Play Nice Random Chat Thread VII

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Shaun the sheep just come on
Shaun not shorn.

You could do an adult's parody of Shaun as a long haired stoner Rasta. Reckon I'd watch that.
Historians of the future will be amazed that the Biden Administration spent so much political capital and treasure fighting over who controls Kramatorsk while the very future of the Republic was so obviously under threat.
Historians of the future will be amazed that the Biden Administration spent so much political capital and treasure fighting over who controls Kramatorsk while the very future of the Republic was so obviously under threat.

They’ll probably just look at the amount of money gets donated to politicians by the military industrial complex.
Historians of the future will be amazed that the Biden Administration spent so much political capital and treasure fighting over who controls Kramatorsk while the very future of the Republic was so obviously under threat.
stop being such an alarmist, the future of the republic isn't under threat, maybe adventurism isn't going to be in vogue for a while.
Although I certainly wouldn't want to be a car manufacturer in china banking on future sales in America or the EU.
Tariffs are going to be part of any grey zone war, it'll be interesting what Australia does from here, follow the US again or get a bunch of cheap Chinese manufactured goods. We don’t have a manufacturing industry anymore so it’s probably the latter.

I think you'll see a split in the democrat party from here, you're already seeing differing voices away from Bidens doom day cultists
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This was disgraceful when Trump did it and its a shithouse look from Biden too.

That first Trump impeachment over Ukraine gets stinkier by the day.
...and who controls Khan Yunis

That one you can at least make sense of - there's a very significant and very effective Jewish/Israeli lobby in the US.

Is also why US Presidents have spent an awful amount of political capital on how various British/European trade disputes affect otherwise unremarkable places like Drogheda ... the large and effective Irish American lobby.

But there's no massive Ukranian diaspora
stop being such an alarmist, the future of the republic isn't under threat, maybe adventurism isn't going to be in vogue for a while.
Although I certainly wouldn't want to be a car manufacturer in china banking on future sales in America or the EU.
Tariffs are going to be part of any grey zone war, it'll be interesting what Australia does from here, follow the US again or get a bunch of cheap Chinese manufactured goods. We don’t have a manufacturing industry anymore so it’s probably the latter.

I think you'll see a split in the democrat party from here, you're already seeing differing voices away from Bidens doom day cultists

Proper thread is open again, let's ditch this loser joint
I just heard on the news that they’re sticking with Biden.
I just had a flashback about something I said when Drew Petrie was chasing another year:

"You have to remember that all AFL players are surrounded by people on the gravy train - management who get 15% (or whatever it is) of your salary, a wife or girlfriend who gets invited to lots of functions, mates and other family members who probably haven't paid for a footy ticket in years. There's no incentive for them to tell the player it's over."

Then multiply that by a million when it's the presidency that they don't want to lose access to.

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Proper thread is open again, let's ditch this loser joint
Prevail Election Results GIF by Creative Courage
That one you can at least make sense of - there's a very significant and very effective Jewish/Israeli lobby in the US.

Is also why US Presidents have spent an awful amount of political capital on how various British/European trade disputes affect otherwise unremarkable places like Drogheda ... the large and effective Irish American lobby.

But there's no massive Ukranian diaspora
There seem to be alot of people of Ukrainian descent/extraction in politics in the US and Canada tho.
There seem to be alot of people of Ukrainian descent/extraction in politics in the US and Canada tho.

Yes, who can forget the inspiring story of the Vindman family - CIA officers, military intelligence, now Congressional candidate.
I'd probably just move to the middle of nowhere tbh
Good idea. But do it right.

I lived in the middle of nowhere and when covid happened all these pricks from the city with heaps of money and no idea about living in a proper community (ie your neighbours might live half a km away but they'll be there for you when you need them, whatever your differences,) decided to move in.

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