Multicultural Round - Why?

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As a middle class white Australian of mixed northern European background living in suburbia, I am fearful of people who have a different culture and dont possess English as a first language. I think if they refuse to fit in, they should sod right back off to where they came from.

If someone's beliefs and customs are different to mine, then they should be berated for their ridiculous beliefs at every opportunity instead of 'celebrated' in the fashion that the AFL PC Jackboot Junta think they should.
As a middle class white Australian of mixed northern European background living in suburbia, I am fearful of people who have a different culture and dont possess English as a first language. I think if they refuse to fit in, they should sod right back off to where they came from.

If someone's beliefs and customs are different to mine, then they should be berated for their ridiculous beliefs at every opportunity instead of 'celebrated' in the fashion that the AFL PC Jackboot Junta think they should.



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The ironic thing about all of this is that "multiculturalism" doesn't deserve to be celebrated. In fact if Australia had any sense at all and any ability to analyse the situation unfolding Europe, we would be running from 'multiculturalism' as fast as we possibly could.

Multiculturalism is a failed social engineering experiment carried out on Western countries by the 70s free love brigade.

Multiculturalism has been a failure in every single country it has been attempted in. It leads to increased social disharmony, which is never a good thing and leads to a whole host of other problems.

The problem with multiculturalism is it wants you to 'celebrate' all the 'positive' differences between cultures, but you are expected to ignore and forget about all the 'negative' differences. Ignoring the negative differences between cultures is a recipe for disaster.

No one says Japan should be more multicultural. No one says Nigeria needs more 'ethnic diversity.' These countries are apparently diverse enough already. No, it's Western countries and Western countries only which apparently will not be 'acceptable' until they reflect the culture of every single nation in the world besides their own.

Multiculturalism is just another word for ethnic replacement.

Call me a moron, a bigot, a racist, an inbred hick naziwhowantstokillsixmillion jews....come at me with all your PC shaming tactics. Whatever. It doesn't change the fact that multiculturalism is a proven failure and will continue to be proven a failure, because no matter how much the inner city latte sippers want it to happen, you just cannot put every single culture and all their inherent differences into a country, mash them together, and expect them to get along like paradise. Doesn't work in reality, never has and never will.

Umm yeah.
You're right.
But you just cant go around saying it...this free speech thing is just not the done thing anymore.
Learn to be a bit more accepting of how others want you to forums, soap boxes, blogs, media and parliament are no places for free speech nor intelligent conversation, you should know that by now and be embracing the new age stalinism.

Allow me to start indoctrinating you into the way you're supposed to think...

"Multiculturalism has been a proven failure"
Thats pretty racist mannnnnn !

"Dont giveashit either way if gay footballers come out or not...just not important"
You're scared of them arnt you, you homophobe you !

"If i catch that meth freak that stole my car stereo i'm gonna kill the #@$@ !"
You prick...cant you see he needs help, its not his fault !

"Nothing more than a shitload of rain....pretty normal and seen 1000 times before"
You blind dickhead !! It was an all time record for a 3rd week in May (in Gulargambone). Cant you see the climate is changing !!

I like multicultural round...its marvellous. Cant wait to crack a tinnie and celebrate.
I think most people who are against multiculturalism are failers who who refuse to accept the blame that they're losers but rather try and blame it on multiculturalism or anything for that matter.

These indians come and take all our jobs!

How about you apply for the 7-eleven jobs and all the taxi driver jobs where you have to work 15 - 20 hrs a day including weekends. I guarantee you you would get the job before them. But no, why would you do that when there's social welfare that pays a decent wage while you sit in front of the TV all day/night cracking tinnies.
And the bogans surface.....
I think most people who are against multiculturalism are failers who who refuse to accept the blame that they're losers but rather try and blame it on multiculturalism or anything for that matter.
They just cant wait to prove it.
Whatever you do...dont express your opinion like poor old MotlopRules did.
They got no idea what to say and cant say he's wrong...but you're a bogan or some sort of failure for having an opinion they dont like.

Mods should be editing out the budding stalins that offer nothing and just want to belittle people for having an opinion.
Yesterday's thinking: Look at all these different people, let's ridicule, segregate, subjugate them.

Today's thinking: Look at all these different people, let's celebrate them.

Future thinking: Look at all these different people. Big deal.

I think things like Multicultural Round are around for the benefit of people who are still in yesterday's thinking. I like to think that that aren't too many people around who still think that way anymore.

I also feel that conflict between the two other levels of thinking is what results in arguments like this thread.

For me personally, when I see:

Guy with blonde hair playing football.
Guy with brown skin playing football.
Guy with green eyes playing football.
Guy from someplace I've never heard of playing football.
Guy who believes in (random religion) playing football.

I struggle to notice or get excited about anything else other than the fact that they're people playing football.

And actually in my (probably controversial) opinion we'd be better off getting rid of the word racism/racist all together and just refer to it as psychosis or just someone being a nut.

But if you remember that there are still those people stuck in yesterday's thinking then I suppose you can see a place for Multicultural Round. Just don't read too much into it and remember that the AFL loves themed rounds.
While there still is widespread hate against multiculturalism in Australia and it usually comes in a form of socially disadvantaged, poorly educated backgrounds, I still think that the widespread Australian culture is still quite accepting. I suppose for some, old habits die hard, but will die along with them.

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God damn some of you are pathetic.

Nearly all of you who support this contrived crap, have no idea what the difference is between Race and Culture...yet you actually think you're somehow progressive and pat each other on the back :rolleyes:
Did anyone else watch this last night?

No revelations here, just the ABC proclaiming how ashamed they are of the "ocker" stereotype, and that you should be, too. Yet people are literally killing themselves to come here...

I used to think Australians were exceedingly tolerant, where in fact we are exceedingly apathetic.
Let's try this. If you're a kid who gets taken to Auskick every week and ses other kids like you, just a bit older, playing the game on TV and at the ground each week, you don't need a special round or reflection to make you feel like you belong in footy. If you aren't - because you're a girl, or from an Asian or African background, or from any culture that doesn't automatically play the game - it is actually important someone takes a minute to say you are welcome and could be an important part of the game if you want to be.

It's not just a nice thing to do, and it's not just about western Sydney, it's about making every kid and family in Australia feel more part of the Australian game so they are more likely to watch it, play it and support it financially.

If you think that's a bad thing, you have serious issues.

This is where the AFL is coming from I think. It's promoting inclusiveness, not exclusive as someone mistakenly posted.
The message of tolerance and inclusiveness might carry more weight if it wasn't being promoted by this bloke:

THE key witness in the Matt Rendell race row is under investigation for his alleged involvement in an ugly incident in a local football match on Saturday.
Ali Fahour, an AFL official, is alleged to have engaged in crowd violence in a Northern Football League game.
It follows an earlier incident involving Fahour playing for West Preston-Lakeside.
Fahour was present when sacked Adelaide recruiter Rendell told AFL community engagement officer Jason Mifsud he would not draft indigenous footballers unless they had a white parent.
The AFL said last night it was aware of the NFL incident but declined to comment.
"The matter will be heard by the tribunal," a spokesman said.
Fahour, the AFL's multicultural manager, is alleged to have jumped the fence during Saturday's match against Northcote Park and struck a supporter.

A witness told the Herald Sun Northcote Park supporters were racially vilifying Fahour after he tangled with opponent Jake Mills in the third quarter at Bill Lawry Oval.
Fahour won a free kick as Mills was yellow-carded for striking. He took his kick before charging over the fence and into the crowd.
About 50 people are alleged to have brawled before an umpire instructed Fahour to return to the field and handed him a yellow card.
While there still is widespread hate against multiculturalism in Australia and it usually comes in a form of socially disadvantaged, poorly educated backgrounds....
Check this one still going hard at the man not the ball...started calling anyone that didnt agree bogans...then they must be failed ignoramous bogan school dropouts from under priveleged families. Bewdy.
Noone has said anything even remotely racist yanno...just a few that dont giveashit about it (which is akin to racism in here), a few that would like it to be all encompassing, plus the odd one that thinks multiculturalism hasnt worked at all...which whether u like that or not is also a valid debatable argument and opinion.

Looks to me like you're the one too "socially disadvantaged" and and "poorly educated" to be able to debate it.
Did anyone else watch this last night?

I enjoyed it. There was backlash from these Neo-Nazi douchebags:

Yep.. it was some of the most hilariously predictable rubbish I've seen on TV. Show's like this do not ease tensions, it's all done to appease simpletons like yourself. Show a selection images and quotes from rednecks and finish it off with the Cronulla riots.

I'd love to see a story on racism in India too. Perhaps some heartwarming interviews with Pakistani's or Northern Eastern Indians, with whom the general populas feel look 'too chinky'... Or perhaps the Bihari people, who in 2000 and 2003, were subjugated to anti-Bihari violence which led to the deaths of up to 200 people and created 10,000 internal refugees..
Check this one still going hard at the man not the ball...started calling anyone that didnt agree bogans...then they must be failed ignoramous bogan school dropouts from under priveleged families. Bewdy.
Noone has said anything even remotely racist yanno...just a few that dont giveashit about it (which is akin to racism in here), a few that would like it to be all encompassing, plus the odd one that thinks multiculturalism hasnt worked at all...which whether u like that or not is also a valid debatable argument and opinion.

Looks to me like you're the one too "socially disadvantaged" and and "poorly educated" to be able to debate it.

The floors yours
This is why there will always be racism in this world.

It's because we continually identify people in different categories as opposed to being classed as "human beings". Yes, we have different racial groups - but that's purely biological. Why is it that we have to "praise" or pay "homage" to all different racial groups as if their achievements and contributions were as a result of their race or cultural group?

Pathetic arguments like the one earlier in the thread ("where is white man's round?" vs "every day is white man's round") aren't even recognizing the real problem.

We want to see everyone as equal, yet we continually base the achievements and identities of human beings on the biological appearances that are different. It's pathetic and so hypocritical. Either look at everyone and their achievements/contributions to this game or this country or the world as a collective group known as the human being - or be racist. You can't have it one way or the other, because it doesn't work that way. Yes, we look different, but that's where the buck stops.
correct and when the the skin and meat and blood all rot away when we die , there we are 2 arms 2 legs, a middle hip bone , a head , chest/rib cage and unless your an anthropologist or some scientist you wouldn,t know whether that skeleton had been black white brown even green , but that would be a martian I guess.
Would we have martian round.
what do you mean, nothing stops racism? That's ******* stupid. More education, empathy, and reduced tolerance have markedly reduced racism levels. Of course you'll never entirely stamp it out, but that's hardly an argument for not trying to reduce it in the first place.

Do I think the AFL's "multicultural round" will do much to stop racism? Hell no. Do I think it's in some ways contrived? Yees I do. But I don't think it's a bad thing either, and I certainly don't think a few people having their sensibilities offended by it is a good reason to stop it, and I think people who are complaining about it need to have a good hard think about where they can better redirect their energies...
I suppose I,m saying that racism is inbuilt in humans , of course you should get along with your fellow man and not be concerned with race or colour , but life in reality doesn,t work that way for all people.
I know and work with some seriously racist people in a very mixed work force , some of these people will never change, its just in them. They are decent people but they have unreasonable ideas of others that their parents and grandparents and all the way back through generations have had.
Look, it maybe sounds silly but in nature you don,t have a wolf running with a pack of jackals, nature doesn,t allow it. In the human being we may well evolve past any kind of racism one day and we have that higher intelligence to do that . But it will take a long long time . I doubt a wolf will run together with a jackal in the general form of existance ever , we should be non racist and we try, but there is 6-7 billion of us and so far mixing totally different people hasn,t worked for many. Maybe I,m wrong but its what I see going on around me.
Whatever you do...dont express your opinion like poor old MotlopRules did.
They got no idea what to say and cant say he's wrong...but you're a bogan or some sort of failure for having an opinion they dont like.
To the contrary, myself and others did say he was wrong...we're just waiting for him, or yourself, to provide evidence that multiculturalism has failed. Please, demonstrate how Australia is a failed country since multiculturalism has been embraced.

anyone see Divorce: Aussie Islamic Way, ABC1 last Thursday at 9.30pm?

It was pretty interesting. Aussie Muslim women had to front these guys to ask for an Islamic divorce. It could only happen if their husband consented. Sometimes he just wouldn't show up (one guy had left his wife with six kids and married someone else but wouldn't give his first wife a divorce). Quite a balance view I thought but a bit shocking to see it happening now in western Sydney - all the conversations with the sheiks were in Arabic.

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Multicultural Round - Why?

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