Space to Rent
- Moderator
- #6,076
Meanwhile back in the real world, the 15 year old sister of one of daughter's school mates throws herself in front of a train at Sandy station after being bullied at school.
Received a text that day suggesting she'd be better off killing herself.
What the **** is going on??????
I had a friend whose brother hung himself on the tree in their yard for the same thing, she found him there. I contemplated doing the same 16 years back for the same reason, before professional help leading to social anxiety issues in the present because first response is freak out and walls, since I obviously failed that attempt. Or am a spooky ghost.
What is going on is people, in general, are selfish arseholes shitting all over the place whilst you're trying to make sense of things and find out who you are and want to be. So when they invariably shit on you in the process to make themselves appear like the golden gods of bullshit that they are in their selfish arseholery, there are days where you are just covered in the stuff, and it spans years and you just give up, because the alternative is just too goddamn hard.
Because everyone's a selfish arseh*le, they don't want to deal with that conversation unless they're beaten across the face with it several times, and there's simply no take backs, unless you're like me and you fail. Can't really fail when you involve a few tonnes of metal + velocity.