Mega Thread New Stadium

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Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

I wonder if they'll be so stoked when they realise that the SCC now has a hole in it's budget, from the loss of income by losing the stadium, and the easiest way to repair that budget hole is to increase rates.....

how much income do they get from the stadium? i wouldn't have thought:
a) it would be significant
b) it would change as the stadium is still there

it is not like they would be getting a cut of the gate income.
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

I'm not talking about right next door but a major stadium plus the other developments in the area, particularly in an under developed area like burswood that has/had really cheap housing around it will boom. It's more about getting more of the people you want into the area and with more exposure not only will it draw investors and residents in it will also bring more money to the councils to improve facilities and such.

It's already started happening in the areas particularly those that are riverside of the great eastern highway and there are many cases that show major recreational infrastructure works greatly increase property values. Basically any major infrastructure like roads, quality schools, hospitals to an area will increase land values. It wasn't that long ago that places like claremont and subiaco were not glamorous places to live.

Any suburb that is close to the city centre with old large blocks will greatly increase in value over time as the city gets larger and infrastructure works will only make certain areas increase at a sharper rate.

I guess it all depends on what is built. As currently nothing is planned, it will be interesting to see what happens.
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

how much income do they get from the stadium? i wouldn't have thought:
a) it would be significant
b) it would change as the stadium is still there

it is not like they would be getting a cut of the gate income.

22 weeks of traffic infringements missing.

22 weeks of paid parking

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Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

I'd be interested to see what percentage of residents have lived in the area since 1908 or earlier...

No doubt living near a major sporting venue has its drawbacks, but it's no different to living in Northbridge or Redcliffe. You know what's there, no point moving in then sooking about it.

The area benefits a lot commercially from having the ground there.

Even if it is there before you moved in, it still doesn't change the fact it is inconvenient.

No doubt the area benefits a lot commercially, that is why I said the businesses wouldn't be so stoked. Though, I am not sure many non-hospitality businesses will be affected at all.
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

22 weeks of traffic infringements missing.

22 weeks of paid parking

how much paid parking is there? they don't let you park in most of the pay spots as they have limits. the parking is close to a sell out on most saturdays and every night anyway, so it won't be 22 weeks worth of a loss.

i think the loss to subiaco may be being over-stated. particularly when you consider there are thousands of houses there paying decent rates. any amount from subi oval will be easily covered elsewhere.

i looked online and there was no mention of any significant subi oval revenue.
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

Even if it is there before you moved in, it still doesn't change the fact it is inconvenient.


It's not like Subi is an outer-suburban backwater. It's prime real estate. If you consider the stadium being there is an 'inconvenience' when you move in then perhaps you should've moved in somewhere else...

Anyhoo, the venue location is fine, provided that transport infrastructure for 60,000+ people getting in or out at the same time is considered before the stadium is built.

I'd be happy for a proper stadium to built in Subi also, but the notion that the infrastucture around Subi now is good let alone good enough for 20,000+ more patrons is ludicrous.
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

Let me guess, you are another one of these western suburb snobs who can usually hop on a train and be at Subi oval in under 15 mins. And the Burswood location means your time will now be around 30.

Boo hoo.

I resent your generalisations! :mad:

............But it is true :eek:

........... plus it smells funny outside the western suburbs :confused:
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

what a load of crap. Kitchener Park is very limiting with a school on one side, and residential housing on 2 other sides. The roads around Kitchener are pathetic compared to the major arteries that cross through Burswood. And the public transport is about the same. Explain "relevant infrastructure", or did you just throw that in there for an added point that sounds somewhat intelligent?

You mean the arteries that are chock full of traffic every morning and every evening during the week? Do you really think this site will be able to cope with a major traffic increase?

Public transport there is nowhere near the same, Subi Oval has two train stations within walking distance, Burswood only has one. Subiaco has more bus services and has special coach services to cater for older people or people not from the metro area. Burswood is full enough as it is on weekends, getting a car park spot is a nightmare and there are less bus services in the area. The nearest train station is a 1km walk from the proposed site as Belmont Park only operates where there is a race meeting.

Burswood is a shit place for the new stadium.

Great Eastern Highway is gridlocked during the week because it runs off to the CBD, Belmont and other locations where countless poeple are driving to work. I'd say you wouldnt get a whole lot more cars going to the footy.

You have no idea.

Lyyynnnchy said:
The stadium design includes a new "Super Station" with both trains and buses.

Haha, yeah that will solve everything. The government didn't have enough brains to put extra trains in the train system until they were made to look stupid. A Super Station won't solve anything and won't be anywhere near enough to facilitate the transport needs of the new stadium.

Lyyynnnchy said:
THe proposed site is where the tennis centre is now. On much higher and more stable land than the area first tabled which was next to the river....did you even read the article?

There's limited space in that area as it is bordered by Victoria Park Drive and the rail line/Freeway. Subi Oval plus Kitchener Park combined have more space than that area. If they were to build a carpark it wouldn't be where the exact Tennis Centre site is, it would have in the northern corner of the area or on the western side of Vic Park Drive where there are small lakes and swamps.

Lyyynnnchy said:
You're stupid if you dont think they would have additional parking if they build the stadium. It's a 1.2 billion dollar project, im sure parking is incorporated into that.

Fail. The government will only build enough carpark space to suit a small percentage of people, the rest will be forced to catch public transport. Regardless, the roads in Burswood are too small and will be completely ****ed when it's gameday. Then we'll have people sooking over the traffic and how shit it is there.
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

Fail. The government will only build enough carpark space to suit a small percentage of people, the rest will be forced to catch public transport. Regardless, the roads in Burswood are too small and will be completely ****ed when it's gameday. Then we'll have people sooking over the traffic and how shit it is there.

People already sook about that at Subiaco. Imagine getting another 20,000 people in and out of Subi. It would be absolutely chaotic.
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

Ljp - I think you need to take a deep breath or two.

Sure, the state tennis centre at Burswood has nothing much to recommend it for now, but all these things will be built as part of the project. Bus services, train services, extra parking should all be considered as partof the project. Colin has consistently been taking about this being a 50 year decision.

There is room at Burswood to build all of this. There may only be one train station, but it can be built with mulitple platforms to accomodate both through-trains on the Armadale line and football specials. Same with bus services, they can create football special bus services where required.

Regarding traffic - for the most part games are on the weekend, not during peak hour. The only time it will matter will be Friday night games - but they are hell at Subi too.

I have enough confidence that the State Government (of either side) wil have enough foresight and vision to build the transport infrastructure into the overall project.
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

Ljp - I think you need to take a deep breath or two.

Sure, the state tennis centre at Burswood has nothing much to recommend it for now, but all these things will be built as part of the project. Bus services, train services, extra parking should all be considered as partof the project. Colin has consistently been taking about this being a 50 year decision.

There is room at Burswood to build all of this. There may only be one train station, but it can be built with mulitple platforms to accomodate both through-trains on the Armadale line and football specials. Same with bus services, they can create football special bus services where required.

Regarding traffic - for the most part games are on the weekend, not during peak hour. The only time it will matter will be Friday night games - but they are hell at Subi too.

I have enough confidence that the State Government (of either side) wil have enough foresight and vision to build the transport infrastructure into the overall project.

Even on Friday peak hour is normally earlier and should be a lot calmer by the time the footy is starting
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

You mean the arteries that are chock full of traffic every morning and every evening during the week? Do you really think this site will be able to cope with a major traffic increase?
And how many games are played during the week Einstein? We might get 1 or 2 Friday night games a year, and by 6:40pm most of the traffic on a friday is gone. There will no doubt be extra on-ramps to the farmer freeway built also to disperse the traffic quicker.And it will be a lot quicker than Subi oval. Even when they close off robertson road to the public, the cars getting out of the carpark is still a crawl. Doesnt help when the road immediately north of subi oval is a no-through road :rolleyes:

Public transport there is nowhere near the same, Subi Oval has two train stations within walking distance, Burswood only has one. Subiaco has more bus services and has special coach services to cater for older people or people not from the metro area. Burswood is full enough as it is on weekends, getting a car park spot is a nightmare and there are less bus services in the area. The nearest train station is a 1km walk from the proposed site as Belmont Park only operates where there is a race meeting.

Burswood is a shit place for the new stadium.
And like someone else has said, you dont think there will be extra buses and trains to accomodate for the peak time before and after a game at Burswood? Geez how short-sighted are you? And as for you saying that Subiaco has 2 trainstations.... what a joke. They are both on the same Fremantle line!!! If you want to go to the city or away from the city, you still have only the one train line!! Just because the oval sits between 2 train stations doesnt mean the crowd is dispersed any quicker!!

You have no idea.
quite clearly i and the rest of the folk in here have more idea than you.

Haha, yeah that will solve everything. The government didn't have enough brains to put extra trains in the train system until they were made to look stupid. A Super Station won't solve anything and won't be anywhere near enough to facilitate the transport needs of the new stadium.
and youre basing that on what exactly? have you seen the superstation, the number of train lines it will have, and the design of it? Youre definitely a glass half empty person...

Fail. The government will only build enough carpark space to suit a small percentage of people, the rest will be forced to catch public transport. Regardless, the roads in Burswood are too small and will be completely ****ed when it's gameday. Then we'll have people sooking over the traffic and how shit it is there.
And now youre going into a bitter rant making assumptions about the government only catering to VIP's. Get a grip.

Seriously im glad people like you arent involved in the planning of big projects like this. Hopeless :thumbsdown:
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

Transport links to the site are currently sub-standard, just as they are in Subi.

IMO the scope to improve transport links to and around the stadium is greater in Burswood than Subiaco, provided it is done properly from the outset.

Whether it's Burwsood or Subiaco the real questions that need to be asked right now are how many people will go to the venue, where are they coming from and how will they get there.

Northeners currently drive down the Freeway and get off at Thomas St and look for somewhere to park, or get the train to Leederville and walk, or get the train to Perth then back out to West Leederville.

Southerners currently drive up the Freeway and get off at Thomas St/Mounts Bay Rd and look for somewhere to park, or get the train to West Leederville.

South-Easterners currently drive up Albany Hwy and over the Causeway or along Orrong Road and the Farmer Freeway to Thomas St and look for somewhere to park, or get the train to West Leederville with a connection needed in Perth.

Easterners currently drive along Great Eastern Highway and over the Causeway, or along Guildford Road and through the city and look for somewhere to park, or get the train to West Leederville with no connection needed in Perth.

Westerners currently either drive their Range Rovers to Kitchener Park, have their servants drop them off at the gate or use the Fremantle train line to Subiaco.;)

So, the questions are - who of these groups are most disadvantaged by a move to Burswood and what needs to be done to accomodate them?

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Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

You mean the arteries that are chock full of traffic every morning and every evening during the week? Do you really think this site will be able to cope with a major traffic increase?

Good thing the footy is played on the weekend then hey.

Public transport there is nowhere near the same, Subi Oval has two train stations within walking distance, Burswood only has one.

It actually has two. The Belmont one and the Burswood one. And in any case the cost includes building a new "super station" to handle the traffic.

Subiaco has more bus services and has special coach services to cater for older people or people not from the metro area.

Which I'm sure they will do for a stadium at Burswood too. The area around Burswood has much more room to be able to upgrade or build any infrastructure required.
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

Westerners and nothing.

Eastbound Fremantle line trains connect through to Midland.

Surely it can't be that hard to provide services that connect via McIver or Claisebrook through to an existing Armadale line station or the new one.

As for driving, Mounts Bay Rd - > Riverside Drive -> Causeway -> Great Eastern Hwy gets you there, as does Mitchell Fwy -> Farmer Fwy. Parking at and around the venue needs to be planned so there are multiple entry and exit points.
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

Eastbound Fremantle line trains connect through to Midland.

Surely it can't be that hard to provide services that connect via McIver or Claisebrook through to an existing Armadale line station or the new one.

Yeah. Should be able to. I'm not sure what will happen with the sinking of the Fremantle railway line in the Northbridge Link project though, and whether that will effectively cut off interconections between the Fremantle/Joondalup/Mandurah lines and Midland/Armadale/Thronlie lines in and around Perth central.

It also depends upon how many platforms they build into the new Burswood super-stations. They should be able to run some football specials between Perth and Burswood on a high frequency, quite apart from the usual Armadale/Thornlie services. It is only a matter of minutes journey time.

But, whatever happens it shouldn't be too hard to sort out reasonably comfortable rail journeys from most lines.
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?


It's not like Subi is an outer-suburban backwater. It's prime real estate. If you consider the stadium being there is an 'inconvenience' when you move in then perhaps you should've moved in somewhere else...

So, the only people that should live there are those that don't consider the stadium to be annoying on match day?? I guess we're looking for some kind of Docker/Eagle hybrid who loves stadium concerts. Most people seem to buy in Subi because it is a great old suburb, with nice old houses and streets, super close to the city. They put up with the stadium, because as you say, it was there first. Doesn't stop it from being inconvenient and it won't stop the residents not minding footy no longer being played there.
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

People already sook about that at Subiaco. Imagine getting another 20,000 people in and out of Subi. It would be absolutely chaotic.

Apart from FNF, I never find driving an issue at Subi. Of course, I normally park on the south and drive south-west to my home in the western suburbs, so it is probably totally different to everyone else's experience. Where are the traffic jams in Subi normally?
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

Even on Friday peak hour is normally earlier and should be a lot calmer by the time the footy is starting

Yeah, it starts earlier, but it normally lasts longer. On Friday night you don't just have people heading home, you have all the tradies and people working out of the city heading in to go out on the piss.

When FNF is on at Subi, the city is gridlocked from people cutting out early to go home and then continues to be gridlocked from people trying to get to the game. Burswood will be no different.
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

Hey, a 60,000 capacity stadium will mean i get my seated memberships. If that is the case, i dont care if i have to wait for 2 hours in traffic. Just get the job done, u guys should stop complaining and just be happy we're getting a stadium at all.
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

Hey, a 60,000 capacity stadium will mean i get my seated memberships. If that is the case, i dont care if i have to wait for 2 hours in traffic. Just get the job done, u guys should stop complaining and just be happy we're getting a stadium at all.

I'll have my seated membership by the time this thing gets built, by then i will wan't it too remain exlusive. Like home ownership.
Re: New Stadium - Time for Cautious Optimism?

Article on the AFL potentially chipping in for a new stadium.

For those not hapy with the 60,000 capacity, this may be of interest....

Should be demanding more games in WA to improve the financial viability of a WAFC managed facility.
Good enough for some clubs to play 18 games in Vic, then 30 in WA between the two clubs should be the ask.
North want to play in WA & the AFL say no .. gee the WA AFL rep is getting rolled. Who is that rep?

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Mega Thread New Stadium

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