Political Discussion part #2 - Let’s go out for 10 Big Macs at the Engadine Maccas!!

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Nov 24, 2007
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This thread will fill during the election, so we're going new thread slightly early

We don't have the US system, thankfully


instead we have


Larry, Moe, and Curly

There's only one candidate i've seen in recent years worth voting for. This was their manifesto, among other things:

  • The abolition of the Lords
  • No third runway to be built at Heathrow
  • Brexit: a referendum should be held about whether there should be a second referendum.
  • New voting age limit of 16 to be introduced. New voting age limit of 80 to be introduced too.
  • Stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia.
  • Prospective MPs to live in the seat they wish to represent for at least five years before election, to improve local representation in Parliament.
  • Free bikes for everyone, to help combat obesity, traffic congestion and bike theft.




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hey @mattjcan, you recently said SA's new diesel generators are the dirtiest form of power.

promptly dismiss the advisor who told you that!

the emissions intensity for SA's new gens is 750kgCO2e/MWh — lower than _every_ coal power station in the world.

cc. @JoshFrydenberg
Shortens tax thing seems pretty sensible to me, dunno if he'll lose much support, prolly gain uf anything

Shortens tax thing seems pretty sensible to me, dunno if he'll lose much support, prolly gain uf anything

What a horribly biased article

The first hint is calling franking credits a “loophole”. I’ve noticed Labor do this a lot, calling legitimate tax outcomes a “loophole”. I don’t think they know what that word means.
What a horribly biased article

The first hint is calling franking credits a “loophole”. I’ve noticed Labor do this a lot, calling legitimate tax outcomes a “loophole”. I don’t think they know what that word means.
That wasnt written by labor so how do they come into it.

Legitimacy doesnt come into tax law, its not physics, its a social construction, it is what it is.

But on the subject of legitimacy, seeing as we're the only country on the planet that does it this way, is every other country's system illegitimate? You better get on the phone and let them know.
That wasnt written by labor so how do they come into it.

Legitimacy doesnt come into tax law, its not physics, its a social construction, it is what it is.

But on the subject of legitimacy, seeing as we're the only country on the planet that does it this way, is every other country's system illegitimate? You better get on the phone and let them know.
You know as well as I do that these “think tanks” are all aligned to one of the political parties and aren’t independent.

Each country has their own system that works in that country. Maybe those other countries have lower company tax rates. Maybe those countries don’t tax dividends at all. We don’t know and the author didn’t bother to query that.
In before Nick kills all the hotels and the state runs out of beer

I'd be more inclined to believe the AHA if they could better show how hotels need that money to support the community, rather than the current perception, which is a rich group of hotel owners that are pissed that their rivers of gold might dry up.
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Alright, trying my hand at tomorrow's results.

Adelaide: Rachel Sanderson (LIB) Hold
Badcoe: Jayne Stinson (ALP)
Black: David Spiers (LIB) Hold
Bragg: Vicki Chapman (LIB) Hold
Chaffey: Tom Whetsone (LIB) Hold
Cheltenham: Jay Weatherill (ALP) Hold
Colton: Matt Cowdrew (LIB) Gain
Croydon: Peter Malinauskas (ALP) Hold
Davenport: Steve Murray (LIB) Hold
Dunstan: Steve Marshall (LIB) Hold
Elder: Carolyn Habib (LIB) Gain
Elizabeth: Lee Odenwalder (ALP) Hold
Enfield: Carol Martin (SAB) Gain
Finniss: David Basham (LIB) Hold
Flinders: Peter Treloar (LIB) Hold
Florey: Frances Bedford (IND) Hold
Frome: Geoff Brock (IND) Hold
Gibson: Corey Wingard (LIB) Hold
Giles: Eddie Hughes (ALP) Hold
Hammond: Adrian Pederick (LIB) Hold
Hartley: Vince Tarzia (LIB) Hold
Heysen: Josh Teague (LIB) Hold
Hurtle Vale: Nat Cook (ALP)
Kaurna: Chris Picton (ALP) Hold
Kavel: Dan Cregan (LIB) Hold
King: Julie Duncan (ALP) Hold
Lee: Stephen Mullighan (ALP) Hold
Light: Tony Piccolo (ALP) Hold
Mackillop: Nick McBride (LIB) Hold
Mawson: Andy Gilfillan (LIB) Gain
Morialta: John Gardener (LIB) Hold
Morphett: Stephen Patterson (LIB) Gain
Mount Gambier: Troy Bell (IND) Hold
Narungga: Fraser Ellis (LIB) Hold
Newland: Tom Kenyon (ALP) Hold
Playford: Michael Brown (ALP) Hold
Port Adelaide: Gary Johansen (SAB) Gain
Ramsay: Zoe Bettinson (ALP) Hold
Reynell: Katrine Hildyard (ALP) Hold
Schubert: Stephen Knoll (LIB) Hold
Stuart: Duncan van Holst Pellekann (LIB) Hold
Taylor: Jon Gee (ALP) Hold
Torrens: Therese Kenny (LIB) Gain
Unley: David Pisoni (LIB) Hold
Waite: Sam Duluk (LIB) Hold
West Torrens: Tom Koutsiatonis (ALP) Hold
Wright: Blair Boyer (ALP) Hold


Liberals: 25
Labor: 17
SA Best: 2
Independents: 3
Alright, trying my hand at tomorrow's results.

Adelaide: Rachel Sanderson (LIB) Hold
Badcoe: Jayne Stinson (ALP)
Black: David Spiers (LIB) Hold
Bragg: Vicki Chapman (LIB) Hold
Chaffey: Tom Whetsone (LIB) Hold
Cheltenham: Jay Weatherill (ALP) Hold
Colton: Matt Cowdrew (LIB) Gain
Croydon: Peter Malinauskas (ALP) Hold
Davenport: Steve Murray (LIB) Hold
Dunstan: Steve Marshall (LIB) Hold
Elder: Carolyn Habib (LIB) Gain
Elizabeth: Lee Odenwalder (ALP) Hold
Enfield: Carol Martin (SAB) Gain
Finniss: David Basham (LIB) Hold
Flinders: Peter Treloar (LIB) Hold
Florey: Frances Bedford (IND) Hold
Frome: Geoff Brock (IND) Hold
Gibson: Corey Wingard (LIB) Hold
Giles: Eddie Hughes (ALP) Hold
Hammond: Adrian Pederick (LIB) Hold
Hartley: Vince Tarzia (LIB) Hold
Heysen: Josh Teague (LIB) Hold
Hurtle Vale: Nat Cook (ALP)
Kaurna: Chris Picton (ALP) Hold
Kavel: Dan Cregan (LIB) Hold
King: Julie Duncan (ALP) Hold
Lee: Stephen Mullighan (ALP) Hold
Light: Tony Piccolo (ALP) Hold
Mackillop: Nick McBride (LIB) Hold
Mawson: Andy Gilfillan (LIB) Gain
Morialta: John Gardener (LIB) Hold
Morphett: Stephen Patterson (LIB) Gain
Mount Gambier: Troy Bell (IND) Hold
Narungga: Fraser Ellis (LIB) Hold
Newland: Tom Kenyon (ALP) Hold
Playford: Michael Brown (ALP) Hold
Port Adelaide: Gary Johansen (SAB) Gain
Ramsay: Zoe Bettinson (ALP) Hold
Reynell: Katrine Hildyard (ALP) Hold
Schubert: Stephen Knoll (LIB) Hold
Stuart: Duncan van Holst Pellekann (LIB) Hold
Taylor: Jon Gee (ALP) Hold
Torrens: Therese Kenny (LIB) Gain
Unley: David Pisoni (LIB) Hold
Waite: Sam Duluk (LIB) Hold
West Torrens: Tom Koutsiatonis (ALP) Hold
Wright: Blair Boyer (ALP) Hold


Liberals: 25
Labor: 17
SA Best: 2
Independents: 3
I’ll have a crack tonight

You should have Waite as a gain. Even though MHS was a Lib at the last election, he immediately went independent to get himself a ministers pension.
I’ll have a crack tonight

You should have Waite as a gain. Even though MHS was a Lib at the last election, he immediately went independent to get himself a ministers pension.

Agree, but with the re-distribution what constitutes a gain and what doesn't became a bit messy. Given Duluk was already in parliament i listed as hold. Doesn't really matter though.

Re the above, SAB in Port Adelaide and Enfield are reaches, but I suspect the big story of the night is that SAB while coming second in a lot of races across the state will actually cause more heartache in Labor heartland then in the Hills/Foothills.

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Simon Holmes a Court...

Wonder how much of Daddy's $Millions he has invested in Renewables??

Hardly an independent source given his heavy involvement in the Renewables Industry.
I wonder what Peta Credlin has to say on the issue...
LOL LOL LOL and then some more LOL

The Australia Institute really??

Are you serious?

A dead set PROGRESSIVE think tank mainly funded by the Unions.

T he left's version of the IPA.

Headed up by Economist Richard Dennis and Ben Oquist - Formerly Chief Of Staff for Bob Brown and Christine Milne.

Please point me to one article by either gentleman that is pro the LNP, I'll be very surprised if you can find one, bet you'll find numerous that are anti LNP but.
Why do you only care about affiliations when you're not quoting Credlin, Bolt or Murdoch? It's fine to not listen to pieces you think might be biased, but at least don't be a hypocrite.
Interesting they’re narrow favourites, most people can’t predict the result, yet you have the Libs winning in a landslide.

Does anyone know what will happen tomorrow?

Given 20% of votes appear to be pre-poll i suspect what happens tomorrow won't even be known tomorrow.

Also, I have the Libs under performing against their 2014 result accounting for redistribution, hardly a landslide.
Shortens tax thing seems pretty sensible to me, dunno if he'll lose much support, prolly gain uf anything

The only people who will gain have never worked to have a super account, SMSF or Industry Fund or the dreaded Bank run funds.

The rest of us will be paying 15% in accumulation phase, helped with 30% Franking Credits offset and in pension mode which is tax free for everyone if your fund only holds franked shares you will be paying 30% tax under Bills plan. People who bought shares when things were listed such as Woolworths, Commonwealth Bank and Telstra that sit under the income limit will also take a hit by not being able to claim credits.

The 1.6 cap on pension funds would remove most of Bills complaints about large funds claiming credits.

One loophole they won't close is them claiming allowances for being in Canberra, mostly in accommodation their partner or family trust owns and can claim the benefits of negative gearing as well.
Okay, I've ended up with

24 Lib
18 ALP
2 Ind

Bell is one of the independents who may as well be a Lib. Other is Bedford.

I am calling Brock to lose his seat. He may be popular, but that region hates the ALP more than it loves Brock, and siding with the ALP last election was suicide.

My seats to watch:
Lee - I have Mulligan winning it, but I personally don't rate him so would love to see him lose his seat, being the next big thing in Labor terms
Torrens - the Adelaide Politics board's own Chris Kenny's sister running in this against Dana Wortley. Have Wortley winning, but would like to see if Kenny can give her a scare
Badcoe - odds have this going to Labor, and I have seen Stinson around the place, but Clyne was a popular mayor of Unley and think he may get over the line. I have this as Lib
Enfield - I have Rau losing this. Was somewhat tight anyway and I don't think he's won any new friends the last 4 years. Have this going to SAB - can't see a Lib winning it
Adelaide - I think there are people that just don't like Sanderson, whereas Chapley has a lot of fans. This seat always swings, expect its Labors turn for a while.
Mawson - I have Bignell losing because most sane people think he's a nob
Colton - have this as SAB. Wood is a popular candidate and I dont think either Labor or Libs have cared too much about this one
Elder - the Labor candidate begged to be moved to another seat. She's a horrible woman, and her racist campaign last time should have seen her booted out. This one will be the sweetest win of the lot. Libs in a canter.
My SAB wins are Colton (Wood), Heysen (Illingworth) and Enfield (Martin)

I also expect that as Nick X won't win his seat, when he starts to act with authority, these 3 tell him to jump and basically become independents themselves.

Imagine if the Libs need 2 of the independents or SAB. They take on Bell. Then approach say Wood and say we'll make you Minister for whatever if you side with us.

Nick X says no deal ... if I was Wood, I know what I'd do.
Agree re Elder. The poetic justice in Habib sitting in parliament, exposing the right faction of the ALP (Rau, Mullighan, Koutsiatonis and Malinauskas) as the hypocrites they truly are would be wonderful.
I agree that Wood is a Lib in sheep's clothes.

I suspect my main difference in where I read the lay of the land is to whether SAB hits ALP or Liberal heartland harder. I think SA Best will come second in most Hills/Foothills seats but will struggle to push past 47% in any of them.

However, in the northern suburbs from Enfield to Light I think they'll be pushing to 49% and take a few scoops (including Rau as you've alluded to).
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