But but but trump…This trend - the loss of lived experience of WW2 - is a huge issue in why the world is having such issues.
People don't understand why the structures that were built after WW2 are so valuable, because they were literally built atop a mountain of skulls.
Bush Snr oversaw the collapse of the Soviet Union, but it was the Baby Boomer Clinton that supported the ravaging of Russia that led directly to the rise of the siloviki faction like Putin.
And it was the famously draft dodging Bush Snr who decided to tear up the world order and invade and occupy Iraq, which convinced the Russian siloviki faction ... and they were entirely correct, the French knew it too .. that the US had completely abandoned the post WW2 structures and it was everyone for themselves.
Libya confirmed that 100 per cent.
Gaddafi did a deal with the UK and US to give up his WMD, six years later he was murdered by the side of the road with Western special forces looking on (or more likely doing ot imo)
The ICC is the big one, because it is the last chance for the structures intended to REPLACE the post WW2 order (it was only established in 2002) to have any legitimacy.
The Americans voted against it, and don't recognise it and are now planning to undermine it in every way possible.
Which tells you EVERYTHING about the "rules based order" hey.
(Obviously Israel opposed it too)
Something something stop two siding tit..