Nah, good on her.
I think you're a bit late to the party though, as she's been painted as a rude, smug lefty for a long time, in part for challenging powerful people, whom for some reason have ordinary Australians rushing out to defend their honour.
Yes, I have no doubt that the Murdoch press are all over the Rotheram grooming gangs. Obviously it deserves coverage, but it also plays into one of their favourite "news" themes, fearmongering about immigrants.
Wouldn't be the first Australian of the Year to get people frothing after delivering a message we should all applaud. I'm going to back in her personal analysis, as someone who has had to deal with media coverage while advocating for sexual abuse survivors and protection, as she has done.
Sorry if this comes across as "heat".
Neale Daniher advocates for MND by bringing people together & inspiring them, regardless if they’re on the left, right or centre.
It’s why he’s such a wonderful success.
Grace Tame had the opportunity to do something similar, as her cause (was) above partisan politics.
But instead, she’s just become another Tash Petersen style annoyance.
Murdoch won’t lose any sleep over Tame’s petulance. But sexual assault victims have lost a potential champion who could have achieved a lot.
I just see it as a lost opportunity.