NSW Catholic schools looking to dump Rugby League

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Um do you have any stats to reinforce your first statement? Don't say..AFL is played in more states and therefore must be more popular, because that i b*t shit

Papua New Guinea. fact

Name me one country where AFL is the national sport (Aus is still up for debate) .. Ok, you'll say Nauru.. with a population of less than 15,000
PNG has a population of over 4 million

Name me another country where more than 1,000 people know what AFL is

What happens overseas is extremely relevant..which is exactly why soccer will always have the edge over its competitors

AFL has higher national attendances, AFL has higher national TV viewers, and even in NRL heartland, AFL is growing in TV viewing by 8% to NRL's measly 3%.

AFL is getting stronger while NRL is tredding ground, or even going backwards.
seriously folks like 1908 shouldn't bother debating on threads like this when they are clearly and easily proven wrong, often with their own material they post as evidence :D:thumbsu:

I have found 1908 to be reasonably intelligent person. Sure he is a Rugby League fan but everyone has faults (though being a RL fan is a rather big fault). One day im sure he will see the light and convert over to the best code of football in the entire world.

Its just a matter of time.
I have found 1908 to be reasonably intelligent person. Sure he is a Rugby League fan but everyone has faults (though being a RL fan is a rather big fault). One day im sure he will see the light and convert over to the best code of football in the entire world.

Its just a matter of time.

well reading the 'debate' offered in the two threads regarding NRL and its current position, all the arguments proposed regarding the decline of the AFL and the growth of the NRL by attendance, television viewing etc, were factually wrong. :thumbsu:

As for the crossing over, pft why bother, RL needs those handful of pitiful fans turning up to watch their games, more than the AFL does.


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Um do you have any stats to reinforce your first statement? Don't say..AFL is played in more states and therefore must be more popular, because that i b*t shit

Papua New Guinea. fact

Name me one country where AFL is the national sport (Aus is still up for debate) .. Ok, you'll say Nauru.. with a population of less than 15,000
PNG has a population of over 4 million

Name me another country where more than 1,000 people know what AFL is

What happens overseas is extremely relevant..which is exactly why soccer will always have the edge over its competitors
So Aussie Rules is the #1 footy code in Australia. You agree on that. Despite the strength of soccer internationally & the alleged significant support for RL internationally, neither code has been able to make major inroads on the support for Aussie Rules in our country.

2008 saw record attendances for the AFL, leaving it comfortably ahead of the other 3 codes of football, again. The AFL is currently part way through a broadcast agreement which saw TV networks bid $780 million to secure the AFL broadcast rights. Double what the NRL were able to secure for their last broadcast rights.

FTA TV channels broadcast 4 AFL games every round, while there are only 3 NRL games broadcast on FTA TV. The A-League & Super 14 Rugby Union are fully reliant on Pay TV to broadcast their games. Even the AFC soccer games are confined to Pay TV.

Australian Rules will always be the game that was created in Australia for Australians. Not some game borrowed from the UK, which even the UK has never fully embraced, hence why such a significant number of Super League players are expat Aussie & Kiwis.
Um do you have any stats to reinforce your first statement? Don't say..AFL is played in more states and therefore must be more popular, because that i b*t shit

Papua New Guinea. fact

Name me one country where AFL is the national sport (Aus is still up for debate) .. Ok, you'll say Nauru.. with a population of less than 15,000
PNG has a population of over 4 million

Name me another country where more than 1,000 people know what AFL is

What happens overseas is extremely relevant..which is exactly why soccer will always have the edge over its competitors

Lol at you claiming anything but AFL is the biggest sport in Australia.
The whole overseas angle is a joke used by soccer and rugby in australia as that is all they have to hang onto.

If you really want to be on a world stage go to athletics. Footy codes are full of people who play for the enjoyment and because they are not Mr Bolt. - a few turn out to be good enough to turn professional and a couple make a national team based on subjective selection.

If this is not so explain to me the NFL and the NBA (where stars treat the Olympics as a joke).

If you still think codes are selected by kids based on national selection get along to country football or similar.

If you cant work it out forget it you have no sole.

To say that a sport such as soccer's use of a world angle and then say athletics is the true world stage is actually the joke.

Kids playing RL have always had the opportunity to push for representative honours and go overseas, it's not only the elite players who have this. It is the culture of the sport to offer these things.

I know the NSW academey Under 18's and 16's recently went to Russia and this year are off to PNG and the Cook Islands.

Why do you think winning a best and fairest in AFL is made such a big deal? It's because you don't have major honours like other sports.

As much as you can rave on about AR being Australian I'd take the international aspect any day. Truly of all the sports we follow what does it matter where it comes from.

1908 has no facts to back up his post just an airy fairy article link and some wishful thinking.

if soccer does take over AFL, then it will have smashed RL as well.

AFL attendences are about twice that of NRL games.

yes NRL viewing audiences in Sydney and Brisbane are ahead of AFL but AFL still STILL gets 500k to RL's 700k in viewing, and frankly RL doesn't rate ANYWHERE else in the country while AFL games get the big numbers NATIONALLY.

as for RL, well looking at international data sets for super 14, well that is doing very well compared to RL.

world wide RL is a minor sport world wide, and in australia its number 4 and probably replaced by soccer and RU in the next few years.

ace it the prime time for a Grand final is saturday afternoon, the AFL has already won that that one, the NRL has shunted theirs to sunday because they can't compete with AFL, why would AFL bother moving their to sunday, when they have already won the TV ratings, the hearts and minds of MOST australians and even in these harsh economic times the AFL has taken a hit of 1% while NRL has taken a hit of 10%.

so you LOST 10% of your attendance and have 3% more watching on TV, while AFL have lost 1% of their attendance and have 8% more watching on TV? and this in YOUR sports heartland?!

so what we have is NRL dropping off in gate takings with a small increase in viewing, AFL maintaining gate takings with a 1% drop while massively increasing viewing by a 8% IN sydney and brisbane, a growth nearly 3 times that of RL in RL heartland


ROFL completely laughable.

even with idiots like dimwit in charge AFL is growing FASTER than NRL.

RU is growing faster than NRL, and soccer is growing faster than NRL.

by attendance NRL is declining at 10% and not even picking up that % in TV ratings.

these are the facts as POSTED in articles in the other thread that tried and pitifully failed to bag Australian Rules Football.

seriously folks like 1908 shouldn't bother debating on threads like this when they are clearly and easily proven wrong, often with their own material they post as evidence :D:thumbsu:

Oh is that so??? Proven wrong by who? You....lol!!!

Other than your obvious prejudiced opinion do you have any links?
AFL has higher national attendances, AFL has higher national TV viewers, and even in NRL heartland, AFL is growing in TV viewing by 8% to NRL's measly 3%.

AFL is getting stronger while NRL is tredding ground, or even going backwards.

I'll agree league is treading water due to it being owned by News Ltd and their self interest as a result of the SL war. However even though this is the case the game is still competitive with AFL.

I would say the AFL, due to it having control of their own dealings are near the top of their potential. League is only half way to it's true potential which won't happen until the code frees itself from News Ltd which should happen after the next TV deal is done.

So make hay while the sun shines, nothing stays the same forever.
However even though this is the case the game is still competitive with AFL.

League is only half way to it's true potential....

8,000 crowd yesterday? Very true potential. And by the way it looked like 2,000 on tv and that is being generous...

So make hay while the sun shines, nothing stays the same forever.

Sexual assault will, its RL culture
Crowd fudging
RL footy show to win another logie even though it was about to be axed the last 7 years and has terrible ratings and gets its pantsed pulled down by the AFL footy show week in, week out

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PNG has a population of 6,300,000, bigger than NZ and Wales, the only 2 countries where union is number 1.

Also PNG population is expected to grow to 10.5 million by 2050.
This whole thread is a beat up... it says "looking to dump rugby league"... well, I on an occasional basis look up porche car prices on ebay... says nothing about whether I can buy them or will buy them.

I'd be hard pressed to see even one school dump rugby league in NSW... the parents would be up in arms.
8,000 crowd yesterday? Very true potential. And by the way it looked like 2,000 on tv and that is being generous...

Sexual assault will, its RL culture
Crowd fudging
RL footy show to win another logie even though it was about to be axed the last 7 years and has terrible ratings and gets its pantsed pulled down by the AFL footy show week in, week out

14,000 at the MCG recently, 14,000 at the Dome last week. All sports have rubbish crowds at times.

AFl/VFL has always drawn double what league has...no arguement from me here.

But where we compete is the corporate dollar and TV revenue. Also it would be fair to say AFL has always benefited from having a monopoly in it's home states. RL has always played in a competitive market.

Mate don't try a claim sexual assault is part of league culture, that is rubbish. It happens just as much in AFL.

What truly is amazing is you AFL people's ability to blindly ignore what goes on in your own code. I haven't seen any comments on Albert Proud this week or talk that the ABC should question Michael O'Loughlin about what TRULY happened in Adelaide with his mates and that girl. No all we get is na, na, na we are better than you now we can take over in NSW. Pathetic.

RL will clean up it's act and move forward. As Phil Gould said this is the sledgehammer the game needed. In the mean time AFL will continue to wheel out all the tokens so their image isn't tarnished and keep all their dirty laundry from public view. Controlling everything so they give off the right image, just ask Grant Thomas.


Senior players our best hope in changing a flawed culture

Phil Gould | May 17, 2009

PRESIDENT Teddy Roosevelt once said: "To educate a person in mind, but not in morals, is to educate a menace to society."

I received this quote in an email this week from my old friend Paul Broughton, one of the truly great men in rugby league.

The message is so true.

Education starts in the home and in the schools. Our sport and indeed society are left to deal with any failings that emerge from these vital contributions to an individual's personal development. We also see situations where those who have enjoyed a great education and family upbringing can be led astray by others who appear to be profiting or having more fun on the other side of the tracks.

Any cultural problems we have in rugby league have been inherited from a society that has failed to address the issue of morality and has left it to our sport to lead in this area.

At times you get the feeling our media hold rugby league responsible for all of society's problems. The talking-head social commentators who speak the loudest usually do so from positions of the moral high ground or absolute naivety.

It's hard to win an argument with either.

I wonder at times if they speak to genuinely benefit society, or to profit in their careers or maybe absolve themselves of their own sins. Perhaps they fly by the notion that if they bring down a tall poppy then somehow everyone else will get the message.

Few of them would understand the pain and stress they cause to those they unfairly target, thanks to their lack of knowledge of the facts.

I used to get angry at them but that attitude didn't help, either.

Over the years many in rugby league have felt targeted or even victimised by what they perceive as heavily biased scrutiny.

Many rugby league people have rebelled against such treatment.

I'll admit that in the past I've been one of these people. However, I've seen the pain in such an attitude and I learned many years ago how progress cannot be made without change.

Hopefully now the message is clear to all our players that times have changed and that if you don't bend, you break.

The ARL and then NRL have taken up the challenge of removing a culture born of past eras and they have led in the areas where society has failed. Every single initiative in sport in this country that has addressed such matters was implemented first by rugby league.

The battle continues and the stakes are getting higher. Our game will not survive too many more of these unsavoury incidents.

If bad cultures can be passed down from generation to generation, then surely good cultures can be passed down as well.

We just need one generation to break the mould.

I believe this generation is the one where giant strides are being taken. The education programs are good. The intention is clear.

I still believe the key to education comes with utilising the experience, knowledge and influence of senior and past players. These men have the most sway with the rest of the troops. Coaches and administrators like to think they have control but it's peer group pressure that gets the best results.

The smart coach will tell you that he educates the senior men in his club and that together they bring the younger men along.

Players need to get the message. It doesn't matter if it's alcohol-related incidents, violence, recreational drug use or allegations of sexual misconduct; it doesn't matter how minor or even how unfounded the allegation; it doesn't even matter if you think you have the green light or even if you're positive you're 100 per cent right; chances are, it won't play out that way in the media.

The events of this week regarding an incident seven years ago in another country represents the perfect example of believing you have the green light but still getting hit by a bus.

Just like reading the play in a game of football, players need to read the possibilities in their everyday interaction with others in society. We are now being held to very high standards and that is not going to change.

Too many reputations and too many playing careers have been left in tatters for want of a moment's thought. Protect your careers and those of your teammates. Please stop inviting disappointment into your own lives.

If you show the courage and discipline to change and you leave this new culture as a legacy for the next generation, then you'll have served the game and yourself very well. It's a worthwhile pursuit.
Seeing as we are slinging some good sh!t at NRL, I noticed that no-one brought up another 'misdemeanour' when the NRL posters mentioned Ben Cousins and his drug problems.

A couple of years ago, the game's greatest ever player Andrew 'Joey' Johns (yes, that's right, Matty's brother) was found out to have a serious drug addiction. He ended up going onto the NRL Footy show (which was virtually dedicated to interviewing him for the whole 90mins) to explain his problems and the effects it had on his life etc.

Just thought I'd throw that in to stir the pot a little further ...... :D
To say that a sport such as soccer's use of a world angle and then say athletics is the true world stage is actually the joke.

Kids playing RL have always had the opportunity to push for representative honours and go overseas, it's not only the elite players who have this. It is the culture of the sport to offer these things.

I know the NSW academey Under 18's and 16's recently went to Russia and this year are off to PNG and the Cook Islands.

Why do you think winning a best and fairest in AFL is made such a big deal? It's because you don't have major honours like other sports.

As much as you can rave on about AR being Australian I'd take the international aspect any day. Truly of all the sports we follow what does it matter where it comes from.

Not raving about anything. just saying people play football for great enjoyment and a club spirit. You are struggling with logic. Holidays in the Cook islands are fun but what % of kids in the country even knew about the trip. Live you delusions and be happy.:p
1908, I think it is Dan White, "the executive director of 147 Catholic schools in Sydney", you need to convince. The opinions of a few internet posters don't matter but Mr White seems very concerned about what's been happening in Rugby League and how that will affect the tens of thousands of students whose education he is responsible for.
1908, I think it is Dan White, "the executive director of 147 Catholic schools in Sydney", you need to convince. The opinions of a few internet posters don't matter but Mr White seems very concerned about what's been happening in Rugby League and how that will affect the tens of thousands of students whose education he is responsible for.

I suggest you read the article I posted in response.
I suggest you read the article I posted in response.

I read it and the NSWRL were certainly saying all of the right things, clearly RL has a positive influence on many, many young people's lives. However I didn't see Mr White quoted anywhere in this article. RL is clearly the dominant sport in Catholic schools in Sydney and if the executive director of those 147 schools thinks there is a problem then just maybe there is a problem.
Oh is that so??? Proven wrong by who? You....lol!!!

Other than your obvious prejudiced opinion do you have any links?

the stats were posted on the other thread with links to articles.

who needs to be prejudiced, when the facts are there.

AFL is growing faster than NRL, Soccer and RU is growing faster than NRL.

these are facts.

Kids playing RL have always had the opportunity to push for representative honours and go overseas, it's not only the elite players who have this. It is the culture of the sport to offer these things.

I know the NSW academey Under 18's and 16's recently went to Russia and this year are off to PNG and the Cook Islands.

Why do you think winning a best and fairest in AFL is made such a big deal? It's because you don't have major honours like other sports.

As much as you can rave on about AR being Australian I'd take the international aspect any day. Truly of all the sports we follow what does it matter where it comes from.

The AFL's elite junior squads have in recent years travelled to South Africa & Ireland as part of their development. Also they get to play competitively against all states & territories of Australia, unlike junior rugby league players whose ability to play competitively within Australia is limited to matches between Qld & NSW (as a point of interest, how many Melbourne-born rugby league players play for the Melbourne Storm?)

FWIW, I would be surprised if when Kieran Jack kicked the winning goal for the Sydney Swans last night that he was feeling any disappointment about missing out on the 'international' opportunities that come with playing rugby league (outside of Australia, NZ & England you can't really describe any other international rugby league teams as being competitive, not even PNG, who were comprehensively thrashed last time they played against Australia).

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NSW Catholic schools looking to dump Rugby League

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