Player Watch Pick #16 (2016) - Todd Marshall

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Todd is too good to give up on just yet and resting from any contact over the pre-season may, I hope, be enough to settle down his vulnerability. Having said, that any decision should be made with advice from a variety of opinions from the best brain specialists in the world that specialise in sport related brain injuries. He probably still has inflammation from his most recent previous concussion, reduce the inflammation and he might recover normal function but he needs many months at least to ascertain his recovery from this point. When all is said and done, his long term health is the number one priority. Will Puscovski may be one to watch to see what resting can do for recovery, but so far that seems discouraging. In addition there are natural substances that can help reduce inflammation such as N-acetyl cysteine (precursor to glutathione, the body's main anti-inflammatory compound) being researched for their efficacy.
Maybe 12 months in the inactive list and see where he is at?

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Seems like a really decent guy. Also seems like the gap between Marshall in his breakout year and the low contact player that floats through games the past couple of years probably has a good explanation. I really feel for him but surely he can't keep playing.
If so, I hope we use his spot for the best lead up 25yo in the SANFL,VFL rather than some beanpole 18yo with pick #57

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How do some players keep getting concussed. Is it just bad luck, positioning, awareness?

He's not taking massive hits. It's a contact sport and unfortunately for Todd his brain is just not handling it. A bit like McCartin earlier where he basically got KOed by a piece of grass.

Todd still has probably 60 years of life ahead of him and it's time to focus on that and look after himself. Hopefully he's been able to save up a few $$$ from his playing career to get himself going for life after footy.

You just can't keep getting concussed from minor impacts, every cumulative one is doing more and more damage.
Unfortunately played his last game I think
Bit if a Bowen Lockwood end really. He had potential.
He's not taking massive hits. It's a contact sport and unfortunately for Todd his brain is just not handling it. A bit like McCartin earlier where he basically got KOed by a piece of grass.

Todd still has probably 60 years of life ahead of him and it's time to focus on that and look after himself. Hopefully he's been able to save up a few $$$ from his playing career to get himself going for life after footy.

You just can't keep getting concussed from minor impacts, every cumulative one is doing more and more damage.

Yep, it seems like some people are just susceptible to concussions or they get a few early and get more susceptible as they go on. We 100% know the damage that repeat concussions does at this point. It's life ruining. We've seen players with huge mental health issues, we've seen players suicide.

It ****ing sucks. Everyone who posts here knows how much I want him to be successful as a footballer. It's awful for Todd that his dream and career are getting taken away from him like this, but he's got another 70 years of life left. Better to have a long, happy and rewarding life than have another 5 years or so playing footy.

Give him a role in the coaches box as an assistant forwards coach. Pay out his contract in full, but obviously try to sort out the best salary cap hits we can if a portion of it has to come out of the salary cap.
I favour a year off. Keep him on the list, give his head a chance to really heel. That is the best way to see if he can get back on the field. We put him on the long term injury list in July and pick up another Logan Evans and give Todd a fair crack at 2026.

Todd deserves our best support. He is too young to ditch without trying everything to get him back on the ground in a sustainable way.

And I love the idea of a coaching role like assistant froward coach next year.

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I'm no medico, but my understanding is that there isn't much evidence to suggest brain injury associated with concussion 'heals'.

If you get lucky and don't get concussed over a period time you might be fine, but once another concussion happens you will be in the same position.

We've seen that with Brayshaw. Had a few years where he looked fine, and then one concussion and he has to retire.

Different sport, but in an unfortunate coincidence Tua Tagovailoa from Miami in the NFL picked up another concussion on the same day as Todd. Similar story where he had a year where he was fine, gets a concussion and now future in question.
Assuming he does play again, how does Port ensure Marshall doesn’t suffer another head knock? Does he have to wear a helmet to offer some protection since his past head knocks look very innocuous?

I know that helmets doesn’t offer as much protection contrary to popular belief but you want to at least increase your odds of not getting concussion by a bit.
Our medical staff need to be sacked. Hopefully todd will be okay. I suppose he goes to the inactive list for a year and probably retires.

I wouldn't be surprised if the AFL brings in some sort of compulsory independent medical assessment for repeat concussion victims - take it out of the clubs' hands.
Reported on 7 news Todd went for a brain scan today.

Absolute waste of time if it is a CT or MRI as neither show abnormalities caused by concussion.

The best scan worth getting is a diffusion tensor tractography (DTT) scan which can evaluate an entire neural tract and abnormal findings, such as tearing, narrowing or discontinuation (which you see in people who have had concussion), but there is literally only one place in all of Australia to my knowledge that has the capability of doing such a scan, and it's not currently available to be done in a clinical setting in Australia.
Absolute waste of time if it is a CT or MRI as neither show abnormalities caused by concussion.

The best scan worth getting is a diffusion tensor tractography (DTT) scan which can evaluate an entire neural tract and abnormal findings, such as tearing, narrowing or discontinuation (which you see in people who have had concussion), but there is literally only one place in all of Australia to my knowledge that has the capability of doing such a scan, and it's not currently available to be done in a clinical setting in Australia.

A question out of total ignorance: Could a functional MRI pick up anything? I assume that if it could it would be because you also had a pre-concussion baseline with which to compare, which I, further, assume is not the case with Todd.
A question out of total ignorance: Could a functional MRI pick up anything? I assume that if it could it would be because you also had a pre-concussion baseline with which to compare, which I, further, assume is not the case with Todd.

Certainly of more value than other conventional imaging modalities. Still not as good as a DTT.

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Player Watch Pick #16 (2016) - Todd Marshall

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