Proof that the Eagles have lied about Cousins Test (Link provided)

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Premiership Player
Jul 26, 2006
Trapped Under Ice
AFL Club
Other Teams
Arsenal FC
I'm fed up with many Eagles supporters who fail to acknowledge that their clubs administration have lied to everyone about the fact Cousins never had a test after Mainwairing died.

They have clearly have stated (see linked article) that he did get tested and passed it. Now they are saying he never did get tested.

Cousins, who had visited his former Eagles teammate twice on Sunday, and left Mainwaring's Cottesloe home an hour before police and ambulance officers were called, offered to provide a sample to Eagles club doctor Rod Moore, who is also Cousins' family doctor.
Cousins was subsequently tested and the Eagles yesterday said the results were negative.

What do all the 'pro Cousins' people or those who feel the club aren't at fault at all think about this?
I'm fed up with many Eagles supporters who fail to acknowledge that their clubs administration have lied to everyone about the fact Cousins never had a test after Mainwairing died.

They have clearly have stated (see linked article) that he did get tested and passed it. Now they are saying he never did get tested.

What do all the 'pro Cousins' people or those who feel the club aren't at fault at all think about this?

Where has it been revealed through admission that he wasn't tested?

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last night during the press conference they were asked that direct question and I thought the answer was "we don't know"




Any links or source other than what you've read here?

no - it's what I viewed on Fox News last night between 8.30pm and 9pm Adelaide time when they took a live feed of the presser.

After the prepared statement they took questions and one was "Did Ben submit to a drugs test the morning after the Mainwaring incident?" - and the answer came back "We're not sure".

I would be interested if that is the recollection of others who watched the presser
no - it's what I viewed on Fox News last night between 8.30pm and 9pm Adelaide time when they took a live feed of the presser.

After the prepared statement they took questions and one was "Did Ben submit to a drugs test the morning after the Mainwaring incident?" - and the answer came back "We're not sure".

I would be interested if that is the recollection of others who watched the presser
I saw the press conf and can concur the response to the test-after-mainwaring-death question was "we don't know."
no - it's what I viewed on Fox News last night between 8.30pm and 9pm Adelaide time when they took a live feed of the presser.

After the prepared statement they took questions and one was "Did Ben submit to a drugs test the morning after the Mainwaring incident?" - and the answer came back "We're not sure".

I would be interested if that is the recollection of others who watched the presser

i recall Nisbett saying something similar, certianly it wasn't - yes, we tested him....

And it is expected - the WCE are the biggest PR flops in Oz at the moment. Lies, deceit....yet, they are still respected and idolised by the blind....
Here we have a link to a news story on the same day that gives a different version. So how do we know which is accurate?

The West Coast Eagles say it is their belief that star midfielder Ben Cousins was drug tested by the AFL on Monday.
The Club's Chairman, Dalton Gooding, and Chief Executive Officer, Trevor Nisbett, have told the ABC it is their understanding that Cousins was tested and received a clean bill of health.
The AFL has refused to comment.

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So Rod Moore is the club Doctor, as well as Cousins family Doctor. Who does the clubs drug tests & aren't they informed which player to test & given a bit of forewarning when to do it? HHHMMMMM
no - it's what I viewed on Fox News last night between 8.30pm and 9pm Adelaide time when they took a live feed of the presser.

After the prepared statement they took questions and one was "Did Ben submit to a drugs test the morning after the Mainwaring incident?" - and the answer came back "We're not sure".

I would be interested if that is the recollection of others who watched the presser

Here's an article which states the club now denies he got tested:

West Coast Eagles now say Cousins did not present at the football club and have no knowledge of, or involvement in, that drug test," the Network said.

This is a PR spin of huge proportions. The club have openly lied to everyone about it. They now need to be made accountable.
Here's an article which states the club now denies he got tested:

This is a PR spin of huge proportions. The club have openly lied to everyone about it. They now need to be made accountable.

I say nail them all to the light poles at Telstra Stadium and fling human faeces at them. Then cut them down and briskly whack them around the ears with a ball peen hammer. Then shout slogans at them for a few hours. Finish it off with a light immolation and that should send the right message.
I'm fed up with many Eagles supporters who fail to acknowledge that their clubs administration have lied to everyone about the fact Cousins never had a test after Mainwairing died.

They have clearly have stated (see linked article) that he did get tested and passed it. Now they are saying he never did get tested.

What do all the 'pro Cousins' people or those who feel the club aren't at fault at all think about this?

What do I honestly think about it? I think you seem to be taking it pretty seriously for a Geelong supporter, you've been on about it all day. Any particular reason this issue is so delicate to you? Do you have kids and concerned about the role model factor?

In any case, it is worrying. Unfortunately the problem with all these articles is they're so ambiguous. The West say "the Eagles confirmed" without saying who from the Eagles (was it Nisbett? Karl Langdon? who?). Karl Langdon was the one who first said it on 6PR AFAIK, and technically he is still an Eagles employee, so they may have put 2 and 2 together. The Age uses the great line of "Cousins reportedly had a drug test". Reportedly.

This is the best article because it says specifically that Nisbett & Gooding believed there was a drug test:

The Club's Chairman, Dalton Gooding, and Chief Executive Officer, Trevor Nisbett, have told the ABC it is their understanding that Cousins was tested and received a clean bill of health.

Now that is concerning. The ABC tend to be pretty respectable journalists, so if they've said it then it's most likely true and not some stupid rumour they heard. I've emailed the ABC journalist that wrote that story and asked them to confirm they heard this straight from Nisbett's mouth and they're willing to stand by that report. I'll let you know what they come back with. It's very worrying if true, that's for sure.
I say nail them all to the light poles at Telstra Stadium and fling human faeces at them. Then cut them down and briskly whack them around the ears with a ball peen hammer. Then shout slogans at them for a few hours. Finish it off with a light immolation and that should send the right message.

Unfortunately we still have the issue of the club putting liquid heroin in the players' water bottles. :( They must be held accountable for doing this.
What do I honestly think about it? I think you seem to be taking it pretty seriously for a Geelong supporter, you've been on about it all day. Any particular reason this issue is so delicate to you? Do you have kids and concerned about the role model factor?

In any case, it is worrying. Unfortunately the problem with all these articles is they're so ambiguous. The West say "the Eagles confirmed" without saying who from the Eagles (was it Nisbett? Karl Langdon? who?). Karl Langdon was the one who first said it on 6PR AFAIK, and technically he is still an Eagles employee, so they may have put 2 and 2 together. The Age uses the great line of "Cousins reportedly had a drug test". Reportedly.

This is the best article because it says specifically that Nisbett & Gooding believed there was a drug test:

Now that is concerning. The ABC tend to be pretty respectable journalists, so if they've said it then it's most likely true and not some stupid rumour they heard. I've emailed the ABC journalist that wrote that story and asked them to confirm they heard this straight from Nisbett's mouth and they're willing to stand by that report. I'll let you know what they come back with. It's very worrying if true, that's for sure.

It worries me because we have all been mislead here by the club. No personal agenda other than getting the truth out. I originally thought that they shouldn't have any more sanctions because really it was Cousins who got into trouble on Tuesday, not the club. When this came out I changed my mind because it shows that the club has continued to cover up the truth despite being told by the AFL enough is enough.

I am a father but believe it's up to the parent to tell your child(ren) whats right and wrong - so no, I'm not doing this for any 'fallen role model' reasons.

All this morning I've seen many a poster (mostly Eagles supporters but others as well) say that the Club hasn't done anything wrong but I believe that they clearly have done something wrong and I wanted to get it out there.

I would be very interested to see if that journo responds.
What do all the 'pro Cousins' people or those who feel the club aren't at fault at all think about this?

i think it's good they lied.

if they hadn't, and the witchhunt had begun then, the focus on chris' life & achievements would have been overshadowed by the media scrum looking for dirt on ben.

i guess they thought about whether they wanted a front page: a favourite son dies - remember his life in pictures


a front page: ben cousins - drugs/mafia/such is life etc etc

personally, i think they made the right decision.

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Proof that the Eagles have lied about Cousins Test (Link provided)

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