Official Mrs McLeod v Edwards Thread

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mick_foley said:
People do the same thing with Chris McDermott and his alleged chip on his shoulder.
IMO McDermott has been riding this issue to try and draw some comparison to his situation. Although he hasn't said it yet.....he is trying to demonstrate a pattern of behaviour from the club.
Mad Dog said:
IMO McDermott has been riding this issue to try and draw some comparison to his situation. Although he hasn't said it yet.....he is trying to demonstrate a pattern of behaviour from the club.

Example number 1
Stiffy_18 said:
I think people here are like dog with a bone. You jump at every single thing that gets written, right or wrong. I bet most of you read that its written by Rucci, flick the anti-Rucci switch, and then proceed to read and pick on the most miniscure of things to slag on.

I saw absolutely NOTHING wrong with the article. He wanted to set the record straight that this fued is not about Hewitt and everyone seems to believe. This is simply a clash of personalities. Secondly, Rucci doesn't decide himself what the topic of his article will be. It is decided by the editorial committee that meets a day before to dicsuss what they will write about tommorrow. Lets not forget that Rucci is not Murdoch here :rolleyes:

If people are picking on his article this morning, then I suggest you take a good hard look at yourself. There was nothing there that was controvesial or taking a dig at the AFC. It was an article to set the record straight and retract some comments that were made in the last 2-3 days. Nothing wrong with that IMHO.

If anyone listened the radio over the weekend, Rucci was one, and might I add the only one that didn't really want to discuss the fued and was very quick to question those who took sides in the debate. From me he gets the :thumbsu: on that. He even asked KG it was football related in real sense.

Secondly, Rucci was teh host of Sunday Roast yesterday and at the top of the program he said he will not discuss the "fued". He set the agenda early and the rest of the program there were no calls on the fued between the 2 wives.

Sometimes, I am beginning to think that people just bag him for the sake of it. If that article was written by Andrew Capel no one would so much as mention it but because its Rucci lets get the knives out :rolleyes:

Now, don't get me wrong, I never have and never will rate Rucci as a journalist. I think he often writes a lot of crap but sometimes he can write a good piece or 2 that deserve to be respected. Just because we sometimes don't like to hear what is reality, it doesn't make him responsible for it.

I had absolutely not problem with what he wrote today. I would go as far as to say that its one of the most balanced articles written on the issue and well done to him for doing it in unbiased, somewhat respectable manner.

His article on the Meesen, Reilly and pick 14 for pick 1 trade, was a load of crap and he deserves to be criticised for it.

As for the Port thing, I think you lot need to realise that the spit between the port players and or wives has never been made public because the club handled it a lot better than we did. We thought that if we ignored it, it would go away. Port nipped in the bud. Maybe its something we should learn. Problem don't go away when ignored, they just magnify.

If you think this whole Rucci thing is just a figment of Crow supporters imaginations then you really are living in bizarro world. As for the atricle, you give this loser too much credit. It's just another way for him to get more coverage out of something that can paint the AFC in a bad light.

Also, your Port comment was very interesting. So it wasn't made public becuase Port managed to nip it in the butt. Port must be good at nipping at butts becuase the Adelaide media also failed to pick up on the P Burgoyne, Magpies v Power and Tredrea stories, despite plenty of murmuring from interstate. Don't be so naive.

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SpringChoke said:
If you think this whole Rucci thing is just a figment of Crow supporters imaginations then you really are living in bizarro world. As for the atricle, you give this loser too much credit. It's just another way for him to get more coverage out of something that can paint the AFC in a bad light.

Also, your Port comment was very interesting. So it wasn't made public becuase Port managed to nip it in the butt. Port must be good at nipping at butts becuase the Adelaide media also failed to pick up on the P Burgoyne, Magpies v Power and Tredrea stories, despite plenty of murmuring from interstate. Don't be so naive.

Springjoke obviously lives in his own world.
So there is never any of this stuff about Port in the Adelaide media??? Perhaps he could tell us which interstate mumuring it was about Tredrea and Primus a while back?
SpringChoke said:
If you think this whole Rucci thing is just a figment of Crow supporters imaginations then you really are living in bizarro world. As for the atricle, you give this loser too much credit. It's just another way for him to get more coverage out of something that can paint the AFC in a bad light.

Also, your Port comment was very interesting. So it wasn't made public becuase Port managed to nip it in the butt. Port must be good at nipping at butts becuase the Adelaide media also failed to pick up on the P Burgoyne, Magpies v Power and Tredrea stories, despite plenty of murmuring from interstate. Don't be so naive.
Believe it or not, our club is not perfect and the fact that these 2 had a PUBLIC encounter has led to the story being published in the media. I think you are naive to think that Rucci couldn't have (if he wanted) written about it at the time of the first spat that was during the Wizard Cup.

Do I think he is good? No. Do I think that sometimes people over-react to everything he says or writes? Absolutely. And this is one of those times.

Has Rucci ever written anything that you have actually agreed with or thought was reasonable? You just come across as this bitter person that just picks on Rucci for the sake of it. Some reality wouldn't go astray.

The spat between Port players was hardly public like the one between Mandy and Rachael after the B&F night. Sometimes you are way to precious :rolleyes:
Stiffy_18 said:
Believe it or not, our club is not perfect and the fact that these 2 had a PUBLIC encounter has led to the story being published in the media. I think you are naive to think that Rucci couldn't have (if he wanted) written about it at the time of the first spat that was during the Wizard Cup.

Do I think he is good? No. Do I think that sometimes people over-react to everything he says or writes? Absolutely. And this is one of those times.

Has Rucci ever written anything that you have actually agreed with or thought was reasonable? You just come across as this bitter person that just picks on Rucci for the sake of it. Some reality wouldn't go astray.

The spat between Port players was hardly public like the one between Mandy and Rachael after the B&F night. Sometimes you are way to precious :rolleyes:

All you say about Rucci above is true Stiffy.

Yes, he was good on the Sunday Roast. Yes he often is only reporting the truth, and in fact is capable of writing excellent articles if he so wishes.

But before you get too sanctimonious and protective of him though, why do the Adelaide Football club think that he is not balanced in his reporting of the two SA clubs??

Do you REALLY believe that he doesn't use any and every opportunity to put down the AFC (yes, the material is often there for him to use or twist) while in many similar instances sparing the PAFC??

Do you REALLY believe in Father Christmas?? :)
OK I have been away for a week and only learned of this blow up yesterday....have today logged on here to see the goss.....and Im completely P@#$ed off by a few things written here.

First...Mandy is the sister of Sue Jarman so thats how they are related.

Second..and more importantly....I have known both Sue and Mandy and their family since I was a kid. I know Darren and Tyson a little by association but not much. This is not name dropping, rather qualifying what I am about to say. I COMPLETELY take offence to references to Mandy made on here as a "primadonna" or "skanky ho" etc etc.....some of these reference made by supposedly "respected" posters on this board. By making these references, you guys are no better than the trash journos beating this crap up, by making unsubstantiated claims about her character. I can state, CATEGORICALLY, that Mandy is anything but skanky, anything but pretentious and nothing but a sincere, kind of shy person who is completely devoted to her husband, her kids and her family. She isnt the kind to fly off the handle at the drop of a hat, not the kind to cause a scene unecessarily and is very well liked by the majority of people who know her.

I dont know Rachel McLeod so I cant comment on her character or demeanor. Knowing what I do, however, I sincerely doubt that Mandy instigated this latest mess.

Please stop making unfounded and completely incorrect references to Mandy's character.......some people here have lost my respect.
feenix67 said:
OK I have been away for a week and only learned of this blow up yesterday....have today logged on here to see the goss.....and Im completely P@#$ed off by a few things written here.

First...Mandy is the sister of Sue Jarman so thats how they are related.

Second..and more importantly....I have known both Sue and Mandy and their family since I was a kid. I know Darren and Tyson a little by association but not much. This is not name dropping, rather qualifying what I am about to say. I COMPLETELY take offence to references to Mandy made on here as a "primadonna" or "skanky ho" etc etc.....some of these reference made by supposedly "respected" posters on this board. By making these references, you guys are no better than the trash journos beating this crap up, by making unsubstantiated claims about her character. I can state, CATEGORICALLY, that Mandy is anything but skanky, anything but pretentious and nothing but a sincere, kind of shy person who is completely devoted to her husband, her kids and her family. She isnt the kind to fly off the handle at the drop of a hat, not the kind to cause a scene unecessarily and is very well liked by the majority of people who know her.

I dont know Rachel McLeod so I cant comment on her character or demeanor. Knowing what I do, however, I sincerely doubt that Mandy instigated this latest mess.

Please stop making unfounded and completely incorrect references to Mandy's character.......some people here have lost my respect.

Well done. :thumbsu:

Well said. :thumbsu:
macca23 said:
All you say about Rucci above is true Stiffy.

Yes, he was good on the Sunday Roast. Yes he often is only reporting the truth, and in fact is capable of writing excellent articles if he so wishes.

But before you get too sanctimonious and protective of him though, why do the Adelaide Football club think that he is not balanced in his reporting of the two SA clubs??

Do you REALLY believe that he doesn't use any and every opportunity to put down the AFC (yes, the material is often there for him to use or twist) while in many similar instances sparing the PAFC??

Do you REALLY believe in Father Christmas?? :)
I think what you are saying is true. Does he use every opportunity to take a cheap shot at the AFC?! More often than not the answer is YES. But does that mean that we have to slag off at him even when he doesn't write something that doesn't deserve the slagging?! Of course not.

I am in no way a Rucci fan but I am getting tired of our precious lot that jump at every word he says or writes even when he does have a point (ie this moring's article on this issue). When he ****s up as he often does, by all means slag away but when he writes something that is actually half decent why do people feel the need to sink in the boots even then. Reality is sometimes lost on some of our supporters who can't see forest from the trees.

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feenix67 said:
OK I have been away for a week and only learned of this blow up yesterday....have today logged on here to see the goss.....and Im completely P@#$ed off by a few things written here.

First...Mandy is the sister of Sue Jarman so thats how they are related.

Second..and more importantly....I have known both Sue and Mandy and their family since I was a kid. I know Darren and Tyson a little by association but not much. This is not name dropping, rather qualifying what I am about to say. I COMPLETELY take offence to references to Mandy made on here as a "primadonna" or "skanky ho" etc etc.....some of these reference made by supposedly "respected" posters on this board. By making these references, you guys are no better than the trash journos beating this crap up, by making unsubstantiated claims about her character. I can state, CATEGORICALLY, that Mandy is anything but skanky, anything but pretentious and nothing but a sincere, kind of shy person who is completely devoted to her husband, her kids and her family. She isnt the kind to fly off the handle at the drop of a hat, not the kind to cause a scene unecessarily and is very well liked by the majority of people who know her.

I dont know Rachel McLeod so I cant comment on her character or demeanor. Knowing what I do, however, I sincerely doubt that Mandy instigated this latest mess.

Please stop making unfounded and completely incorrect references to Mandy's character.......some people here have lost my respect.

If these two weren't making scenes in public, embarrassing and potentially destabilising our football club, then I doubt they'd be the subject of much discussion on this board. Do you realise the Herald Sun devoted a two page spread to this issue yesterday?!? FFS :mad:

FWIW it's pretty easy to glean that most posters here seem to lay the majority of the blame on Rachel, but Mandy has to wear some responsibilty for allowing herself to become embroiled in it, and placing herself before her husband's career, and the footy club. She might think she's doing the right thing by standing up for Tyson, but she's not.

You might be pissed off about some of the things said about Mandy, but a lot of us here are pissed off at the the gossip and ridicule these two have brought upon our club. At any time of the year, this is the last thing that the club needs to be wasting time, resources and money on. Some of the colourful descriptions of the protagonists might be a little over the top, but they've only got themselves to blame.
feenix67 said:
OK I have been away for a week and only learned of this blow up yesterday....have today logged on here to see the goss.....and Im completely P@#$ed off by a few things written here.

First...Mandy is the sister of Sue Jarman so thats how they are related.

Second..and more importantly....I have known both Sue and Mandy and their family since I was a kid. I know Darren and Tyson a little by association but not much. This is not name dropping, rather qualifying what I am about to say. I COMPLETELY take offence to references to Mandy made on here as a "primadonna" or "skanky ho" etc etc.....some of these reference made by supposedly "respected" posters on this board. By making these references, you guys are no better than the trash journos beating this crap up, by making unsubstantiated claims about her character. I can state, CATEGORICALLY, that Mandy is anything but skanky, anything but pretentious and nothing but a sincere, kind of shy person who is completely devoted to her husband, her kids and her family. She isnt the kind to fly off the handle at the drop of a hat, not the kind to cause a scene unecessarily and is very well liked by the majority of people who know her.

I dont know Rachel McLeod so I cant comment on her character or demeanor. Knowing what I do, however, I sincerely doubt that Mandy instigated this latest mess.

Please stop making unfounded and completely incorrect references to Mandy's character.......some people here have lost my respect.
I will put my hand up and say that I have labelled both Mandy and Racheal as primadonnas but not skanks or anything like that.

I don't know either of them but from what has been happening here, they come accross as the 2 little school girls that can't get along like normal human beings would. No one expects them to be the best of buddies but I think its not too much to ask of them to be civil about it and keep at least some sort of professional relationship for their husbands.

Who instigated what none of us know, but I see both of them equally at fault. So lets say for arguments sake that Rachael did instigate the incident, the reaction from both of them is childish. Sometimes its better to turn a blind eye than to react to taunts. Generally people that do the taunting will give up if they realise that the taunts don't affect the other party.

There are a few ways to deal with this but reacting to taunting is not one of them.
Stiffy_18 said:
I think what you are saying is true. Does he use every opportunity to take a cheap shot at the AFC?! More often than not the answer is YES. But does that mean that we have to slag off at him even when he doesn't write something that doesn't deserve the slagging?! Of course not.

I am in no way a Rucci fan but I am getting tired of our precious lot that jump at every word he says or writes even when he does have a point (ie this moring's article on this issue). When he ****s up as he often does, by all means slag away but when he writes something that is actually half decent why do people feel the need to sink in the boots even then. Reality is sometimes lost on some of our supporters who can't see forest from the trees.

Is it becuase Rucci is posting in this thread that you are trying to be all politically correct. Who are you trying to impress. The guys a third rate amateur hack and the way he has crucified our club the last years how could you have even an once of respect for anything that comes out of his mouth.
SpringChoke said:
Is it becuase Rucci is posting in this thread that you are trying to be all politically correct. Who are you trying to impress. The guys a third rate amateur hack and the way he has crucified our club the last years how could you have even an once of respect for anything that comes out of his mouth.
But I agree with what you write ... most of the time.

If I wanted to I could be like a Port supporter and groan everytime I click on your threads or posts... but I dont.... I give you an opportunity to provide a POV and then assess it from there...same as people do with me...with Mad Dog etc etc.

If everytime I read a Rucci article my antennas were up then I would miss some good points he makes
SpringChoke said:
Is it becuase Rucci is posting in this thread that you are trying to be all politically correct. Who are you trying to impress. The guys a third rate amateur hack and the way he has crucified our club the last years how could you have even an once of respect for anything that comes out of his mouth.
FFS just listen to yourself?! Who am I trying to impress?! :confused:

Listen to yourself, you sound like a kid in the playground getting sucked into "My daddy is stronger than your daddy" debate. I am not traying to be politically corrent. I am trying to be a realist.

Do I rate Rucci as a journalist? NO. Do I think he has crucified the club in the past? YES. Do I think we should slag him off even when he does a good job? NO.

Lets not forget something here Springy, Rucci has had ample opporunities to report things that he has known from the inner sanctrum of our club but chose not to. He has also reported some stuff that he probably shouldn't have.

Tell me why hasn't Rucci blown the lid about the ongoings of the Jarman/Salmons/Wellman deal? He knows a hell of alot more about it than he leads on. Also why hasn't he made public that in his disgust with Ayres' request that the leadership group join him in the press conference, our own captain smashed a couple of lockers in the changerooms and in no uncertain terms told Ayres where to go? That could have added a hell of a lot more fuel to the fire. Lets not forget this is the man Rucci hates with PASSION and someone he takes a dig at EVERY chance he gets.

I have had a number of run ins with Rucci in the past and he most certainly is not on my chrismas card list but the attitude of some posters here, including yourself is laughable at best. As I said, if the article was written by say Andrew Capel you wouldn't have a word to say on it. But since its written by Rucci, lets go on another dummy spit shall we :rolleyes:
feenix67 said:

Please stop making unfounded and completely incorrect references to Mandy's character.......some people here have lost my respect.

I think the same should also be said for Rachel. As nobody here knows the complete facts for EITHER of these women, it would be nice if everyone could keep their school yard taunts and insults to a minimum. Rachel may have damaged her image when she and Andrew separated but you have to remember she was hurt and fighting for her family. Many people say things out of frustration in circumstances that she found herself in. I personally believe much of what has been written about both Rachel (in the past) and this particular incident has been blown way out of proportion. The press are not known for letting the truth get in the way of a good story.
Truck Rutten said:
You might be pissed off about some of the things said about Mandy, but a lot of us here are pissed off at the the gossip and ridicule these two have brought upon our club. At any time of the year, this is the last thing that the club needs to be wasting time, resources and money on. Some of the colourful descriptions of the protagonists might be a little over the top, but they've only got themselves to blame.

Stiffy_18 said:
I will put my hand up and say that I have labelled both Mandy and Racheal as primadonnas but not skanks or anything like that.
Who instigated what none of us know, but I see both of them equally at fault. So lets say for arguments sake that Rachael did instigate the incident, the reaction from both of them is childish. Sometimes its better to turn a blind eye than to react to taunts. Generally people that do the taunting will give up if they realise that the taunts don't affect the other party.

There are a few ways to deal with this but reacting to taunting is not one of them.

Can I have the file on both your lives as I'd like to see the recipe for leading the perfect existence...:rolleyes:

Please, this crap happens between people all the time. yes I agree they need to get over it and recognise that they are in the pubic eye. But for god sake, the self righteous stuff on here is laughable and the uninformed namecalling is just as childish.....easy when u can remain anonymous too isnt it.

Get over yourselves and talk about the footy.:mad:
jenny61_99 said:
I think the same should also be said for Rachel. As nobody here knows the complete facts for EITHER of these women, it would be nice if everyone could keep their school yard taunts and insults to a minimum. Rachel may have damaged her image when she and Andrew separated but you have to remember she was hurt and fighting for her family. Many people say things out of frustration in circumstances that she found herself in. I personally believe much of what has been written about both Rachel (in the past) and this particular incident has been blown way out of proportion. The press are not known for letting the truth get in the way of a good story.

Agreed reference to Mandy was purely out of friendship with the family but yeah the same applies :)
feenix67 said:
Can I have the file on both your lives as I'd like to see the recipe for leading the perfect existence...:rolleyes:

Please, this crap happens between people all the time. yes I agree they need to get over it and recognise that they are in the pubic eye. But for god sake, the self righteous stuff on here is laughable and the uninformed namecalling is just as childish.....easy when u can remain anonymous too isnt it.

Get over yourselves and talk about the footy.:mad:

Pull your fukk'n head in you precious twat. We're not the ones bringing disrepute on the largest sporting club in SA.
feenix67 said:
Again with the name calling......try getting some intelligence in your posts :rolleyes:

I've already used that angle with you, and amazingly your only response was to attempt to shift the focus from the two people at the centre of this awful mess, onto the possible personal failings of a couple of BF posters.

Try getting some impartiality in your posts.
feenix67 said:
Can I have the file on both your lives as I'd like to see the recipe for leading the perfect existence...:rolleyes:

Please, this crap happens between people all the time. yes I agree they need to get over it and recognise that they are in the pubic eye. But for god sake, the self righteous stuff on here is laughable and the uninformed namecalling is just as childish.....easy when u can remain anonymous too isnt it.

Get over yourselves and talk about the footy.:mad:
feenix67 said:
I dont know Rachel McLeod so I cant comment on her character or demeanor. Knowing what I do, however, I sincerely doubt that Mandy instigated this latest mess.
So in other words you don't like people around here having their opinion on this issue or name calling yoru friend by you go on to lay the blame on Rachael in a roundabout way. Riiigghhtt!!!! :rolleyes:

Can you actually see the similarity between what I quoted and what you are having a go at other people here :confused:

feenix67 said:
Please stop making unfounded and completely incorrect references to Mandy's character.......some people here have lost my respect.
You mean the same way you made them about Rachael in a round about way?! :confused:

You go off at people for staying impartial on who is wrong and who is not and calling someone a primadonna is hardly a huge insult. But you are quite happy to make remarks such as you have made above :confused:

As for my perfect existance, far from it. I have made mistakes and I will continue to make them as will everyone else. And yes I have reacted at times when I should have walked away. However, I have also swallowed my pride a number of times for the good of my workplace even when insults were flying left right and center. Sometimes its a hell of a lot harder to walk away than it is to confront someone about it. These are both grown women and they should be able to be in the same room with each other without taking snipes and getting physical with each other. And please stop making Mandy as a saint in all this. This is not the first time there was an altercation or exchange of words between 2 of them. This bickerring has gone on for almost 12 months.

Both of them are to blame and both of them should pull their heads in.

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Official Mrs McLeod v Edwards Thread

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