News Review into racism at Collingwood

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No I don't JMac70. Some of the issues go back way before Eddie's time. I think Eddie has made more of an effort to educate supporters on this issue than any previous president I can think of. And make no mistake, the supporters of our Club stand guilty of racism, just as some players and officials do. We are not alone. I saw the racists booing Adam Goodes not so long ago; they came from almost every club (I think Sydney was the exception naturally), and from all races, male and female.

If I were a First Nations person supporting Collingwood, I think I'd be feeling hopeful after today. I'm certain there will be zero tolerance going forward.

On Eddie resigning immediately, that would only cause uncertainty and instability. This drama will be forgotten pretty quickly as the AFL moves on to its next issue. I don't see any reason for it to detract from a season still months away.

Also JMac70, the selection of a new president should not be rushed. Eddie should be front and centre in the selection process. He has helped build a powerful brand and he must ensure that brand endures
Not sure i agree with you on this one.
I do think Eddie is part of the problem rather than the solution.
A president for 22 years who probably gets his own way more often than not. A president who hasn't exactly covered himself in glory when it comes to his actions. Whether it be the Goodes comment, or Caroline Wilson comments. Has he set a positive example? Sure he has brought in First Nation etc, but is it simply tokenism?

As i have said, Eddie is relatively young but he has sensationally failed to read the changing landscape.
No I don't JMac70. Some of the issues go back way before Eddie's time. I think Eddie has made more of an effort to educate supporters on this issue than any previous president I can think of. And make no mistake, the supporters of our Club stand guilty of racism, just as some players and officials do. We are not alone. I saw the racists booing Adam Goodes not so long ago; they came from almost every club (I think Sydney was the exception naturally), and from all races, male and female.

If I were a First Nations person supporting Collingwood, I think I'd be feeling hopeful after today. I'm certain there will be zero tolerance going forward.

On Eddie resigning immediately, that would only cause uncertainty and instability. This drama will be forgotten pretty quickly as the AFL moves on to its next issue. I don't see any reason for it to detract from a season still months away.

Also JMac70, the selection of a new president should not be rushed. Eddie should be front and centre in the selection process. He has helped build a powerful brand and he must ensure that brand endures

I both agree and disagree with some of your points Apples. I think you're right to say that many of the issues outlined are historical in nature, and it is unlikely that Collingwood is the only club to be associated with racism. Indeed I think there is room for hope moving forward, providing that the appropriate measures are put into place.

But I fundamentally disagree with the points on Eddie. Whilst its true that Eddie has built a strong brand, the brand at the moment is at quite a low point. The club has been under fire for a long time and whether we like it or not Eddie is a huge magnet for that negative publicity. At this point in time, the idea of racism at Collingwood is linked very closely with the president and his continued service to the club only serves to damage the brand.

We don't need to rush finding a new president. As we've seen, there are good candidates who could stand in for a time until the right person is found. But distancing ourselves from the person seen to be at the centre of a number of these cultural issues would be a step in the right direction.
How is the release of this report; a report commissioned by the Club, a disgraceful episode, Jimmy35?
“There is a gap between what Collingwood Football Club says it stands for and what it does,” said the report.
We have reached this point after two decades with Ed as President.
That is disgraceful.

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Not sure i agree with you on this one.
I do think Eddie is part of the problem rather than the solution.
A president for 22 years who probably gets his own way more often than not. A president who hasn't exactly covered himself in glory when it comes to his actions. Whether it be the Goodes comment, or Caroline Wilson comments. Has he set a positive example? Sure he has brought in First Nation etc, but is it simply tokenism?

As i have said, Eddie is relatively young but he has sensationally failed to read the changing landscape.
I think Ed would be the first to agree with that Billy, but he has learned and he has shown a willingness to listen and move forward. I looked at the Goodes and Caro incidents a bit differently. Eddie's pretty much old school. Whilst I'm sure he's like to take back those comments, unlike most of us, he's live to air for over 20 hours a week. Sometimes you slip up. I'm only on air for 3 hours a week, but sometimes I turn off the microphone and think, gee, I wish I could take that back. You can't. You have to roll with it, accept the criticism, apologise and move on.

Of course, the Goodes gaffe and the Caro gaffe, were totally different, but both were jokes gone wrong. I always thought the Goodes King Kong statement was meaning to be......"Wouldn't Adam Goodes make a mighty colossus standing on top of the Empire State Building?" I reckon that's what Ed was searching for. He made a blunder and he will pay for it going forward. Eddie has always had great admiration for Goodes and Caro. He brought Caro to channel nine for Footy Classified. He disagrees with her often, especially when she comes after Collingwood or Collingwood players, but he does respect her.
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“This is not a review to determine whether racism had been perpetrated against individuals at Collingwood. On the extensive evidence on the public record and in our conversations with staff, players, ex-players and supporters, it is clear that players and fans have experienced incidents of racism and that Collingwood’s response to these incidents has been at best ineffective, or at worst exacerbated the impact of the racist incidents. The continual failures in this regard speak to a systemic racism within the Collingwood Football Club that must be addressed if things are to change. To this end, this review is focused on the responses of the Collingwood Football Club to incidents of racism and cultural safety in the workplace and the adequacy of the processes for addressing it.”

If the bolded sentence doesn’t hit you right between the eyes, you are part of the problem.
Lumumba has asked not to be called Harry anymore. Is it any coincidence that the people denigrating him are the only ones ITT who won't call him by his real name?
Not sure you are in a position to comment as some of the worst supporters I have had the misfortune to sit near have been from your club.
I think Ed would be the first to agree with that Billy, but he has learned and he has shown a willingness to listen and move forward. I looked at the Goodes and Caro incidents a bit differently. Eddie's pretty much old school. Whilst I'm sure he's like to take back those comments, unlike most of us, he's live to air for over 20 hours a week. Sometimes you slip up. I'm only on air for 3 hours a week, but sometimes I turn off the microphone and think, gee, I wish I could take that back. You can't. You have to roll with it, accept the criticism, apologise and move on.

Of course, the Goodes gaffe and the Caro gaffe, were totally different, but both were jokes gone wrong. I always thought the Goodes King Kong statement was meaning to be......"Wouldn't Adam Goodes make a mighty colossus standing on top of the Empire State Building?" I reckon that's what Ed was searching for. He made a blunder and he will pay for it going forward. Eddie has always had great admiration for Goodes and Caro. He brought Caro to channel nine for Footy Classified. He disagrees with her often, especially when she comes after Collingwood or Collingwood players, but he does respect her.
I also agree that I don't think Eddie meant anything bad with his King Kong comment. However, he is an experienced media presenter who has been doing this for a long time. Maybe it was too much to expect him to play both role as a President and media presenter? As you said, there are bound to be hiccups where things you say may be taken out of context or you just slip up. Unfortunately, it doesn't help the club your president of.

I also like to think the club is a very different place today than where it was 5 or 10 years ago. I also think that commissioning a report like this is a positive. Because we can say the right things, but still may not be held accountable for doing the wrong things or turning a blind eye. Now it's all out in the open, I suspect the players, staff etc would be alot more comfortable, encouraged even, to have any of these concerns adequately addressed.
I think Ed would be the first to agree with that Billy, but he has learned and he has shown a willingness to listen and move forward. I looked at the Goodes and Caro incidents a bit differently. Eddie's pretty much old school. Whilst I'm sure he's like to take back those comments, unlike most of us, he's live to air for over 20 hours a week. Sometimes you slip up. I'm only on air for 3 hours a week, but sometimes I turn off the microphone and think, gee, I wish I could take that back. You can't. You have to roll with it, accept the criticism, apologise and move on.

Of course, the Goodes gaffe and the Caro gaffe, were totally different, but both were jokes gone wrong. I always thought the Goodes King Kong statement was meaning to be......"Wouldn't Adam Goodes make a mighty colossus standing on top of the Empire State Building?" I reckon that's what Ed was searching for. He made a blunder and he will pay for it going forward. Eddie has always had great admiration for Goodes and Caro. He brought Caro to channel nine for Footy Classified. He disagrees with her often, especially when she comes after Collingwood or Collingwood players, but he does respect her.

The on air gaffes are only just part of it, the report talks about racism at the club when escalated up the chain wasn’t properly dealt with.

Have you read the report?
Gee how good are other clubs feeling given they are off the hook, with all the AFL players I know and have known, it’s as bad as anywhere else

Making jokes about Black dicks etc is as Australian as any other joke but when you get a ****en nut job like the “Prince” demanding a review - its now bordering on the ridiculous

Over it!

On iPhone using mobile app
People's lives can be ruined over accusations like that TD, do you think Eddie hates aboriginal people?

You dont have to 'hate' to be racist Kappa. And I'm sure you know that.

Racism can occur out of ignorance, disregard, carelessness, thoughtlessness (is this the Eddie variety?), fear, paranoia. Overt, hate-filed racism is just one branch of a big tree.
We have a well respected and educated consultant do a report. But now we need another consultant to work out the specifics.

For example, the membership.....

"3. That the Collingwood Football Club Board undertake a Board audit to ensure its membership, through their behaviour and beliefs, reflects its goals of diversity and individually embrace the values of the Club, including the principles of anti-racism and inclusion.

I think we all know that parts of the membership are actively racist. Is the report recommending that the club surveys members and excludes those that dont meet a certain standard? And understanding that people will lie to gain a membership, do we encourage a culture of identification of members who are clearly racist so that they are excluded from membership?

Is there another way to do this? Requirement that all members attend an educational program?

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I read an anonymous statement from an AFL club in The Age this morning saying that whenever a racial issue popped up, Coillingwood was never far away. Hard to argue with that really.

I can go back as far as the Syd Jackson controversy in the early 70s. I watched Jackson, with his back to the umpire and surrounded by players), punch Lee Adamson in the face as they were both on the ground. I have no doubt Jackson would have been racially abused during his career, but the Adamson matter was a Carlton confection, probably by that loathsome a-hole, George Harris.

I was sitting in the front row of the Sherrin Stand as Nicky Winmar lifted his jumper. Ditto when Robert Muir was abused by bone-toting social club members. I remember the Monkhurst scandal too. Tony Shaw was in the thick of it at one stage also, but I can't remember those details.

Our supporter base has been involved too, but no more than any other club. During the Adam Goodes booing times, Carlton, North Melbourne, Essendon, West Coast supporters were also a disgrace as was the AFL itself. If Adam Goodes were to come out today and make a comment, the offensive racist trolls would materialise out of thin air. And there would be plenty here as well.

Good on Coliingwood for initiating the report. Now it's been tabled, the Club needs to swiftly announce its plans to make changes. I suspect many of the recommendations would have been made before the report was even tabled.

I'm not commenting on Eddie or the Board. There is an AGM this week is there not? I suspect we'll hear a lot about this at that meeting. The Club has had a couple of months to prepare a response and they have released this report to coincide with that.

Interesting times ahead.
Jackson didn't have to go along with the loathsome George Harris's idea (if indeed it was his idea). Why do you write as if Jackson is a child or someone lacking autonomy? For him to knowingly accuse an innocent man of racism (an every day occurrence in 2021) was disgraceful and in my book unforgiveable, regardless of how many others may have genuinely abused him. I believe Adamson was a teacher at the time. Imagine the damage that accusation did to his reputation.
I did not accuse him of being snarky nor trolling, perhaps you need to reread the posts and withdraw.

It seems we are not agreeing as I just don't see that because of one's background it necessarily means that their opinion may be biased especially having read the report. If you wish to continue the discussion, I am not stopping you.

Ohhhh you've thread banned him thats really disappointing.
Am I the only one who's got reservations about this report?
It's extremely short on specifics, listing only a handful of historical episodes, some of which are about fan behaviour, which is pretty hard to blame the club for in any case. It makes no attempt to quantify or list instances of the sort of behaviour within the club that is assessed to have been racist over a relevant timeframe. I think the report's failure to do that is worrying. It leaves the reader unsure how big/widespread the problem actually is.
Similarly, there is no substantiation for generalised statements about the culture -- eg. that when complaints are made they are not dealt with properly, or that if they are dealt with it's only for media management.
If I'm writing a report that talks about "systemic" behaviour I will make damn sure to justify my use of that language by giving numbers, categories or timeframes, and in fact examples of the types of incidents that are ongoing, so the size of the problem and the nature of the behaviours can be properly understood.
Based on what is actually in this report it would seem most accurate to conclude that Collingwood used to have a problem with racism, but in recent years has largely left that behind by undertaking a number of initiatives to reach out to indigenous communities, with positive effect. I don't see that the little detail contained in it justifies the trope that Collingwood is a racist club now, let alone the sensationalist media reporting (and social media commentary) that is certain to flow from the release of the report.
Given these reservations it also seems hard to justify the highly bureaucratic response that the report calls for. Yes, policies should be up to date and there should be an implementation plan and monitoring; but the report proposes an elaborate matrix of measures that doesn't seem required to deal with a problem that hasn't been properly set out.
**** me . How is this a great day for the club? Really Eddie. Christ. He has done a fantastic job but time to go. Why hang around for a year?
There is clearly an issue and while not Eddie's fault and he is not a monster but come on. We are in 2021. This crap and all his gaffes just don't fly anymore

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News Review into racism at Collingwood

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