Potential training breach?

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the fury that has come from this has been bizarre. no other clubs were made examples of when they f’ed up. but we train and it's off to the gallows.

Just find it bizarre when the Bulldogs player (together with a couple of other Bulldogs players) actually do break laws - drinking driving, smash 4 cars and clearly break Victorian social distancing laws.
We really all need to change our focus. The VFL turn all interstate sides and supporters against each other while they have things their own way. We need to unite with port and turn on the VFL. Same in WA, QLD and NSW.
Yep, have thought this for a long time
Nah I think we'll cop a big fine, maybe with an extra suspended component. But we'll be paying up, hopefully so much we have no choice but to sack Hart and Chapman

I hope there's some punishment for Hart directly.

Because if the AFL don't punish him the club sure as hell won't.

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Pay big fine so we have to take AFL money?

Yeah, if we get fined I want my membership money back and I think I'm done with the AFL for good. Shit comp run by second rate losers.


Wouldn't want a single cent of that membership money, even indirectly, heading towards VFL house.
Whatever the fine is, remember the amount is post covid 19.

In the AFL industry where we are talking about cutting expenses caps by 30%, laying off staff and all of that...

$100,000 for example is somebody's job, a few hundred memberships, a sponsor.

If the players did it (Nick's implied Hart wasn't at the session, I don't believe that but it's possible) is it a club problem? As in if 8 players in SA had left their homes, met up at a park and kicked a ball around, is it a club issue or a player issue?

Feels like we'll get a punishment because the AFL wants to be seen to be doing the right thing.

Like someone else said, if they really were about doing the right thing they'd call off the season.

This is about everyones needing to look like they are doing the right thing all of the time now... and not messing up the AFL's $$$ in case sponsors or government also need to look like they're doing the right thing.

Reality is I bet behind closed doors at the AFL it's not much different to my workplace or Bunnings (today there was a sign that said 4 people per aisle, there were 4 people at the other end and the thing I wanted was about a metre in nearest me, I didn't wait for them to leave, fine me $100,000 and draft picks?), Supermarkets, cafe/takeaway lines and so on. Most of us are trying to do the right thing most of the time but sometimes we feel comfortable enough to not worry about it and use common sense instead, we forget, sometimes it's all a bit too hard.
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The AFL should have just banned those 8 players from a session of contact training when the entire competition are allow to trained so these other players can catch up for any suppose "advantage" they got for a session of contact training and initially set this as the penalty for all club breaking the rule instead of all these publicity s**t they are trying to make themself as community leader with break the rule during COVID-19 and we came down on you hard.
Way too much common sense for the AFL & not sensationalist enough for a bored Vic media pack.

Looks like the AFL are even confused what is the fair penalty because they've gone in with the mindset of wanting to "set an example", I bet you someone is still trying to push a very harsh penalty so now they are all undecided as the penalty, hence the delay in the final decision. Even Bruce Abernethy on 7 News agree this was a minor indiscretion but the AFL will make "an example" of the Crows. WTF, if the financial plenty is more than $50K, the Crows should take the AFL to court.
Sure, but that doesnt negatate the spineless yellow bellies we have at the club that are so accepting of penalties at the detriment of the club.
Today we have people accepting responsibility for the error, which is correct,
And I don't give two figs about yesterday, to me its what they do today and will do tomorrow. that is important,
Because to be honest I am sick of hearing about yesterday. ( which mean I let the Past go and lets start fighting for today)

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