Play Nice Random Chat Thread VII

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Blah blah blah blah... you're wrong. You're just straight up wrong. Blaming other nations for Russia's invasion provides Russia and Putin with justification and a blanket of cover and there's just no other way to describe it.

You think Russia was provoked and this justifies their invasion because you have authoritarian tendencies. It's really just that simple.

It doesn't matter what I think. Russia obviously thinks the US training Ukraine's armed forces to integrate with NATO systems (as they did in 2021) was a justification for the invasion. Given Putin has been saying this since the early 2000s it was bound to happen.

You're ignoring the realpolitik of the situation so you can virtue signal^ about it, which is hardly surprising given its you.

This is hilarious hypocrisy from someone who thinks anyone who associates with Police should be written off as a good person forever.

Get some self-awareness, campaigner.

I know people who have been tortured by police in Australia and overseas. If I ever had to introduce you to them I'd be warning them of your association beforehand. It would be a betrayal of their trust not to. Your feelings on the matter are irrelevant to that.

Yes, because it is the hallmark of authoritarianism. 'The rules and norms don't apply to me when I personally choose, and my individual perspective is the only one that matters and therefore I'm right'

Again. Thank you for making my case for me.

You lack the self-awareness to recognise the contradiction I'm sure, but you straight up admit to derailing threads with insults and abuse... and then you have a giant sook and accuse other people of getting the threads locked. That's just one of the many ways you try and play the victim.

I'm not derailing threads, just following up your comments with approriate responses.

How would you know?

Seriously. How would you know? You haven't lived in Victoria for, what... 15-20 years? Something in that vicinity?

You have absolutely no idea when it comes to this shit. I'm 100% positive you'll pull the "oh yeah I know people in the community who tell me things!" card but that proves absolutely nothing.

You don't know anything about the enormously positive strides that VicPol made that I was directly responsible for, and how it's had genuine benefits in the community.

As one example, I personally and individually was responsible for Victoria Police's Chief Commissioner delivering the formal apology to the LGBTIQ+ community for past harm and discriminatory policing. I wrote his speech. I wrote his apology. I coordinated the events that surrounded it. I worked directly with community to ensure that what they needed to hear in the apology was in the apology. It was a massive success and hearing directly from previous LGBTIQ+ victims of harmful policing practices about how thankful they were and how much it meant to them is a highlight of my career. Hell, it won the ****ing annual Pride Community Initiative of the Year, which is voted on exclusively by people from that community.

You don't get to sit there and act like you know shit about this stuff when you don't. THAT'S authoritarian and bigoted shit. Look in the mirror.

Good on you. I missed out on the Tasty raid cos I couldn't afford to buy pingers that night. I had friends who were there.

But just like the apology to the stolen generation, these things don't stop shit behaviour. And yes I go to Melbourne at least once every year and I still interact with Victorian police. They still look at me in a dodgy manner. Last year VicPOl made a presentation on gang crime that was a disgrace and they reinstated an officer who had been dismissed for homophobic remarks to a colleague. We all know what happened to Dani Laidley and every year VicPol bash at least one aboriginal man so badly he ends up in hospital.

No. I said that it was anti-semitic. I didn't say you were anti-semitic. I also said that it's a form of collective punishment which is... illegal. So I stand by that.
For someone who said they studied semantics, you're quite bad at them.

Every Australian who was deployed to Gaza after Oct 7th 2023 should be investigated for war crimes when they return. At the very least what happened in Gaza was a crime against humanity, it fits the UN definition of a genocide and you're arguing that people who were on the ground there shouldn't be investigated to see if they actively committed war crimes and should be charged for it?

Its not racist to want to see that happen. Its not a collective punishment either. Investigation isn't a punishment is it?

The people who committed war crimes should be punished. People who didn't should be free to get on with their lives. After they have been investigated. We're not talking about anyone in the IDF, just the people in the IDF who were stationed in the place it committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and appears to be carrying out a genocide.

Yes, he does. And it's part of an established pattern.
And quite frankly, you don't get to sit there and tell me what is or isn't anti-semitism. What kind of arrogance is that? For someone who likes to position themselves as a righteous authority on this stuff, you should know better.
Through a lifetime of lived experience I've developed a strong radar for anti-semitism, and I am telling you that Val is pinging that radar like a god-damn slow moving giant blimp.

I've developed a strong radar for people who like to pretend they aren't racist over the years. You don't get to tell me what is or isn't some white jerk being racist. But you do it all the time.

Eh, I didn't take his statement to mean he wanted to see "Israel" totally gone. More that he wanted regime change.

LOL. Gutless.

Either way, it's ironic that you're calling me out for not challenging someone about these things. I've literally not seen you ONCE disagree with anyone from your clique, whereas I've respectfully disagreed with Scallop several times in this very thread. Go back and check if you'd like.

Yet two pages (or whatever) ago i pointed out that the tweet Val posted wasn't referring to ISIS. Curious.

Yeah, nah. That is precisely sov-cit bullshit.

"The formation of Australian parliament is based on a legal falsehood". Hahaha. Okay.

So you're telling me Australia being Terra Nullius is an accurate doctrine now. You could lose your job working with indigenous people if they knew that.

No I was agreeing that Pfizer was specifically donating to the inauguration to curry favour as a form of legal political bribes. Which they, and all companies who do similar, do.

So its not a both sides issue but all corporations do it.

I disagree that the third dose was unnecessary, but also I don't really care... Vaccinations are good. Vaccinations are safe. I have no interest entering into a discussion with you on that topic.

You're full of shit. The third dose for people who didn't need it meant Pfizer scammed an extra 30% at least of taxpayers money across the world on top what they already made out of the pandemic. Corporate Libertarianism is your dirty little secret Chad.

Also your opinion on the necessity of the third dose is wrong and based on your own ego. The Australian Government does not recommend a third dose of Pfizers vaccine for healthy adults under 65 who are not immunocompromised. They make it available if you want it, that's all.

^ first time I've used that to someone who wasn't a right whinger.
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You said he’s someone who will never be able to walk the streets alone again lollllllllll.

Because you’re such a both sides are the same guy, can you direct me to where you’ve said similar about trump or Putin?

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Putin won’t even go to the bathroom without his protection detail.

Have you seen those campaigners btw? There’s a big blond one in particular with a baby face that looks like he knows a thousand ways to kill someone barehanded…and probably has.
[emoji[emoji6][emoji6]]" data-quote="DesertRoo" data-source="post: 0" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">
Yet here you are defending it.

you know my take, burn it down before you give that power to someone like Trump.

I would have used existing laws to charge them with endangering public health.

Because vaccination rates were quite high I don’t think it necessitated invoking the emergencies act.
But a year prior? Absolutely.

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[emoji[emoji6][emoji6]]" data-quote="DesertRoo" data-source="post: 0" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">

So you can’t direct me to a post where you’ve said the same about trump or Putin then.

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NO. They haven't admitted to that. And this has been explained to you many, many, many times. And the fact you either cannot or choose not to understand the difference is part of why I think you're a racist.

Here's a perfect opportunity for ferball to come in and do what he accuses me of never doing, and challenge/correct someone on 'his side'.

I won't hold my breath though. In fact, I'd bet the opposite will happen and he'll come in and agree with/defend Val.

Thus proving my point.
Why is it that when Israel's enemies accuse them of working with Jihadists (who happen to share the same enemies as Israel) you say their claims can't be believed but unquestioningly believe Israeli denials?

I honestly dunno if Israel armed Al nusra in Syria but I suspect its the case given the US definitely did. SLFs mate Jake famously said Al Q was on "our side in Syria" over a decade ago.

Is it anti semitic to accuse Israel of involvement in shipping arms to iran on behalf of the US back in the 80s? Cos that happened.

So its not unreasonable or anti semitic the US may have used Israel intelligence services to assist in arming anti Assad rebels including Al-Nusra. The details of that operation (its called Timber Sycamore and was a bit of a farce really) are still classified.
You're ignoring the realpolitik of the situation so you can virtue signal^ about it, which is hardly surprising given its you.

If the binary choices as you present them are;

1) "Virtue signal" to oppose the unilateral invasion of another nation and the outbreak of war
2) Justify and defend the invasion

Then sure, I'll happily 'virtue signal' because quite frankly I don't think I could ever bring myself to support authoritarian dictators. Clearly you can.

I'm not derailing threads, just following up your comments with approriate responses.

Bullshit. You jump into threads and raise topics that are often days, weeks, and even months old purely in an attempt to attack me personally. You initiate fights and arguments and then have a sook when you receive responses.

Good on you. I missed out on the Tasty raid cos I couldn't afford to buy pingers that night. I had friends who were there.

Good for you. I worked directly with the people who were there and involved them in the apology process. Maybe they're the same people. And if they are, you should ask them how they feel about the apology and the work that went into it. You should try listening to them.

But just like the apology to the stolen generation, these things don't stop shit behaviour.

That's a strawman argument because no one said it stopped them. Progress is slow, and painful, and often frustratingly hampered by entrenched systems designed to keep the disadvantaged down.

But progress is always worth seeking. And that's why I took the role that you seem to think makes me an inherently bad person.

Some people want to yell at the system but do nothing to actually improve it.
Others want to actually roll up their sleeves and put in the effort to bring about that change.
Decisions are made by those who show up.

We all know what happened to Dani Laidley...

Yes, and guess what? The members involved were all fired and that happened literally entirely because of internal policies and frameworks that I helped implement and design.

You're welcome.

Its not a collective punishment either. Investigation isn't a punishment is it?

Brother, it is the very definition of collective punishment. Investigation is an administrative action, and the ICRC defines collective punishment as the following;

The term refers not only to criminal punishment, but also to other types of sanctions, harassment or administrative action taken against a group in retaliation for an act committed by an individual/s who are considered to form part of the group. Such punishment therefore targets persons who bear no responsibility for having committed the conduct in question.

The people who committed war crimes should be punished. People who didn't should be free to get on with their lives. After they have been investigated. We're not talking about anyone in the IDF, just the people in the IDF who were stationed in the place it committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and appears to be carrying out a genocide.

Yeah, nah.

What if an IDF member was stationed in Tel Aviv but was operating drones that committed war-crimes in Gaza? By your definition they wouldn't be included. But the IDF doctor tending to the wounded Palestinians in Beit Hanoun who never fired a weapon would be included.

And this is just one of the reasons why collective punishment is never acceptable. Edge cases render the process untenable, unimplementable, and unjust.

I've developed a strong radar for people who like to pretend they aren't racist over the years. You don't get to tell me what is or isn't some white jerk being racist. But you do it all the time.

Says the man telling a Jew that he isn't allowed to call someone anti-semitic for constantly posting Jewish conspiracy theories.

Righto champ. You're definitely on the right side of justice here...

Yet two pages (or whatever) ago i pointed out that the tweet Val posted wasn't referring to ISIS. Curious.

I must have missed this - kindly link to it please. I'd be fascinated to see if it is as you described, or if you do what you always do with the clique and you sat on the fence and said nothing of actual substance...

So you're telling me Australia being Terra Nullius is an accurate doctrine now. You could lose your job working with indigenous people if they knew that.

For someone who complains that there isn't enough nuance in these conversations, you sure do default to binary GWBush style "either with us or against us" positions frequently. How curious that you accuse others of doing this...

Newsflash; it's entirely reasonable to fully support Indigenous Land Rights and Native Title in Australia without believing that it renders the entire legality of Australia as a country null and void.

Also your opinion on the necessity of the third dose is wrong and based on your own ego.
The Australian Government does not recommend a third dose of Pfizers vaccine for healthy adults under 65 who are not immunocompromised.

Well... actually the Australian government recommends annual Covid vaccinations. 1 primary dose for healthy people, 2 or 3 primary doses for people with more complex health risks.

But sure.
Why is it that when Israel's enemies accuse them of working with Jihadists (who happen to share the same enemies as Israel) you say their claims can't be believed but unquestioningly believe Israeli denials?

Hang on - that's arguing something entirely separate from the issue at hand, because no one has linked/presented any examples of "Israel's enemies accuse them of working with Jihadists".

That's not what was being discussed.

What was being discussed is the articles Val has linked that state;

1) Israel supplied small arms support to Syrian Rebels (not the Sunni extremist/Jihadist rebels though)
2) Israeli military hospitals provided first aid to Al-Nusra fighters (which doesn't equate to "Israel supports ISIS" as Val literally said it means).

I honestly dunno if Israel armed Al nusra in Syria

They didn't.

SLFs mate Jake famously said Al Q was on "our side in Syria" over a decade ago.

Yes he did, and conspiracy theorists twisted those words significantly. What do you think Sullivan meant? I'd be fascinated to hear your take.

Is it anti semitic to accuse Israel of involvement in shipping arms to iran on behalf of the US back in the 80s?

Nope. Not anti-semitic at all.
And if that was where your criticism of Jews started and ended, then I wouldn't be calling you anti-semitic.

But you believe and repost a myriad of other Jewish conspiracies.

Basically everyone in here is against the genocide being committed by Israel, other than that weird Chip Scab dude who I ignore. Do you see me accusing anyone else of being anti-semitic? No.

Only you. For a reason.
It's hardly Genocide, period, but especially if they warn them, drop leaflets and tell them where they are going to bomb or indeed never use the full measure of their power on their enemies. The use of the term Genocide is frankly absurd.

The victimhood knows no bounds.

If Israel wanted Genocide it would have been over at least a year ago and there'd be none left. The so-called Palestinian population continues to grow, hardly Genocide, no matter how many Infidels/nonsense believers use that particular term.

I'm against rape and murder. People who support the other side are indirectly or directly not, some don't even know what they are doing - I give them the benefit of any doubt. But you clearly do. Yet you do, and still support them. To me, it's unfathomable. They are beyond help, some of them are good guys, but Muslims have always and will always hate you for being you. The fact you can't/refuse to acknowledge this simple point renders all the good stuff you do, pointless.

For the record, I grew up in a nice area... I didn't grow up in Yahupatzville, so I didn't know what a Muslim was until I was about 14 when I was referred to as Jew Boy by them - this despite not being anything.

I'm an antisemetic, pro-Israel, Islamaphobe. Thank **** I live in the whitest yock suburb there is in the world, otherwise I'd be in real trouble.
If the binary choices as you present them are;

1) "Virtue signal" to oppose the unilateral invasion of another nation and the outbreak of war
2) Justify and defend the invasion

Then sure, I'll happily 'virtue signal' because quite frankly I don't think I could ever bring myself to support authoritarian dictators. Clearly you can.

If pointing out the truth is "support" then fine.

I've said, yesterday on here and ages ago on the MB that if our (Australia's) support was directly linked to Ukraine changing its policies on Roma people and prosecuting those that ethnic cleanse them (instead of supporting them) i would be happy for it to happen. My taxes are used for this remember. It would have to be a real policy and see support suspended when ongoing examples of that sort of racism were uncovered.

Bullshit. You jump into threads and raise topics that are often days, weeks, and even months old purely in an attempt to attack me personally. You initiate fights and arguments and then have a sook when you receive responses.

Sometimes I don't read this thread for ages. Are you saying I'm not allowed to comment on stuff. That's not it works Chad, as you've repeatedly said.

Good for you. I worked directly with the people who were there and involved them in the apology process. Maybe they're the same people. And if they are, you should ask them how they feel about the apology and the work that went into it. You should try listening to them.

I can't ask some of them anymore. Unfortunately. Fallen out of touch with others.

That's a strawman argument because no one said it stopped them. Progress is slow, and painful, and often frustratingly hampered by entrenched systems designed to keep the disadvantaged down.

But progress is always worth seeking. And that's why I took the role that you seem to think makes me an inherently bad person.

Its not just that role. Its the way you post on here coupled with that role.

Some people want to yell at the system but do nothing to actually improve it.
Others want to actually roll up their sleeves and put in the effort to bring about that change.
Decisions are made by those who show up.

The police exist to protect the wealthy from everyone else. Everything else they do is secondary to that. The only way to improve that system is to remove it.

Yes, and guess what? The members involved were all fired and that happened literally entirely because of internal policies and frameworks that I helped implement and design.

You're welcome.

Well done. Pat yourself on the back, try not to break your spine in the process.

Brother, it is the very definition of collective punishment. Investigation is an administrative action, and the ICRC defines collective punishment as the following;

The term refers not only to criminal punishment, but also to other types of sanctions, harassment or administrative action taken against a group in retaliation for an act committed by an individual/s who are considered to form part of the group. Such punishment therefore targets persons who bear no responsibility for having committed the conduct in question.

Tough shit. Shouldn't have got involved in a genocide.

Yeah, nah.

What if an IDF member was stationed in Tel Aviv but was operating drones that committed war-crimes in Gaza? By your definition they wouldn't be included. But the IDF doctor tending to the wounded Palestinians in Beit Hanoun who never fired a weapon would be included.

And this is just one of the reasons why collective punishment is never acceptable. Edge cases render the process untenable, unimplementable, and unjust.

You can edge yourself till the sky falls about hypothetical IDF doctors when the IDF destroyed every hospital in Gaza. That hypothetical Dr would be investigated and would be free to go about their business during the investigation and afterward if they were found not guilty of war crimes. We can't just arrest everyone and lock them up when they arrive here. That's impractical and unjust.

But from what you've said every Australian that served with the IDF needs to be investigated in case they were shooting kids with drones from Tel Aviv. Fair enough.

Says the man telling a Jew that he isn't allowed to call someone anti-semitic for constantly posting Jewish conspiracy theories.

Righto champ. You're definitely on the right side of justice here...

You've got this thing about Jewish exceptionalism when it comes to racism don't you. It only applies to other people not you.

What Val posts concerns the state of Israel. They aren't Jewish conspiracy theories. Its not like Steve Yaxley saying Larry Fink is an Elder of Zion destroying the English man's right to a home because of Blackrock's role in social housing the UK, which he'll start doing after the next UK election. He's criticising Israel. He may have got some facts wrong, like the tweet a few pages back, good thing you've never got anything wrong hey.

Its also reasonable to have the opinion that G Maxwell was associated with Mossad and her op with Epstein provided advantages to Mossad. I don't think it was a sole Mossad op. I think it was somewhat independent and worked with the US and Israeli intelligence and establishment to provide them benefit in return for cash. I'd assume they also worked with anyone else who wanted information about M and E's clients and was prepared to pay for it.

You can think what you like about Val, its your life, but its obvious that you are looking for reasons to accuse him of anti-semitism and framing things in a way that enables you to do that.

I must have missed this - kindly link to it please. I'd be fascinated to see if it is as you described, or if you do what you always do with the clique and you sat on the fence and said nothing of actual substance...

Well stop being a lazy prick and look for it yourself. You have no issues searching up posts from ages back when it suits your interests. I'm not your lackey and I'm not gonna spend my time running around finding what i've posted so you can pass judgement on it. I don't a rats what you think about it or what you think about me for that matter.

For someone who complains that there isn't enough nuance in these conversations, you sure do default to binary GWBush style "either with us or against us" positions frequently. How curious that you accuse others of doing this...

Newsflash; it's entirely reasonable to fully support Indigenous Land Rights and Native Title in Australia without believing that it renders the entire legality of Australia as a country null and void.

In Mabo v Queensland (No 2) 1992, the High Court of Australia found that there was a long standing, pre-invasion system of land title on Mer Island and as a result turned over the legal doctrine of Terra Nullius. Since Terra Nullius was one of three methods for the legitimate transmission of sovereignty from a seperate state to a territory, alongside cessation via treaty and conquest after a formal declaration of war, and the legislated method of transmission of sovereignty from the British parliament to the Australian parliament via the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) in the absence of another form of transmission this makes that act and the constitution itself invalid.

Again your feelings are irrelevant in this case. These are just the legal facts.

Well... actually the Australian government recommends annual Covid vaccinations. 1 primary dose for healthy people, 2 or 3 primary doses for people with more complex health risks.

But sure.

No it doesn't recommend them, it just makes them available if people want them.

If it did it recommend them would say it recommended them for adults aged 18 - 64 in the table on this page, the way it does for people aged 65 - 74 in the same table.

You get your facts wrong all the time Chadmp. But no one calls you anti semitic because of it.

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If pointing out the truth is "support" then fine.

Cool. Thank you for admitting it. Now hopefully you'll stop denying it moving forward and accusing others of the thing you yourself are guilty of.

Sometimes I don't read this thread for ages. Are you saying I'm not allowed to comment on stuff. That's not it works Chad, as you've repeatedly said.

This would be a perfectly reasonable defense if the only examples of you bumping things from days/weeks/months ago weren't explicit attempts to attack me specifically.

Its not just that role. Its the way you post on here coupled with that role.

Well now you're just backflipping on your previous statements.

The police exist to protect the wealthy from everyone else. Everything else they do is secondary to that. The only way to improve that system is to remove it.

Yeah, nah.

A healthy distrust and skepticism of authority is one thing, but this reads like a 15 year old wannabe anarchist's position on Police.

Well done. Pat yourself on the back, try not to break your spine in the process.


You attack me and the police and when I point out the actual truth of the situation, this is your response? Just more evidence that you don't give a shit about the issues. You just come here looking for arguments.

Tough shit. Shouldn't have got involved in a genocide.

I like that this is your response when you get proven wrong.
No "you're right, I retract my statement".
No "this changes my understanding, so here's how I'm updating my position"

Instead, you dig further down and entrench yourself into your hardliner mentality. Says a lot.

You can think what you like about Val, its your life, but its obvious that you are looking for reasons to accuse him of anti-semitism and framing things in a way that enables you to do that.

It really is adorable how you defend your mate in the face of undeniable evidence to the contrary.

Again your feelings are irrelevant in this case. These are just the legal facts.

Except they're not. Not in the way you're interpreting the facts, anyway.

And they're the same "legal facts" that sov-cits use in psuedo-legalese attempts to explain why they don't akshually need a drivers license.

No it doesn't recommend them, it just makes them available if people want them.

Wrong again.

The Australian Government Immunisation Handbook:

Further doses every 6 or 12 months are recommended, or can be considered, based on an individual’s age and presence of risk factors for severe disease.

You get your facts wrong all the time Chadmp. But no one calls you anti semitic because of it.

Tell me again about which of us has our facts wrong, ferby?
Hang on - that's arguing something entirely separate from the issue at hand, because no one has linked/presented any examples of "Israel's enemies accuse them of working with Jihadists".

That's not what was being discussed.

What was being discussed is the articles Val has linked that state;

1) Israel supplied small arms support to Syrian Rebels (not the Sunni extremist/Jihadist rebels though)
2) Israeli military hospitals provided first aid to Al-Nusra fighters (which doesn't equate to "Israel supports ISIS" as Val literally said it means).

So what you're saying is because Val misread an article he's anti-semitic.

They didn't.

Prove it.

Yes he did, and conspiracy theorists twisted those words significantly. What do you think Sullivan meant? I'd be fascinated to hear your take.

I think he meant that the US had declared Al Q a terrorist organisation after 9/11 and was gonna pursue it to the ends of the earth and remove it from existence. What do you think he meant?

Nope. Not anti-semitic at all.

That information didn't come out until years after the event so why are you so sure something similar won't come out in this situation? There were multiple times when the "moderate" rebels fought alongside Jihadis against ISIS and Assad's regime. The rebel groups members constantly changed sides and allegiances during the entire war ... its ludicrous (and negligent) to think that some of those arms wouldn't end up in the wrong hands and that's taking the most generous interpretation of the what happened.
Cool. Thank you for admitting it. Now hopefully you'll stop denying it moving forward and accusing others of the thing you yourself are guilty of.

This would be a perfectly reasonable defense if the only examples of you bumping things from days/weeks/months ago weren't explicit attempts to attack me specifically.

Well now you're just backflipping on your previous statements.

Yeah, nah.

A healthy distrust and skepticism of authority is one thing, but this reads like a 15 year old wannabe anarchist's position on Police.


You attack me and the police and when I point out the actual truth of the situation, this is your response? Just more evidence that you don't give a shit about the issues. You just come here looking for arguments.

I like that this is your response when you get proven wrong.
No "you're right, I retract my statement".
No "this changes my understanding, so here's how I'm updating my position"

Instead, you dig further down and entrench yourself into your hardliner mentality. Says a lot.

It really is adorable how you defend your mate in the face of undeniable evidence to the contrary.

Except they're not. Not in the way you're interpreting the facts, anyway.

And they're the same "legal facts" that sov-cits use in psuedo-legalese attempts to explain why they don't akshually need a drivers license.

Wrong again.

The Australian Government Immunisation Handbook:

Further doses every 6 or 12 months are recommended, or can be considered, based on an individual’s age and presence of risk factors for severe disease.

Tell me again about which of us has our facts wrong, ferby?

He’s not the only one defending me.

Thanks for the room in your head, though it’s a bit weird crazypills
So what you're saying is because Val misread an article he's anti-semitic.

No. I'm saying because Val misread an article, had it explained to him multiple times, but he continues to refuse to accept the explanations, and continues to;

1) say all Syrian Rebels are jihadists (they're not)
2) say that Israel definitely armed the jihadists (they didn't)

Those two factors combined demonstrate a pattern of racism. He can't claim ignorance because it's been explained to him multiple times.

Prove it.

Prove they have.

I think he meant that the US had declared Al Q a terrorist organisation after 9/11 and was gonna pursue it to the ends of the earth and remove it from existence. What do you think he meant?


I think Jake Sullivan noting that they were on the 'same side' in Syria was just an accurate reflection of the situation.

What it doesn't mean is that the US was providing material support to them or that they were working together side by side.
1) say all Syrian Rebels are jihadists (they're not)
2) say that Israel definitely armed the jihadists (they didn't)

Those two factors combined demonstrate a pattern of racism. He can't claim ignorance because it's been explained to him multiple times.
How does the second item here contribute to a pattern of racism? Unless you think all criticism of Israel is anti-semitic?
Cool. Thank you for admitting it. Now hopefully you'll stop denying it moving forward and accusing others of the thing you yourself are guilty of.

So the implication of this comment is the truth is wrong if it doesn't support your ideological position. That is the definition of cooked.

This would be a perfectly reasonable defense if the only examples of you bumping things from days/weeks/months ago weren't explicit attempts to attack me specifically.

Well now you're just backflipping on your previous statements.

Yeah, nah.

A healthy distrust and skepticism of authority is one thing, but this reads like a 15 year old wannabe anarchist's position on Police.


You attack me and the police and when I point out the actual truth of the situation, this is your response? Just more evidence that you don't give a shit about the issues. You just come here looking for arguments.

Yeah, **** the police. I lived out the back of Nimbin for decades. i saw the shit they got up to. I saw what they did to my family in tassie and what experienced what they've done to me and my friends as a young man.

You reckon go to protests all the time. Would you make statement to the police about the people you protest with?

Yes or No will do.

I like that this is your response when you get proven wrong.
No "you're right, I retract my statement".
No "this changes my understanding, so here's how I'm updating my position"

Instead, you dig further down and entrench yourself into your hardliner mentality. Says a lot.

There's ongoing crimes against humanity there, have been for decades and anyone who goes over there to join the IDF is aware of that or deliberately ignorant.

It really is adorable how you defend your mate in the face of undeniable evidence to the contrary.

"Undeniable evidence" lol.

Except they're not. Not in the way you're interpreting the facts, anyway.

They are. Read the case. I dropped out of a law degree specialising in this when my wife developed epilepsy and my dad had a stroke. i know plenty of native title lawyers, am very good mates with one. I also know indigenous people who have left Australia and worked at the UN and indigenous leaders from other parts of the world who have spoken at the UN and used the Mabo decision as a precedent in their dealing with their own occupiers countries.

We all agree on it.

You are wrong.

LOL if you (or anyone) drive on roads that are built and maintained by taxpayers, in cars built to standards developed using taxpayer dollars following rules and principles (like driving on the left and giving way in particular circumstances) developed by the state to enable safe driving then go to court and say you don't need a licence cos of the vibe and Mabo you deserve everything you get.


Israel use the principle of self defense to justify their ongoing atrocities in exactly the same manner.

BTW I ackshully know David. He's a good guy and got me into law school. He completely agrees with the position i've stated (about Mabo2) too, I've heard it from his own mouth, in the weeks before he was appointed the first magistarte in NSW from an academic background not a practising judicial one. i could show you where he used to live on google earth and tell you other things about him that i won't repeat on here.

Wrong again.

The Australian Government Immunisation Handbook:

Further doses every 6 or 12 months are recommended, or can be considered, based on an individual’s age and presence of risk factors for severe disease.

Tell me again about which of us has our facts wrong, ferby?

You do. Nothing in the thing you posted contradicts this updated advice from the government's own website(linked above). Funny how we can both post the same information and you get it wrong cos you want to win an argument. That's because you didn't check it properly. If Val does something similar you say he's like Hitler or the KKK.

This is the table from the website, you can clink on the link in my last post and check for yourself if you like. It only recommends yearly boosters for adults under the age of 65 if they are severe immunocompromised. You can tell that because in that particular section of the table the words Recommended every 12 months are used.

Less than 5 years5 to 17 years18 to 64 years65 to 74 years75 years and older
Without severe immunocompromiseNot recommendedNot recommendedEligible for a dose every 12 monthsRecommended every 12 months and eligible for a dose every 6 monthsRecommended every 6 months
With severe immunocompromiseNot recommendedEligible for a dose every 12 monthsRecommended every 12 months and eligible for a dose every 6 monthsRecommended every 12 months and eligible for a dose every 6 monthsRecommended every 6 months
There's ongoing crimes against humanity there, have been for decades and anyone who goes over there to join the IDF is aware of that or deliberately ignorant.


And yet your response to a country being invaded by a similarly inhuman force was ambivalence based on the very real persecution of a group you’re a part of.

All the following things can be true.

The IDF is committing genocide.

The experience of Romani in Ukraine has been horrific.

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia will lead to immense suffering and that state must be pushed back.

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So the implication of this comment is the truth is wrong if it doesn't support your ideological position. That is the definition of cooked.

Yeah, no. That's not the "implication of the comment" at all.

Yeah, **** the police.

So which is it? "It's not just the role", or it IS just the role? You're flip-flopping a lot here and it's hard to keep track of your moving goalposts.

I lived out the back of Nimbin for decades. i saw the shit they got up to. I saw what they did to my family in tassie and what experienced what they've done to me and my friends as a young man.

And how old are you now? How many years ago were these incidents? Do you not acknowledge that pretty much all modern police forces aren't the same as what they used to be? Or do you just write them all off unilaterally?

I mean ffs, I don't even like Police that much but I'm not an extremist about it like you are.

You reckon go to protests all the time. Would you make statement to the police about the people you protest with?

Yes or No will do.


What? I don't even understand what you think you're getting at here. You seem to paint me as some snitch or something which is frankly quite weird.

"Undeniable evidence" lol.


In response to being told (repeatedly) that the Syrian Rebels he was referring to were not Sunni/Jihadist/Extremists, he said and I quote "they're the exact same people with the exact same motives";


That's racist. Plain and simple. If you think all Arabs are the same, and all Arabs are jihadists, there's literally no other word for it other than 'racist'.

We all agree on it.

You are wrong.

Sure. I'm wrong. Which is why Australia was nullified as a country, and we're all living in ungoverned land

Wait a minute...

LOL if you (or anyone) drive on roads that are built and maintained by taxpayers, in cars built to standards developed using taxpayer dollars following rules and principles (like driving on the left and giving way in particular circumstances) developed by the state to enable safe driving then go to court and say you don't need a licence cos of the vibe and Mabo you deserve everything you get.

At least we agree on this.
How does the second item here contribute to a pattern of racism? Unless you think all criticism of Israel is anti-semitic?

See my reply to ferball above. It was explained to Val multiple times, and his response was to lump all Syrians in as one group.

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Play Nice Random Chat Thread VII

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