Rumour Multiple GWS players are set to be suspended to start the 2025 season after distasteful costumes and skits from their post-season function

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GWS players getting fined/suspdended at a private function.

Greene dressed up as Raygun? So? Who the **** cares.

Meanwhile, Tyson Stengle getting blind drunk straight off the plane on the night of a game then going to hospital. To only play that week.

The inconsistency of AFL.
GWS players getting fined/suspdended at a private function.

Greene dressed up as Raygun? So? Who the **** cares.

Meanwhile, Tyson Stengle getting blind drunk straight off the plane on the night of a game then going to hospital. To only play that week.

The inconsistency of AFL.
I doubt Raygun is the issue. The Twin Towers stuff may well be a NBA reference as well.

I'd guess the P Diddy/Hayne stuff is the issue and the AFL only care about optics and cash so if a sponsor has complained, they're screwed.
I doubt Raygun is the issue. The Twin Towers stuff may well be a NBA reference as well.

I'd guess the P Diddy/Hayne stuff is the issue and the AFL only care about optics and cash so if a sponsor has complained, they're screwed.

The PA won't wear these fines for their players and unless something serious happened that we don't know of yet then game suspensions won't be accepted by the PA either and they will fight it in court.
Private time is private time.

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GWS players getting fined/suspdended at a private function.

Greene dressed up as Raygun? So? Who the **** cares.

Meanwhile, Tyson Stengle getting blind drunk straight off the plane on the night of a game then going to hospital. To only play that week.

The inconsistency of AFL.
Completely sweeping Stengle under the rug (and a lot of Oliver stuff) but overreacting here could lead to spectacular fight backs from players. Popcorn ready if GWS have any balls

De Goey spent a night in the slammer in NY and got in less trouble than this. It's a remarkable carry on
Any staff choosing to work a Wacky Wednesday should expect to see some silly behaviour. But there's no hint that staff members were threatened or abused.

A duty of care wouldn't extend to employees being offended. It would be like staff at a strip show (male or female) being offended by nakedness. If the venue had an issue with the players' behaviour they could have asked them to leave. But it seems it wasn't the venue that complained, it was an individual.

Edit - Apparently, the bartender who made a complaint didn't actually see what happened first hand. They went out of the way to watch it on CCTV so they could be offended.
I would be hesitant about believing that thing about the CCTV.

Look, this staff member isn’t exactly signing up to work a dark comedy club. They pull beers at a pub, and sexual assault skits - the likely culprit - aren’t on the menu.
A whole lotta Boys will be Boys in here.

What’s offensive, and what’s not, depends on who is in the room. The jokes I can make with my best mate, with workmates, with family, if I’m in a public place, if I am at a comedy gig - are all different.

Bar staff are in the room here and don’t deserve this shit. You want to say whatever you like about sexual assault, do it at someone’s house or something.
A whole lotta Boys will be Boys in here.

What’s offensive, and what’s not, depends on who is in the room. The jokes I can make with my best mate, with workmates, with family, if I’m in a public place, if I am at a comedy gig - are all different.

Bar staff are in the room here and don’t deserve this shit. You want to say whatever you like about sexual assault, do it at someone’s house or something.

Or you could just do your job and mind your own business and stop being offended by everything.

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A whole lotta Boys will be Boys in here.

What’s offensive, and what’s not, depends on who is in the room. The jokes I can make with my best mate, with workmates, with family, if I’m in a public place, if I am at a comedy gig - are all different.

Bar staff are in the room here and don’t deserve this shit. You want to say whatever you like about sexual assault, do it at someone’s house or something.
What about twin towers dress ups? Offensive to bar staff or acceptable?

If there's six players suspended seems like those two have also copped it.
Exposing someone to actions they find offensive while they are at work is, though. And acting in a way contrary to your employee code of conduct at a work function is as well.

Telling people to "suck it up" and downplaying their emotions is disastrous for mental health.

You just hurt my feelings with that post and I will be suffering mental health issues for the rest of my life and you need to compensate me.

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Rumour Multiple GWS players are set to be suspended to start the 2025 season after distasteful costumes and skits from their post-season function

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