Ramifications for all Australian Football Leagues

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Re: Sonny Bill Williams vs. The Salary Cap

Can't see how the SWB and the salary cap problems of rugby have anything to do with AFL. There is no other viable alternative for AFL players to pursue unlike Rugby and Overseas offers.
Some of the articles in today's daily papers suggest Money Bill has a decent chance to argue that the salary cap is a restriction of trade. Carlton would be looking forward to the cap disappearing. Pratt would be attempting to buy premierships left, right and centre.

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Re: Sonny Bill Williams vs. The Salary Cap

Can't see how the SWB and the salary cap problems of rugby have anything to do with AFL. There is no other viable alternative for AFL players to pursue unlike Rugby and Overseas offers.

If the AFLPA chose to go after the removal of the cap (assuming Money Bill wins) it would be based around the top end of players being able to make say $1.2M a year in an 'open' market instead of $700k with a cap in place.

It would turn the AFL into an EPL style comp where a club needs a rich benefactor (Abramovich for Chelsea or a Pratt for Carlton) and they could plunder the lesser clubs for talent and load up.
Re: Sonny Bill Williams vs. The Salary Cap

The salary cap needs to stay in place. Which is obvious, but still needs to be said.
Re: Sonny Bill Williams vs. The Salary Cap


The NRL and Bulldogs launched court action against Williams yesterday for what they say is breach of a "watertight" contract. But Williams's lawyers will argue that the salary cap is an unreasonable restraint of trade - and some legal experts suggest he could succeed.

Should an Australian court find in favour of the New Zealand international, it would entitle the AFL Players' Association to challenge the Australian rules salary cap, dismantling a club structure that has preserved a competitive balance for 30 years and prevented billionaires such as the Carlton patron Dick Pratt spending whatever they wanted to plunder the talent of rivals.

Will the NRL and Bulldogs proceed in the face of this? All 4 codes of football in Australia will be in serious trouble!
Re: Sonny Bill Williams vs. The Salary Cap

The salary cap is the best thing to happen to the AFL in 100 years. Even as a Blues supporter, with the mighty Dick Pratt and his billions at the helm, I would hate to win a flag every year, just because we could afford to. Premierships are earned, not bought.

F. U. Money Bill!!!
Re: Sonny Bill Williams vs. The Salary Cap

Removal of the salary cap would be a very bad outcome, and I say this as a supporter of a cashed-up club.

It would bring forward the division of the AFL into two leagues, whether by rank (like English Premier League) or area (like US football), because there's no way sponsorship would flow to clubs continually down the bottom.

Based on money in the bank, it would mean clubs like Collingwood, Eagles, Carlton and maybe Sydney and Brisbane (being dominant in their markets) would run the show.

You'd have a number of perpetual strugglers (and probably need an alternative competition like the FA Cup to keep them and their sponsors interested), and it would mean the end of Bulldogs, Melbourne, North Melbourne, Fremantle and, potentially, kill off the two new clubs.
Re: Sonny Bill Williams vs. The Salary Cap

Can't see how the SWB and the salary cap problems of rugby have anything to do with AFL. There is no other viable alternative for AFL players to pursue unlike Rugby and Overseas offers.
That's actually an arguement against the AFL. In League they could say that the salary cap isn't a restraint because the players can get good money overseas or in rugby union. The AFL doesn't have that defence.
Re: Sonny Bill Williams vs. The Salary Cap

If the AFLPA chose to go after the removal of the cap (assuming Money Bill wins) it would be based around the top end of players being able to make say $1.2M a year in an 'open' market instead of $700k with a cap in place.

It would turn the AFL into an EPL style comp where a club needs a rich benefactor (Abramovich for Chelsea or a Pratt for Carlton) and they could plunder the lesser clubs for talent and load up.

Yes it would suck for Hawthorn, because your club is poor hence you have to sell games to Tassie. Would be good for Carlton, Essendon and Collingwood so I hope it happens. Let's see, we can offer Frankli n3 mill a year, can you match that?
Re: Sonny Bill Williams vs. The Salary Cap

I don't understand this restraint of trade argument.

If you don't like the conditions on offer, don't take the job. The NRL and AFL are entitled to make their rules of employment - so long as they don't breach Industrial Relations - and you either accept them or work elsewhere. Surely any organisation is allowed to set a limit on the wages it pays. If he could get more playing overseas then go, when your contract is done.

He knew the rules when he signed the contract, so he should see out his contract. No-one forced him to sign the contract, no-ones forcing him to stay when his contract's done.
Re: Sonny Bill Williams vs. The Salary Cap

Yes it would suck for Hawthorn, because your club is poor hence you have to sell games to Tassie. Would be good for Carlton, Essendon and Collingwood so I hope it happens. Let's see, we can offer Frankli n3 mill a year, can you match that?

I hope you are extracting the urine here because I fail to see how that could be good. You would have an EPL style league where only 3-4 teams each season have a realistic chance of winning the premiership each season.

It's not just salaries, transfer fees will rear their ugly heads as well.

The team I follow is cashed up to the hilt, but it would majorly suck to win a title based on how much money was in the bank. Would alienate a lot of fans too. They still have a cap in US sports, surely it could exist here as well.

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Re: Salary cap about to be destroyed

it would suck

west coast, collingwood, carlton and sydney? it would be like the big 4 in the premier league
A handfull of NRL clubs, 5 or 6 maybe, decide they can't survive in the new environment and merge or fold - the others and the newly merged entities go to war with each other with high profile backers to sign the best available players - players wages sky rocket to levels higher than during Super League (remember the problems BIG $'s caused back then)

What would happen to the AFL? Would players start thinking about playing league?? unlikely as it's a very different skill set - would kids/parents start thinking about their kids playing league where the BIG money is??? Has to be a possibility doesn't it? Joe is a champion athlete, could play any sport he wanted to - why would he pay AFL where he wages are capped???

The turmoil of a significant number of merges/folds for clubs could only have a negative effect on kids playing league.

Will NSW kids be more likely to play league if the club they follow has just merged?
Will kids from WA and SA start playing league, where there is no team based?
Kids from Vic start playing league in huge numbers?
Not likely.

I would think that there are few kids who are playing sport because they or their parents are thinking about the huge salaries they could earn in seven or eight years if they become a star.

The possible winners out of this would be the Queensland teams, especially the Broncos. They would be unlikely to fold, but probably able to capitalise on the shakeup because of their ownership/profitability.
Re: Sonny Bill Williams vs. The Salary Cap

I see now havent really kept in the loop with the SBW and didn't realise his legal team were challenging the salary cap in general. I thought the argument reffered to the poaching of players. My bad.
Re: Sonny Bill Williams vs. The Salary Cap

Yes it would suck for Hawthorn, because your club is poor hence you have to sell games to Tassie. Would be good for Carlton, Essendon and Collingwood so I hope it happens. Let's see, we can offer Frankli n3 mill a year, can you match that?

Then West Coast offer him $3.5m, whatya going to do about that? Not only that they throw the chequebook at Ryder and Riemers.
Re: Sonny Bill Williams vs. The Salary Cap

It would slash the number of viable clubs to about 8 - one each in Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and Sydney and 4 in Melbourne (prob. Collingwood, Carlton, Essendon and Geelong).
Re: Sonny Bill Williams vs. The Salary Cap

The AFL would have to completely overhaul it's structure fi a court ruled in favor of a restraint of trade.

Each club would have to hand over ownership to the AFL.

We CANNOT have a competition without a salary cap. i don't say that because I follow one of the poorest clubs. I say that because Australia cannot financially afford an EPL. It is a disaster waiting to happen.
Re: Sonny Bill Williams vs. The Salary Cap

Don't see how it can affect AFL, but then again can't say I know much about it.

As I see it, the clubs are an extension of the AFL and the league can apply any rules within their own comp. If players want free agency or to chase higher pay, they can go to whatever competing league will pay them more, as would happen in the days of Bob Rose going to Wangaratta. No ones put a gun to their head and made them play for the AFL.
Re: Sonny Bill Williams vs. The Salary Cap

SBW wont go through with it. The NRL would let him out of his contract if it looked like they would lose the case. Storm in a teacup
Re: Salary cap about to be destroyed

Nah, I think the salary cap is important in all of our codes. I would hate for AFL to resemble the EPL, even if my club would benefit from that format.

SBW is a dog, and I hope the courts rule in the NRL's favour.
Re: Sonny Bill Williams vs. The Salary Cap

Yes it would suck for Hawthorn, because your club is poor hence you have to sell games to Tassie. Would be good for Carlton, Essendon and Collingwood so I hope it happens. Let's see, we can offer Frankli n3 mill a year, can you match that?

Ian Dicker would give him $4mil worth of dingers

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Ramifications for all Australian Football Leagues

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