Northern Football League Division 2 - Part IV

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All credit to our coach, he made the palyers beleive we could win and i guess that showed on the day. Tarczon or something i think that blokes name was, he wacked our CHF and got sent off. He threw his weight around in the previous final and i remember Keaysy ( who hadn't played against them that year ) grabbed him by the throat at the start of the GF and said if he touched any of our young blokes he was in strife. Keaysy bluffed him, kicked 7 and that was the ball game.

As we have heard from your post and another just previously, a coaches role is more than just moving witches hats and a magnet board. The Hustbridge coach on that day must have outcoached his opposite number. Puffa must have done the same at the weekend. I'll never forget last year when Monty went into the last quarter some 9 goals up at 3/4 time v Heidelberg. Monty stacked the backline and tried desperately to hold on. There was no use in flooding the back 50 when goals could be kicked from 50-70 out . Coley would have better seved his club by double teaming each of Heidelbergs onballers or flooding from 50-70 out. At the end of the day the coach must show his faith in his players and ask them to just win the ball more often than the opposition whether there is a howling gale or not.
As we have heard from your post and another just previously, a coaches role is more than just moving witches hats and a magnet board. The Hustbridge coach on that day must have outcoached his opposite number. Puffa must have done the same at the weekend. I'll never forget last year when Monty went into the last quarter some 9 goals up at 3/4 time v Heidelberg. Monty stacked the backline and tried desperately to hold on. There was no use in flooding the back 50 when goals could be kicked from 50-70 out . Coley would have better seved his club by double teaming each of Heidelbergs onballers or flooding from 50-70 out. At the end of the day the coach must show his faith in his players and ask them to just win the ball more often than the opposition whether there is a howling gale or not.

Your 100% correct, but it's more than match day stuff. Our coach started planning for Grand Final about 8 weeks out, we virtually did a mini pre-season the last 6 rounds, 2hr + sessions Tue & Thurs with plenty of 400s and competitive stuff. We had the luxury of having 2nd spot sewn up at that stage. He "sold us" on the fact that we would be fitter and faster than Lalor and hoped to christ we got a dry day. ( we got 23C, sun shining at the Showgrounds, perfect day for footy ).

I'd imagine Puff may be doing something similar. He's entilted to think they are one of the best 2 sides and is probably coaching to make sure he gives the team the best chance come gf day (yes, i realise they need to get there first). Home & Away results are of little concern to them so in my opinion should be training/playing with one eye on 6 weeks ahead.
Your 100% correct, but it's more than match day stuff. Our coach started planning for Grand Final about 8 weeks out, we virtually did a mini pre-season the last 6 rounds, 2hr + sessions Tue & Thurs with plenty of 400s and competitive stuff. We had the luxury of having 2nd spot sewn up at that stage. He "sold us" on the fact that we would be fitter and faster than Lalor and hoped to christ we got a dry day. ( we got 23C, sun shining at the Showgrounds, perfect day for footy ).

I'd imagine Puff may be doing something similar. He's entilted to think they are one of the best 2 sides and is probably coaching to make sure he gives the team the best chance come gf day (yes, i realise they need to get there first). Home & Away results are of little concern to them so in my opinion should be training/playing with one eye on 6 weeks ahead.

Catch 22 situation. Only the teams clear at the top of the ladder can probably train heavy for a good month before finals. Not unlike when we hear about swimmers and their "hard training". Long distance heavy training. eg lactic acid running. This will very beneficial come finals as after the heavy training is completed the players basically taper off to short sharp, light skill training. Players will then be primed aerobically and anarobically.
These teams that can train "heavy" will taper off during games as their legs will be choc full of lactic acid. The teams who are vying for finals but are under pressure to keep winning probably cant afford to train heavy as every loss is almost suicide. Therefore a good coach would pick a 4 week block throughout the season against weaker teams and get the run in their legs that way.
Massive bonus to the teams clear on top of the ladder that can train like this. Of course ability plays a major part in it also.

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Good to see the division 2 actually being competitive with close scores and upsets in the last few weeks, besides watsonia, who although seem to have been competitve against Whittlsea on the weekend, speaking of Watsonia heard from a mate down there that there is going to be 3 field umpires at the Macleod V Watsonia game due to a certain players father calling the league afraid for his sons safety?
The NFL have 3 field umpires at various selected matches throughout the season. No big drama I think that would be their ideal but until they start paying more & giving the umps some protection from the rabble over the fence it ain't going to happen.
i did lose faith after the first quarter, i thought epping would go on to have a massive win over macloed after flooding in the first qtr. But epping lost their legs and macleod got on with the game and won. I should never had lost faith in macleod. Apologies. hopefully they will go on to be in the grand final and actually win it this tht would be nice, I may even go this year...
Looking for someone to confirm or deny something interesting I heard from a few lower boys on the weekend. They mentioned that Hayes from Fitzroy stars only kicked 3 or 4 against them and definately NOT 9. If this is true then its disgusting. IF its true...

Any other clubs have similar reports or is it just bull****
Good to see the division 2 actually being competitive with close scores and upsets in the last few weeks, besides watsonia, who although seem to have been competitve against Whittlsea on the weekend, speaking of Watsonia heard from a mate down there that there is going to be 3 field umpires at the Macleod V Watsonia game due to a certain players father calling the league afraid for his sons safety?

Yes there will be 3 umpires, don't think it has anything to do with player safety though. The leauge will have 3 umpires in finals games so apparently they have trialled them through the year. The proof will be in the pudding, if they are going to trial the system, surely we must get 3 of the better umpires who will be umpiring finals, no point trialling it with umpires who wont be umpiring in finals.
Looking for someone to confirm or deny something interesting I heard from a few lower boys on the weekend. They mentioned that Hayes from Fitzroy stars only kicked 3 or 4 against them and definately NOT 9. If this is true then its disgusting. IF its true...

Any other clubs have similar reports or is it just bull****

Fuuny you should mention that...

I reckon he only kicked 3 against Macleod and he was accredited with 6.
It blew me away when I checked the online results
Good to see the division 2 actually being competitive with close scores and upsets in the last few weeks, besides watsonia, who although seem to have been competitve against Whittlsea on the weekend, speaking of Watsonia heard from a mate down there that there is going to be 3 field umpires at the Macleod V Watsonia game due to a certain players father calling the league afraid for his sons safety?

What a load of crap. Ray would be more interested in making sure
the chips aren't undercooked, the pies are not overly hot
and the hot dogs don't break apart !
Fuuny you should mention that...

I reckon he only kicked 3 against Macleod and he was accredited with 6.
It blew me away when I checked the online results

He kicked 8 against us, i thought he actually kicked 12 he had the ball that often! His results were right in our game.
Good to see the division 2 actually being competitive with close scores and upsets in the last few weeks, besides watsonia, who although seem to have been competitve against Whittlsea on the weekend, speaking of Watsonia heard from a mate down there that there is going to be 3 field umpires at the Macleod V Watsonia game due to a certain players father calling the league afraid for his sons safety?

The fact is that the old man may be concerned about his son's safety would be true with any parent, but there is more to it than just that. The point is that the kid can handle himself very well and if he goes down others will follow and its the effect that follows when some people could be in hospital with serious injuries and the consequences that will result from that, because Watsonia ********s don't know when enough is enough. This sort of crap can roll over into the crowd as it was seen at the last game and got pretty voalitle. Its time to move on.

As for calling the league, you should be writing for the age along with such speculation as Caroline Wilson. The league where at the last clash and I am sure they will form their own opinion without anyones help.

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fitzroy stars are up to no good again, a female stars supporter spat on diamo players and they where then attacked by drunk male fitzroy stars supporters with long neck bottles in the car park at victoria park after the game. from all reports the creek players feared for there safety..... what comp will the stars play in when they are thrown out of the nfl???
fitzroy stars are up to no good again, a female stars supporter spat on diamo players and they where then attacked by drunk male fitzroy stars supporters with long neck bottles in the car park at victoria park after the game. from all reports the creek players feared for there safety..... what comp will the stars play in when they are thrown out of the nfl???

If every club was kicked out because of some feral supporters there wouldnt be any clubs, NFL, AFL & mine included.
Good to see the division 2 actually being competitive with close scores and upsets in the last few weeks, besides watsonia, who although seem to have been competitve against Whittlsea on the weekend, speaking of Watsonia heard from a mate down there that there is going to be 3 field umpires at the Macleod V Watsonia game due to a certain players father calling the league afraid for his sons safety?
mate i can confirm right now that certin player wont be playing at all this week, rumor is he attended a ex players party last friday night and was told clearly by puff not to, due to that the club has suspended him for this match. ill let you also know that the player isnt happy with the decision mainly because of the team there playing. but lets be honest its probably the best thing considering that player has finals to play and the watsy morons have nothing to lose...
mate i can confirm right now that certin player wont be playing at all this week, rumor is he attended a ex players party last friday night and was told clearly by puff not to, due to that the club has suspended him for this match. ill let you also know that the player isnt happy with the decision mainly because of the team there playing. but lets be honest its probably the best thing considering that player has finals to play and the watsy morons have nothing to lose...

Very Soft Option taken here I think! Why on earth would you fear playing any team in NFL in 2009?? Maybe a few teams in the old DVFL circa late 80's - mid 90's. but fair dinkum.

Puff probably just doesn't want a soft **** playing in his team.
fitzroy stars are up to no good again, a female stars supporter spat on diamo players and they where then attacked by drunk male fitzroy stars supporters with long neck bottles in the car park at victoria park after the game. from all reports the creek players feared for there safety..... what comp will the stars play in when they are thrown out of the nfl???

Very interesting.

I do seem to recall some FS posters on here earlier in the year having a go at some Diamo supporters for abuse they alledgedly gave out from over the fence. I even recall them singling out those supporters and giving out the company name of the van they were in and cited RACISM as being the motivator of these so called offenders.

So what do those same FS posters say of this latest incident??

People in Glasshouses surely shouldn't be throwing stones now, should they?
Very Soft Option taken here I think! Why on earth would you fear playing any team in NFL in 2009?? Maybe a few teams in the old DVFL circa late 80's - mid 90's. but fair dinkum.

Puff probably just doesn't want a soft **** playing in his team.
so who is taking the soft option???? and who is in fear???

i think you would find he wouldnt take a backward step from any watsonia player, i think you will also relise puff knows that and relises the circumstances. If puff doesnt want this soft bloke in his side lets just see if he comes straight back in next week....
Very Soft Option taken here I think! Why on earth would you fear playing any team in NFL in 2009?? Maybe a few teams in the old DVFL circa late 80's - mid 90's. but fair dinkum.

Puff probably just doesn't want a soft **** playing in his team.
i think the coach wants all his players available for the finals.the coach is clearly only worried about his player retaliating and getting himself rubbed out.the player would be dissapointed but smart move by the coach.
mate i can confirm right now that certin player wont be playing at all this week, rumor is he attended a ex players party last friday night and was told clearly by puff not to, due to that the club has suspended him for this match. ill let you also know that the player isnt happy with the decision mainly because of the team there playing. but lets be honest its probably the best thing considering that player has finals to play and the watsy morons have nothing to lose...

Ah Romper and Underbelly. Perhaps someone needs to be reminded. 'Come after me with a stick and I'll come after you with a bigger stick'. Justify it any which way you want. Get some ticker or you're potentially leaving the boys hung-out to dry come finals. Disappointed.


ps Also interested in an response Bets.
What idiots go out on the p155 on a Friday night before a game. Especially this time of year. Perhaps that's why your all contributing to a 2nd Div thread.
i think the coach wants all his players available for the finals.the coach is clearly only worried about his player retaliating and getting himself rubbed out.the player would be dissapointed but smart move by the coach.

Argh - Tankers !

or should that spelt with a W ! :p

Perhaps the real issue is that there is an unseemly element of a Lack of Discipline within the Team.

On the evidence provided - Player not following Coaches orders, Player likely to respond/retailiate to opposition niggle - certainly sounds like Discipline is a key issue. Or perhaps the jeepers or paranoia are already starting to set into a team that is quite possibly going to choke for 4th year in a row!

I know that if I was an opposition player likely to come up against Macleod, i would be gaining great confidence from what has been said /written in some of the more recent posts. I might even gleen some insight to some chinks in the Macleod armour that would be most advantageous in the coming finals series.
Ah Romper and Underbelly. Perhaps someone needs to be reminded. 'Come after me with a stick and I'll come after you with a bigger stick'. Justify it any which way you want. Get some ticker or you're potentially leaving the boys hung-out to dry come finals. Disappointed.
Please fellas, no more ammunition for Kickass, Ossie, The Boofster – or anyone else! Might be time for Macleod people to keep their thoughts to themselves at this time of the year. Still a lot of work ahead.
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