NMFC's Media Strategy: Smart or Vindictive?

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Reverend Shinboner

Team Captain
Mar 6, 2009
AFL Club
North Melbourne
New post discussing North's media strategy here:

North Melbourne Football Club’s media department has been pushing for positive coverage over the last 18 months, culminating in a massive pre-season campaign to coincide with the opening of the new facility. But there is one media outlet the Roos seem keen to leave out in the cold: The Age.
What do you think?
Well, if you are a club striving for positive media attention would you prefer to have your message delivered in the paper with the largest reader base or in a paper with a smaller reader base and a history of bagging you? Maybe the message here for the Age is to 'play nice and we will be your friends'. We are a club on the up so that's not a bad message to put forward to a previously recalcitrant media outlet to make them toe the line, so to speak.

That being said there was a good article on Cruize Garlett, including photo, in The Age the other day, so maybe times they are a changin. Any positive media is good for the club.

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I think the Age damaged their brand by being an AFL propaganda agency with their fact-strapped articles about us and going on and on about the white knights even though post-Euge the club said it was not in favour of pursuing it. They also loved to dig in the boot with their repertoire of insults like cash strapped. It was always going to bite them on the arse.

I don't think the club will stop real journalists who actually write about football and come down and do interviews and research from coming to the club, but I wouldn't be surprised if we distanced ourselves from those who seek to intentionally harm our club with published venom and vitriol.
Well, it would be a feather in the cap for our administration to have The Age reporting positively on North Melbourne. With the skills of JB and Euge I'm sure it could be achieved. While many will suggest we shouldn't bother, I'm sure those same people would be the first to applaud such a result.
Is this really an issue? Has anyone stopped the Age from reporting on the Ziebell contract extension today?

No, but THE AGE didn't get to put the word "EXCLUSIVE" over the top of their headline.

Believe it or not, this stuff does affect purchasing/advertising revenue.
Is this really an issue? Has anyone stopped the Age from reporting on the Ziebell contract extension today?

The Age could not have met the printing deadline obviously. Nothing stopping online publishing, but they would've looked pretty silly.

In my opinion, it's 6 of one, half-a-dozen of the other. Clearly the Herald-Sun have given North a pretty good run for a while now, and they have substantially higher readership. But it probably wouldn't have hurt anyone to send the press release re: JZ to both publications.

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I'll out myself here and say I'm a North supporter and I read the Age. Not because it's a particularly good paper - it's not, it thinks it is. However, apart from the Sports section, the Hun is absolutely crap and reminds me of a section in the Viz magazine. As for the Australian - way too right wing for me.
I'll out myself here and say I'm a North supporter and I read the Age. Not because it's a particularly good paper - it's not, it thinks it is. However, apart from the Sports section, the Hun is absolutely crap and reminds me of a section in the Viz magazine. As for the Australian - way too right wing for me.

I consume both papers in equal quantity. The Hun has Andrew Bolt who is like Syd the Sexist and Roger Irrelevant rolled into one sorry excuse for a human being. However, it has two saving graces, balanced Nth Melbourne FC reporting (although Mike Sheahan is a sort of like the Brown Bottle from Viz) and the 50/50 column... redneck vox pop at it's western suburb finest...
Well the Hun is an unspeakably awful, lowest common denominator piece of rubbish. But its sports section is superior and given how much I (we) all loathe Wilson I'm more than happy with the club's choice - if indeed that is what has happened.
This is probably where I should step in...

There is no intent on leaving The Age out in the cold whatsoever from North's point of view.

Rohan Connolly came to the Arden Street media day on his holidays because I extended the invitation to him and we speak regularly.

More recently Andrea Petrie ran a great story with Brent Harvey and Ryan Bastinac which made the front cover of sport on Saturday's early edition and was a big feature in the later edition.

Michael Gleeson had a one-on-one with Brad Scott not long ago and wrote a brilliant piece and Peter Hanlon was very complimentary when he wote about our new building.

Steve Butler had Cruize Garlett this week and is catching up with Darren Crocker soon for a coffee and chat.

I am also aiming to see editor David Dick very soon to chat about the upcoming season.

The Herald Sun has been a little more proactive with us in asking for certain stories in the pre-season but most of the journos at The Age have been on leave - after all, it's only February.

We are an open club and will entertain requests from most reporters.

Hope this clears it up a bit...

This is probably where I should step in...

There is no intent on leaving The Age out in the cold whatsoever from North's point of view.

Rohan Connolly came to the Arden Street media day on his holidays because I extended the invitation to him and we speak regularly.

More recently Andrea Petrie ran a great story with Brent Harvey and Ryan Bastinac which made the front cover of sport on Saturday's early edition and was a big feature in the later edition.

Michael Gleeson had a one-on-one with Brad Scott not long ago and wrote a brilliant piece and Peter Hanlon was very complimentary when he wote about our new building.

Steve Butler had Cruize Garlett this week and is catching up with Darren Crocker soon for a coffee and chat.

I am also aiming to see editor David Dick very soon to chat about the upcoming season.

The Herald Sun has been a little more proactive with us in asking for certain stories in the pre-season but most of the journos at The Age have been on leave - after all, it's only February.

We are an open club and will entertain requests from most reporters.

Hope this clears it up a bit...


So are you saying that it's The Australian you are leaving out in the cold?

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NMFC's Media Strategy: Smart or Vindictive?

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