Imagine the cost to fans to have a Best of 3 Finals series.MLB is hilarious. Sometimes they play two games in a row back to back against the same team. Games starting at 2 pm weeknights…
No one at the game cares, just there to get in the sun and drink beer.
While I don’t like agreeing with Dangerfield, the game is too long. 3.5 hours to watch a game is madness.
We do need more games though.
I really think we need a longer finals series. Week 1 is great, then it’s 2 games and 2 games before the final. It feels like the entire season runs out of steam. Watching a team win the flag with only 3 games (with 2 breaks) is ridiculous. We need to be watching the best teams play more not less.
I’m not asking for best of 7… but best of 3 straight elimination? 1st v 8th. 2nd v 7th etc. can do H/A/H for higher ranking teams meaning more fans get to see their team.
I dont disagree that the length of a match day is pretty long, but the games themselves are fine. Maybe move to to flat 25 minute quarters if you really have to.