Traded Patrick Dangerfield [traded w/ pick 50 to Geelong for 9, 28 and Gore]

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Petraccra burning Dangerfield on instagram. How embarrassing

Hardly a burn... both of you try again.

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I'm confused why - if the rumour is true and Melbourne offered picks 2 and 3 for Danger last year - Adelaide didn't take it?

Petracca and Brayshaw seems a much better result for them than pick 14...
They were confident with a new coach that they could persuade him to stay and b) they didnt think theyd only get pick 14 which still might not end up happening.
I'm confused why - if the rumour is true and Melbourne offered picks 2 and 3 for Danger last year - Adelaide didn't take it?

Petracca and Brayshaw seems a much better result for them than pick 14...
Ummm because a contracted player has to agree to a trade perhaps?
Even if he spends 2 minutes on it that doesn't make it any less embarrassing for him. He tried to be a smartass and got straight rolled by a rookie
I would say he wouldn't care to be honest has the greatest sense of humour I e come across.
To be expected from a halfwit with Danger as his avatar when he doesn't even play for Geelong
Better a halfwit than a product of incest who is your greatest trade-in of all time only trade-in seeing as no-one wants to go to your club. :drunk:
I'm confused why - if the rumour is true and Melbourne offered picks 2 and 3 for Danger last year - Adelaide didn't take it?

Petracca and Brayshaw seems a much better result for them than pick 14...
Cause Melbourne is why.
I have seen so many people state Adel must match because the outcome re compensation is unfair. So let me pose them a few questions.

The FREE agency system was designed as a system to promote EASIER movement of players who had given their clubs extended service. If Adel match, and Danger becomes nothing more than an out of contract player, what benefit exactly has his Free Agency status delivered him? Is it fair that his status after 8 years exemplary service, and as a FA, is the same as a James Aish or Jarrad Jansen?

Is it fair or discriminatory that Danger, in the event of a match, should be treated differently to EVERY OTHER Free Agent before him? Was this really how the AFL and AFLPA intended the system to work? Why should the Cats become Guinea pigs in the final 12 months of a system that will likely be further diluted in a years time when a new CBA rolls out? Particularly given precisely ZERO clubs have exercised their matching right to this point.

Furthermore, the matching right was never intended for the purpose of extracting a club a better trade outcome. This is precisely why no club has used it for this purpose, and why there is a compensatory formula in place. It was intended for a situation where a player was open to staying at his club but wanted to fully test the market re his value $$.

This is why no club has matched to date. The system was designed to function for the benefit of the PLAYERS not the clubs. It is a system that both gives and takes, and the Crows will likely have seen both sides of that soon. If Adel were to match it will only militarise and embolden the AFLPA in a year which will require negotiation of a new CBA. This would not be a good outcome for the AFL, and thus it's an outcome I don't expect to happen.

Put simply, Adel matching would require it to go rogue and nuclear on the Free Agency system, and against key stakeholders (AFL, AFLPA). Again, this would be madness and thus it will not happen IMO.
RESTRICTED free agent.

Do some research on why it is
Different to an UNRESTRICTED free agent!
Caroline Wilson just saying that PD wants Adelaide to accept the compensation and NOT force a contrast to what some posters are saying here.
She also said afc will play hardball & it's Afc choice not Dangerfield's or Mahlepi 's choice either!
1. Dangerfield has walked out on the adelaide.
2. Crows dont have any geelong picks for him, come back to me when this occurs.
Won't be long before we get those picks & not the fa compensation pick you were 100% certain Afc would accept... & hailing anyone else down who though otherwise in a derogatory fashion.

Best to accept humble pie rather than digging a bigger hole for yourself!

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I'm getting sick of the Danger buzz, at this point, I'd rather he just stay in Adelaide and put all this to rest. He's elite, and would be a quality addition, but if this distraction goes on for months, it's going to hurt both Adelaide and whatever team he goes to.

There's no reason a player possibly moving should be the lead story going into the Prelims.
Even if he spends 2 minutes on it that doesn't make it any less embarrassing for him. He tried to be a smartass and got straight rolled by a rookie

That's clearly just friendly banter. AFL players don't take the hatred between clubs like supporters seem to, and generally love this kind of stuff. I don't see it as embarrassing for anyone, its just a funny comment.

On that note, Adelaide need to match any offer Danger gets and force a trade. They will get shafted over big time any other way guaranteed. **** good faith, do what's best for your club.
Won't be long before we get those picks & not the fa compensation pick you were 100% certain Afc would accept... & hailing anyone else down who though otherwise in a derogatory fashion.

Best to accept humble pie rather than digging a bigger hole for yourself!
No worries champ
How was the humble pie given he was never leaving
And that would go against Geelong's long held contract/list management strategy. Good luck to them if they pay 1mil + a year for a midfielder. Even one as good as dangerfield.
The Cats legitimately might. It's not often in football a player of Dangerfield's ability becomes available to you. It's easy to say Geelong never pay big bucks for a player, but they also haven't nabbed a player of Dangerfield's ability from another club before. As a neutral, I'm fascinated by how this will play out
When clubs draft players they should/do look at family connections to specific clubs. Dangerfield had/has connections to Geelong and there was a good chance he was going to go back.. I am sure Adelaide knew this being a professional club and took the risk on him.
For those that are wondering what Mahelpi won't respond to:

I suggested it was off for him to have a players partner as an avatar.

He suggested isn't it about time I changed my avatar? My avatar has our current captain and deceased coach as a sign of respect. Now he wouldn't be suggesting I change my avatar due to Tex, he's referring to Walshy.

I think we all know what quality of person @Mahelpi is.

Gee, huge sigh of relief now that you've cleared up the great mahelpi avatar accusations 2016.. After pages of you whinging about a stupid post made by a clear troll I will now finally be able to get some sleep knowing exactly what it is he won't respond to.

For the love of god, let it go mate.

On topic IMO: Danger gone. Adelaide will match. Cats will offer 2 picks. Crows will push for 2 picks and a player. No cigar. 2 picks begrudgingly accepted. Saga over.
Would Adelaide accept a deal of Bennell plus a pick or two fro Dangerfield? Or am I completely barking up the wrong tree.
Have to convince Danger to go to the Gold Coast as well dont forget
I think most people have now accepted the reality that Dangerfield will seek to join Geelong. However, contrary to the briefings the Cats have apparently been feeding to the Vic media (Hutchy, Caro & Mark Stevens) over the last week or 2 regarding us 'doing the right thing by poor little Patrick' and accepting the FA compensation, or the Cats being prepared to throw the dice, send Dangerfield to the draft and risk missing out on him altogether; logic dictates that the Crows will match and force this into a straight trade scenario, with the general consensus that it will involve 2 first round picks or equivalent.

I'd be pencilling in the Cats 2015 first round pick as the starting point, I think both parties will agree to that. Where it will get interesting will be where that 2nd first round pick comes from. I'm sure there'll be plenty of back and forth between the 2 clubs over the next few weeks, and for me there are 2 options available - one of which probably suits Geelong more, the other suiting Adelaide.

Cats will offer next year's first rounder (unknown value as the Cats might sneak into finals next year meaning this pick may have less value, or they might dip a little after the departures/retirements/deterioration of so many of their key veterans meaning this pick may have more value), this is the lowest risk option for them.

I would not be surprised at all if the Crows asked for last year's first rounder (Cockatoo, known value, fits the bill in terms of what the club will be looking for in the trade market this summer).

Whether the Crows get that or not is obviously another question entirely, but given the rare quality of player the Cats are receiving it'd be naive to think that the Crows won't ask them to give up something of value in return. They'll test the Cats resolve on a number of their youngsters who are deemed to be "equivalent to a first round pick", and I'm sure Cockatoo's name will come up at some point if it hasn't already, regardless of his contract status or the number he wears.
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Gee, huge sigh of relief now that you've cleared up the great mahelpi avatar accusations 2016.. After pages of you whinging about a stupid post made by a clear troll I will now finally be able to get some sleep knowing exactly what it is he won't respond to.

For the love of god, let it go mate.

On topic IMO: Danger gone. Adelaide will match. Cats will offer 2 picks. Crows will push for 2 picks and a player. No cigar. 2 picks begrudgingly accepted. Saga over.
You want me to let it go which I have and you do that by bumping my post?

And the rest of your post I agree with, he is a troll and I can see us getting 2 picks.
When clubs draft players they should/do look at family connections to specific clubs. Dangerfield had/has connections to Geelong and there was a good chance he was going to go back.. I am sure Adelaide knew this being a professional club and took the risk on him.

Adelaide also got a fair few excellent years out of him. He's leaving as a RFA - that's eight years service, which is nothing to sneeze about. Some of those were developmental years, but it's not like he's leaving after a two or three year stay where Adelaide puts in the development and another club reaps the benefit.

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