Nixon & Stkilda School Girl

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I think it is illegal for a third party to record a conversation, however 1 willing participant in the conversaion can record another without their knowledge.

Im no legal guy though
If true, how is Dick going to go keeping his AFL Player Manager Accreditation when one considers the AFL's Child protection Policy ?

'Child abuse relates to children (a person under 18 years old) at risk of harm, usually by adults, sometimes by other children, and often by those they know and trust.’

‘Sexual abuse by adults or other children where a child is encouraged or forced to watch or engage in sexual activity or where a child is subject to any other inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature (e.g. sexual intercourse, masturbation, oral sex, pornography including child pornography or inappropriate touching or conversations).'

So an 18-year-old player with a 17-year-old girlfriend would be committing child abuse in the AFL's eyes?
I think Aussie rules has taken over No1 spot for scandals and boofhead behaviour,but im hoping the league boys can strike back,the year is still young.This will be hard to top,stranger than fiction. I hope she doesnt take an interest in rugby league.

Funny that most of this off-seasons incidents centre around one club though - there was the collingwood rumour but that got squashed by the AFL very early and then Proud up in Brisbane but that's all been over shadowed by all the saint kilda stuff

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I think Aussie rules has taken over No1 spot for scandals and boofhead behaviour,but im hoping the league boys can strike back,the year is still young.This will be hard to top,stranger than fiction. I hope she doesnt take an interest in rugby league.

If this was league, Nixon would have gone to the hotel but then before leaving - done a dump in the hotel corridor.
Blame the girl, she took advantage of these morons huh?

On her quote in The Age, yes - certainly in this case, with malicious intent.

Doesn't make him any less stupid if true, but she's hardly an innocent.
I think Aussie rules has taken over No1 spot for scandals and boofhead behaviour,but im hoping the league boys can strike back,the year is still young.This will be hard to top,stranger than fiction. I hope she doesnt take an interest in rugby league.

So let me see.

Ricky Nixon (ex-footballer) hasn't played the game in 15 years.

Psycho Frankston 17 year old - I'm fairly confident she hasn't played any AFL games.

Not sure how this reflects on AFL Footballers.

But then again 90% of the stories we read about AFL aren't actually about the game.

Anyhow, the young girl has proven to be a compulsive liar yet but because of her age we have to give her the so called benefit of the doubt.

I'm guessing there are many who can't wait until she turns 18 so that they can unleash.
This is exactly why women should not be given an opinion or the right to vote.

Is that you Ricky or just another guy who also uses his penis to think with

Surely he'll lose all his clients. It seems he can't manage his own affairs, let alone the careers of many footballers. Not just an error in judgement, but borderline predatory behaviour given his knowledge of the situation and her state of mind.

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving bloke though.

QFT - I would hope that any players at the hawks who have Nixon as their manager will be calling him today to end their contracts and association with him and if Andy Pandy doesn't institigate a full investigation into Nixon 'bringing the game into disrepute' then he too should resign his position.
Re: 'Saints Girl' claims affair with Nixon

I'm don't like Nixon at all but he wouldn't be this stupid?
Surely it's just more untruths from this attention seeking trollop?
I'm sure she forced Ricky into her room at gunpoint just like she forced poor Reivoldt to pose naked.

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Re: 'Saints Girl' claims affair with Nixon

I'm sure she forced Ricky into her room at gunpoint just like she forced poor Reivoldt to pose naked.

Ah yes, the photo that she insisted she, until it was proven that she didn't...
Two things interest me out of all this.

1. I never cease to be amazed by the idiots involved in AFL football, be they players, administrators, player agents, whatever. It's almost as though morons gravitate towards the sport. I can just imagine career advisors telling young men, "Sorry, you're just not smart enough to compete in the business world, your only options are unemployment or AFL football".

2. People gunning for the 17 year old saying she knows exactly what's she's doing, etc, and yet when they talk about footballers in their 20s acting like imbiciles they say, "Oh, they're only kids, boys will be boys, and kids make mistakes". Can't have it both ways people. We say a 20-odd year old footballer is a "kid", but we expect a 17 year old girl to behave like a seasoned adult. The whole thing smacks of double standards to me.
two things interest me out of all this.

1. I never cease to be amazed by the idiots involved in afl football, be they players, administrators, player agents, whatever. It's almost as though morons gravitate towards the sport. I can just imagine career advisors telling young men, "sorry, you're just not smart enough to compete in the business world, your only options are unemployment or afl football".

2. People gunning for the 17 year old saying she knows exactly what's she's doing, etc, and yet when they talk about footballers in their 20s acting like imbiciles they say, "oh, they're only kids, boys will be boys, and kids make mistakes". Can't have it both ways people. We say a 20-odd year old footballer is a "kid", but we expect a 17 year old girl to behave like a seasoned adult. The whole thing smacks of double standards to me.


What is wrong exactly? He's not in any position of power with respect to her.

He's married.
"The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has provided the Herald Sun with numerous video and audio tapes."
I wonder how much this is going to cost him?
Is it? That would collapse most police cases agains drug dealers etc. Maybe those Pakistani cricketers were innocent too. Proof is proof, and you are only using a technicality to excuse the inexcusable if you do so. Legally or technically you might be right but it doesn't change fact.

1. Police recordings are different to civil recordings.
2. We are not the UK.

I'm not excusing anyone. If true, Nixon is unbelievably stupid. But if the AFL can't prove its true and Nixon denies it, then thats it. End of story. Life goes on. Next please.
Re: 'Saints Girl' claims affair with Nixon

She lured them in with a demonic tone. Haha.

Inadmissible to what? She doesn't have to take him to court all she has to do is send an email to Vlad and say "here is your number 1 player manager taking care of business." And since Vlad counselled her over 20 times I am sure she has that email address.

Well she could do that.

The problem is if Vlad acted on it and then Nixon took the AFL to court, then Vlad would not be able to produce the video as evidence.

He would be forced to admit that he is relying on a self confessed liar's word for his dismissal. Nixon's lawyer would have a field day.
I haven't read through the whole thread, so my views have probably already been shared by others, but...

I remember thinking it was kinda dodgy that a 24-year old Gilbert had an underage missus. Not illegal, but definitely uncouth.

Nixon is almost double Gilbert's age. :eek: And he's associating himself with her after everything that's happened. Simply staggering, you'd think his career is cactus now. Hope it was worth it Rick!
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