North Bashing SEN Guess who

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Caroline Wilson is Australia's leading fiction writer. Do you remember the 'pipe dream' reference she made about our new facilities ?

As for Collingwood being 'smart' and 'innovative', that obviously doesn't lend itself to premiership success !

KB really stuck up for us on SEN on Friday afternoon. He tipped us for the 8 at the start of the season.
She just said we are sick to death of hearing you berate our club, its a disgrace, your pathetic, all you do is berate my great football club - she just didnt let him get a word in. She was a very proud, loyal north supporter who was hurting - as we all are.

No, not all of us.

The moronic crap spewed forth in the media has very little effect on me.

I prefer to deal with the facts.
Save yourself the grief and change stations or put on a CD whenever they wind up. Works every time:thumbsu:

Or go one better.

Write to SEN explaining that you won't be listening to their station in future if they aren't giving fair and reasonable coverage. Explain that you also won't be purchasing or otherwise using the services of their sponsors (important to list all the ones you know). Inform them that you will be encouraging all of your family, friends, colleagues and fellow supporters to do the same.

Let them know that you will also be sending a copy of this letter to all of the aforementioned sponsors (also important). Make them feel it where it hurts, but more than that be clear about what you expect and how they can do a better job, you just may be surprised what kind of effect this can have - especially if they receive several of these and definitely if their sponsors start asking them questions about letters they've received.

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they are both ch 9. i specificly HATE Robert Walls

He's changed his tune this week too, says the side has been underrated and he enjoys watching North play :eek:
I have supported this club for as long as I can remember. I was probably about four years old when I went to my first game. A lot of my family actually support Collingwood but I grew up with parents who loved North and have since enjoyed a lot of success and great times following this club. I have gone to heaps of Pies games with my family and they come to Roos games and while I can see the difference in the number of people at Collingwood games compared to North games, there is one common element that connects every club whether they have a billion supporters or a hundred - the emotion that long standing, true supporters have towards their club.

Who does this guy on SEN support? Would he like his club, that which he unconditionally supports to be bagged week in and week out? Would it make him feel good to hear constant criticism about something he holds close? Collingwood may have thousands more supporters but North's supporters still feel the same emotion and it doesn't make it any easier to take because we're supposed be used to this and conditioned to it because our club is supposedly weaker. It doesn't make it any easier to constantly wonder if a huge part of your life is going to remain as it always was by constant media negativity.

Where's the sensitivity to the regular people out there that just love their club?
SEN...Supportive, Excluding North :thumbsdown: bunch of w***ers. The fact is that there is always going to be a Melbourne based team with the lowest amount of members and the moment it is us. Don't let it get to you, we may be small in numbers but gee we are passionate.

GO ROOS :thumbsu:
Or go one better.

Write to SEN explaining that you won't be listening to their station in future if they aren't giving fair and reasonable coverage. Explain that you also won't be purchasing or otherwise using the services of their sponsors (important to list all the ones you know). Inform them that you will be encouraging all of your family, friends, colleagues and fellow supporters to do the same.

Let them know that you will also be sending a copy of this letter to all of the aforementioned sponsors (also important).
Make them feel it where it hurts, but more than that be clear about what you expect and how they can do a better job, you just may be surprised what kind of effect this can have - especially if they receive several of these and definitely if their sponsors start asking them questions about letters they've received.

This is a very good idea. I think this has a lot of merit. if Roosurgence or WANM can get the full list of NM supporters/members and design a proper campaign it could pay dividends. The issue now is that wnkrs like Fatprck and Denham suffer no consequence from the lunatic tirades against us. The best way to counter them is a bit of people power. Perhaps we could also compile a list of all their known advertisers and publicise it.
This is a very good idea. I think this has a lot of merit. if Roosurgence or WANM can get the full list of NM supporters/members and design a proper campaign it could pay dividends. The issue now is that wnkrs like Fatprck and Denham suffer no consequence from the lunatic tirades against us. The best way to counter them is a bit of people power. Perhaps we could also compile a list of all their known advertisers and publicise it.
Sounds like a plan
Letters or email?
Get organised and hit SEN where it hurts
Or go one better.

Write to SEN explaining that you won't be listening to their station in future if they aren't giving fair and reasonable coverage. Explain that you also won't be purchasing or otherwise using the services of their sponsors (important to list all the ones you know). Inform them that you will be encouraging all of your family, friends, colleagues and fellow supporters to do the same.

Let them know that you will also be sending a copy of this letter to all of the aforementioned sponsors (also important). Make them feel it where it hurts, but more than that be clear about what you expect and how they can do a better job, you just may be surprised what kind of effect this can have - especially if they receive several of these and definitely if their sponsors start asking them questions about letters they've received.

Who and how can we get this done - because if pulled off, it would make a massive statement.

Count me in.

Count me in
Some one at North must have done something terrible to thoses media sh&t nuts, for them to have such a exposed hatred for the club.
I have never heard such a unobjective bunch of w&nkers, in Denham, Wilson and Fatpr&ck .

Their hatred for the club is so obvious that opposition supporters are starting to notice, we can ignore them and hope they go away when we start winning more games, but they won't go away.

They will always find a negative and keep trying to bring the club down, time to stop being kicked and start fighting back, we won't get respect by saying nothing to this continued hate campaign.

While this sh%t goes on, our young clubs performances are over shadowed, so these D&cks win.

This petition is a great start, if it gains legs then it may even get noticed by opposition media outlets, who I am sure would love to give it air.

Keep up the fight, I have kids who love North and I wan't to have a club that is proud, so the pride can be passed on to all our supporters.

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Please...someone ring when Denham is on and ask him how many games he goes to himself...
He's got the worst rep of any sports journo in Melbourne for being sick when big stories break, and he refuses to go to games point blank, despite being a footy writer.
Best story of all is earlier this year Greg rang a fellow journo to slag off a work colleague, which he did in spectacularly vitriolic fashion, only to realise he had accidentally rung the guy he was slagging off, who was just listening silently at the other end.
Turned the radio on in the car while going to work lasted about 1 minute once they started talking rubbish about Our Club. You are better off not listening. I like to start the day in a good mood not an angry one.
The irony is that Greg Deadshit loves getting on SEN to bag North's membership/attendances........someone should ring up and ask the little **** how many people actually read The Australian, which is apparently his primary employer.

Also, while he was pissing in Gary Pert's pocket about the Pies' plans to attract migrants, it's a pity no-one asked him if he knew the first thing about the Scanlon Foundation and the community-invovlement programs at Arden St.
The irony is that Greg Deadshit loves getting on SEN to bag North's membership/attendances........someone should ring up and ask the little **** how many people actually read The Australian, which is apparently his primary employer.

Also, while he was pissing in Gary Pert's pocket about the Pies' plans to attract migrants, it's a pity no-one asked him if he knew the first thing about the Scanlon Foundation and the community-invovlement programs at Arden St.

shhhhhhh... we dont want Collingwood being the smartest club in the league and stealing this idea too... Collingwood innovators by theft...
Agree Jacko, if he wants innovation and new ideas he only has to look at Our Clubs proud history of starting things off and then seeing others copy them and takeover. Thought about Our Learning and Life centre immediately, we are one of only a few sporting organisations in the World that do this . He is like most in the media very negative and reports crap .
We could start with Mazda. They advertise on SEN and it seems ridiculous to be associated with a radio station that is unprofessional in its coverage. Mazda should tell SEN to zoom zoom off. I am about to buy a new Mazda and might write to them to reconsider advertising on SENseless.
u have to realise that denham and fatprick work for a paper that is pretty much non existant for afl, and as reporters they dont have much of a standing in afl,so there comments really mean little,fatprick is upset with us because euge rang up and attacked him last year,and his little mate denham is a dumbsh-t who cant think enough for himself so he just sides with a collegue,crap paper that struggles to sell to other then business people,pretty much irrelevant to sport
I just looked up Hymen in my Pictionary and this is what I found.

When is this shit going to stop - I've had it up to my neck with these Tur#d Where is the line between Opinion and Brand damaging I say some wealthy supporters start a collection and take the next ars$hole that attacks our brand straight to court, no other business would put up with it, why should our club? Do it once and the muck rakers will go away if they are held accountable THEY DO NOT HAVE PARLIMENTARY PRIVALIGE

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North Bashing SEN Guess who

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