NFL NFL Gamepass

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I logged on around 8am and put Redzone on from the start. Using chrome it kept stuttering every few seconds so I switched to Firefox and was pretty good. Paused it to drop kids at school, came home and now none of the streams seem to be working, a "we are experiencing technical issues" message came up, I shutdown the browser, reopened and now none of the streams load, just a black screen when clicking on a game/Redzone.

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When I selected Redzone stream I had to pause and rewind to the start but when I clicked on dolphins/chargers it had an option to join live or watch from start. No idea if it worked though because the stream didn't load

Edit - so the stream seems to load on the app on my phone but not on the browser on laptop. Haven't checked any other devices yet as I'm working and have the laptop setup connected to the tv in my office so I can watch while I work...
Havent had an issue tbh.

Yeah, still haven't had any issues so far luckily.

Started with casting it to the TV from phone this morning, had it just on the phone while getting ready and have had it on the second monitor since (using Edge) and haven't had any issues so far.
Watched from 3am this morning no issues.
Person I'm sharing with couldn't access though even though we are supposed to be able to stream in two locations.
I cast from my phone while she watches on TV and got round that issue.
But the late game window was a buffering nightmare for most of it.

Not a great experience so far.
Watched from 3am this morning no issues.
Person I'm sharing with couldn't access though even though we are supposed to be able to stream in two locations.
I cast from my phone while she watches on TV and got round that issue.
But the late game window was a buffering nightmare for most of it.

Not a great experience so far.
I think DAZN's ToS was 2 streams on the same IP to prevent account sharing.
I think DAZN's ToS was 2 streams on the same IP to prevent account sharing.

Yeah it seemed to allow it earlier.
And the error says that it should allow what we tried to do.
Doesn't make sense it would error when running off say the Xbox but it allows me to Chromecast the app off my phone.
I can't justify the $280 price point since I don't watch that many games live due to being in WA.

Where is the best place to watch replays?

Pretty terrible that people have said you can't watch a game in progress from the start on DAZN
Yeah I looked at it yesterday. Being in Thailand I see value in being able to rewatch games when I wake. But the pricing here is even ridiculous, guess they're targeting American expats over Thais.
I think DAZN's ToS was 2 streams on the same IP to prevent account sharing.
AppleTV seems to circumvent this

Also what if your using mobile data? IP would be different to home broadband so surely using mobile data would get around it too

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Typically weak as piss behaviour by me today signing up for DAZN after getting home from work. Condensed games has just been a habit for me for far too long.

Watched a couple condensed games on 4 different browsers and the quality on all 4 just wasn’t up to previous standard. Dogshit really.

Testing the PS4 app now and it’s much much better. Not perfect, but much better and at least comparable to what I was used to with the old Gamepass.

Haven’t yet tested iOS and airplay to an old Apple TV.
Typically weak as piss behaviour by me today signing up for DAZN after getting home from work. Condensed games has just been a habit for me for far too long.

Watched a couple condensed games on 4 different browsers and the quality on all 4 just wasn’t up to previous standard. Dogshit really.

Testing the PS4 app now and it’s much much better. Not perfect, but much better and at least comparable to what I was used to with the old Gamepass.

Haven’t yet tested iOS and airplay to an old Apple TV.
Quality has been pretty good for me on browser, android phone and android tv. Haven't tested apple tv yet.
I'm watching Dallas/NY game in 40 on AppleTV, quality is ok once the stream got going (after a few minutes). Probably 720p though not 1080p.

I rarely watch games live, often on delay (eg I chuck Redzone on from the start when I get up around 7 or 8am so usually at least a 4hr delay) and then watch other games as I catch-up so might be why I'm having better luck than some. If I was watching at 3am live I can imagine the live stream may have struggled to keep up.
Do they still have that 60-90 minute long highlights and review show of the Sunday games like the old Gamepass used to have?

I couldn't find it on Dazn at all.

I can see "Sunday in 60" but that only goes for a minute.
Why pay $280 for DAZN when you can watch on TAB app for free?

Add Redzone via ESPN app (through foxtel), 7mate and ESPN I'm well covered.
I guess what these idiots fail to realise when they arrange access to each country is that not everyone in Australia can get up 3-5am and watch live.
So out of the browser, android tv, android phone and AppleTV apps, the AppleTV seems by far the worse. Watching a game in 40 and in 17 minutes it's paused/buffered multiple times and seems to be playing at a lower quality (it looks like it's playing at 540p - may briefly jump up to 720p but has been 540p or less for chunks of time).

Not sure why, AppleTV has generally been the best streaming wise with other apps (rarely have issues with kayo on AppleTV but do on android tv/browsers).

There's no playback quality options or anything on AppleTV either.

As I'm writing it's jumped up to 720p but it will probably buffer and back to 540p within minutes

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