Richmond’s next senior coach

Who do you want to be the next senior coach

  • Andrew McQualter

    Votes: 87 37.8%
  • Adem Yze

    Votes: 146 63.5%

  • Total voters

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True but in comparison to all the other AFL minnows and their AFL subsidized payments...we are the biggest and best.
Crowds are down?!? Not suprising at all with the nasty way the AFL has changed the game with it's new rules and umpire adjudication, weird player suspensions/penalties and brownlow* rules...the game has been changed before our very eyes!
On field performane is down?! Not suprising after being on top of the competition for years and winning 3 GF's...and the slow transitioning out of our ageing stars! The mighty RFC is being battered not due to our incompetence but because of jealousy at our growth and success...the tall poppy syndrome at work by the AFL and its minions!
Sounds like the sort of opinion being sprouted in the 80s, hopefully we manage to stop drinking our own coolade before we find ourselves cast back into Oblivion for another 30 years
Sounds like the sort of opinion being sprouted in the 80s, hopefully we manage to stop drinking our own coolade before we find ourselves cast back into Oblivion for another 30 years
Not at all...
Just being realistic...and not frothing at the mouth like some on here criticising the club and it's current performance and direction...after a 3GF haul!
Not at all...
Just being realistic...and not frothing at the mouth like some on here criticising the club and it's current performance and direction...after a 3GF haul!
How many at the club are satisfied with what has been achieved? Sure be proud, but if the senior playing group are satisfied the results look like they do now. Hardwick saw it and jumped ship.

It is fun to support a football team that is hungry. Are we hungry?
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How many at the club are satisfied with what has been achieved? Sure be proud, but if the senior playing group are satisfied the results look like they do now. Hardwick saw it and jumped ship.
Highs and lows of running a successful footy club...remember we are not only in competition with 17 other AFL Clubs...but also the machinations of the AFL Administration in it's endeavours of keeping a competition viable against a giant as ourselves.
Our time to shine in the GF saddy afternoon sun will come again...our foundations have been sunk deep and secure!
Highs and lows of running a successful footy club...remember we are not only in competition with 17 other AFL Clubs...but also the machinations of the AFL Administration in it's endeavours of keeping a competition viable against a giant as ourselves.
Our time to shine in the GF saddy afternoon sun will come again...our foundations have been sunk deep and secure!
How many would turn up tomorrow if the game was at the MCG?

After we all turn up for Cotchin's 300 against the Saints I will wager that we won't get 25K to either the Sydney or Hawthorn home games after that.

Grrr just posted five posts in a row to himself. People are heading for the exits.

Has anyone ever posted 5 posts in a row!

There is a lot of signposts pointing to Average Town
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Highs and lows of running a successful footy club...remember we are not only in competition with 17 other AFL Clubs...but also the machinations of the AFL Administration in it's endeavours of keeping a competition viable against a giant as ourselves.
Our time to shine in the GF saddy afternoon sun will come again...our foundations have been sunk deep and secure!
I don’t believe in the win flags then be average/ shite again philosophy for a period of time , take Melb storm for example , yes diff sport but has salary cap thry are never shite , and again this year will challenge.
How many would turn up tomorrow if the game was at the MCG?

After we all turn up for Cotchin's 300 against the Saints I will wager that we won't get 25K to either the Sydney or Hawthorn home games after that.

Grrr just posted five posts in a row to himself. People are heading for the exits.

There is a lot of signposts pointing to Average Town
You tell me!
How much of that attendance decline is fan dissatisfaction(from all the afl teams) a result of the questionable current state of the game and it's umpiring?!
I put it to you that AFL, despite the record TV right$, is in a serious bind...not all of it is rosy!
Dissatisfaction with the AFL Admin and how it is running the game overall...job$/pay increase$ for the AFL Old Boy's Club!
Dissatisfaction with the AFL umpiring...
Dissatisfaction with the game's commentators...
Dissatisfaction with how the media/TV/Radio report the game, unless your a scats supporter!
Dissatisfaction with the AFL's support of grass roots local clubs...arguably the life blood of the game...
Dissatisfaction with the co$t of AFL membership$, tickets, ticketing and venue food price$.
It;s becoming less and less the peoples game and more the corporates.
Questionable dealings in the Hawthorn racism issue...
Questionable dealings about Tassy's entry to the AFL Comp on proviso they build a new stadium.
I don’t believe in the win flags then be average/ shite again philosophy for a period of time , take Melb storm for example , yes diff sport but has salary cap thry are never shite , and again this year will challenge.
Really it's not all about what you believe in...
The AFL is not like the English Premier League, where money talks and the biggest richest Clubs are the most successful, strangling the comp!
The AFL run a competition with a Salary Cap...which the 18 Clubs are happy to adhere to in the interests of fairness...
The competition has a salary cap and also has a National Draft to help the weaker teams rise up the ladder to possible GF success with top draft players.
So yes the AFL designed system does encourage top/shite performances...Fitzroy, Norff, Hawks, Demons, Scrays, Swans...all up/down/sideways...
Oh yes lets do take Melbourne Storm for you offer...
The same Melbourne Storm as follows according to Wikipedia...
Melbourne Storm salary cap breach
The Melbourne Storm salary cap breach was a major breach of the National Rugby League's strictly enforced salary cap by the Melbourne Storm club over a period of five years. The discovery of these breaches in 2010 by the NRL resulted in it stripping the Storm of all honours achieved as a team between 2006 and 2010. This included the 2007 and 2009 premierships, the 2006, 2007 and 2008 minor premierships and the 2010 World Club Challenge title.

So even Melbourne Storm had their successful/shite period as well...
You tell me!
How much of that attendance decline is fan dissatisfaction(from all the afl teams) a result of the questionable current state of the game and it's umpiring?!
I put it to you that AFL, despite the record TV right$, is in a serious bind...not all of it is rosy!
Dissatisfaction with the AFL Admin and how it is running the game overall...job$/pay increase$ for the AFL Old Boy's Club!
Dissatisfaction with the AFL umpiring...
Dissatisfaction with the game's commentators...
Dissatisfaction with how the media/TV/Radio report the game, unless your a scats supporter!
Dissatisfaction with the AFL's support of grass roots local clubs...arguably the life blood of the game...
Dissatisfaction with the co$t of AFL membership$, tickets, ticketing and venue food price$.
It;s becoming less and less the peoples game and more the corporates.
Questionable dealings in the Hawthorn racism issue...
Questionable dealings about Tassy's entry to the AFL Comp on proviso they build a new stadium.
Total AFL attendance is at record highs.

My dissatisfaction is at my clubs failure to accept the rule changes and adapt.

The game is no longer forward pressure an front half interceptions.

It is park the bus in the back 50, force back half turnovers and fast transition to an open forward line through precise field kicking.

But let's take a pressure forward and a marking half back flank in the MSD to prove we are living in denial.

We are not kicking a winning score because our opponents have their whole team parked in our forward line by the time we go around the boundary line trying to avoid forward half interceptions that aren't even there anymore.

If I didn't know better I would say that your upset at the AFL is really a projection of your real upset that we are playing poor football.

You just need to let Uncle Chappy come home and turn your frown upside down
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I agree that we are adapting and transitioning at the moment. The list is certainly evolving too. I think fundamental game plan is still strong but still needs improving. Where our opinions do differ though is that I feel that would be better served with someone who already has that basis to build from rather than someone who has to start fresh.
IMO someone who has been part of what we built is too attached to it and will be reluctant to change tactics to adapt to the way the game is being played now. I know it's only early but at the moment we're seeing McQualter stick with the same game plan that Hardwick used and I'm not sure if he has a game plan in mind that can change our fortunes moving forward.

Now it could simply be that he is following orders from the club to maintain the status quo at present and if that's the case does it mean that he is just a yes man who will do what he is told, rather than a head coach who has a vision and plan himself. The best head coaches have been ones that come in to clubs and get not just the players, but the whole club to buy in to what their vision is in terms of achieving success. We need someone who is a leader, not a follower
How many would turn up tomorrow if the game was at the MCG?

After we all turn up for Cotchin's 300 against the Saints I will wager that we won't get 25K to either the Sydney or Hawthorn home games after that.

Grrr just posted five posts in a row to himself. People are heading for the exits.

There is a lot of signposts pointing to Average Town
6 I was told, and not to myself but to whoever woke up feeling cantankerous like myself.

Average town is where we are at, but because we are still a pretty good side we are never far away. Rarely missed a player like we have missed Lynch, but when he is not there we really struggle because Jack can't play CHF anymore, and Ryan is a long way off. That has been the problem for years now. But we don't do much about it.

I said at the start of the year on the main board that Miller would be our most important player, not that I hoped he would be anything more than an average player, but because if we were to succeed this season we will need to find another forward in combination with Lynch, because Jack would only be a third tall this year. This has proven to be so, Lynch going down massively enhanced that need. Then when Miller finally fronts up and plays a half decent game we replace him with Clarke.

I think it's a fair gripe.

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Lot of people onboard and invested in the's not like a tinny rowboat anymore where one rower can just solely change course immediately on a whim and/or pray...
Takes time to get everybody at HMS RFC rowing together in the same direction...invested and contributing...coaches, sponsers, players, VFL, physio, admin, members, new footy premises, suporter groups, past players, women's side, development staff, indigenous center, draft picks, free agency, player contracts..
Especially when the AFL changed the rules to try and sink us dead in the water...our current predicaments are not totally of our own making and incompetence...AFL fingerprints are all over 'the stand' rule, 6/6/6, umpire and free kick decisions, Ellis compo, player solely contain our success as a big club.....
But the Captain BGale has us that big, solid and currently unsinkable we will crash through this puny ice-berg placed in our way...BGale and Co will make the adjustments necessary to maintain a successful course...despite or in spite of the AFL's machinations...

Matey...BGale is the current captain of HMS RFC...if and when he decides to retire, I'm sure he has able and experienced personnel to replace him.
Yes he'll be a big loss...but the RFC is a massive unit now and successfully run...

True but in comparison to all the other AFL minnows and their AFL subsidized payments...we are the biggest and best.
Crowds are down?!? Not suprising at all with the nasty way the AFL has changed the game with it's new rules and umpire adjudication, weird player suspensions/penalties and brownlow* rules...the game has been changed before our very eyes!
On field performane is down?! Not suprising after being on top of the competition for years and winning 3 GF's...and the slow transitioning out of our ageing stars! The mighty RFC is being battered not due to our incompetence but because of jealousy at our growth and success...the tall poppy syndrome at work by the AFL and its minions!

Highs and lows of running a successful footy club...remember we are not only in competition with 17 other AFL Clubs...but also the machinations of the AFL Administration in it's endeavours of keeping a competition viable against a giant as ourselves.
Our time to shine in the GF saddy afternoon sun will come again...our foundations have been sunk deep and secure!

You tell me!
How much of that attendance decline is fan dissatisfaction(from all the afl teams) a result of the questionable current state of the game and it's umpiring?!
I put it to you that AFL, despite the record TV right$, is in a serious bind...not all of it is rosy!
Dissatisfaction with the AFL Admin and how it is running the game overall...job$/pay increase$ for the AFL Old Boy's Club!
Dissatisfaction with the AFL umpiring...
Dissatisfaction with the game's commentators...
Dissatisfaction with how the media/TV/Radio report the game, unless your a scats supporter!
Dissatisfaction with the AFL's support of grass roots local clubs...arguably the life blood of the game...
Dissatisfaction with the co$t of AFL membership$, tickets, ticketing and venue food price$.
It;s becoming less and less the peoples game and more the corporates.
Questionable dealings in the Hawthorn racism issue...
Questionable dealings about Tassy's entry to the AFL Comp on proviso they build a new stadium.

Really it's not all about what you believe in...
The AFL is not like the English Premier League, where money talks and the biggest richest Clubs are the most successful, strangling the comp!
The AFL run a competition with a Salary Cap...which the 18 Clubs are happy to adhere to in the interests of fairness...
The competition has a salary cap and also has a National Draft to help the weaker teams rise up the ladder to possible GF success with top draft players.
So yes the AFL designed system does encourage top/shite performances...Fitzroy, Norff, Hawks, Demons, Scrays, Swans...all up/down/sideways...
Oh yes lets do take Melbourne Storm for you offer...
The same Melbourne Storm as follows according to Wikipedia...
Melbourne Storm salary cap breach
The Melbourne Storm salary cap breach was a major breach of the National Rugby League's strictly enforced salary cap by the Melbourne Storm club over a period of five years. The discovery of these breaches in 2010 by the NRL resulted in it stripping the Storm of all honours achieved as a team between 2006 and 2010. This included the 2007 and 2009 premierships, the 2006, 2007 and 2008 minor premierships and the 2010 World Club Challenge title.

So even Melbourne Storm had their successful/shite period as well...
You tell me!
How much of that attendance decline is fan dissatisfaction(from all the afl teams) a result of the questionable current state of the game and it's umpiring?!
I put it to you that AFL, despite the record TV right$, is in a serious bind...not all of it is rosy!
Dissatisfaction with the AFL Admin and how it is running the game overall...job$/pay increase$ for the AFL Old Boy's Club!
Dissatisfaction with the AFL umpiring...
Dissatisfaction with the game's commentators...
Dissatisfaction with how the media/TV/Radio report the game, unless your a scats supporter!
Dissatisfaction with the AFL's support of grass roots local clubs...arguably the life blood of the game...
Dissatisfaction with the co$t of AFL membership$, tickets, ticketing and venue food price$.
It;s becoming less and less the peoples game and more the corporates.
Questionable dealings in the Hawthorn racism issue...
Questionable dealings about Tassy's entry to the AFL Comp on proviso they build a new stadium.

I get your point entirley, but i will back with Growapair on the essence of what he is saying is accurate. I was really disappointed & a bit disgusted in the Melbourne supporters for not turning up last week. 30,000 at the MCG a few days after Dimma resigned and the end of the era? I expected far far more from our Tiger Army, representing home base.

To those who did go, thanks. I would have thought more Tiger fans would have wanted to be there for that moment to say thanks and show support to the team in a pretty tough time, after a solid decade of good times
I get your point entirley, but i will back with Growapair on the essence of what he is saying is accurate. I was really disappointed & a bit disgusted in the Melbourne supporters for not turning up last week. 30,000 at the MCG a few days after Dimma resigned and the end of the era? I expected far far more from our Tiger Army, representing home base.
The weather was shite I drove to the ground in pissing rain questioning my sanity , not everyone is that silly
The weather was shite I drove to the ground in pissing rain questioning my sanity , not everyone is that silly

Yeah. Still, was 40,000 at the other game in melbourne between the pies and the roo's. Yeah i know there is a roof, but there is also more undercover seating at the MCG overall anyway - & even the Dee's managed to get 30,000 playing Freo the day before. No matter what excuses you try to wash over it, we know 30,000 from Richmond on a moment like that one is a really poor effort.

100,000 members and we legit have approx 27,000 Richmond supporters there for the first game after Dimma announces he is retiring? Its actually times like that the club needs supporters to turn up - not the GF parade. The GF parades are more for us than anyone. Its moments like this you show your loyalty and love for the club
"He braids my hair. He has two daughters and is an expert at braiding hair, so in our backs meetings he used to braid my hair whilst he was coaching.

Thread took an interesting turn.
Would Leppa still keep his name if he transitioned?

Where does braiding hair sit as a allowable in AFL? Is ol mat ROG gonna fly into the rooms pre game and rule a free and kick against?

Will the EO & HRC get busy, hold my beer style on this, for various delisted anon salon workers?
Yeah. Still, was 40,000 at the other game in melbourne between the pies and the roo's. Yeah i know there is a roof, but there is also more undercover seating at the MCG overall anyway - & even the Dee's managed to get 30,000 playing Freo the day before. No matter what excuses you try to wash over it, we know 30,000 from Richmond on a moment like that one is a really poor effort.

100,000 members and we legit have approx 27,000 Richmond supporters there for the first game after Dimma announces he is retiring? Its actually times like that the club needs supporters to turn up - not the GF parade. The GF parades are more for us than anyone. Its moments like this you show your loyalty and love for the club
Is there any particular reason you’d expect more than usual on a dismal day on the back of a long term coach resigning, there was nothing organized in terms of a send off , our crowds are symptomatic of a side in a rut with a likely prospect of losing ea week , there’s an eery similarity to buckleys last couple of years , coll crowds were nothing like they are now ,, fact of life , it’s on the club to start moving forward and take the club with them for the ride ,I don’t see that right now
Is there any particular reason you’d expect more than usual on a dismal day on the back of a long term coach resigning, there was nothing organized in terms of a send off , our crowds are symptomatic of a side in a rut with a likely prospect of losing ea week , there’s an eery similarity to buckleys last couple of years , coll crowds were nothing like they are now ,, fact of life , it’s on the club to start moving forward and take the club with them for the ride ,I don’t see that right now
Is there any particular reason you’d expect more than usual on a dismal day on the back of a long term coach resigning, there was nothing organized in terms of a send off , our crowds are symptomatic of a side in a rut with a likely prospect of losing ea week , there’s an eery similarity to buckleys last couple of years , coll crowds were nothing like they are now ,, fact of life , it’s on the club to start moving forward and take the club with them for the ride ,I don’t see that right now

I would have thought a club with 100k members would get more than 27k to turn up to the wake of its own dynasty that gave them 3 flags in 4 years. I thought the supporters would have turned up to support the guys left like Cotch, Jack etc. It was a big day i felt. When i tuned in i expected to see a lot of that love i read here on display & tbh it all just felt really flat and the place looked empty. The dynasty era, a life highlight, closed without much fanfare.
I would have thought a club with 100k members would get more than 27k to turn up to the wake of its own dynasty that gave them 3 flags in 4 years. I thought the supporters would have turned up to support the guys left like Cotch, Jack etc. It was a big day i felt. When i tuned in i expected to see a lot of that love i read here on display & tbh it all just felt really flat and the place looked empty. The dynasty era, a life highlight, closed without much fanfare.

Confused this a coach thread or crowd attendance lol.
IMO someone who has been part of what we built is too attached to it and will be reluctant to change tactics to adapt to the way the game is being played now. I know it's only early but at the moment we're seeing McQualter stick with the same game plan that Hardwick used and I'm not sure if he has a game plan in mind that can change our fortunes moving forward.

Now it could simply be that he is following orders from the club to maintain the status quo at present and if that's the case does it mean that he is just a yes man who will do what he is told, rather than a head coach who has a vision and plan himself. The best head coaches have been ones that come in to clubs and get not just the players, but the whole club to buy in to what their vision is in terms of achieving success. We need someone who is a leader, not a follower

I do hear what you're saying and can see McQualter is a mini-me of Dimma atm. What I'm not convinced of is that if you have been part of an organisation, you can't still be your own man. That doesn't sit well with me. Mitchell doesn't use the same game plan at Hawthorn as Clarko did. McCrae doesn't coach the same way as Buckley, Ross Lyon doesn't even use the same game plan as he famously used when he first coached the Saints, Brad Scott uses a new game plan too and so did Clarko.

Good leaders learn and adapt. Just because you spent time at a club doesn't mean you close your mind off to other possibilities and ways to change for the better. Whether a coach has spent his career at one club or not, every good coach looks to constantly improve, adapt and build on what they know works and what doesn't. I know coaches such as McCrae, Leppa, Caracella and even Grigg aren't Dimma clones but they just may have learnt some tricks from him over the journey all the same...
was listening to 3aw and there was a campaigner on there that sold records to dimma, bloke was a Richmond supporter and told the story that in 2019 dimma bought every player a copy of back in black by acca dacca and told em a story about how when bon scott died and brian johnson was chosen everyone said that he wouldnt be any good and acdc was finished but the album went on to be one of the highest selling albums of all time and his message to the players was you can be great again after one flag

what a man dimma was
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