Port Adelaide's plan to use jumpers similar to Collingwood

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For all the salty Crows fans in here commenting on an issue that has absolutely nothing to do with their club, if you don't like what guernsey Port wears when they sing the club song after the game there's a simple solution: Stop letting us wipe you off the park like we have the last three Showdowns and make it so we don't get to sing our song at all. Until then, shut the fu** up.

They're the ones Port are requesting to play it against - for the time being.

John Olsen also expressly stated at a Showdown function last week that the Crows will move to block Port Adelaide wearing it in a Crows home showdown.

Port bit off a bit too much, IMO. I reckon if they asked for just their home showdown which IMO was a very reasonable request, the push-back - particularly among Crows - would not have been so great. But they've bleated on about 'SA' football heritage, assumed all of SA football wants it, and highlighted the away game for it too. Port Adelaide want the heritage singlet, no one else.

I hope the club gets to wear it at least once a season in the home showdown. It may not have heritage in the AFL, but it is one of the most prestiguous and iconic uniforms in the sport of Australian Football. It should be commerated in some form in the national competition by the club that has made it.

Port Adelaide have to understand that black & white stripes is Collingwood's heritage too, and in the same League they currently continue to play. Collingwood may not have 36 premierships in a state league, but their history is nonetheless remarkable for the sustained level of competitiveness they have had too.
I actually dont mind the pies.. I used to hate them but in recent years I just seemed to have changed.. they’ve been terrible on the field this year but in recent times I’ve enjoyed watching their brand of footy.

Im a Richmond supporter originally but, as a SA lad (expat living in qld for 20 years now) i naturally started following the crows.

But when it comes to this issue I just think Collingwoods VFL/AFL heritage, history and colours need to be respected over a club that came from another league..

If the pies had joined the SANFL and then tried to force their way into wearing the Black and white and trod on port adelaide magpies heritage I’d guarantee you port supporters would go totally hysterical over it. It would be like the entire sky had fallen in.
I think that should apply in every situation in life.

Someone moved into my street, I should have more rights than them.
Someone joins my company as an equal, I should have preferential treatment
Someone joins my golf club, I should get a 10mtr advantage of the tee
Someone married into my family, make them sit out in the rain if there's no space

Actually, I'm starting to come around to this idea....
it’s not just Crows and Pies supporters

it’s others like me who object to this disgraceful Port Power branding theft and image how they would feel if it was their team getting copied.

It’s the principle of it all.

Blatant copyright infringement theft.
Its not Collingwoods trademark. But yeah ok whatever you think.

But whilst we're on that, where does the GF at the G contract sit in your legal reasoning.

Because every legal argument I've read says that it wouldn't stand up in court, just no one wants to do that.

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I'm genuinely feeling sad that some of these peanuts have nothing better to do on mother's day than squabble on a thread about another football club and what they wear.

I look forward to their insightful comments on the RuPaul show :)
Listening to radio yesterday for North vs Collingwood and they read out a Collingwood fan's text, suggesting they should return the white with black stripes all the time, it never caused a clash, and now since they inversed it it they have half a dozen clashes.

I was stunned to hear a Collingwood person acknowledge they changed their guernsey!

Surely Ed would have had the gestapo rehabilitate him now?
John Olsen also expressly stated at a Showdown function last week that the Crows will move to block Port Adelaide wearing it in a Crows home showdown.

For what reason? I get why Collingwood has an issue, but why on earth would Crows block an opposition teams guernsey?
Okay so maybe not a dying league and maybe an exaggeration in terms of crowds BUT doesn’t change the actual point in that our club didn’t want to stay stuck in this league when there was a bigger and better competition. The question from the Richmond supporter was if we loved heritage so much - why did we leave the Sanfl.

I don’t think the sanfl is even remotely as good as it was and it hasn’t been since the early 2000.
it’s not just Crows and Pies supporters

it’s others like me who object to this disgraceful Port Power branding theft and image how they would feel if it was their team getting copied.

It’s the principle of it all.

Blatant copyright infringement theft.
I would agree with you if we were a new club trying to be permanently be the magpies in the AFL

We are a 150 year old club trying to wear our tradition jumper only in a game against the other south Australian team. We are not trying to be the magpies, our logo for AFL and SANFL both don’t have a magpie in them anymore. We just want to respect the heritage of our club once a year. It’s not branding theft when it’s our own brand.
Wingard, Polec, Ryder, Impey, Howard...need I go on? This idea that your player retention rate is better than any other club is a media myth absolutely lapped up by Port fans.
All excellent examples of Port players who moved on to other clubs for more opportunity and to strengthen the list at the draft.

Each one of these guys left with the club's best wishes. So would you like a list of players that Adelaide have lost that they wanted to retain?
Blatant copyright infringement theft.

I’ll take, “Mashing words together to sound like you know what you’re talking about but failing miserably”, Alex.
You lost me with your opening statement. How and in what universe would the VFL grand final in 1970 of been the big day on the football calendar for WA and SA footy followers? The biggest stage in football was GF day in both those states. In fact you Woukd of had to do some research back then to even find out who won the VFL or SANFL grand final if you were in WA.
I am not even sure a radio broadcast of the VFL grand final was on in WA in 1970 and if it was it would of been cutoff about half time to make way for the WA grand final.
I have no doubt for Victorians and Tasmanians the VFL grand final was the biggest stage and all the kids Would of grown up wanting to one day play on that last Saturday in September at the MCG. but that simply was not the case in WA or SA.

Of course more people watched the VFL, population took care of that. Most of what you said in the rest of your post is correct. The VFL was the strongest of the 3 big leagues which everyone agrees with.
But as the 3 leagues were never in competition with each other, they were all closed off leagues at the time geared entirely to their own state they all were the pinnacle of the sport in their own state. In fact no one ever discussed which was the strongest league back then as no one cared what was going on in other leagues thousands of miles away.
So as said before I think it is accepted that the VFL was the strongest of the 3 leagues, but as the pinnacle of the sport in WA and SA was the WAFL and SANFL then how can it be disputed they were not top tier status. The highest tier in their state just as the VFL was.

No need to search for it on the radio when it was broadcast live into Perth and Adelaide.

That could reasonably be seen as the start of the VFL’s incursion into WAFL/SANFL territory as it showed people on FTA in those markets that you could play in front of 100k+ in Victoria while being limited to more than 1/2 that in WA/SA. If you were a footballer in 1970 and wanted to play in front of the biggest crowds possible (and when you’re performing in front of the biggest crowds its safe to assume you’re on the biggest stage), there was only one place to go and it wasn’t a secret.

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it’s not just Crows and Pies supporters

it’s others like me who object to this disgraceful Port Power branding theft and image how they would feel if it was their team getting copied.

It’s the principle of it all.

Blatant copyright infringement theft.
So was it branding theft when AFL decided the colours for the Gold Coast would be red, yellow and blue?
Port Adelaide have to understand that black & white stripes is Collingwood's heritage too, and in the same League they currently continue to play. Collingwood may not have 36 premierships in a state league, but their history is nonetheless remarkable for the sustained level of competitiveness they have had too.
Of course. And that's why we would never try to prevent Collingwood from wearing their traditional guernsey in an AFL game.
All excellent examples of Port players who moved on to other clubs for more opportunity and to strengthen the list at the draft.

Each one of these guys left with the club's best wishes. So would you like a list of players that Adelaide have lost that they wanted to retain?

Haha, nice re-writing of history. Why are you bringing Adelaide into it, this is a thread about Port?! I already know our player retention has been shithouse.
Crows supporters are classic. Love you guys 😂😂

‘Port, Port - something, something, outrage, something Port’.

I liked how you put the 😂 emoji for maximum ownage
Haha, nice re-writing of history. Why are you bringing Adelaide into it, this is a thread about Port?! I already know our player retention has been shithouse.

So when you said “This idea that your player retention rate is better than any other club is a media myth”, that didn’t include Adelaide?

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Port Adelaide's plan to use jumpers similar to Collingwood

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