Game Day North intraclub blue vs pink 15/2/25 at 10am

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Sometimes you can teach it, sometimes you can't. Mason Cox went one way as a basketballer who'd never picked up a footy, Finnbar went the other. Don't see how it gets fixed, to be honest. He looked as comfortable as, and kicked it like, any random bloke from the crowd
I think its worse. I saw a fat 60 year old bloke on the fence that would kick it better.

Whats happening after training? Is he out on the field every day having set shots? There has to be someone skilled enough out there to teach him to kick it 40 through the big sticks?
Most pleasing thing was there didn’t appear to be any injuries.

Skill level overall was solid. Especially considering the windy conditions and intensity. Some dodgy handballs at team mates feet still annoyingly present.

As ive said previously, a noticeable lift in nastiness. Ford burying archer in a tackle. Push and shove between
Cooper and Chom. Good to see.

Still feel that 2 old and eternal issues are still present.

1: poor inside 50 connection. Still too many players trying to get out the back/not come at the footy. Paul Curtis the main culprit here.

2: big holes on defensive transition.


Typical LDU pre season match in second gear.

Thought Powell and Phillips were best mids on the ground. Phillips increased running capacity is noticeable.

Sheez underrated game as usual. Killed it.

Kerch, top 3 on the ground. I’ve long been big on his outside game, but I saw him at a stoppage on the far side of ground in the last qrt, break tackles in a phone box and exit the stoppage.

FOS, extremely promising as to be expected.

Goad, honestly he’s ceiling is incredible. Love to know what flicked the switch in him. So competitive which was the opposite of what he showed last year.

X - please stop taking it out of the ruck. We have 100 top 5 mid picks. Just get the footy down to them and smash an oppo mid with a shepherd/tackle.

Whitlock - thought his marking was a weakness yet everything I’ve seen over the last 2 months show it as a strength. Expect him to debut this year.

Finnbar - yes he obviously needs to work on his kicking for goal. But remember he is 24.11 at vfl level. Very handy around the ground as well. Nice tackling.

Darling - not sure what people expect. We know he’s mast his prime but he makes our forward line better which was the whole point in getting him.

Dursma - surprisingly good given his late start and different position. But am
Concerned that yet again we have drafted a difference making forward and people are talking mid field.

RHJ & Konstanty - I get the need to increase pressure inside 50 but with darling over teakle and Simpkin down there more often, I don’t think these 2 warrant a spot over ford and Dursma.

Chom - despite some brain farts I thought he was great. Again, great in his attack/rebound/intercept. But with Logue and corr, maybe that’s ok.

Daniel - very good as expected

Zuhaar - obviously no concern, and in ripping Nick.
Some good points. But Hansen would have been in the top 5 players on the ground. He did very well.

I thought he was very dangerous defensively and his run and offence was piled up icing on a really solid cake.

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Just got home. WillPhil and RHJ are locks for round one IMO.
Just posted about Hansen and was about to about Phillips.

Thought Will’s blend of offence and defensive efforts was best on for mine. He was clean (one howler of a switch kick) with his disposal, ran the ball well and perfectly released those around him.
Sometimes you can teach it, sometimes you can't. Mason Cox went one way as a basketballer who'd never picked up a footy, Finnbar went the other. Don't see how it gets fixed, to be honest. He looked as comfortable as, and kicked it like, any random bloke from the crowd
I'm yet to see one person, average Joe slobs, unable to turn into an alright kick with the required effort. Find it hard to believe an elite athlete couldn't either.
Watching the intraclub replay we look better even with a small sample size. How that equates to the real thing we will know soon enough. But I like what I see. As Harry just snaps a goal and made it look so easy.
I dont know how to take Charlies behaviour in this intraclub. I think he was a bit of a knob to be fair. There was quite a few moments where I questioned his mental capacity under pressure
He didn’t have a good day at all really. He took a few intercepts but really didn’t lock down any of the fundamentals you are hoping your second defender has down pat.

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I dont know how to take Charlies behaviour in this intraclub. I think he was a bit of a knob to be fair. There was quite a few moments where I questioned his mental capacity under pressure
I dunno. I took it as him being competitive and hating to lose, even 1 on 1 contests.
I'm yet to see one person, average Joe slobs, unable to turn into an alright kick with the required effort. Find it hard to believe an elite athlete couldn't either.
It’s the Brad Scott ‘if you enter the league as a bad kick, you won’t improve it’ mantra.

It’s frankly horseshit.
Giving away free kicks that lead to goals against being competitive? Its dumb. The ball was dead when he did it too.
It's an intra club match. Means nothing. Doubt he'd do it in the real thing.
I'm yet to see one person, average Joe slobs, unable to turn into an alright kick with the required effort. Find it hard to believe an elite athlete couldn't either.
I'm glad you're optimistic. Watching him reminded me of my own set shot kicks. Only he's been in a professional sporting environment for a year and a bit and... I haven't. Happy to put my hand up and admit fault if he clears it up, but it's excruciating just watching him line up. Imo, bad kickers exist. Many of them have enough positive traits in other areas to override it. As a key forward.... it's not negotiable. Interested to see how he fares this season, with our million key defenders and threadbare key forward department

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Game Day North intraclub blue vs pink 15/2/25 at 10am

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