Analysis Post match Discussion

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Fasolo and Karnezis can really turn our forward line into something a lot more dangerous than it has been recently. Both looked good and are natural forwards.

Greenwood looks awesome around the contest. He is a bit lost in space, but he will be excellent at winning the ball for us in tight.

De Goey and Freeman both look good around the contest and spreading into space. As the year goes in these two will become important to our midfield setup. I think they will both need a bit of time though before we see their best.

Pretty much everyone else had average sorts of games with flashes here and there. Broomhead looked a little lost, but I suspect he'll warm into the season. Kennedy worries me, he just looks too small for the style of game he is trying to play, this also goes for JT. Gault looks like a competitor, but I am not convinced he'll ever really become a dominant player. He doesn't seem to have as much athletic coordination as some of our other big men.

Varcoe looked ok, but wasn't very exciting. I'd be sad if a younger player missed out because we thought he could somehow make a difference. We need to really be looking to get games into kids this year (although they still have to earn it).

Greenwood will be one of those players who does ok throughout the year with the odd Top 3 game, but will be perfect for finals (as he proved last year). Crisp seems like a similar type.

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One thing to remember this is NAB round 1, easiest game of the year. No one on the fringe of a 22 books themselves a spot by a performance in this round. Always remeber people going early on the likes of a Jye Bolton or Jordon Russell. Dont read too much into this week, each round of the preseason gets harder ands closer to the real thing. Good for those who did well tonight but they need to back it up in week 2 and 3 if they are to earn their spot

With that thought process I look at tonight and our young and borderline players based on who hurt or enhanced their chances of a round 1 spot.


1 Langdon - Could turn out to be one of Hines finest picks. Loved that he just stepped into his role seemlessly tonight as though he has been there forever. Reads the play beautifully and has poised skill and courage. Love what he brings

2 Karnezis - Hasnt been in my 22 at this stage on the basis he needs to earn a spot with strong performances in the pre season. Tonight was a great start. Sounds fitter though I expect still plenty of room to improve there. Gets loose and available but hard to tell on TV whether he backs up with defensive effort. Still has gone a good way to contending for that round 1 game.

3. De Goey - Franked what he did in the intraclub. That centre square clearance early in the last was just class. Storng efforts and poised. No disaster if not in for round 1 as I expect he will play early games and plenty of senior games in 2015

4. BenKen - Knows where to find the ball. Suspect his L foot is a lot better than his 1st 2 seasons suggest. Pushed his name into round 1 contention tonight.

5 Crisp - Big body who can run. Was good but not great but shoed he may have a future. Clearly has to repeat the effort week 2 and 3 if a chance for seniors but has made a start

6 Fasolo - I have him as a lock anyway bit I know not everyone shares my view. Showed tonight what he brings, goal sense, overhead danger in F50, great disposal and accurate goal kicking. Big 2015 coming.

7 Grundy - Have Witts ahead for now but he better get on the park soon as Grundy said tonight I am ready to be no 1 ruck. Exciting prospects and duo

8 Gault - He is still a way down the pecking order and stranded on the list but contiued that trend he stared later 2014 of suggesting he has something to offer. Will be hoping he can make a mark on the VFL early this year

9 Ramsay - Similar to Gault in that he showed something late last year but still clearly outside best 22. Well he showed something again, love it when he ran away form Hill the delivered spot on into forward 50. Took a step backwards tonight.

10 Thomas - Good strong effort and a performance of a player capable of being AFL mid in 2015

11 Sinclair - Was unlucky to be injured when he was in 2014. Looks good off the HB line and reminded us tonight he has a cahnce to make it as a player there

12 White - Maybe the weight loss and even great er mobility is the solution . Teased us early last year but put a good foot forward tonight. At this stage will be Clokes forward partner round 1. Interesting next 2 games for him

Dropped the Ball a little

1 Dwyer - Harsh as he was a sub but gave us nothing much when he came on. Competition will be fiece for his spot. On tonight he stars in the VFL , means pressure ins on for next 2 matches

2 Oxley - Similar to Dwyer but has an excuse after 2014. Suspect he will be eased back in with the hope of stepping up in later season. For nowno hope of round 1

3 Freeman - Not a problem but reminded us tonight that a kid who misses his 1st season is likey to be less prepared for senior footy on his return. Always expected at teast eary to middle parts of season were just to get back into the swing of footy. Dont worry he is the future not the present

4 Broomhead - quiet and didn't offer much. His spot in round 1 is dependent on showing good form in the preseason. Tonight at least a few went past him and he is currently VFL round one so needs some good performances in the next 2

Others who played tonight I assume will be in the 22 for round 1 already

Good night overall . Langdonand De goey the best stories
Looks like de goey has based his game on ziebell (albeit a poor mans version)
BRETT! You are posting this everywhere lol
7 Grundy - Have Witts ahead for now but he better get on the park soon as Grundy said tonight I am ready to be no 1 ruck. Exciting prospects and duo

I say the No 1 Ruck Spot won’t be Decided yet and could change quite a few times during the Season but that is a Good Thing on how good these 2 young rucks we have.

Grundy sure played like he want the number 1 Ruck Spot
I forgot how quickly the flogs come out of the woodwork as soon as the footy is back.

Old mate Adam H in the match day thread on the main board was absolute top shelf floggery, the bloke obviously has a mental deficiency so I feel kinda bad calling him out but Jesus he's a total feckwit.
Why feel bad, he is a total fu<kwit. He deserves everything he gets.

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9 Ramsay - Similar to Gault in that he showed something late last year but still clearly outside best 22. Well he showed something again, love it when he ran away form Hill the delivered spot on into forward 50. Took a step backwards tonight.
I forgot how quickly the flogs come out of the woodwork as soon as the footy is back.

Old mate Adam H in the match day thread on the main board was absolute top shelf floggery, the bloke obviously has a mental deficiency so I feel kinda bad calling him out but Jesus he's a total feckwit.

Thank Christ I don’t go there anymore because on the Main Board. They are mostly Idiots and Trolls.

Why Adam H has not been Banned from the BigFooty is a Joke
JDG this kid is awesome, great attitude, hungry and just the player we need, I bet in his career, we wont hear any bad shit about him, that clearance where he burned off Mitchell, it was power footy. A clear leader and potential Captain you can see it clearly, Yes, Yes 1 game, Nab Cup, so what, Hine would of probably recognized this talent with all those aspects in mind.
De Goey had moments that just made you sit back and admire his special talents. We have a star on our hands.

Saw enough from Adams, Kennedy, Freeman, Broomhead and Thomas as our midfield is getting better with more experience and exposure.

Fas is a forward plain and simple. Karnezis is also a forward who must play. Elliott is class. White looks sharper. Needs to take this into season proper.

Langdon is ready to go another level. Has some iffy ball moments but is very composed and always in the right spot. Williams looks better, kicking not as suspect. Sinclair's leg speed also a bonus. Frost still poor.

Varcoe, Greenwood, Crisp showed enough.

Grundy is imposing. Covering ground much better.

All in all kids showed plenty, that's all I could ask. Kicking has subtely improved. Still plenty to do but positive signs.
PLease. Thomas? Crisp? Fasolo? Grundy?? White???
Adams had 23 disposals, 9 contested possies, 6 clearances - number one in each of those stats and ran ran ran all game - and all people can see is a couple of poor kicks despite having the same disposal efficiency as Sidebottom and 23%!! better than JT. The blinkers people have when watching this bloke play is ridiculous.
Overall effectiveness nowhere near that of the aboge mentioned
Stop whinging too, its a practice match
Overall a reasonable standard for a pre-season opener. Thought there were a lot of promising signs and come away from re-watching quite optimistic.

Degoey looks like he belongs, appears very comfortable at the level. Showed he is strong overhead, has good skills and perhaps most importantly poise and endeavor. Would not surprise me to see him getting games very early in the season if not round 1 should his form continue in the remaining pre-season games. It's unlucky for Blair as I see him being introduced to AFL in a similar role, he may just edge him out of the team permanently.

It was great to see Fasolo and Karnesis kick a few between them. They are both natural forwards and should be played in their strongest positions. In my mind they are both very much part of our forwardline going ahead, and will provide up with x-factor an added firepower which will be invaluable in raising our dwindling score per game average. They also make us much more unpredictable going forward and demand a level of respect from their opposition numbers, which in turn helps out guys like Cloke and Elliot.

Crisp surprised me actually. Was expecting him to dwindle in the VFL for a year or two, perhaps getting a few games before being delisted. But saw a few signs that make me think he could be a real player. Great speed and strength, and his kicking was very good, a nice surprise after being assured by many it was a particularly weak area for him. Rotating between the midfield and wing also raises our overall height/weight in the middle which for some has been an area of concern.

Greenwood played well i thought. Doesn't take a step back and is ferocious at the contest, liked what I saw and think he'll help to round out what was perhaps a defensively challenged midfield.

Varcoe drifted in and out of the game a bit, but his kicking to advantage stood out. While I'm not convinced he is an overall better player than Lumumba I think he will be overall more beneficial to the team if that makes sense, he brings some attributes that we have sorely lacked in recent times.

Gault is someone i'm still not convinced will make it. But took a great contested grab and hit the scoreboard. Definitely worth persisting with for another few seasons even if not getter regular gametime in the meantime.

Adams was in the thick of things and has great attack on the ball, very strong and good in close. He and Greenwood will be a potent tag-team of extractors. Shanked a few kicks, but hit a few target beautifully, he has the talent but just needs to keep improving his consistency by foot. I think he has improved since last year in any case.

Disappointed not to see a bit more out of Freeman and Broomhead. Freeman only seemed to be on the ground for a half in total and can be excuses after being out for a year. Broomhead had one or two nice moments, would have liked to see him impose himself a bit more but not overly concerned, I've seen enough of him to be fairly confident going forward he will be an exciting and damaging player.

Kennedy I am still sitting on the fence with. Think he is probably the type of player that will develop in time ala Swan, but it still feels like he is a bit rushed and not quite comfortable at the level.

Grundy's crumb and goal was brilliant, he often looks like a midfielder in the way he gets around the ground and involved in possession chains. He'll be something pretty special, but not for another season or two.

Langdon was fantastic I thought, looks to have gone to another level. What a draft steal!
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1 Fas - Playing where he should and taking the grabs he should. Just that I one shot on goal when he should have passed.
4 Gruny - Great gakme for the club and his run really provided us with options
5 Billy - prefer to see him no more than 65-70 from goal and do more work in F50. Beautiful conversion with the long shot.
6 Sack - was v good for us
7 BenKen - starting to rack up the possies...gaining confidence. Now need him to become a forward threat as well.
8 Langdon - I thought he played his role really well. Good game.
9 White - keep going at the ball and at packs / players. Looked fantastic when he was trying to really impose himself.
13 TayTay - Im in the affirmative group. Loved his game and strength around the ball.
16 Brown - not a great night.
18 Varcoe - Differing opinions tonight - i thought he was really off the boil.
19 Greenwood - his strength over the ball in the packs got more and more important as the game went on and i think he is providing some muscle we missed last year
21 Freeman - yeah, started a bit slow and i thought he called for the ball in the wrong spots but there reason to be optimistic. A season spent learning his craft in the 2s isnt the worst thing he can do and there will be opportunities throughout the year to get a taste of the 1s.
22 Sidey - V good
24 JT - really solid game
25 Crisp - super impressive start....if he can now develop that game over 4 quarters we have a player
26 Marley - I though he was really tough in the backline and just what we needed tonight
28 Sinclair - i thought he was much more composed and solid tonihgt
29 Broomy - he seems to be a 15 possie player at this stage of his 1s career. WIll get better
31 Ramma - really good game - liked his breaking of the lines and his decision making is improving. If he was a bit more solid he make a great back pocket but I think his spot is hbf.
33 PK - showing people what he is capable of
35 DGo - the exact game supporters want...heaps of things to get excited about but not too much that everyone starts saying he's a Brownlow medalist this year!! (Remember that Richmond guy that 400 possies a few years back and was going to dominate...?)
44 Gault - a much better player when he is able to run at the ball as a forward rather than as a defender (watching him defend is painful). I like him as a lead up forward taking marks out in front with his size and speed however that grab he took really surprised me - his aerial judgement in the past has been poor but tonight it looked like he was making real progress. Keep it up Corey.
I say the No 1 Ruck Spot won’t be Decided yet and could change quite a few times during the Season but that is a Good Thing on how good these 2 young rucks we have.

Grundy sure played like he want the number 1 Ruck Spot

Grundy was very good tonight, just want to see him taking more marks around the ground
The biggest positives for me were Gault and Grundy as talls and the intensity overall.
The game reinforced to me that Fasolo is a forward.
The negative was that we still don't kick well enough. It's more a negative because only personal changes will address it.

I'm happy. I got 3.30 on sportsbet before the Hawthorn outs were announced.

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Analysis Post match Discussion

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