POLL: Where do you sit with the current EGM/board spill push?

Where do you sit with the current EGM/board spill push?

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I don’t know and I don’t care, but I’d suggest he’s no Ed in terms of public gaffes. I just want whoever is more likely to sack Buckley.
There was a time, not long ago, when “Ed minus the gaffes” would have been seen as the greatest president any AFL club ever had.
Problem is, you won’t know who that is. Maybe Korda wants rid of Bucks and Browne wants to keep him.
Wouldn’t that be amusing?

The more we hear from Korda the more obvious it is that he’s a president that won’t live or die by the sword. He will 100% be dictated by the advice of Wright who seems to be the only person backing Buckley.

The timing also suggests Browne wants to get in ASAP before key decisions are made. Ultimately the football director has the final say so we’ll get our answer based on who that man is once Browne takes over, IMO.

Finally the renewal of my membership hinges on the Buckley decision so I don’t find it particularly amusing because I want to contribute to the club post 2021. I can’t justify paying for the shit we keep getting served up any longer.
There was a time, not long ago, when “Ed minus the gaffes” would have been seen as the greatest president any AFL club ever had.

A point I’d mostly agree with because the first half of his tenure was groundbreaking. In hindsight if he’d stepped aside once the handover had been embedded before the gaffes he’d be remembered very differently...

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The more we hear from Korda the more obvious it is that he’s a president that won’t live or die by the sword. He will 100% be dictated by the advice of Wright who seems to be the only person backing Buckley.

The timing also suggests Browne wants to get in ASAP before key decisions are made. Ultimately the football director has the final say so we’ll get our answer based on who that man is once Browne takes over, IMO.

Finally the renewal of my membership hinges on the Buckley decision so I don’t find it particularly amusing because I want to contribute to the club post 2021. I can’t justify paying for the sh*t we keep getting served up any longer.
That is of course your call. My membership money flows whatever happens.
That is of course your call. My membership money flows whatever happens.

That is exactly why we find ourselves in this mess. No matter how much they **** up they know people like you will bail them out...
No it’s not, it’s why we remain financially strong.

But we aren’t financially strong. A cursory glance at the clubs cash position would tell you everything you need to know on that front. That said we’ll always be financially viable because of fanatics like yourself.
I’m not in favour of the EGM as there is currently not a clear alternative ticket. Just seems like an angry mob with no plan.

This is where I stand.

I don't think Jeff Browne is an alternative - more the regime trying to save itself. He's Eddie's best mate, he's part of the boys club, it's the counter-revolution so to speak.

We need better alternatives, we need people outside of Eddie's orbit.

Jeff isn't in.
But we aren’t financially strong. A cursory glance at the clubs cash position would tell you everything you need to know on that front. That said we’ll always be financially viable because of fanatics like yourself.
So, because of members like me, we have a club.

You’re welcome!
That’s not the point
This isn’t a case of the grass isn’t greener on the other side
I have seen what this board has done ...and am judging it on exposed form
I’ve lost trust in them and as such am prepared to go with something new
It may not work out...but what we have is currently not working anyway
I too yearn for change but . . .

I must have heard the bolded and similar a hundred times in the leadup to the 'new magpies'.

That almost destroyed the club - and I mean that literally.

If not for Eddie the club would have gone under.

Closing our eyes and leaping blindly is a recipe for disaster.

I pray that this time things will go better.
The more we hear from Korda the more obvious it is that he’s a president that won’t live or die by the sword. He will 100% be dictated by the advice of Wright who seems to be the only person backing Buckley.

The timing also suggests Browne wants to get in ASAP before key decisions are made. Ultimately the football director has the final say so we’ll get our answer based on who that man is once Browne takes over, IMO.

Finally the renewal of my membership hinges on the Buckley decision so I don’t find it particularly amusing because I want to contribute to the club post 2021. I can’t justify paying for the sh*t we keep getting served up any longer.
I heard that hundreds of times too in the leadup to 'the new magpies'.

And it played a part in the financial Armageddon that engulfed and came within and inch of destroying the club.
I understand how it works.
I voted for Ranald McDonalds ticket in 1982. I wasn’t really voting for Len Thompson or Terry Waters.
Same same Eddie McGuire...voted for Eddie, not his team.
The recent controversial board addition (80+ candidates?). Yet no members vote?
I was voting for Brian McKenzie and Thommo and Waters.
But if no one stands there is no election - get people to stand if you want a vote.
The point is that Ed assembled the board and the club is now in the hands of his 14 year deputy. Optics are important, especially at the moment, and many (rightly or wrongly) see a Korda-led board as more of the same. I.e. a continuation of the administration that has presided over the degradation of the club.

That the first board appointment of the Korda era was handled so poorly did nothing to convince anyone otherwise.

For what it's worth I have a lot of respect for Korda and have no reason to doubt his competence. This won't help him in the face of a well organised board challenge though.

And how will Browne, 3 unknown cronies, and 3 existing board members change that? What if O'Donnell is 1 of the 3 existing members retained?

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I heard that hundreds of times too in the leadup to 'the new magpies'.

And it played a part in the financial Armageddon that engulfed and came within and inch of destroying the club.

Wait you’re comparing Hafey with Buckley? God this place is hilarious!

The members no longer have the ability to be involved in a democratic process and can only influence with their pocket. Talk of a financial Armageddon in 2021 shows an inherent lack of understanding of football economics.
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Wait you’re comparing Hafey with Buckley? God this place is hilarious!
Just go back and read your post and what I have bolded and THINK about what I meant instead of jumping to conclusions based on your bias.
That is exactly why we find ourselves in this mess. No matter how much they fu** up they know people like you will bail them out...
Nice edit after the reply!
I edit 99% of my posts so it’s bound to happen when someone replies within 30 seconds.

FWIW I did feel like it was some of my best work!
Especially when you want to make a point after the fact.
Just go back and read your post and what I have bolded and THINK about what I meant instead of jumping to conclusions based on your bias.

My bias is anti Buckley. I’ll take whatever path I see as right until he’s gone which is now to withdraw my yearly donation to the club if his contract is renewed. That’s all I stand for.
My bias is anti Buckley. I’ll take whatever path I see as right until he’s gone which is now to withdraw my yearly donation to the club if his contract is renewed. That’s all I stand for.
Yes and your type were part of the problem that almost destroyed our club.

Your choice and you have the right.

But don't expect applause from those that lived through the lowest years of our club.
No matter how much they fu** up they know people like you will bail them out...

Have at it 👍
Have at it? What a joke.
I’ll renew my membership, like I always do. Nothing to do with bailing anyone out.
If it makes you feel better to cancel yours, then go for it. Will make no difference to the club.
BTW, what level of membership do you have?
Have at it? What a joke.
I’ll renew my membership, like I always do. Nothing to do with bailing anyone out.
If it makes you feel better to cancel yours, then go for it. Will make no difference to the club.
BTW, what level of membership do you have?

I’m a 24 year gold AFL member and I take out a Legend member in my own name because I’m not a fan of the way the AFL divvy up the payment to clubs. I also buy legends memberships for my dad, partner and a spare that gets shared around so that we can sit together.
I’m a 24 year gold AFL member and I take out a Legend member in my own name because I’m not a fan of the way the AFL divvy up the payment to clubs. I also buy legends memberships for my dad, partner and a spare that gets shared around so that we can sit together.
Awesome, guess you won’t be sitting together anymore.
Enjoy 👍