Post here if you're extremely happy the Grand Final is not being held in Perf ?

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So much this. I want to empathise with the WA folk, by rights in this situation they should've been frontrunners by a mile and the reason they're not getting it wasn't anything to do with them. But it's difficult when so much of the blame (and melts) here is so obviously misplaced that it becomes hilarious. The dye was cast months ago.

McGowan had an agenda and it's worked out really well for his career (and his constituents), but WA needed an Eagles 2018-esque comeback to get the GF and he still decided to "play hard to get".
Queensland gambled on the AFL, signalled their intentions early, and in doing so earned the right to jump to the front of the queue on something they'd never even be considered for normally.
McLachlan is essentially a lobbyist himself, his future bargaining position would be severely weakened by simultaneously burning the Queensland Government and publicly bowing to an apathetic WA one (McGowan). So he took the safe option and looked after his own backyard just like everyone else did.

Everyone involved looked out for their own best interests. Queensland won, Victoria lost badly, WA/SA didn't lose anything that they already had, the AFL scrambled to a lesser loss than was predicted in April, and West Coast flogs get to keep crying about "Vic bias" until the sun burns out.

No doubt McGowan will run with the "We put the health and safety of west Australians before the AFL, and that's what cost us the grand final." line, and the vast majority his adoring muppets will gobble that sh*t up, hook, line and sinker. But, anyone capable of independent thought and with even a modicum of common sense knows that it didn't have to be one or the other.
He could easily have employed the same border policies as SA, QLD, NT which has kept their populations safe and seen teams flying in and out under strict conditions.
On current form WC won't be a part of it anyway (I'd like to be proven wrong), but it would've great for the state and more than likely would've happened if our Premier had chosen to act like a statesman rather than a petulent teenager.

The bigger picture is that it's only game. I'm sure the location of the GF means nothing to the people who have lost family and friends to the virus. They would probably see the GF played on one of Gina Rinehart's immense arse cheeks, if it meant that they could have their loved ones back. Even if it was only for one day.
No doubt McGowan will run with the "We put the health and safety of west Australians before the AFL, and that's what cost us the grand final." line, and the vast majority his adoring muppets will gobble that sh*t up, hook, line and sinker. But, anyone capable of independent thought and with even a modicum of common sense knows that it didn't have to be one or the other.
He could easily have employed the same border policies as SA, QLD, NT which has kept their populations safe and seen teams flying in and out under strict conditions.
On current form WC won't be a part of it anyway (I'd like to be proven wrong), but it would've great for the state and more than likely would've happened if our Premier had chosen to act like a statesman rather than a petulent teenager.

The bigger picture is that it's only game. I'm sure the location of the GF means nothing to the people who have lost family and friends to the virus. They would probably see the GF played on one of Gina Rinehart's immense arse cheeks, if it meant that they could have their loved ones back. Even if it was only for one day.
Of course he will wheel that out to the masses

The end of the day he didn't want to pay Gil

Gil took the cash cares nothing about the sport & fans
W.A was not willing to pay (we already carry the country financially anyway)

If the AFL had any slither of integrity to think of healthy/safety and entertainment for the fans, it would have been W.A with a backup of S.A

The Gabba is a sh*t venue. Even Shitlaide Oval trumps it

Gil is all about the $. They went with the Gabba to get the most money out of it

Nice melt


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LOL.... Sandgropers actually thought they had a chance to get the GF after their Premier tried to strong arm the the competition???? Hilarious.

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Congrats deserve it. You single handedly kept the season going.
Well done to Gil for sticking it that douchebag Premier in the West... you magnificent bastard!
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Don't be confused with this being a WCE thing, its a WA thing. Only chance ever to snag a GF away from Victoria and after having the best ground...the highest support base for AFL, being a passionate AFL State and your arshat of a clown Gil still craps on us. Its a good way to turn us off footy altogether.

Theres that WA inferiority complex :$ Glorious!

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Of course he will wheel that out to the masses

The end of the day he didn't want to pay Gil

Gil took the cash cares nothing about the sport & fans

I think you're missing the two points, Daniel.

If McGowan hadn't acted like the Trump - Gaddafi lovechild from the minute this all kicked off, all the cash in the world wouldn't have seen QLD host the GF before WA. Any anger you have should be directed at your Premier and his recalcitrant chief medical officer, not uncle Gil.

It's just a game. It means nothing in the grand scheme when you think about the lives that have been affected by what has brought us to this point. Yes, it would've been nice to see a GF in Perf. But, we haven't lost anything. It was never ours to begin with.
No doubt McGowan will run with the "We put the health and safety of west Australians before the AFL, and that's what cost us the grand final." line, and the vast majority his adoring muppets will gobble that sh*t up, hook, line and sinker. But, anyone capable of independent thought and with even a modicum of common sense knows that it didn't have to be one or the other.
He could easily have employed the same border policies as SA, QLD, NT which has kept their populations safe and seen teams flying in and out under strict conditions.
On current form WC won't be a part of it anyway (I'd like to be proven wrong), but it would've great for the state and more than likely would've happened if our Premier had chosen to act like a statesman rather than a petulent teenager.

The bigger picture is that it's only game. I'm sure the location of the GF means nothing to the people who have lost family and friends to the virus. They would probably see the GF played on one of Gina Rinehart's immense arse cheeks, if it meant that they could have their loved ones back. Even if it was only for one day.

Indeed. There was a fair bit of middle ground and they did find it a bit once West Coast and Freo went back to Perth, but that was too little, too late.

He's entitled to keep his people safe (and in the long run they'll be happier for the past 4 months than if they had the GF), but after McKenna's false positive, no footballer has had the rona. WA could've hosted more teams and matches and jumped into the box seat, but he simply didn't want it enough (if at all).
It was never going to be in W.A unless we paid for it which we shouldn't have to

We're already carrying the country financially so Marky Mark wouldn't be shelling out money to Gil. It is highly likely Gil chose QLD and Shitlaide over W.A because of monetary reasons

That and the VFL has a chip on their shoulder about W.A

If anyone has been to a game at the Gabba this will be absolute sh*t. Would have rather he sent it to Shitlaide
And there it is.... 'chip on their shoulder' 😂😂😂😂

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Gil's job is now complete, total destruction of the once proud Australian Rules game, you can practically hear the groans of collapse in a last attempt to save the corrupt, biased and flagrantly unfair system he deconstructed over his time ruling the "Junta" like regime.

Well when you bunch of ignorant hicks get around to seceding from Australia, take your footy teams with you. You will not be missed.

WA football has been bankrupt before, and I'd estimate it would take about 12 months for it to be bankrupt again with TV rights based on an average viewing audience of seven men and a dog.

And don't even fantasise about taking SA with you. They told you dumb arses to GAGF (twice) last time you went begging to them for help in getting a seat at the big table, and they will surely tell you to GAGF again.
I think you're missing the two points, Daniel.

If McGowan hadn't acted like the Trump - Gaddafi lovechild from the minute this all kicked off, all the cash in the world wouldn't have seen QLD host the GF before WA. Any anger you have should be directed at your Premier and his recalcitrant chief medical officer, not uncle Gil.

It's just a game. It means nothing in the grand scheme when you think about the lives that have been affected by what has brought us to this point. Yes, it would've been nice to see a GF in Perf. But, we haven't lost anything. It was never ours to begin with.
It was WAs to lose.... they stuffed it up
It was never going to be in W.A unless we paid for it which we shouldn't have to

We're already carrying the country financially
so Marky Mark wouldn't be shelling out money to Gil. It is highly likely Gil chose QLD and Shitlaide over W.A because of monetary reasons

That and the VFL has a chip on their shoulder about W.A

If anyone has been to a game at the Gabba this will be absolute sh*t. Would have rather he sent it to Shitlaide

WTF Dan. No one cares about the lobster pot. Refer to the ABS stats here:


Between VIC and NSW, 90%, that's NINETY PERCENT of Australia's GDP comes from the East Coast. The only people that think Perth has any value as an entity is people from Perth. The only people that think you contribute ANYTHING to this nation is people from Perth. You live in a backwater. Queensland kept the AFL season alive this year. I for one am rapt they got the GF because they deserve it. I'd ask you to go away but you're already away, as far away as people from here want you to be. It's our game, and we let you play it. EABBOD.
WTF Dan. No one cares about the lobster pot. Refer to the ABS stats here:

View attachment 951531

Between VIC and NSW, 90%, that's NINETY PERCENT of Australia's GDP comes from the East Coast. The only people that think Perth has any value as an entity is people from Perth. The only people that think you contribute ANYTHING to this nation is people from Perth. You live in a backwater. Queensland kept the AFL season alive this year. I for one am rapt they got the GF because they deserve it. I'd ask you to go away but you're already away, as far away as people from here want you to be. It's our game, and we let you play it. EABBOD.
lol using GSP as a measurement

"It's our game"

Yes VFL entitlement

How good was the 2018 grand final again dickhead
How many of you VFL fans have been to a game at the Gabba?

You're mainly supporting this out of hate for W.A
Yes, once again we won’t get a home GF. Heavens to Bettsy. 🙄
I'm relieved should you unceremoniously exit the finals you won't be using the lack of home ground advantage as an excuse.

That feels like a much more of a Richmond thing.

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Post here if you're extremely happy the Grand Final is not being held in Perf ?

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