Official Mrs McLeod v Edwards Thread

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feenix67 said:
Please, this crap happens between people all the time. yes I agree they need to get over it and recognise that they are in the pubic eye. But for god sake, the self righteous stuff on here is laughable and the uninformed namecalling is just as childish.....easy when u can remain anonymous too isnt it.

Get over yourselves and talk about the footy.:mad:
In this situation we are talking about footy...and how the behaviour of these 2 ''ladies'' is affecting the club . The club is just not the is also Wives And Girlfriends , and no not all of them have to be happy as larry, players or WAGs , but what they should do is show some civility when they are together in a public function

Like the Crows incident at the end of season function there comes a time when private becomes public. If it becomes public it is up to the club to deal with , firstly by checking the players are happy within themselves and professional enough to play in the same team... this as far as I am aware has been occurring. Secondly the club needs ask the WAGs to behave at club functions in a manner not to embarrass themselves nor their husbands who are employed by the club .

I hope you have also written a letter to the media organisations expressing your distaste at their actions
:rolleyes: Love the way this board hates the facts getting in the way of some good goss....

FYI original post was purely to point out that mindless and uninformed name calling was no different to what happens in the media...and that in this case, due to my knowledge of one of the people in question, the terms used were completely incorrect and unimaginative.

FYI Stiffy....there was no veiled inference that RMc was to blame for the mess. I only stated my beliefs based, again, on my knowledge of one individual. In fact, I categorically stated that I didnt know RMc and could therefore offer no comment or insight into her character or demeanor. I merely pointed out that I found it unlikely for Mandy to have instigated the latest fracas.....which seems to be backed up by admittedly unconfirmed reports that the act that started the latest BS was RMc giving Tyson the "L" sign behind his back but in full view of Mandy, in reference to his consistent second placings at MB Medal counts and other such things.

If the character of a friend of yours is being attacked, Im sure you jump to their defence and try to replace fiction with fact. I make no apology for doing exactly that in this case.
PerthCrow said:
But I agree with what you write ... most of the time.

If I wanted to I could be like a Port supporter and groan everytime I click on your threads or posts... but I dont.... I give you an opportunity to provide a POV and then assess it from there...same as people do with me...with Mad Dog etc etc.

If everytime I read a Rucci article my antennas were up then I would miss some good points he makes

Good Points Stiff/PC, mind you, I totally disagree with most of them. I don't normally read his rubbish anymore as I no longer buy The Advertiser. I guess I got sucked into this one. So whose the fool, the hack that writes the rubbish or the Crows supporter that hands over his hard earned to read it.

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Re: Missus Verus Missus

PrideOf said:
Needs to be sorted out. And quickly.

My suggestion is mud wrestling.
good idea that or some foxy boxing lets have it round 1 half time entertainment that should bring a few more through the gate
Re: Missus Verus Missus

portentous said:
Curling wands at dawn.

Isn't Rachel a hairdresser? She could wield one of those things like a light sabre! ;)
Re: Missus Verus Missus

Ford Fairlane said:
Isn't Rachel a hairdresser? She could wield one of those things like a light sabre! ;)
Rachel used to work at Westpac don't know if she does now though
Re: Missus Verus Missus

hotspeedo50 said:
Rachel used to work at Westpac don't know if she does now though
you still think she works??? :eek:
Re: Missus Verus Missus

Mr_Smooth said:
you still think she works??? :eek:
My mate worked with her a Westpac about two and a half years ago, my mate now has a new job he doesn't know if Rachel still works there or at all

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Official Mrs McLeod v Edwards Thread

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