QAFA (A) 2016 Season

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Yep, that last sentence pretty much sums up the essay that I wrote above. The only thing that I'd add is that as a club you would probably want a coach who sees the role as being about building a strong list and also developing good culture within the group, rather than seeing one as being more important than the other. You want the coach to put together a quality playing list so that they can challenge for a flag but then also be building a great culture within the group so that everything can continue humming along nicely long after they've gone. It's the age-old adage that you should aim to leave things better than how they were when you found them!
Re your last paragraph, nice sentiment but not always adhered to
Re your last paragraph, nice sentiment but not always adhered to

Totally agree with you if you're saying that there are a lot of coaches out there who will go and chase short-term success. Why not? They're likely only going to be there for a relatively short time-frame and a premiership looks great on their coaching CV. Ultimately it's really on the club committee to try to find a coach that will be prepared to work on both aspects and/or (as those coaches can be hard to find) work on building strong culture within the club from an administrative level so that the club will be more likely to stick together through any possible personnel changes. Unfortunately there are also a lot of club administrators who get sucked in by the allure of achieving short-term premiership success and are happy enough to ignore the long-term ramifications of appointing a coach who is all about the here and now.
One off post .....
the pirates brought the cheque book out!!!!!!!
Gee we must of sold alot of pirate burgers......
the clubhouse pokies must be pumping out the dollars. ......oh wait we dont havea cclubhouse or pokies....
the word was templar was paid last year......

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One off post .....
the pirates brought the cheque book out!!!!!!!
Gee we must of sold alot of pirate burgers......
the clubhouse pokies must be pumping out the dollars. ......oh wait we dont havea cclubhouse or pokies....
the word was templar was paid last year......

Incorrect try again!
One off post .....
the pirates brought the cheque book out!!!!!!!
Gee we must of sold alot of pirate burgers......
the clubhouse pokies must be pumping out the dollars. ......oh wait we dont havea cclubhouse or pokies....
the word was templar was paid last year......
I only asked the question?? Didn't say you did or you didn't.

Templar didn't get paid last year but ill take your word Pirate
[QUim incorrectTE="The Buzza, post: 43114468, member: 118540"]Incorrect try again![/QUOTE]
If Im incorrect. ...please tell me why and how.......
[QUim incorrectTE="The Buzza, post: 43114468, member: 118540"]Incorrect try again!
If Im incorrect. ...please tell me why and how.......[/QUOTE]

My source tells me the Pirates are by far the most financial in the league! Money in the bank!
Incorrect that Templar was paid! But if you call free drinks at simmos club getting paid, well yes he was paid!!
Totally agree with you if you're saying that there are a lot of coaches out there who will go and chase short-term success. Why not? They're likely only going to be there for a relatively short time-frame and a premiership looks great on their coaching CV. Ultimately it's really on the club committee to try to find a coach that will be prepared to work on both aspects and/or (as those coaches can be hard to find) work on building strong culture within the club from an administrative level so that the club will be more likely to stick together through any possible personnel changes. Unfortunately there are also a lot of club administrators who get sucked in by the allure of achieving short-term premiership success and are happy enough to ignore the long-term ramifications of appointing a coach who is all about the here and now.
Creating a strong culture requires a long term buy in from all, a certain level of loyalty and unity. You, quite rightly, said that coaches are entitled to chase success because they're generally all on borrowed time. Players come and go every year due to all manner of circumstances, but generally are looking for success ( team and personal ) and quite often end up looking for greener pastures when that success doesnt come to fruition in what they consider to be a timely fashion. Committees are loathe to appoint coaches on long term arrangements in case things don't work out. Therefore, you have a situation where everyone within the football aspect of a club, are, to an extent, chasing their own agendas whilst at the same time, towing the company line about building a culture. Unless a club is prepared to do things properly and hire a coach on a long term basis as a start, this whole idea about strong culture is a hollow aspiration, or, to be frank, a crock of shit.
Creating a strong culture requires a long term buy in from all, a certain level of loyalty and unity. You, quite rightly, said that coaches are entitled to chase success because they're generally all on borrowed time. Players come and go every year due to all manner of circumstances, but generally are looking for success ( team and personal ) and quite often end up looking for greener pastures when that success doesnt come to fruition in what they consider to be a timely fashion. Committees are loathe to appoint coaches on long term arrangements in case things don't work out. Therefore, you have a situation where everyone within the football aspect of a club, are, to an extent, chasing their own agendas whilst at the same time, towing the company line about building a culture. Unless a club is prepared to do things properly and hire a coach on a long term basis as a start, this whole idea about strong culture is a hollow aspiration, or, to be frank, a crock of shit.

Your first sentence is the key. The whole idea about strong culture is definitely not a "hollow aspiration", it's just very difficult to actually build. As you correctly said, it takes long term buy in across the board. I'm not saying that it all comes together often or that many of the people talking about building culture are genuinely committed to it, I'm just explaining why they always talk about it. When push comes to shove most people will go chasing a flag, but if you get a few of those selfless people that actually commit to the cause long term then that's where that sustained success which we spoke about can actually happen.
Your first sentence is the key. The whole idea about strong culture is definitely not a "hollow aspiration", it's just very difficult to actually build. As you correctly said, it takes long term buy in across the board. I'm not saying that it all comes together often or that many of the people talking about building culture are genuinely committed to it, I'm just explaining why they always talk about it. When push comes to shove most people will go chasing a flag, but if you get a few of those selfless people that actually commit to the cause long term then that's where that sustained success which we spoke about can actually happen.
No drama with any of that, I just thinks it's an abused and overused buzzword
A common theme on here is that having a good culture is the key to being a successful club. I'm more inclined to believe that having the best list is the real key indicator. Seems like some clubs are starting to think the same way. " Culture " is an overused, warm and fuzzy word that gets thrown around far too often and, like the word " loyalty " is seldom seen at alot of clubs. The chooks are a classic case in point. Did they win the flag 2 seasons ago because they had a great culture or because they had the most talented list ? You would have to think the latter was the case when you consider their current situation and before you all start flinging shit my way, I'm not having a crack at Moorooka. It has happened at other clubs too.
Agree TT.

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A common theme on here is that having a good culture is the key to being a successful club. I'm more inclined to believe that having the best list is the real key indicator. Seems like some clubs are starting to think the same way. " Culture " is an overused, warm and fuzzy word that gets thrown around far too often and, like the word " loyalty " is seldom seen at alot of clubs. The chooks are a classic case in point. Did they win the flag 2 seasons ago because they had a great culture or because they had the most talented list ? You would have to think the latter was the case when you consider their current situation and before you all start flinging shit my way, I'm not having a crack at Moorooka. It has happened at other clubs too.

I usually don't post anything on here, but I felt that I had to at this.

Yes we had a good list and some good players come in, but we also had players there (myself included) who had been there since the start of the merger and had endured the shit training numbers, the absolute murderings at the hands of Nambour/Beenleigh/Caboolture and so on. I had never had 200 kicked against a team that I played in up to 18's (never losing by more than 100), but it my first 2 years at Mooroka, it happened 8 times. Including a 263-3 flogging at the hands Nambour (in which our captain broke his leg 2 mintues in) and where we had 8 seniors actually wanting to fill in for ressies so we could field a team up there. If that doesn't show some form of culture then I don't know what does.

When we won the premiership in 2014, it was years of work and building for blokes like Grainger, Myself, Denne, Gallagher, Morris, Pearce and Stewart. We copped those hidings and we deserved to have some success as we had worked hard for it. We had a great 'culture' and more importantly, everyone loved being around the club and we all stuck around and had a beer after the game and the atmosphere was great. Coming from the Western Magpies, where I played for 6 years (up to 18's) and only have 1 friend from that club, Moorooka was like a second family compared to them. I love Moorooka and wanted to stay this year and in doing so, hoped that others would see that we still had a chance to make something of ourselves. Redeem being knocked out in the Prelim last year and get to taste the ultimate glory again, but for reasons I cannot fathom and do not understand, there has been a mass exodus. It has truly been like a snowball affect. One goes, then another and another. People outside the club think something has happened, but I can unequivocally say that, that has not happened. There has been no falling out with players or coaches and from what I can tell, people have just left for 'reasons'. Travel cannot be an acceptable reason in my eyes to change clubs (unless extreme like moving to the coast or going up a comp), seeing as I live all of 3 minutes from Park Ridge. I would never go to another club in the same comp, let alone the one which also happens to be the closest rival in terms of distance. Go up or go down yeah sure, but same comp is what I cannot fathom, and I won't lie, it bloody hurts. I know it's not personal, but it's hard to take and it's just how I am taking it at the moment.

People haven't left a sinking ship, they have sunk it.

I just wanted to offer a current Moorooka player's point of view and put any murmurings about some sort of falling out to rest, as I can assure you that this did not happen.
I usually don't post anything on here, but I felt that I had to at this.

Yes we had a good list and some good players come in, but we also had players there (myself included) who had been there since the start of the merger and had endured the shit training numbers, the absolute murderings at the hands of Nambour/Beenleigh/Caboolture and so on. I had never had 200 kicked against a team that I played in up to 18's (never losing by more than 100), but it my first 2 years at Mooroka, it happened 8 times. Including a 263-3 flogging at the hands Nambour (in which our captain broke his leg 2 mintues in) and where we had 8 seniors actually wanting to fill in for ressies so we could field a team up there. If that doesn't show some form of culture then I don't know what does.

I love Moorooka and wanted to stay this year and in doing so, hoped that others would see that we still had a chance to make something of ourselves. Redeem being knocked out in the Prelim last year and get to taste the ultimate glory again, but for reasons I cannot fathom and do not understand, there has been a mass exodus.

Great post.

I have to ask though, are you staying?

if they are losing players so easily then they need incentives to keep these good players...

Insensitives you say? Like pay players? Wave fees? WTF! This is AMATEUR LEAGUE FFS! FACE IT THE ONLY ONES TO GO ON AND MAKE A CAREER IN THIS DIV IS A YOUNG 17 -19 YEAR OLD AND AT BEST WILL SPEND A YEAR AT A CLUB IN THIS DIV BEFORE GOING ON TO DIV 1 no offense but the rest of the players in this div are nothing but weekend warriors who who feel that they are owed something for there presence at at club .
I usually don't post anything on here, but I felt that I had to at this.

Yes we had a good list and some good players come in, but we also had players there (myself included) who had been there since the start of the merger and had endured the shit training numbers, the absolute murderings at the hands of Nambour/Beenleigh/Caboolture and so on. I had never had 200 kicked against a team that I played in up to 18's (never losing by more than 100), but it my first 2 years at Mooroka, it happened 8 times. Including a 263-3 flogging at the hands Nambour (in which our captain broke his leg 2 mintues in) and where we had 8 seniors actually wanting to fill in for ressies so we could field a team up there. If that doesn't show some form of culture then I don't know what does.

When we won the premiership in 2014, it was years of work and building for blokes like Grainger, Myself, Denne, Gallagher, Morris, Pearce and Stewart. We copped those hidings and we deserved to have some success as we had worked hard for it. We had a great 'culture' and more importantly, everyone loved being around the club and we all stuck around and had a beer after the game and the atmosphere was great. Coming from the Western Magpies, where I played for 6 years (up to 18's) and only have 1 friend from that club, Moorooka was like a second family compared to them. I love Moorooka and wanted to stay this year and in doing so, hoped that others would see that we still had a chance to make something of ourselves. Redeem being knocked out in the Prelim last year and get to taste the ultimate glory again, but for reasons I cannot fathom and do not understand, there has been a mass exodus. It has truly been like a snowball affect. One goes, then another and another. People outside the club think something has happened, but I can unequivocally say that, that has not happened. There has been no falling out with players or coaches and from what I can tell, people have just left for 'reasons'. Travel cannot be an acceptable reason in my eyes to change clubs (unless extreme like moving to the coast or going up a comp), seeing as I live all of 3 minutes from Park Ridge. I would never go to another club in the same comp, let alone the one which also happens to be the closest rival in terms of distance. Go up or go down yeah sure, but same comp is what I cannot fathom, and I won't lie, it bloody hurts. I know it's not personal, but it's hard to take and it's just how I am taking it at the moment.

People haven't left a sinking ship, they have sunk it.

I just wanted to offer a current Moorooka player's point of view and put any murmurings about some sort of falling out to rest, as I can assure you that this did not happen.

Great post butts, a fair few blokes need to have a good hard look at themselves and the way in which they left moorooka.

Moorooka won't give up an will be doing everything possible leaving no stone unturned to make round 1
but we have ambition as a club to go onto higher division
Every club has ambitions of wanting go up BUT! at what cost? Every club has its place in their division for a reason ie pirates , roosters and thats to help the true potential talented 16 - 19 staight outta juniors. Last couple of years the word at the Roosters was to play in a hire division, but how? If you get 45 to training regularly and are winning flags in my eyes you would only go up a div if you had had 80 minimum at training so you can elevate the best senoir team being mindful to retain players to feel the teams in the div your club is presently in for the reason of if you dont cut the mustered you still know that you have 2 healthy teams as aposed to lossing ALL numbers and starting again!
I usually don't post anything on here, but I felt that I had to at this.

Yes we had a good list and some good players come in, but we also had players there (myself included) who had been there since the start of the merger and had endured the shit training numbers, the absolute murderings at the hands of Nambour/Beenleigh/Caboolture and so on. I had never had 200 kicked against a team that I played in up to 18's (never losing by more than 100), but it my first 2 years at Mooroka, it happened 8 times. Including a 263-3 flogging at the hands Nambour (in which our captain broke his leg 2 mintues in) and where we had 8 seniors actually wanting to fill in for ressies so we could field a team up there. If that doesn't show some form of culture then I don't know what does.

When we won the premiership in 2014, it was years of work and building for blokes like Grainger, Myself, Denne, Gallagher, Morris, Pearce and Stewart. We copped those hidings and we deserved to have some success as we had worked hard for it. We had a great 'culture' and more importantly, everyone loved being around the club and we all stuck around and had a beer after the game and the atmosphere was great. Coming from the Western Magpies, where I played for 6 years (up to 18's) and only have 1 friend from that club, Moorooka was like a second family compared to them. I love Moorooka and wanted to stay this year and in doing so, hoped that others would see that we still had a chance to make something of ourselves. Redeem being knocked out in the Prelim last year and get to taste the ultimate glory again, but for reasons I cannot fathom and do not understand, there has been a mass exodus. It has truly been like a snowball affect. One goes, then another and another. People outside the club think something has happened, but I can unequivocally say that, that has not happened. There has been no falling out with players or coaches and from what I can tell, people have just left for 'reasons'. Travel cannot be an acceptable reason in my eyes to change clubs (unless extreme like moving to the coast or going up a comp), seeing as I live all of 3 minutes from Park Ridge. I would never go to another club in the same comp, let alone the one which also happens to be the closest rival in terms of distance. Go up or go down yeah sure, but same comp is what I cannot fathom, and I won't lie, it bloody hurts. I know it's not personal, but it's hard to take and it's just how I am taking it at the moment.

People haven't left a sinking ship, they have sunk it.

I just wanted to offer a current Moorooka player's point of view and put any murmurings about some sort of falling out to rest, as I can assure you that this did not happen.

Great post and sums up the situation perfectly.

Ps- **** that nambour game. Shouldn't have left your man to me robot!! Hahaha
All I'm hearing is the same old shit!
Players leave clubs every year for a number of reasons , all clubs stop the crap and do something about it don't be hung up on who's leaving , focus on who is you next recruit ,
Turn every stone you never know who's under there .
This is were clubs can show how good they really ,
Spooner I might be wired differently to you - but I find winning fun - I don't know too many people that are happy having a kick with their mates regardless of the result. That said the environment UQ have created over the years with the different teams is a very unique situation.

Player movement as stated by Billy is swings and roundabouts - Flowers and templar have almost had as many clubs between them as KP :) (side note has it resulted in either of them playing in a winning gf?) point being clubs don't mind when players come to them from other clubs but think its underhanded when they leave.

Basically every club in QLD has gone through ups and downs in the last 10 years - strap yourself in because its going to keep happening! look at the ups and downs the likes of Kedron, Wynnum, Robina, Beenleigh, Logan, Redcliffe, Caloundra, Maroochy, Cooly & Nambour to name a few have experienced.

Its not limited to footy at this level - look at the AFL for example - collingwood supporters hail treloar and Aish in one breathe yet are baying for Nathan Freeman's blood because he dare leave them.

None of this makes it right or wrong - but fighting and complaining about the inevitable is a waste of time and energy.
Spooner I might be wired differently to you - but I find winning fun - I don't know too many people that are happy having a kick with their mates regardless of the result. That said the environment UQ have created over the years with the different teams is a very unique situation.

Player movement as stated by Billy is swings and roundabouts - Flowers and templar have almost had as many clubs between them as KP :) (side note has it resulted in either of them playing in a winning gf?) point being clubs don't mind when players come to them from other clubs but think its underhanded when they leave.

Basically every club in QLD has gone through ups and downs in the last 10 years - strap yourself in because its going to keep happening! look at the ups and downs the likes of Kedron, Wynnum, Robina, Beenleigh, Logan, Redcliffe, Caloundra, Maroochy, Cooly & Nambour to name a few have experienced.

Its not limited to footy at this level - look at the AFL for example - collingwood supporters hail treloar and Aish in one breathe yet are baying for Nathan Freeman's blood because he dare leave them.

None of this makes it right or wrong - but fighting and complaining about the inevitable is a waste of time and energy.

I agree with everything you're saying. Winning sure is fun and there aren't many players out there who just want to play with their mates regardless of the result, although I have met a few of them. I've also met plenty who are the other way inclined and are in it purely for the short-term glory. That's fine, I'm looking at it from a club perspective. For the majority of players it's all about some kind of combination between having a good time at footy with your mates and winning games. That's why clubs usually try to find that balance between building a talented list and developing a great atmosphere around the group. It's also why they spend so much time talking about culture. Again, I'm not trying to justify the buzzword just trying to explain why people rabbit on about it so often. It's intangible, but if you've got it then it can help see you through those inevitable downtimes that all clubs are going to suffer at some stage. For what it's worth I've always thought Griffith-Moorooka have a great deal of it and, even though this is clearly a very tough time for them and this year may or may not be particularly difficult on the scoreboard, I'm backing them to pull through fine in the long-run.

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QAFA (A) 2016 Season

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