Richmond’s next senior coach

Who do you want to be the next senior coach

  • Andrew McQualter

    Votes: 87 37.8%
  • Adem Yze

    Votes: 146 63.5%

  • Total voters

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I dont think I would mind Mini as coach but its far too early to decide.

I remember the Gieschen days, he was a world beater as care taker coach and then couldn't coach for crap.

Things werent broken under Dimma, not imo, its just that our list got old. The system still works and Collingwood are currently reaping the benefits.

However, where I feel our club needs to look at more is our recruiting department and fitness. I think we could improve in those areas. Perhaps with the spare cash from Dimma's contract can be pumped into those departments?

Admittedly, being in Sydney, I don't see as much of the Tigers as some of you guys but I'm a bit confused. We have some people, such as you, saying that the "system still works", yet plenty of others want to tell me that Hardwick was undone by the changes to the rules.
Admittedly, being in Sydney, I don't see as much of the Tigers as some of you guys but I'm a bit confused. We have some people, such as you, saying that the "system still works", yet plenty of others want to tell me that Hardwick was undone by the changes to the rules.
Fundamentally, the system still works...just not as well as it did. At least in 2023, that is.

This is what threw Dimma in 2022/2023. He tried to tweek the game plan to adjust for the rules and in many ways, broke it. This year, our season was unravelling even before we had injuries. We changed our game plan from forward pressure (based on a balanced forward line of three smalls, two talls and one mid-sized utility) to a complete investment in our 'New Strength' - our new and improved midfield. We we playing midfielders out of position in the forwardline just to have them part of the midfield rotation and have too many offensive (and often unaccountable), mid sized forwards. This dropped our pressure across the ground and created problems for our backline too.

I hope we keep the same gameplan as what worked previously but use the correct balance of players to achieve it. If you want to try and play ALL your midfielders in the same team then your forwardline and backline will suffer. It doesn't work.

We used to force turn overs more through the corridor with our aggressive defense of the mark. This stopped with the ridiculous 'STAND!' rule. Now team flood their backlines with midfielders. Quick ball movement addresses this defensive tactic but if we don't have enough run and carry through lack of small forwards and outside runners then we can't do this.

The 6-6-6 rule hurt us when we had a weaker starting midfield. Not any longer. I still don't think this should be feared. We have strong backmen who can play one-on-one. We don't need to flood immediately.

I can see why you are confused. The rules forced us to modify our gameplan and those minor changes ended up being to what made the gameplan so dangerous in the first place. It is not difficult to revert back to the fundamental strengths of the system - pressure generated by small forwards and our outside mids at stoppages - it just means adjusting the team structure to hone in on our list strengths and what works for our players.
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The problem with McQualter is that he's not necessarily new ideas from Dimma. He's been with us for yonks, and we don't really get that much change, which I think is now required to move forward with whoever gets the senior job.

Change won't happen overnight, but listen to his pressers, he literally says he's not looking to change anything.

No one expects drastic change in a week or two, but surely it wouldn't hurt for him to say "we're going to try a few new things with tactics, gameplans, players and continue to develop our young players". He doesn't want a bar of it.

There is zero pressure and expectation on him now, everyone knows finals is gone. It's a free hit to try a few new ideas, does he have any?
My gut feeling is that the Club had undertaken a course of footy action under Dimma...which they are going to proceed with regardless of the Coach chosen...
They got their two mid fielders...
They got their msd picks...
They have HH in their sights...
With retirement of Chimp/JR8 it frees up the Cap for HH...
They may even have plans to dolly/tart up the footy department...
Full steam ahead with the JD Stand development...

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My gut feeling is that the Club had undertaken a course of footy action under Dimma...which they are going to proceed with regardless of the Coach chosen...
They got their two mid fielders...
They got their msd picks...
They have HH in their sights...
With retirement of Chimp/JR8 it frees up the Cap for HH...
They may even have plans to dolly/tart up the footy department...
Full steam ahead with the JD Stand development...

All aboard the Tiger train ....
Cecily Strong Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
Kind of disappointed that the more things change, the more they seem to stay the same. Understand that when McQualter took over last week it was a short turn around from when he got appointed to the Port game so there wasn't a lot of chance to implement any changes. However, after listeningv to the presser today and seeing the team that has been selected, basically the same structure and players picked, it would appear that McQualter may just be a carbon copy of Hardwick. If that is the case then I don't want to see him become our next head coach. Football has clearly evolved from what made us successful between 2017-2020 and we can't get back to being successful as a side if we're just going to continue to try and replicate that game plan and expect things to suddenly change.

After thinking about it for a couple of weeks now, IMO we need fresh ideas and a fresh voice, to try and reinvigorate the playing group and I don't believe we will get that with anyone who has been at the club during the Hardwick years as an assistant. I think it's got to be someone from outside, who has done a thorough apprenticeship as an assistant at a number of clubs and when he presents to the club comes across as someone who has a strong plan in mind on how they want their team to play and a willingness to develop the playing group as a whole.

As I've said elsewhere, I believe that we're about to embark on a new journey with a playing group that will have changed dramatically from the end of the 2020 season to now. For mine I think it's a perfect opportunity to bring in that fresh voice and fresh ideas that tie in with the change in the type of player that now makes up the list. I think our best 22 is slowing transferring from the group that ground teams into the park and ran over the top of them, to one that has more skill, and more speed that ties in with the new rules that the AFL have put in place.
My gut feeling is that the Club had undertaken a course of footy action under Dimma...which they are going to proceed with regardless of the Coach chosen...
They got their two mid fielders...
They got their msd picks...
They have HH in their sights...
With retirement of Chimp/JR8 it frees up the Cap for HH...
They may even have plans to dolly/tart up the footy department...
Full steam ahead with the JD Stand development...
They weren’t going to pack it all in after Hardwick pulled the plug
Kind of disappointed that the more things change, the more they seem to stay the same. Understand that when McQualter took over last week it was a short turn around from when he got appointed to the Port game so there wasn't a lot of chance to implement any changes. However, after listeningv to the presser today and seeing the team that has been selected, basically the same structure and players picked, it would appear that McQualter may just be a carbon copy of Hardwick. If that is the case then I don't want to see him become our next head coach. Football has clearly evolved from what made us successful between 2017-2020 and we can't get back to being successful as a side if we're just going to continue to try and replicate that game plan and expect things to suddenly change.

After thinking about it for a couple of weeks now, IMO we need fresh ideas and a fresh voice, to try and reinvigorate the playing group and I don't believe we will get that with anyone who has been at the club during the Hardwick years as an assistant. I think it's got to be someone from outside, who has done a thorough apprenticeship as an assistant at a number of clubs and when he presents to the club comes across as someone who has a strong plan in mind on how they want their team to play and a willingness to develop the playing group as a whole.

As I've said elsewhere, I believe that we're about to embark on a new journey with a playing group that will have changed dramatically from the end of the 2020 season to now. For mine I think it's a perfect opportunity to bring in that fresh voice and fresh ideas that tie in with the change in the type of player that now makes up the list. I think our best 22 is slowing transferring from the group that ground teams into the park and ran over the top of them, to one that has more skill, and more speed that ties in with the new rules that the AFL have put in place.

My only concern with bringing a new coach is that his 'New Gameplan' will be the same fundamental gameplan that most other clubs are adopting this year - OURS!!! What other game plans are other teams using successfully this year, other than a variation of ours? There isn't many out there.

If a new, fresh coach is going to come in and just use the same plan we are already using as a basis for their own, then wouldn't it be better to bring in a Caracella, Leppa, Mini who already have that experience to build from anyway?
And I reckon they will have a shake up of the fitness/physio dept...and just back themselves to develope the young players they have...
No big changes...
The RFC is a massive unit now steaming ahead...dimma is a big loss but a minor hickup for the Club...we are rock solid with a 100,000 members...
We just just need to regroup...
The problem with McQualter is that he's not necessarily new ideas from Dimma. He's been with us for yonks, and we don't really get that much change, which I think is now required to move forward with whoever gets the senior job.

Change won't happen overnight, but listen to his pressers, he literally says he's not looking to change anything.

No one expects drastic change in a week or two, but surely it wouldn't hurt for him to say "we're going to try a few new things with tactics, gameplans, players and continue to develop our young players". He doesn't want a bar of it.

There is zero pressure and expectation on him now, everyone knows finals is gone. It's a free hit to try a few new ideas, does he have any?
They’re actually picking the side that finals arent gone , the way I see it things won’t change until the equation is beyond us
My only concern with bringing a new coach is that his 'New Gameplan' will be the same fundamental gameplan that most other clubs are adopting this year - OURS!!! What other game plans are other teams using successfully this year, other than a variation of ours? There isn't many out there.

If a new, fresh coach is going to come in and just use the same plan we are already using as a basis for their own, then wouldn't it be better to bring in a Caracella, Leppa, Mini who already have that experience to build from anyway?
IMO our game plan that was based around moving the ball forward by any means possible, quick kicks, knock ons, forward handball and run & carry has been overtaken by game plans that involve maintaining possession in the defensive half of the ground and then once getting to the wings looking at moving the ball quickly to catch opposition defences out of position that then allows more 1-1 contests inside 50.

We're still intent on running and carrying the ball through the middle and the opposition just sit back and wait until we run into their defensive zone on the back edge of the centre square and then have no option but to stop prop and then eventually bomb the ball in long and high to an outnumbered KPF.

I have seen evidence of us trying to implement the possession style in our back half, but again it just plays into the oppositions hands as it allows them to sag back and wait for the long high kick, because we're too stubborn to change over to using a more lead up option.

If you go back and watch the first quarter of the Suns game, we used the lead up option, hitting both Jack and Noah on the lead with plenty of space for them to move into, then for some reason we went back to bombing it in after quarter time and the Suns just sat back and waited then picked us off with ease, taking 135 marks for the game. Essendon did the same with 154 marks, Port took 80 marks in the wet against us, Melbourne took 103 marks, Crows nearly got it right taking 94 marks against us. Even after we kicked 8 goals in a quarter against the Dogs they nearly won the game because they had 3 quarters where they controlled the ball through marks.

Because we run into the roadblock across the back of the square our defenders get sucked up higher and higher to provide an option for us to use, then when we turn it over through poor disposal around the top of the 50, they then spring the counter attack on us and beat us back into their F50.

The Pies are the only side that beat us by playing the similar style that we used back in the premiership years. McRae knows it better than anyone as he used the same game plan while coaching our VFL side, so he knows the weaknesses in the game plan and how to exploit it.

That is why I believe we need someone who has fresh ideas.

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IMO our game plan that was based around moving the ball forward by any means possible, quick kicks, knock ons, forward handball and run & carry has been overtaken by game plans that involve maintaining possession in the defensive half of the ground and then once getting to the wings looking at moving the ball quickly to catch opposition defences out of position that then allows more 1-1 contests inside 50.

We're still intent on running and carrying the ball through the middle and the opposition just sit back and wait until we run into their defensive zone on the back edge of the centre square and then have no option but to stop prop and then eventually bomb the ball in long and high to an outnumbered KPF.

I have seen evidence of us trying to implement the possession style in our back half, but again it just plays into the oppositions hands as it allows them to sag back and wait for the long high kick, because we're too stubborn to change over to using a more lead up option.

If you go back and watch the first quarter of the Suns game, we used the lead up option, hitting both Jack and Noah on the lead with plenty of space for them to move into, then for some reason we went back to bombing it in after quarter time and the Suns just sat back and waited then picked us off with ease, taking 135 marks for the game. Essendon did the same with 154 marks, Port took 80 marks in the wet against us, Melbourne took 103 marks, Crows nearly got it right taking 94 marks against us. Even after we kicked 8 goals in a quarter against the Dogs they nearly won the game because they had 3 quarters where they controlled the ball through marks.

Because we run into the roadblock across the back of the square our defenders get sucked up higher and higher to provide an option for us to use, then when we turn it over through poor disposal around the top of the 50, they then spring the counter attack on us and beat us back into their F50.

The Pies are the only side that beat us by playing the similar style that we used back in the premiership years. McRae knows it better than anyone as he used the same game plan while coaching our VFL side, so he knows the weaknesses in the game plan and how to exploit it.

That is why I believe we need someone who has fresh ideas.

The reason our game plan is breaking down is because -
1)We do not have reliable tall marking options atm to target when we're kicking out of defense
2) We don't not have small forwards/outside runners to crumb and either move the ball from the marking contest to the forwardline or run back into space for our midfielder to kick to.

Retaining possession or just chipping around requires precise skills and is easy to turn over. Our forward handball/chaos game will still destroy most team defenses if we have the right players and correct team balance. Collingwood is using the same gameplan but with the right structure and are on top of the ladder. I think that's enough evidence all in itself.
Kind of disappointed that the more things change, the more they seem to stay the same. Understand that when McQualter took over last week it was a short turn around from when he got appointed to the Port game so there wasn't a lot of chance to implement any changes. However, after listeningv to the presser today and seeing the team that has been selected, basically the same structure and players picked, it would appear that McQualter may just be a carbon copy of Hardwick. If that is the case then I don't want to see him become our next head coach. Football has clearly evolved from what made us successful between 2017-2020 and we can't get back to being successful as a side if we're just going to continue to try and replicate that game plan and expect things to suddenly change.

After thinking about it for a couple of weeks now, IMO we need fresh ideas and a fresh voice, to try and reinvigorate the playing group and I don't believe we will get that with anyone who has been at the club during the Hardwick years as an assistant. I think it's got to be someone from outside, who has done a thorough apprenticeship as an assistant at a number of clubs and when he presents to the club comes across as someone who has a strong plan in mind on how they want their team to play and a willingness to develop the playing group as a whole.

As I've said elsewhere, I believe that we're about to embark on a new journey with a playing group that will have changed dramatically from the end of the 2020 season to now. For mine I think it's a perfect opportunity to bring in that fresh voice and fresh ideas that tie in with the change in the type of player that now makes up the list. I think our best 22 is slowing transferring from the group that ground teams into the park and ran over the top of them, to one that has more skill, and more speed that ties in with the new rules that the AFL have put in place.
Agreed. Nothing against mini, I just think it’s better to have someone manage the team that doesn’t already have a relationship with them. You summed it up quite well
The reason our game plan is breaking down is because -
1)We do not have reliable tall marking options atm to target when we're kicking out of defense
2) We don't not have small forwards/outside runners to crumb and either move the ball from the marking contest to the forwardline or run back into space for our midfielder to kick to.

Retaining possession or just chipping around requires precise skills and is easy to turn over. Our forward handball/chaos game will still destroy most team defenses if we have the right players and correct team balance. Collingwood is using the same gameplan but with the right structure and are on top of the ladder. I think that's enough evidence all in itself.
It was breaking down even when we have had Tom down in the forward line to kick to. As I said above we're transitioning to a different type of list with more skill and speed being added to the line up over the remainder of this year and even more so into next year. With that happening, I don't see the same type of game plan being as good a fit as it once was. It needs adapting and I believe a new mind will best be able to deliver that.
It was breaking down even when we have had Tom down in the forward line to kick to. As I said above we're transitioning to a different type of list with more skill and speed being added to the line up over the remainder of this year and even more so into next year. With that happening, I don't see the same type of game plan being as good a fit as it once was. It needs adapting and I believe a new mind will best be able to deliver that.

I agree that we are adapting and transitioning at the moment. The list is certainly evolving too. I think fundamental game plan is still strong but still needs improving. Where our opinions do differ though is that I feel that would be better served with someone who already has that basis to build from rather than someone who has to start fresh.
I dont think I would mind Mini as coach but its far too early to decide.

I remember the Gieschen days, he was a world beater as care taker coach and then couldn't coach for crap.

Things werent broken under Dimma, not imo, its just that our list got old. The system still works and Collingwood are currently reaping the benefits.

However, where I feel our club needs to look at more is our recruiting department and fitness. I think we could improve in those areas. Perhaps with the spare cash from Dimma's contract can be pumped into those departments?
The assistants that created our winning plan is still working as you said, Collingwood. It's not the plan that failed us it is the recruiting and the false hope the older players can maintain that taxing game style. Even during our great period, the recruiting of already-made players changed things as nearly all the kids we got are and have been crap with the exception of Daniel. And a couple of others who were ok but we moved them on anyway lol
What you say is correct but people are talking from different angles.
Gosh in this era I think our mature age recruiting has been the only hit Broad, Pickett and hopefully Young whos showing something:(
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And I reckon they will have a shake up of the fitness/physio dept...and just back themselves to develope the young players they have...
No big changes...
The RFC is a massive unit now steaming ahead...dimma is a big loss but a minor hickup for the Club...we are rock solid with a 100,000 members...
We just just need to regroup...
Mate we are the Titanic when we need to be the Iceberg.

Actually we are so far off it I would call our gameplan all tip and no iceberg lol
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Mate we are the Titanic when we need to be the Iceberg.

Actually we are so far off it I would call our gameplan so impotent that it is All Tip and No Iceberg
Lot of people onboard and invested in the's not like a tinny rowboat anymore where one rower can just solely change course immediately on a whim and/or pray...
Takes time to get everybody at HMS RFC rowing together in the same direction...invested and contributing...coaches, sponsers, players, VFL, physio, admin, members, new footy premises, suporter groups, past players, women's side, development staff, indigenous center, draft picks, free agency, player contracts..
Especially when the AFL changed the rules to try and sink us dead in the water...our current predicaments are not totally of our own making and incompetence...AFL fingerprints are all over 'the stand' rule, 6/6/6, umpire and free kick decisions, Ellis compo, player solely contain our success as a big club.....
But the Captain BGale has us that big, solid and currently unsinkable we will crash through this puny ice-berg placed in our way...BGale and Co will make the adjustments necessary to maintain a successful course...despite or in spite of the AFL's machinations...
But the Captain BGale has us that big, solid and currently unsinkable we will crash through this puny ice-berg placed in our way...BGale and Co will make the adjustments necessary to maintain a successful course...despite or in spite of the AFL's machinations...
Is Benny trying to beat the AFL, or is he busy trying to join them?
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Mate Benny is trying to beat the AFL, he is busy trying to join them
Matey...BGale is the current captain of HMS RFC...if and when he decides to retire, I'm sure he has able and experienced personnel to replace him.
Yes he'll be a big loss...but the RFC is a massive unit now and successfully run...
Matey...BGale is the current captain of HMS RFC...if and when he decides to retire, I'm sure he has able and experienced personnel to replace him.
Yes he'll be a big loss...but the RFC is a massive unit now and successfully run...
Membership is down, crowds are down, on-field performance is down.

Maybe we are like Blockbuster 20 years ago not wanting to see the game has changed (can you believe that they had the opportunity to buy Netflix and laughed in their face)

Wouldn't be surprised if the Chief still uses the VHS at home, but maybe with all the premiership success he has lashed out and bought a Blue Ray for his den lol
Membership is down, crowds are down, on-field performance is down.

Maybe we are like Blockbuster 20 years ago not wanting to see the game has changed (can you believe that they had the opportunity to buy Netflix and laughed in their face)

Wouldn't be surprised if the Chief still uses the VHS at home, but maybe with all the premiership success he has lashed out and bought a Blue Ray for his den lol
True but in comparison to all the other AFL minnows and their AFL subsidized payments...we are the biggest and best.
Crowds are down?!? Not suprising at all with the nasty way the AFL has changed the game with it's new rules and umpire adjudication, weird player suspensions/penalties and brownlow* rules...the game has been changed before our very eyes!
On field performane is down?! Not suprising after being on top of the competition for years and winning 3 GF's...and the slow transitioning out of our ageing stars! The mighty RFC is being battered not due to our incompetence but because of jealousy at our growth and success...the tall poppy syndrome at work by the AFL and its minions!
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