Toast Presidency and The Board

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Thank you 76woodenspooners

One of BigFooty’s all-time-favourite posters, Reykjavik , was all across the board level stuff. He once posted a list of the responsibilities of a Not-For-Profit board like that of Collingwood …


NFP board responsibilities
Specific responsibilities of a not-for-profit (NFP) board include:

  • Driving the strategic direction of the organisation
  • Working with the CEO to enable the organisation to obtain the resources, funds and personnel necessary to implement the organisation's strategic objectives
  • Implementing, maintaining and (as necessary) refining a system of good governance that is appropriate for the organisation
  • Reviewing reports and monitoring the performance of the organisation
  • Regularly reviewing the board's structure and composition, so that these are appropriate for the organisation
  • Appointing – and managing the performance of – a suitable CEO
  • Succession planning for the CEO
While the above points are also applicable to for-profit boards, NFP boards also face a unique range of issues, such as:

  • Difficulties in defining and measuring organisational effectiveness
  • Transgression of role boundaries
  • The negative impact of the structural compositions of some NFP boards, including those arising from representative models
  • Funding dependencies and constraints

In practice, the role of the board is to supervise an organisation's business in two broad areas:

  1. Overall business performance - ensuring the organisation develops and implements strategies and supporting policies to enable it to fulfill the objectives set out in the organisation's constitution. The board delegates the day to day management of the organisation but remains accountable to the shareholders for the organisation's performance. The board monitors and supports management in an on-going way.
  2. Overall compliance performance - ensuring the organisation develops and implements systems to enable it to comply with its legal and policy obligations (complying with statutes such as the Corporations Act 2001, adhering to accounting standards) and ensure the organisation's assets are protected through appropriate risk management.

Link to original post …

I don't know at Collingwood, but generally a board is a very part-time gig, where they essentially set a general direction, hire management based on that direction and then tick off the plans of the full time managers running the show - once again based on that direction. Sure, you're going to want someone with marketing understanding who directs us toward an up-to-date style - but the nuts and bolts will be the responsibility of the company's full time marketing department, with the board giving them the go ahead or saying no to their plans. You don't want a board that comes in and tries to run the show. They're there to oversee the direction of those running the show.
Your concerns are unclear. I sit on a range of boards and my record on those boards is excellent.

I’m a passionate Pies man and I’ve worked with the Club for many, many years. As a result I’ve become known by many directors, and advised many from time to time.

I was in the final five director interviews in 2021 that ended up selecting Neil Wilson and Bridie O’Donnell. At the point, I had many, many Pies fans saying: “You NEED to save our Club”. I totally agreed, and pushed very hard with many people to affect change.

And I’m extremely proud of that. The changes around the Club are testament to that push. And there are more changes to come.

But as good as the board is, there are some clear gaps. The Club has told me they are spending a lot of money in marketing, communications, fanbase development and the like, but don’t have a Director with my skills, so sime from the board have personally asked me to run (again, as have many, many Pies fans).

So here I am. And I hope you and others vote for me. If you are interested in my vision (not sure you have read it given your posts) here it is: Pies Forever - My Vision | Con Frantzeskos Collingwood Board
Good luck mate. 👍
But Sean, the board is overseeing the do better report, for example and GW is not involved in implementing it. Sure the new CEO will oversee GW, but the current board has skin in the game when it comes to indigenous matters. Do they have an input into day to day matters? Certainly how the policy is implemented, if not the detail of the policy. Will that mean employing indigenous players as consultants? Well that has happened already. Is the board making those decisions or is the CEO doing it on his own or under direction?

And what would your role be as a board member with less expertise? Leave it to the other board members to overview? Not vote?

I seems to me that those with skin in the game get involved and people like yourself stand back. Very unofficial. WHich is ironic because we're trying to put in place clear structures to prove to the world that we're doing the right thing.

So I suppose it gets down to the question that you're a nice bloke who has had some experience with board matters and we trust that youre going to make decisions based on you being a good bloke and on advice from the members that you might rub shoulders with.

btw nothing personal with your candidancy

C’mon you’re lining SeanC up to be damned whatever he says (You’re looking for a new plaything since you lost Waitslitz? :) ) …

… if he gets involved, “What would a pale male known about racism!”

… if he doesn’t “Pale male doesn’t want to do anything about racism!”

Do you expect Jodie Sizer to get involved in the intricacies of what it takes to win games of footy? Isn’t it enough for her to see that the Footy Director (Lucuria) and the Footy Boss (Wright) are happy with the direction that things are going? Do you think Sizer doesn’t have skin in the game when it comes to winning games of footy, and if not why the heck would she be wasting her time being on the board of a footy club? Sometimes having skin in the game means leaving the actions to experts who know what they’re doing - and you can remind yourself of that whenever you visit a doctor, a dentist or a hairdresser.

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C’mon you’re lining SeanC up to be damned whatever he says (You’re looking for a new plaything since you lost Waitslitz? :) ) …

… if he gets involved, “What would a pale male known about racism!”

… if he doesn’t “Pale male doesn’t want to do anything about racism!”

Do you expect Jodie Sizer to get involved in the intricacies of what it takes to win games of footy? Isn’t it enough for her to see that the Footy Director (Lucuria) and the Footy Boss (Wright) are happy with the direction that things are going? Do you think Sizer doesn’t have skin in the game when it comes to winning games of footy, and if not why the heck would she be wasting her time being on the board of a footy club? Sometimes having skin in the game means leaving the actions to experts who know what they’re doing - and you can remind yourself of that whenever you visit a doctor, a dentist or a hairdresser.

As I said briefly at the end, I have no comment on Sean's candidacy. I dont know him or know of him. It was a general comments about the what the candidates have said.

I think Sizer might realise that footy clubs are a way to get a message to the commuinity. I dont think she is the only one. I think gov't like to use clubs for their purposes. Advertisers love to use them to get to the heart of the community. AFL clubs have a powerful place in the lives of many australians.
I think Sizer might realise that footy clubs are a way to get a message to the commuinity. I dont think she is the only one. I think gov't like to use clubs for their purposes. Advertisers love to use them to get to the heart of the community. AFL clubs have a powerful place in the lives of many australians.

You reckon Sizer is motivated by Sportswashing? (I guess some folks probably do think that, especially the “I don’t want no woke, I just want the best people so I can win PREMIERSHIPS!!!!!!!” types)

I tend to give Sizer a little more credit than that, given what I’ve seen her say publicly.
You reckon Sizer is motivated by Sportswashing? (I guess some folks probably do think that, especially the “I don’t want no woke, I just want the best people so I can win PREMIERSHIPS!!!!!!!” types)

I tend to give Sizer a little more credit than that, given what I’ve seen her say publicly.

Nice example of verballing 76. You should get a job with the NSW police. As for the term "sportswashing", I dont think Sizer could be accused of that by even her harshest critic.

Let me define "sportswashing" so we know what we are talking about. As Wiki says "the practice of individuals, groups, corporations, or governments using sports to improve reputations tarnished by wrongdoing. "

What wrong has she done? Normally sportswashing is associated with people in the mining industry for giving a few scraps to indigenous groups to cover the billions they make from digging up the ground and mining carbons..... did you guess the answer rinehart?

Or some saudi corporation which puts a few million bucks into a sporting club to wash away its country's behaviour with women or guest workers or just life in general......did you guess the answer emirates?

Sizer might see her board position as a means to have a position in an organisation that has more effect on community attitudes than most churches do in Australia. You might have noticed that a lot of the pie fans in the cheap seats dont always have a "progressive" attitude to indigenous issues. In fact, a lot in the legends section are probably the same. Rather than spend my life trying to get an interview with the ABC on a program that only the woke listen to, it might be smarter to get a board position on an AFL club....

Now you can disagree with that 76, but dont try to verbal me into saying that I think Sizer is sportswashing.
Let me define "sportswashing" so we know what we are talking about. As Wiki says "the practice of individuals, groups, corporations, or governments using sports to improve reputations tarnished by wrongdoing. "

Indeed it does.

It doesn’t say, or even imply that it must be their own reputations that have been tarnished? Or must be their own reputations that they’re trying to improve?
Indeed it does.

It doesn’t say, or even imply that it must be their own reputations that have been tarnished? Or must be their own reputations that they’re trying to improve?

Well you lost me there. I'm not that smart to make the connections.

But back to my main point, I read Con's matrix for his strategic plan. I dont know if you can specify premiership numbers. It doesnt say anything. I think it's better to say that you are going to say that you are going to prioritise premierships above everything else.

What does that do?

Well it means that he would be saying that he will be voting to support the club contracting Jordan de goey irrespective of how jordan seems to appear to outside (and internal) interest groups.

I would view a statement like that as something that gives clarity to the values and the interests that they are going to bring to the board.

We all want 2million members around the world. I'd want 5million....10m....but at what cost? Are we going to compromise money going to the footy side to employ a guy in Nigeria to recruit members? Nonsensical statement, I know but it's easy to say that you want to make collingwood great again, but not say something specific in how you're going to do it.

I'd like to see board members with realistic goals. But I dont vote so what do i know...
But Sean, the board is overseeing the do better report, for example and GW is not involved in implementing it. Sure the new CEO will oversee GW, but the current board has skin in the game when it comes to indigenous matters. Do they have an input into day to day matters? Certainly how the policy is implemented, if not the detail of the policy. Will that mean employing indigenous players as consultants? Well that has happened already. Is the board making those decisions or is the CEO doing it on his own or under direction?

And what would your role be as a board member with less expertise? Leave it to the other board members to overview? Not vote?

I seems to me that those with skin in the game get involved and people like yourself stand back. Very unofficial. WHich is ironic because we're trying to put in place clear structures to prove to the world that we're doing the right thing.

So I suppose it gets down to the question that you're a nice bloke who has had some experience with board matters and we trust that youre going to make decisions based on you being a good bloke and on advice from the members that you might rub shoulders with.

btw nothing personal with your candidancy

The board doesn't have input into day-to-day matters, if they do they are interfering.

Never said I would stand back. But too often people join football boards and put a scarf on and emotion takes over.

I'm smart enough to defer to those employed and those on the board with expertise but it doesn't mean they won't be challenged.

I will make decisions based on the information presented, the manner it is presented, the discussion around it at the board level and how it aligns with the club's overall goals. I would consider my vote with the club & members in mind.

As far as Do Better I am not privy to how GW is involved in implementation right now, but I would think he is very much involved in how it is implemented as the football department is an important part of the club that needs to implement the recommendations. The board will be overseeing the results and in my opinion, the club can do more to better inform the member of the progress.
The board doesn't have input into day-to-day matters, if they do they are interfering.

Never said I would stand back. But too often people join football boards and put a scarf on and emotion takes over.

I'm smart enough to defer to those employed and those on the board with expertise but it doesn't mean they won't be challenged.

I will make decisions based on the information presented, the manner it is presented, the discussion around it at the board level and how it aligns with the club's overall goals. I would consider my vote with the club & members in mind.

As far as Do Better I am not privy to how GW is involved in implementation right now, but I would think he is very much involved in how it is implemented as the football department is an important part of the club that needs to implement the recommendations. The board will be overseeing the results and in my opinion, the club can do more to better inform the member of the progress.
Hey Sean, I’m thinking we should get Bodriggy for the Legends Bar. Brewed in Abbotsford a stones throw from Vic park.

Get the pale ale and the IPA.
Your main point was originally directed at another candidate?

No my point was directed at all the candidates. They were saying stuff about their experience, which is fine but I think intelligent people can work on boards, even if they havent got corporate experience.

THe other thing is the processes that they want to introduce or the values that they think are important to the club. I think most pie supporters want people to be treated equally and fairly. There are some who pie supporters who dont like gays etc. I think most members would say that they dont want these people on the board. So in some respects, statements about equality are necessary.

But I want to see how they would deal with issues. Would they be concerned about jordan de goey's image? What sort of resources spent on employing indigenous people.

And I want to see achievable ideas. I just invented one where we have $10 memberships for people living overseas. The $10 to fund the person at the club to oversee it. It might have to be more money. Something like that.

The legends people seem to want to have better access to the bar or to the membership people. What is stopping that? What would I do to fix that, which was realistic. I understand that a this level is normally the domain of the CEO. A few of the candidates have spoken about a better match day experience but does that mean going hollywood?

But most of all, I'd like to see why they are throwing their hat in the ring? The specifics. Yes, you have been a member for 40 years but why now? Why didn't you raise your hand in the Eddie years?

To me, the stuff that I have read has been like a job application. You write the stuff you think the employer wants you to say.
The board doesn't have input into day-to-day matters, if they do they are interfering.

Never said I would stand back. But too often people join football boards and put a scarf on and emotion takes over.

I'm smart enough to defer to those employed and those on the board with expertise but it doesn't mean they won't be challenged.

I will make decisions based on the information presented, the manner it is presented, the discussion around it at the board level and how it aligns with the club's overall goals. I would consider my vote with the club & members in mind.

As far as Do Better I am not privy to how GW is involved in implementation right now, but I would think he is very much involved in how it is implemented as the football department is an important part of the club that needs to implement the recommendations. The board will be overseeing the results and in my opinion, the club can do more to better inform the member of the progress.

I totally agree with the board not having input into day to day matters. A couple of years ago, there were a lot of people on this forum saying Mark Korda was useless in allowing the salary cap problems. There were a lot of people who said that. Not just an isolated few.

The statement about wanting the do better report recommendations being implemented, is the type of thing that I want candidates to say or not to say.

And once again, I wasn't having a go at your candidacy. Let me compliment you for making an appearance in this forum. A lot of corporate type candidates wouldnt bother.

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I totally agree with the board not having input into day to day matters. A couple of years ago, there were a lot of people on this forum saying Mark Korda was useless in allowing the salary cap problems. There were a lot of people who said that. Not just an isolated few.

The statement about wanting the do better report recommendations being implemented, is the type of thing that I want candidates to say or not to say.

And once again, I wasn't having a go at your candidacy. Let me compliment you for making an appearance in this forum. A lot of corporate type candidates wouldnt bother.
No problems. Elections should spark discussions.

AFL clubs still see elections as destabilizing when they can be an opportunity to build engagement with members.

I think the club is missing an opportunity to generate goodwill with members by not embracing the discussion.
I totally agree with the board not having input into day to day matters. A couple of years ago, there were a lot of people on this forum saying Mark Korda was useless in allowing the salary cap problems. There were a lot of people who said that. Not just an isolated few.

Heck, even our current President said that when he was campaigning! <<shakes head that people fell for that>>
The statement about wanting the do better report recommendations being implemented, is the type of thing that I want candidates to say or not to say.

For me, I’d like to think that values of anti-racism have been normalised, that it’s accepted that it’s now part of ‘business as usual’ for the club to create a working environment and an environment in the stands where everybody is valued.
For me, I’d like to think that values of anti-racism have been normalised, that it’s accepted that it’s now part of ‘business as usual’ for the club to create a working environment and an environment in the stands where everybody is valued.
My take is that the Club still hasn’t done enough to openly advocate for anti-racism.

I raised this with Jodie Sizer. We’re doing great work, but where is our thinking around cultures, eg: We have a lot of Eastern Orthodox fans (Greek, etc). Let’s ensure we don’t play on Greek Easter Sunday or Good Friday. Let’s say “Eid Mubarak” at the end of Ramadan on social media AND “Happy Easter!”. It’s about looking at our fanbase and thinking: How do we really make everyone feel at home here?
For me, I’d like to think that values of anti-racism have been normalised, that it’s accepted that it’s now part of ‘business as usual’ for the club to create a working environment and an environment in the stands where everybody is valued.
It might be normaised in your world but there are other universes in the outer that it ain't.

Lets get the nitty gritty.... recommendation number 9 states "9. That the Collingwood Football Club Board ensure the development and implementation of an employment strategy that values diversity and reports against KPIs. This includes the player group and the coaching staff; "

There have been appointment of indigenous coaching staff and players since the report.

Have the player appointments been made because of the report? Does this compromise the aim of putting together the best list? Are we compromising a premiership to meet the recommendations of the report?
Hey Sean, I’m thinking we should get Bodriggy for the Legends Bar. Brewed in Abbotsford a stones throw from Vic park.

Get the pale ale and the IPA.
I like the local link jmac, but Sean, I want Dogfish Head 90 Minute Imperial Ale on tap, a full suite of bottled Belgian triple brews including Westvleteren 12 and bottles of La Tâche dating back to 1980, otherwise my vote goes elsewhere!
It might be normaised in your world but there are other universes in the outer that it ain't.

Lets get the nitty gritty.... recommendation number 9 states "9. That the Collingwood Football Club Board ensure the development and implementation of an employment strategy that values diversity and reports against KPIs. This includes the player group and the coaching staff; "

There have been appointment of indigenous coaching staff and players since the report.

Have the player appointments been made because of the report? Does this compromise the aim of putting together the best list? Are we compromising a premiership to meet the recommendations of the report?
Re your nitty gritty.

I would hope the club are not making appointments to merely appease, and I am confident appeasement isn't the only end game.

I am confident that the club is balancing quota with merit, because if the club is valuing quota over merit then we may as well shut the doors and turn the lights off.

I am more than certain the highest priority of all of those on our boards right down to the bootstudder ARE valuing premierships above all else, I am also more than certain the employment strategies are applied with that in mind AND that coincides with the correct appointments that are sufficiently diverse.
I am confident that the club is balancing quota with merit, because if the club is valuing quota over merit then we may as well shut the doors and turn the lights off.
List wise, we've added Johnson, Kreuger and Hill - they all look good acquisitions to me - with Johnson and Kreguer looking really good value for what we paid. And I'm really confident about Hill.
List wise, we've added Johnson, Kreuger and Hill - they all look good acquisitions to me - with Johnson and Kreguer looking really good value for what we paid. And I'm really confident about Hill.
Agreed, these are sufficient to appease the do better goals AND build our list without compromising.
My take is that the Club still hasn’t done enough to openly advocate for anti-racism.

I raised this with Jodie Sizer. We’re doing great work, but where is our thinking around cultures, eg: We have a lot of Eastern Orthodox fans (Greek, etc). Let’s ensure we don’t play on Greek Easter Sunday or Good Friday. Let’s say “Eid Mubarak” at the end of Ramadan on social media AND “Happy Easter!”. It’s about looking at our fanbase and thinking: How do we really make everyone feel at home here?
Hope you don't get on our board.

Re-read your post & think.
Re your nitty gritty.

I would hope the club are not making appointments to merely appease, and I am confident appeasement isn't the only end game.

I am confident that the club is balancing quota with merit, because if the club is valuing quota over merit then we may as well shut the doors and turn the lights off.

I am more than certain the highest priority of all of those on our boards right down to the bootstudder ARE valuing premierships above all else, I am also more than certain the employment strategies are applied with that in mind AND that coincides with the correct appointments that are sufficiently diverse.

thanks for the reply

50 shades of confidence.....and I wouldnt know the answer because all the hear from candidates is that they broadly support the report - if they even refer to it.

I was using it as an example of what I'd like to hear from candidates, rather than statements about making collingwood great again...

From my part, and I dont even vote on this election, I stated years ago that I couldnt understand why we hadn't recruited more indigenous players,

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Toast Presidency and The Board

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