The way he plays and his physical profile he may never take one.
I never seen Leo Messi win a contested header, and his the GOAT.
Last night only three mids took a CM, and on Thursday only two mid took a CM. The team that is premiership favourite had one contested mark from the midfield.
I don't think you realise how unimportant contested marks by midfielders are.
Yeah some people are frog brains, you look in their heads and it's just and constant 'ribbit, ribbit....'
The whole GOAT is super subjective and with most things, there are too many variables that is like comparing apples to oranges, and humans don't see defending against aggression as a positive trait, we are wired to see the aggression/attack as the winning trait, so people would never consider a defender of a sport to be a GOAT, and time is a factor, time with possession, time spent playing the sport (games), so we silly humans will always, always put an attacking midfielder in the forefront of our minds as a GOAT, Matthews, Ablett Jnr, Messi, doesn't matter, you put those factors together, our blind brains will give greater purpose and attribute meaning to attack rather than defence, so it's already eliminating 50% of the player base.
Such a stupid conversation.