POLL: Where do you sit with the current EGM/board spill push?

Where do you sit with the current EGM/board spill push?

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The more we hear from Korda the more obvious it is that he’s a president that won’t live or die by the sword. He will 100% be dictated by the advice of Wright who seems to be the only person backing Buckley.

The timing also suggests Browne wants to get in ASAP before key decisions are made. Ultimately the football director has the final say so we’ll get our answer based on who that man is once Browne takes over, IMO.

Finally the renewal of my membership hinges on the Buckley decision so I don’t find it particularly amusing because I want to contribute to the club post 2021. I can’t justify paying for the sh*t we keep getting served up any longer.
Should Browne takeover the board and take the coaching decision out of Wright's hands where does that leave Wright? It wouldn't be a great vote of confidence should Wright subsequently be relieved of that responsibility.
Should Browne takeover the board and take the coaching decision out of Wright's hands where does that leave Wright? It wouldn't be a great vote of confidence should Wright subsequently be relieved of that responsibility.

To start with I’m in no way as big a fan of Wright as others on here and I don’t like that we’re talking about leaving it in the hands of one person, but Korda put that on the agenda.

IMO, it should be a decision made in conjunction with Wright, Anderson and Licuria. If they can’t reach a consensus the rest of the board take a vote and if that’s split Licuria has the final say.

My belief is that if Wright’s inclination is to re-sign Buckley I think he’s the wrong man for the job. Only a hater or sycophant would say he’s doing a good enough job to warrant a contract extension given how we play.

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I think you are underestimating just how disenchanted many fans are feeling with the club and trivialising the concerns held by fans.

Fans of most clubs probably don't have such lofty expectations, but most clubs haven't been through what we have over the past 12 months. The fans of most clubs still trust that their club leaders have the ability to properly run their clubs. The leaders of our club have lost that trust from the fanbase. In fact, the opposite is the case and many consider them to be completely incompetent. Given the circumstances, our club needs to do far more than it's doing to win back the trust of the fans.

Hang on, hang on, you’re losing me here ...

... are we talking about Collingwood? What is it that Collingwood has been through over the last 12 months that has been as a result of incompetence and lost the trust of the fanbase?

I think many (most?) Collingwood fans have lost faith that the club has the capacity to make quality list and salary cap decisions and that those in charge of the club are out of ideas and are mostly interested in preserving the status quo.

The club had a salary cap squeeze back in 2017 (we know this from a pic somebody took through the windows of the Holden Centre) ... and yet the club managed to compete in finals for the three following years. Something had to give eventually (as it does with all clubs that are at the top of their cycle), Covid hit and forced a reduction to the salary cap, so we had to offload players.

I get it that folks are unhappy that their beloved players left, but how to you think folks would have felt if Grundy had gone to Adelaide?

Yeah, it’s sad, but it’s the circle of life. Renewal and growth. We turned over 12 list spots last season.

That may not be the case, but we're not getting anything convincing from the club that it isn't.

After extreme list mismanagement, the club tried to bluff the fans and convince them that its trade week decisions had nothing to do with the salary cap, were not forced and were entirely for the benefit of the football team. The coach has since said that the opposite was the case.

The club screwed up the PR terribly. The also screwed up on the Beams trade. If folks feel our board should be crucified over that, them fair enough. I don’t think they have anything else to be answerable for.

Let’s take a roll call of screwups in the last few decades ...

Salary Cap cheating - Carlton
Suppliments scandal - Essendon
Tanking scandal - Melbourne
Go home five (and more) - Brisbane
Illicit drugs scandal - Gold Coast
Offseason Camp Scandal - Adelaide
Practically nobody turning up to games - Port Adelaide
Shocking performances over many many years - Melbourne, Richmond, Carlton, Essendon, Gold Coast.

Most of those have justifiably lead to board change.

Having to offload a few players at the trade table doesn’t even register.

We are now in full rebuild mode with our new footy boss publicly expressing the view that we won't contend for all least 2 years, when we were told only a few weeks ago that we were still shooting for finals.

Would you rather he said that we’re not shooting for finals?

The messaging is all over the place and inconsistent on so many issues.

The PR in some respects hasn’t been good, I agree.

From the outside it looks like the club is a mess and that the people within it don't know what they're doing. That may not be the case - it likely isn't the case - but again it comes down to the club's inability to communicate and connect with its members.

The club don’t want to put a ceiling on what they or their young players can achieve. That’s not unreasonable is it?
Should Browne takeover the board and take the coaching decision out of Wright's hands where does that leave Wright? It wouldn't be a great vote of confidence should Wright subsequently be relieved of that responsibility.
If that happened you just organise an EGM and vote him out.


Of course by that stage the club is well and truly stuffed and everything would then be pointless.
But we aren’t financially strong. A cursory glance at the clubs cash position would tell you everything you need to know on that front. That said we’ll always be financially viable because of fanatics like yourself.

And we'll never strive for dynasties because of member and fans of blind loyalty.
I get it that folks are unhappy that their beloved players left, but how to you think folks would have felt if Grundy had gone to Adelaide?

Probably better because we'd be in a better cap position and probably not losing out on field given Grundy's contract and how it aligns with his form. Hint it's not worth what he's getting - far from.

It's not so much the because, it's the how we went about it to make cap room.

The club screwed up the PR terribly. The also screwed up on the Beams trade. If folks feel our board should be crucified over that, them fair enough.

You forgot to mention the Wells and Mayne trades.

Would you rather he said that we’re not shooting for finals?

Better than the president pissing in our pockets and trying to tell us it's raining, it's insulting. We just want honesty and transparency, fk the dumb minority that eat the sh*t up.
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I think the main problem right now with a lot of Pies fans is that we're basing our opinions on emotional reactions. It hurts to see us doing poorly, it hurts to see us the laughing stock of the league in terms of governance, but we need to actually work on turning that hurt into a structured position. If we fail to do that and act accordingly then we risk being a huge part of the destabilisation of the club.
Neither of those were trades, both were unrestricted free agents. And I'll agree on Wells being a bad move, but surely Mayney made up for his initial poor form with his 2018 season?

Might be harsh on Mayne, but it was too much for too little IMV - hasn't paid off. If there was nothing else available best off not going at all on those two.
Should Browne takeover the board and take the coaching decision out of Wright's hands where does that leave Wright? It wouldn't be a great vote of confidence should Wright subsequently be relieved of that responsibility.
Wrighty has been around footy a long time. Is there any reason we'd expect him not to back Bucks publicly?
We don't have any clue whatsoever what he thinks.

If the board changes, I suspect decent footy people like GW will get a better chance to mold the club to the way it should be, otherwise more of the same.
Neither of those were trades, both were unrestricted free agents. And I'll agree on Wells being a bad move, but surely Mayney made up for his initial poor form with his 2018 season?
The thing about recruiting Wells & Beams, and possibly to a lesser extent Mayne, is nobody other that our footy club thought they were going to be worth what we gave for them.

Hopefully the new board will ban magic mushrooms in the recruiting department, because they sure weren't thinking straight.

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How is it not working? We’ve already seen plenty of change since Korda took over. People seem fixated on the Bridey apppointment.
Bridey is but only one of the massive failings of this board. Criticising an unknown board is one thing but it seems unfathamoble how anyone can defend this current board based on any single one of the following utter incompetence and mismanagement: the systemic racism, cap mismanagement or the trade period debacle.
Based on the past 10 years?
Based on changes happening now...
- Football Dept changes (Out Walsh & Guy, In Wright & Sellwood...plus more to come I assume)
- Refreshing the list with youth...rebuild
- Review of coaching panel (conducted by Wright)
- Board changes with 2 longest serving out, 2 new in.

We are financially strong (for an AFL Club).
Have addressed the do better report.
I believe we are turning the corner...with a view for the future.
If the existing board had sat on their hands (did nothing) & tried to weather the storm, I would be first in line to call for a changing of the guard.
Springing to action now doesn’t excuse the fact how poorly run we were in the last decade. We have no premierships to hang our hat on.
The current board can’t be trusted going forward nor trusted to bring on new board members.

Clear out time.
Springing to action now doesn’t excuse the fact how poorly run we were in the last decade. We have no premierships to hang our hat on.
The current board can’t be trusted going forward nor trusted to bring on new board members.

Clear out time.
Springing to action now doesn’t excuse the fact how poorly run we were in the last decade. We have no premierships to hang our hat on.
The current board can’t be trusted going forward nor trusted to bring on new board members.

Clear out time.

While I am not against change, this sort of comment doesn't make sense to me. AFAIK Korda is the only one that has been there longer than 2018.
Springing to action now doesn’t excuse the fact how poorly run we were in the last decade. We have no premierships to hang our hat on.
The current board can’t be trusted going forward nor trusted to bring on new board members.

Clear out time.

Disagree. There has been change within the club since Murphy undertook his review of the club in 2017. The appointment's of Sizer and Murphy to the board have been significant change agents.
It's time for change, the debacle of this last year demands that time is now.
I actually think the best decision would be to look past both Korda and Brown to promote Murphy to the presidency
a level headed middle ground
While I am not against change, this sort of comment doesn't make sense to me. AFAIK Korda is the only one that has been there longer than 2018.

+ Holgate has been there since 2016
Springing to action now doesn’t excuse the fact how poorly run we were in the last decade. We have no premierships to hang our hat on.

(1) But our current board haven’t been overseeing the joint for the last decade?

(2) If Premierships are your only measure of success then the passing parade of our board over the last 10 years have overseen two (VWFL 2018 + VFLW 2019)
No one will be at the rate the vaccination rollout and lockdowns are going.

The vaccination rollout seems to be going well?

I had my first jab within 24 hours of deciding to take it. It was expertly handled by a government who clearly have their shit together (ie: 20 days from vacant building site to dedicated vaccination facility built, fitted out, staffed and fully operational and expertly organised). I haven’t seen anything close to that level of application and efficiency this side of the the Chinese border.
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