia has become a melting pot of races, with more than one in four Australians having arrived here as migrants, while almost one in eight has Asian ancestry.
Less than 40 years after the White Australia policy was buried by the Whitlam government, the census results unveiled yesterday by the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveal a land of many cultures, many ancestries and many religions. In the decade to 2011, the growth in Australia's population was mostly among people of Asian ancestry. From just 982,519 in 2001, the number of Asian-Australians has swollen to 2.4 million in 2011 - or from 5.5 per cent of us to 12 per cent.
Think about what you've just wrote...You've accepted it's not going to stop anything, and it's clearly contrived..

Yet you have the gall to ask others to better redirect their energies..

Clearly nearly everyone (positive or negative) on this entire thread see's this (Multicultural round) for what it is, you can be sure that the rest of the public would see it that way too..
Unlike yourself, I think about what I write before I write it.

My premise is that, whatever the extent or impact of having it, a multicultural theming is something only muppets would be offended by - muppets who don't understand why they are angry, or actually do and are being obtuse about it. It hurts no-one having it, the only possible impact is positive - although debatable how much.
Unlike yourself, I think about what I write before I write it.

My premise is that, whatever the extent or impact of having it, a multicultural theming is something only muppets would be offended by - muppets who don't understand why they are angry, or actually do and are being obtuse about it. It hurts no-one having it, the only possible impact is positive - although debatable how much.

Why do you bother? I don't even think they understand...
Unlike yourself, I think about what I write before I write it.

My premise is that, whatever the extent or impact of having it, a multicultural theming is something only muppets would be offended by - muppets who don't understand why they are angry, or actually do and are being obtuse about it. It hurts no-one having it, the only possible impact is positive - although debatable how much.

Sums it up quite nicely I think.
Sounds like a LabGreenSoc voter to me. The same maggots (and their offspring) who supported the Soviets during the cold war.
The ****?? This is getting surreal :D
Not racism. Multiculturalism. Many who've come to this country have made great contributions, but many more recent arrivals feel little to no allegiance. I've seen and heard it - the indifferent attitude to community compared to their own nationalities, pleasure at Australian servicemen being killed, rorting of government services, tax avoidance and generally subversive attitudes toward government, barracking for another nation - any nation - against Australia in sport, etc etc etc.

Times are prosperous. Not that I wish it, but when this country next encounters genuine hardship, the ugly side of multiculturalism will be shown up.

Are you that bigotted, that you don't think "aussies" do any of those things?

I always barrack for other countries when they play against aussie teams, I do it because I know it pisses off people like you & I'm a 3rd generation aussie.

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Multicultural Round - Why?

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