Reid Injury - Calf

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wont be a popular opinion here, but the evidence continues to mount up. Buckley is driving these players into the ground. too many "coincidences"

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People cant see the forest because of the trees...

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How about Jimmy Clements 16 week calf in 2007?? Or Burnsys' calf in 2008 that went for months. Let's not get started on Bucks own hammy.

We have a history of long term soft tissue injuries.
So unbelievably frustrating :mad:

So important to our team structure and what the boys have obviously trained for all preseason.

Contrary to what some are saying here I think it is just a combination of bad luck and Ben Reid is prone to injury, especially recurring injury.

I don't think he has been mismanaged at all and people suggesting otherwise need to re-think their thought process. It doesn't have to be someone's fault that Ben Reid is injured...again! So stop trying to blame the coach, the fitness staff, the medical staff, my monkey's uncle, the MILF next door....etc :D
A lot of the frustration re Reid stems from the thread title IMO. As soon as Buckley made those comments post match against GC we were under the pump to get him right quickly.

Whether we have managed him poorly gets thrown out the window because immediately we think that it's nothing sinister. Just say "we'll wait to see how he pulls up before commenting on him" and perceptions change instantly.

I believe there may be issues with injuries at the club considering the problems we've faced, but just don't lie and things instantly open up and there's less conjecture.

The same happened when we lied about White's calf initially saying he had the flu...
Whats hard to understand is why B Reid was put through a fitness test for round 1? If he'd done his calf, even a minor strain against the gold coast then he shouldn't be fitness tested after only 10 days rest. Calf is 4-6 week injury. Clear example of mismanagement.

Sorry champ but this post makes no sense. If as you state a calf is a 4-6 week injury then given it will be 4-6 weeks since the injury in the next 2-3 weeks, that would put Reid on track for a standard recovery as per your 4-6 week claim and it's not mismanagement at all.
If the injury pushes past the next 2-3 weeks then you might have a claim.
While his injury is frustrating people need to stop jumping to the need to blame someone. Sometime shit happens and it's no one's fault it just is what it is.
Given Reid's history with injury I can't blame the club for taking the conservative approach.
This season it looks as though we are going to take a no risk policy with injuries instead of sending players out there who are under a cloud/lacking match fitness. I for one applaud it. I don't want to see players rushed back only for them to break down halfway through the game or checked in for surgery mid season. The past few years the Bombers have been flying by mid season (insert cliché drug reference here) only to break down to what can only be described as an epidemic of soft tissues injuries. I would say that is worse mismanagement than us holding players back at the very start of the season. I would rather see us charging towards finals than limping it in (see Reid 2011). The downside is it lends itself to the excuse of "we would have been good if player x didn't miss so many games" which lets the coaching staff off the hook.
So unbelievably frustrating :mad:

I don't think he has been mismanaged at all and people suggesting otherwise need to re-think their thought process. It doesn't have to be someone's fault that Ben Reid is injured...again! So stop trying to blame the coach, the fitness staff, the medical staff, my monkey's uncle, the MILF next door....etc :D

Please elaborate.
That couldn't be further from the truth, its really because we have no game plan

It's like the chicken and the egg. Is it poor coaching and no game plan or no game plan and poor coaching.

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Baltimore Jack post: 32221605 said:
Why do you assume we don't do that at the end of every year?
Because we have these injuries every year.

Our injury record is becoming a joke. Some injuries you cant avoid, but the question is why us and not other clubs?
calf injuries are the first sign of old age in sport. Just have a look at those old soccer players who come to Australia to squeeze a few hundred thousand out of the last year or two of their career.

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Reid Injury - Calf

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